An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1)

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An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1) Page 7

by Baldwin, Melissa

  “Yeah, that’s great for business. You’ll be really busy planning all of those weddings,” he says with a smile.

  He doesn’t get it. He is clueless. At least, I think he doesn’t get it; or if he does get it, then he is completely sidetracking my hints in order to avoid that conversation.

  “I’m assuming they are having you plan?” he adds. “They know how long and how hard you’ve worked to get to this point in your career.” I am about to respond but he keeps talking.

  “You know what?” he says thoughtfully.

  Wait! Here it comes. Maybe he isn’t completely oblivious.

  “Things are really starting to progress for us, our careers are really about to take off.” He grabs my hand. “I can’t wait to see what the next few months bring. I have a feeling that it is going to be amazing.” He leans in for a kiss, and then heads to the kitchen.

  “Do you want some more food?” he calls.

  “No thanks.”

  Just then, I hear his phone ringing, and he starts talking about work. I wonder what he meant by all of that? He didn’t mention our relationship specifically, but I think it’s a step in the right direction. He was vague, which I’m sure means some surprises are heading my way. I can’t wait to see what will happen.


  “What exactly did he say?” asks Craig again. He has been relentlessly grilling me for the info about my talk with Luke.

  “I already told you. He said he couldn’t wait to see what the coming months will bring, and that it will be amazing,” I repeat. Again.

  Sometimes it’s really difficult to get work done when Craig is around. I hope he will be more focused at Sheer Happiness. We won’t have our salaries to fall back on like we do at Carrie’s. We certainly aren’t rich off of our pay, but we are comfortable. I remind Craig about that constantly, just in case he forgets or decides to have selective hearing, which he does all the time.

  “Regardless, I think things are moving in a good direction,” I continue. Maybe we will take things slower than I would like, but I know he is worth it.

  “Anyway, we are going to be very busy, my friend. Check out the events we have on the calendar so far,” I say excitedly. I hand him the list.

  “Ace Eckelund launch Party, Abby’s Baby Shower, Madison Bridal Shower and Wedding, Travis’s Wedding,” he reads aloud, then asks, “Who is Ace Eckelund?”

  “Ace is the guy I met with last week, Australian accent. Don’t you remember our little fight?” I ask him sarcastically.

  “OHHH! Ace! That’s right, I already forgot about your very long meeting.” He raises his eyebrows and smiles.

  “Don’t start that again,” I say, laughing.

  “I don’t blame you a bit for having a long meeting with him,” he says with a mischievous grin. I give him a dirty look.

  “Ok, can we please get back to work?”

  Thank goodness, the rest of the afternoon is uneventful until I get a text from Luke.

  Dinner after work? Ace Eckelund called here looking for me and now Lance insists on us meeting. He wants ADV help. Kill me now. Please come.

  Crap. I still haven’t told Luke everything about my meeting with Ace and his party. In my defense, he has been unavailable, and the subject didn’t come up last night. I probably should tell him before we go to dinner. Hmm . . . easiest way to do this? Text back.

  Dinner sounds good. Don’t worry. It will be fine. When I met with him about his launch party he said he really wanted to use Summer ADV. It’sgood business for you Text me where to meet.

  Good job, Sienna! I notice my heart racing a bit as I wait for his response.

  I forgot about that. When did u meet?

  Last week. Planning for next month after I leave. Text me details. Love you

  That was my way of saying I don’t want to answer any more questions. My phone goes quiet. Now my dilemma: should I text Ace and ask him not to tell Luke exactly how long our meeting was, or just let it ride? I don’t want to raise any red flags, and I don’t want Ace to think that us working together is an issue. I want and need the business. Not that there is anything to hide. We have a professional relationship, and honestly, I don’t really care anymore about Luke’s issues with him. He is going to have to figure out a way to get over it.

  I get to the restaurant before Luke and Ace. I’m sending an email when Ace comes up behind me.

  “I am so glad you are joining us tonight,” he says.

  “Thanks,” I reply awkwardly.

  “Where is our guy? Is he still late for everything?” he says with a smile.

  “Yes! Most of the time,” I say, laughing.

  We end up being seated at our table and waiting another fifteen minutes for Luke to arrive. They talk about business most of the time, and I stay pretty quiet and pretend to be very busy on my phone. Luke is actually cordial, but I’m sure he will have plenty to say later.

  “Mate, I am looking forward to your lady planning our big party. She has made quite a name for herself. Every contact she sent has raved about her. You are a lucky man,” Ace says, grabbing Luke’s shoulder.

  Now, this is awkward. At this moment I wish I were anywhere else in the entire universe other than at this dinner table. I watch Luke’s expression as it appears, as if he is about to say something. Or maybe punch him? However, I am pleasantly surprised as he replies with a simple, “Yes, I am.”

  The rest of the evening is relatively quiet with the exception of Ace asking when we could meet again to discuss the contract. I told him I would send him a calendar invite, and then to make things more awkward, he hugs both Luke and me. I want to die.

  “Typical Ace, he loves reminding me that you are working with him,” Luke says after he leaves. “I think he’s into you. I watched the way he looked at you.”

  “Stop it! You are being ridiculous,” I reply. “He has hired both of us; it’s completely professional.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, and I know it seems that way, but you don’t know him like I do.”

  “Luke, is there something I don’t know? You seem to really dislike him, and other than him being extremely arrogant, I don’t really see the problem.”

  He’s quiet for a few seconds, and then he finally tells me the story.

  “One night, a group of us had gone out while we were in Barcelona. We met a group of girls who were exchange students from the States. I had made a connection with one of them, and we talked the whole night. We went out with them a few more times, but nothing serious. After a few times of hanging out with them, I noticed Ace and Lisa talking and flirting a lot. Long story short, he stole her right out from under me.” He pauses. “I have seen this before, and now he is doing the same thing with you.”

  Is he serious? He can’t be serious. How old are we? All of this drama is because Ace started dating a girl he liked a million years ago. I should have known it was something like this, and men say that women are too emotional.

  “Honey,” I take his face in my hands, “Ace has no interest in me in that way. In our meeting, we talked about you half the time. He has always spoken very highly of you. Either he doesn’t remember this whole girl situation, or he’s trying to make up for it. Don’t you think it’s time for you to move on from the past? Think of how we can benefit from his friendship. He is an international businessman, and he knows people all over the globe. He has already told me that he will tell everyone he knows about Sheer Happiness Events. I need as much exposure as possible. I especially need to be prepared because I don’t really know what the fallout will be after I leave.”

  “Do you promise to at least try?” I ask as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “OK. I will try,” he says unconvincingly.

  When I arrive home, Madison is still out. She has been pretty scarce since her engagement. I know Cole is getting ready to travel to do some shows, so I am sure she will be around more while he’s gone. It feels kind of lonely already, and we haven’t even addressed the liv
ing situation yet. We have several months, but I will need to either find a new roommate or break our lease. I know Madie is really caught up with “being engaged,” and I don’t want to take away from her excitement. She hasn’t baked in a while, and I realize I still haven’t told her anything about Ace.

  Not that there’s anything to tell, right? OK, I will admit that I have a teeny, tiny crush on him, but it’s impossible not to. I even think Abby has a crush on him. He is so charismatic, and he has a way of making you feel so special every time you’re around him. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Luke, and I would never in a million years let anything happen. But, sometimes it’s just nice to get attention from someone. Luke is very sweet, but not as open with his feelings. He tends to get so caught up in whatever is happening around him that he forgets simple things.

  I still can’t believe that Luke actually thinks that Ace is interested in me. I realize tonight that whatever happened between him, Ace, and that Lisa person has definitely had a lasting effect on him. I can understand that; we have all had the experience of having our heart broken. And when we are young, it can be devastating.

  I once dated a guy who never actually broke up with me; he just stopped talking to me and dodged my calls. Finally, after a week of being ignored, I just accepted that I had been dumped. Madison’s ex-boyfriend broke up with her over the phone. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I actually answered the phone when he called, and after her conversation, she came out of her room hysterical. I think the only person I know who hasn’t been dumped is Abby. That’s not surprising though; everyone loves Abby. She’s that girl that you want to hate but never could.

  I hear my phone buzzing in my bag. It’s a text from Craig.

  Talked to Nic, she is on spy duty. Researching the Carrie scandal.

  I send him a reply:

  You are so crazy. Don’t you have a life or anything better to do?

  He writes back:

  No I don’t.

  Speaking of being heartbroken, poor Craig. His last relationship ended several months ago, and he was an absolute wreck. He slept on our couch for several weeks and ate Ben and Jerry’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am not kidding when I say that it was a scene out of a TV show. Just like the episode of Friends when Janice dumps Chandler, and then he went through the sweatpants phase.

  I’m not sure what he’s expecting to find out about Carrie. My bet is that she is trying to sell the company. She obviously wouldn’t want her staff or our clients to find out until it’s official. I hope that’s what’s going on. I’m having some guilt about leaving. It would be the perfect scenario if she sells, and I have no other choice except to go off on my own.

  A few days later when I arrive at work, I see Carrie’s Lexus parked out front. I’m shocked because I can’t remember the last time she was here before me. Hopefully we left the office looking decent.

  When I walk in, I can hear her on the phone. I head to my office in hopes of hearing something incriminating. She must be on the phone with a friend because I can hear her laughing. It definitely does not sound business-related. I check my to-do list and start with follow-up for the Lucinda party this coming weekend. The restaurant is taking care of most of the details other than the extras that Carrie likes to do for friends. These extras are small gifts like jewelry, novelty items, and gift cards.

  A few minutes later, I hear Carrie hang up. She calls me over the speaker.

  “Hi, Carrie,” I say as I head into her office.

  “Sienna, love. So glad you’re here already.” She comes over and air kisses me on both cheeks.

  “I wanted to have a chat before the others arrive. Can you close the door?”

  What the hell is she doing? She must know that I’m leaving, or maybe not. She doesn’t seem upset at all; in fact, she seems really cheerful, in a weird, eerie kind of way.

  “Sure,” I reply nervously.

  As I sit down, I notice that Carrie has just come from her plastic surgeon. Her eyebrows seem a bit higher and her lips a bit fuller from the last time I saw her. Not that this is a surprise. Don’t get me wrong, Carrie is very attractive and looks fantastic for her age. She is also in great shape thanks to a dedicated fitness trainer and a lot of “outside” help.

  “I just wanted to have a chat with you. It’s been a while since we have done a review. I have decided that because you are so dedicated and work so hard that it’s time you get a raise.” She smiles proudly.

  I must be hallucinating. I think I got a raise about two years ago, but I don’t remember it being much. What is happening? Why would she give me a raise if she were trying to sell the company? I am more confused now than ever.

  “Wow, Carrie. This is unexpected. Of course, I am very grateful,” I reply finally.

  “Yes, I know. I figured it was probably the right time,” she says. She must have heard the rumors about me leaving. They have been out there for a while, and she’s never addressed them. She is obviously trying to “pay” me to stay. At that moment, I really want to tell the truth, but I know it’s not the right time. It could cause issues with the charity event, and I don’t want to take that chance. I can hold out for a few more weeks.

  Just then I hear the door open, and Craig yells good morning.

  “Morning, Craig,” I reply.

  “Sienna, please be discreet. At this time, I can only afford to give you a raise. I am planning on doing so with the others in the foreseeable future. We don’t want to cause a problem.” She must have forgotten that I am very aware of the company’s financial situation, and I haven’t seen any issues at all. At least that I am aware of, so maybe there is something to Craig’s theory. Maybe there are other financial issues that I am not aware of.

  “Of course,” I reply.

  “Good, good. Now let’s have our review before I have to leave for an appointment.” She calls Craig in over the speaker.

  I mentally start coming up with a believable story about our discussion. I know Craig will ask me what we were meeting about, and I can’t say anything about the raise just yet. Besides, I won’t believe it until I actually see it in my paycheck. When he comes into Carrie’s office, he gives me a puzzled look. I just smile at him.

  We review the plans for Saturday night. I can’t remember that last time Carrie came to one of our events. Of course, this one is hardly any work, and we are basically just there for some set-up and to make sure things go smoothly. In other words, to watch, “babysit,” Carrie’s crazy friends.

  As soon as we finish, Carrie leaves for one of her many appointments. It’s not five seconds after she leaves that Craig starts grilling me about what our meeting was about.

  “Did she mention anything about selling the company? Was she acting strange?” he asks eagerly.

  “We were just chatting about the charity event. She seemed really normal, well as normal as Carrie can be. She didn’t say one word about selling. Although, I doubt she would,” I add. “Sorry, my friend. Maybe she was just having a bad day? Face it; there may be no huge scandal. I know that’s disappointing for you to hear,” I say with a smile.

  “No way! There is something going on, and I will find out,” he replies insistently.

  “Whatever. Just don’t let it affect your work.” I head back to my office to call Luke. I have to tell him about the raise. I still think she must know something. Why would she give me a raise all of a sudden? I try Luke’s cell and get his voice mail. I send him a text to call me.

  Now I really start to feel guilty. Is it wrong that I accepted a raise from her knowing that I’m leaving and taking one of her best staff members with me? I only have a few weeks; I know I can do this. I just have to keep reminding myself that this is the best thing for my future.

  My phone starts buzzing. It’s a text from Abby.

  Free tonight? Dinner?

  I haven’t seen Abby since the night when Ace crashed it. I text her back, we arrange to meet, and I send a text to Madison to invite
her. I’m not sure if she will actually come; she’s pretty preoccupied with her wedding. She can be a bit overzealous, and unlike me, she is not organized at all. Other than to reserve the venue, she hasn’t asked me to do much. We’re supposed to talk soon to start going over colors, food, and entertainment. I know she’s been doing some planning on the side. She asked me the other night if I would be too busy to plan. I admit I was a little offended. I would never put another event before my best friend’s wedding. I didn’t say anything at the time, but afterward I was annoyed. It was one of those moments when you pretend to go back in time and say the things you wish you had said. Anyway, I invited her for dinner, and hopefully she will join us.

  I’m about to leave the office when I get an email from Ace asking me if I would get a message to Luke. Apparently, Luke has been dodging him, which doesn’t surprise me at all. I know Luke is busy because even I’m having a hard time getting in touch with him.

  I write Ace back and tell him I will do what I can and not to take it personally. I tell him Luke is extremely overwhelmed with some new clients. Technically, I’m not lying. I just leave out the part that Luke hates him with a passion. Maybe I should tell him that Luke thinks he wants to steal me away from him like he did with that girl in Barcelona. But some things are better left unsaid.

  While on my way to dinner, I get a text from Madison, and she’s actually going to join us. I get really excited because I can’t remember the last time the three of us spent time together.

  Abby is already waiting at our table. She is glowing and sporting a very cute, tiny baby bump. I give her a hug and rub her baby belly.

  “How long until we find out?” I ask as I sit down and grab a menu. I can’t wait to start buying for this little one. I’m thinking (and hoping) it’s a girl. I saw the most adorable purple UGG boots, and I am dying to buy them for someone.

  “The doctor moved it up. I guess I am further along than we thought. We find out on Wednesday!” she says excitedly.

  “Wednesday? Oh, I can’t wait!” I jump up and hug her again.


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