An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1)

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An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1) Page 1

by Baldwin, Melissa






  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 Melissa Baldwin

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 0692226656

  ISBN-13: 978-0692226650


  To my amazing husband, thank you for encouraging me to follow my dream and keeping me motivated. I love you.

  To my sweet little girl, you make me want to be the best person I can be. You are my greatest accomplishment.

  To my parents thank you for giving me life, for teaching me about hard work, independence, and making good decisions.

  To my friends and family, especially those who cheered me on, gave me advice, and helped me while I was writing, you are the best!

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Why is it that when something embarrassing happens I continue to relive it over and over in my head? I always wish I had done something different. Made a different decision, went a different course—blah, blah. Or in this case, on this particular day, wore different shoes or stayed at the office and actually worked like I am supposed to do.

  I should have never left the office today. If I hadn’t then I would have never fallen, my smoothie never would have spilled all over the floor, and I would have never split my favorite black pants right up the seam. I have learned my lesson to never buy cheap pants again. This is what I get for trying to be frugal.

  I laugh in spite of my embarrassing memory. Yes, it’s true, I, Sienna Harris, soon-to-be successful company owner, slipped and tore my favorite pants right up the seam. And to make matters worse, I did so in the mall in front of hundreds of happy shoppers. OK, so maybe it wasn’t hundreds, but it was a lot. Does it really matter?

  This experience was almost as embarrassing as when I was in ninth grade and Katie What’s-Her-Face wrote Sienna Harris loves “quarterback’s name” on the bathroom wall with a permanent marker. I actually brought my own marker to school the next day and spent an hour scratching over it as the tears fell. My life was over that day, or so I thought. I still cringe at that memory.

  When I return to the office, I call my roommate Madison to tell her all about my recent misfortune. She laughs but doesn’t seem surprised because I tend to get myself into funny situations like this often. The subject changes to my boyfriend Luke whom she absolutely can’t stand. I am not sure why she is asking about him other than to question my reason for continuing to date him. This is turning into a daily occurrence. Madison’s boyfriend is awesome. He is a stand-up comedian, so of course people love him. She has to realize that we can’t all be so lucky to be dating Mr. Personality/Mr. Popular. I could go on forever with a glowing review of Cole, but I am sure you get the point.

  I decide now would be a good time to change the subject to our friend Abby’s upcoming birthday party. This will be the first event that I am doing on my own, not with Carrie’s Classic Events and More. I have not officially launched my company yet, and I am still working for Carrie’s, but not for long. Hooray! Even though I basically run Carrie’s, it still isn’t mine.

  Madison is extremely creative; she is one of those women that should have an online blog, and I tell her this all the time. She could have tutorials on everything from perfect cookies, to hair, to sewing your own evening gown. OK, so maybe not the last part because she does not sew. Although, if she tried, she would probably make a gown that would be red carpet approved on her first try. She is a freelance hairstylist but also has her own cookie business on the side. She makes the most creative and delicious designer cookies you have ever tasted.

  After we finish discussing the party details, we hang up. I flip to my Notepad on my phone and check my afternoon to-do list. I am obsessed with lists and planning and organizing. OK, very obsessed but, in my defense, it is my job. Today’s list:

  Review with Craig and Nicole

  Save the dates for Faith, Fashion, and Hope event

  Follow up with DJ for Abby’s party

  Count linens

  Check with pastry team on cupcakes

  Nordstrom to pick up my shoes

  Oh yeah, so in addition to lists and planning, I am also obsessed with shoes.

  I can see through my door that Craig and Nicole have their heads together looking at something they are finding extremely entertaining.

  “What are guys up to?” I shout, and they both jump up as if I caught them with their hands in the cookie jar.

  “It’s just Carrie’s latest bill from her plastic surgeon,” says Nicole. She is Carrie’s personal assistant/slave; she pays all her bills, arranges her travel, and dodges her calls from VIP, the usual personal slave stuff.

  I basically oversee all the events that we plan, which I don’t mind because I have made some fantastic contacts for my own company. Speaking of my company, I am hoping to launch it within a couple months. Carrie seems oblivious to the rumors circulating about me leaving. I don’t know, maybe she doesn’t believe them, or maybe she doesn’t care? You never know with her.

  “So, what is her damage this month?” I ask. “I don’t know what other procedures she could have done,” I add thoughtfully.

  “I think it’s just more tweaking,” Craig says, adding a laugh.

  “OK, guys, let’s review this week.” They both pick up their tablets. “Craig, is everything ready for Thursday’s corporate lunch?”

  “Of course,” he says. “The catering team has it all lined up. They will arrive at ten thirty to set up. I just have to pick up the awards and plaques. I’ll bring those that morning to set up the display. It will be fabulous! All of the other details are taken care of.”

  I love Craig; he is so dedicated and so creative. I’m so happy that he’s leaving Carrie’s to come to work with me.

  “Nicole, is Carrie planning on making an appearance at the Samson engagement this weekend?”

  “I have no idea,” she replies, rolling her eyes. “She should be in the office tomorrow or Wednesday; so we can find out for sure then.” I sigh. Carrie is basically just a name behind the company, at least for the past few years. Her mother started it, made it a success, and passed it on to her. She has told me on several occasions (after she had been drinking) that her heart has never been in it even though she ran the company for years before I came along. I really think people still hire us because it’s considered a legacy. Most people know that Carrie is “unavailable.” I find it hard to respect her as my boss because she is mostly hands off, but at the same time, I feel like I owe her as she hired me out of college and taught me a lot early in my career.

  “I guess I will speak to her when and if she comes in. Is the catering team set for the Saturday party then?”

  “Everything is good to go,” replies Craig. “I had a quick meeting with the pastry team and confirmed with the band. The décor is on
the schedule to be set up Friday night.”

  “OK, remember you are on your own on Friday night because I have Abby’s party,” I remind him. “I will be at the hotel early on Saturday morning to check up on everything.“

  I scroll down on my phone back to my to-do list. “Have the Save the Dates gone out for the Faith, Fashion, and Hope event?”

  “They went out this morning,” replies Nicole.

  “Perfect,” I exclaim. I’m so excited about this event. The Cantons have been personal friends for years; I used to babysit their children. They’re extremely wealthy and started this event for their charity, which raises money to help disabled children. They hired Carrie’s only because of me, and they made that very clear to Carrie. I’m extremely grateful to them, and they will be a huge help with the launch of my company. Their event will be my last official event with Carrie’s.

  “Great job guys,” I say, grabbing my bag and phone. “I will be in my office if you need me.”

  I walk into my office to check emails and call Luke.

  “Hey, honey,” Luke says brightly when he picks up.

  “Hi, how is your day?” I ask, opening my email.

  “Pretty good, just working on last minute details for the billboards for downtown, can I call you back?”

  “Sure, I am finishing up for Abby’s bash on Friday.”

  “Ohhhh yeah, about that . . .” he stops abruptly.

  “What? Don’t tell me you aren’t coming?” I reply, frustrated.

  “Well, it’s just that I have to check out that new restaurant opening. You know how hard we worked on that account.” I do know how hard they have worked, but I’m still upset because this is not the first time Luke has canceled.

  “I know,” I reply as I clench my teeth. “It’s just that it will be my first non-Carrie’s event.”

  “I know and it will be awesome, I will make it up to you, I promise.” I can tell by his voice that he is sorry. “I forgot to tell you, I have some good news,” he says, obviously changing the subject. “I got reservations at Venice for our anniversary next week, I want it to be the perfect night.”

  “You did? How?” I shout louder than I intended. I’ve been dying to try that place. Venice is supposed to be the hottest new place in all of Southern California.

  “Magic!” he exclaims. “I need to return some calls. Can I talk to you after work?”

  “Sounds good. Have a good day.” I hang up the phone. I’m so excited about Venice that I quickly forget he canceled for the party. I’ll never hear the end of this from Madison.

  Now to get back to my list, I check off “Review with Craig and Nicole” and “Save the Dates.” I send quick emails to the DJ and the pastry team and then start to count the linens that have multiplied all over my office. I can’t believe Luke got us in at Venice; that place is impossible to get into. He knows how much I have wanted to go there. Next Thursday will be our ten-month anniversary and it has flown by.

  I remember the day we met. I was running some errands for Carrie, who was on yet another one of her spa weekends. I had to drop off some papers at the building where Luke’s advertising firm is located. He was in the lobby when I walked in, and our eyes met immediately. I remember how attractive I thought he was. He greeted me right away. He was very friendly and incredibly helpful.

  He asked me out for the following weekend, and we have been dating ever since. He can be very sweet, but he can also be undependable at times. This is the main reason why Madison isn’t too crazy about him. Although, because of the fact that her boyfriend is almost perfect, I think she has some un-realistic expectations. I admit that sometimes he puts other things before me, but he always seems to make it up to me. In his defense, these things are usually work-related.

  Most important, we do have a blast together, and his family is really nice. Yes, I have thought about the “M” word. Is that crazy? It has only been ten months. I know I am only twenty-seven years old, but my mother was nineteen when she got married. Sometimes I feel ancient.

  OK, focus Sienna. I don’t have time to worry about the “M” word right now. I am getting ready to launch a fabulous event planning company of my very own. In the meantime, I have to throw my friend the best birthday bash ever this Friday.

  “Sienna?” Nicole knocks on my door interrupting my daydream.

  “Hey, Nic, come on in.”

  She comes in, moves some table linens that are laying all over my office chairs, and sits down.

  “Carrie just called; she will be in the office tomorrow but is going out of town this weekend. So, that would be a no show for the Samson party.” I can tell she is not surprised. “She says we can have an office meet and greet at ten.” That is Carrie’s phrase for a quick meeting to make sure all the upcoming events are covered.

  “Got it on my calendar,” I say after adding it to my phone. “I just need to finish counting these linens, and then I have to run some errands,” I respond, glancing around the room at the sea of colored fabric strewn all over my office.

  “Well, I am off to book Carrie’s weekend; she is going with the sisters again,” Nicole chuckles. Carrie is fifty-seven years old and takes all of her spa weekends with her sorority sisters from college. These women are interesting to say the least. Most of them are divorced multiple times from wealthy men and just collect monthly checks. Carrie herself was married at one time for probably about twenty minutes. Since then, she has had random flings with men from all over the globe. None of us really know the full story, mostly it’s just gossip that has been passed along. The paparazzi have had a field day with her shenanigans. Although I have never understood why they care about her; it’s not like she’s a celebrity in any way. A washed-up socialite is a more appropriate description.

  “Of course,” I say, smiling at her. “Hey, maybe one day she will invite you to go along with them.” I laugh as Nicole cringes at my suggestion.

  “Oh my gosh, I would die. I would have to make up some elaborate story to get out of that one. On the other hand . . .” she replies thoughtfully. “Maybe she would get me Botox and lip injections?”

  “Botox?” I exclaim loudly. “Nicole, you are only twenty-five. Why would you get Botox?”

  “Hey, it’s never too early to start,” she replies as she heads out of my office.

  OK, I won’t lie. I have had Botox, and it is fabulous. Yeah, yeah, I know I’m only twenty-seven, but Nicole is right, it’s never too early to start.

  I finish counting and organizing the linens and bring them out to Craig’s desk.

  “These are ready to roll,” I tell him. “The navy and gold are for Thursday and the yellow and turquoise are for Saturday. Can you remember that?” I ask Craig sarcastically.

  “Yes!” he yells. He gets so irritated when I talk about linens. Craig’s first week here, he mixed up the linens for a few events, and it’s still a running joke. We called him “Linen Man” for a while, and he still hates it.

  “Craig, you know you are our favorite,” I say as I give him a big bear hug.

  “Whatever,” he says loudly, putting his hand up in my face.

  “I have to run a few errands,” I tell him as I gather my stuff.

  “Do you mean Nordstrom?” Craig replies. Now it’s his turn to tease me.

  “Ha, ha, and yes, Nordstrom is on my list if you must know.”

  “Of course, where would any of us be without Sienna’s lists,” Craig says as he opens his arms widely.

  “That’s right, we would all be lost, and don’t you forget it,” I call over my shoulder as I walk out the door.

  On my way to the mall, I mentally make a note of last minute extras for Abby’s party. I also have a few things to follow up on for the Canton’s charity event. Just then my phone rings, I look down to see that it is Madison calling.

  “What’s up?” I say when I pick up the phone.

  “Did you go to Nordstrom yet?”

  “On my way now.”

  “Cole was wond
ering what time Luke was coming to the party. Don’t ask me why he cares.”

  ”Well . . .” I pause. “Actually, Luke had to cancel. He has that big restaurant opening, and you know he has to be there.” I get quiet, and wait for it.

  Wait for it.

  “Are you kidding me?” she yells. “You have worked so hard on this event and he isn’t going to be there to support you? He can’t even stop by? He is so selfish.” I let her finish.

  “I know it sometimes seems this way. He is trying to make it up to me; he is planning an amazing night for our anniversary next weekend. He got us reservations at Venice.”

  “What, how? OK, well maybe that makes up for this weekend . . . kind of.” At least that puts an end to her ranting, for now anyway.

  “I just got to the mall, and I have to call Craig back really quick, so I will talk to you tonight.” I quickly get off the phone in order to avoid any more of her lecturing. After I get off the phone, I put my head back against the headrest and close my eyes. I knew she was going to have that reaction. This is not over . . . not even close.

  After a very successful trip to the mall, I now have two more pairs of shoes to add to my collection. I arrive home and start to make dinner.

  Madison usually gets home around 7:30 from the salon. So I have some time to try to come up with a good explanation for Luke bailing once again. I know she means well. She is an awesome friend, and we have known each other since the beginning of time, or in other words, since the ninth grade. We have the kind of friendship where we can be honest no matter how mad the other one gets. True friends are so hard to come by, and I know that. I just wish I didn’t have to continue to make excuses when Luke screws up.

  I decide to make our favorite comfort food tonight—Teriyaki Chicken and Velveeta Shells & Cheese. This is the perfect “don’t be mad and let’s not talk about my a**hole boyfriend” meal. I hear my phone buzzing somewhere on the couch under my pile of shopping bags. Carrie is calling me. I take a deep breath and brace myself. I never know what to expect when she calls.


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