Beautiful Disaster

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Beautiful Disaster Page 43

by Rye Hart

  I sat on the bed and went through the memory card from my camera and flagged a few pictures that were keepers. While I was going through the images that I’d taken after the storm, my phone sounded out a song, and Reed’s name shown on the screen.

  “You can’t miss me already.” I let out a long breath and leaned back against my pillows.

  “Of course, I can. I got used to having you around. Did you have a nice flight?”

  “Yes, but—”

  I pulled my lips in tight to keep from finishing that sentence, but he wasn’t having it.

  “But what? Did something happen?”

  “No, it’s nothing. The flight was wonderful.” Crap. I didn’t need him being over protective on me.

  “Did you see your ex?”

  I let out a sigh. “No.” I was content to let it end there, but I couldn’t lie. Maybe he wouldn’t lose his mind as he had before. “I didn’t see him, but he messaged me. It seems he had put a tracking GPS app on my phone. He knew I was in Fort Worth and he knew the minute I got home, and I’m sure he knows where I’m staying.”

  “Did he threaten you?” His voice was low and rough.

  “No, but I can’t believe he put that on my phone without asking me. No telling how long he’d been tracking my every move. So much for building something on trust.” I had caught myself before I said too much. I didn’t want to vent about Gavin to Reed.

  “Right.” He was quiet after that for a moment, and then he changed the subject. “So, what are you wearing?”

  A slow smile parted my lips. Kayla wasn’t the only one who could do the long-distance thing, and I let out a soft laugh and answered him.


  Ten minutes into our conversation and Bella already had me hard as diamonds. “I’m wearing red lace panties and a silky white bra.”

  “I’d peel those panties down nice and slow, slip my tongue right across that hot little slit.” I kept my voice nice and low, breathy as I took my cock into my hand. “Touch it for me, Bella. Touch that little slit for me. Rub it like you want me to.”

  She let out a moan, and I could only imagine her doing it. It was a hot daydream, the perfect image in my head of her spread and ready for my cock. “It feels so good, Reed.”

  “That’s my girl. Tease it with tiny circles, touching only your clit. I bet it’s nice and tender too, swollen for my mouth?” She had the hottest clit, and I wanted to nibble it between my teeth as I shoved about three fingers in her.

  “I’m doing just as you told me. I want to dip inside so badly.” Her voice had dropped an octave.

  “Don’t do it, Bella. Not yet, you don’t.” I gripped my balls with my other hand and gave them a good tug. Their weight was heavy with my load, and I knew I’d be letting more opportunity go to waste by not having her with me.

  “I’m behaving, tiny circles like you requested.”

  “Mhmm. Tease it for me as you suck your fingers, get them nice and soft for me.” I imagined her laid back with her hands in her mouth, sucking them with her pouty mouth, her tits heaving with her panting breaths.

  I heard her slurping them and then she moaned with a mouthful. I closed my eyes and imagined on her knees, my fat head in place of her fingers. I rubbed my palm over the swollen tip to feel it. “Touch yourself, Bella. Dip your finger into your honey and spread it around that swollen clit for me.”

  Her breathy moans sent static through the phone. “I’m going to come, Reed. God, I miss you being inside me.”

  “Imagine it. How I’d work that little pussy, fuck it nice and deep and come for me.” She exploded into a fit of moans, which she soon muffled and then I heard a breathy giggle.

  “I forgot that Kayla is in the next room. I’ll have to be quiet.” She had lowered her voice, and I could still hear the smile in it as she seemed to hold back laughter.

  “Don’t stop working it. I’m going to make you come again, and again with me. I want you to miss me so bad you hurry back to me.”

  “I’ll have to find a flight I can afford first,” she said. “And then there’s the matter of rent. I have to pay Kayla something for letting me stay here.”

  I had wondered if she’d let me get her set up in a place. It would be much easier for me to come and visit, and if she were going to have my baby, she’d need a place. She wouldn’t want to move.

  “I’ll take care of the money.”

  “No, I couldn’t let you.”

  “You’re not letting me. And aside from making me come here in a few minutes, you have no control over what I do. So why don’t you just focus on that? I need it so badly, Bella.”

  “Mm, you’re a bully. I should hang up and make you suffer.” She let loose another giggle.

  “I wouldn’t advise that. I might end up begging on your doorstep by morning.”

  “You keep making promises like that and I’ll call your bluff.” She moaned, and I knew she was still working it for me. My balls had tightened so much that I knew my release wasn’t too far away, but I edged a moment, holding back.

  “If you want me there, Bella, all you have to do is say the word. I’ll be on the next flight over. I’m only behaving for your sake. I know you needed some space of your own, and that’s why you left.”

  “Mm. I’m sorry. I hope you understand, and I’ glad we’re getting to experience this together. Are you touching your cock?”

  “Yes, I’m going to come for you too.”

  “You’re so naughty.” Her giggled bubbled through her moan, and then the sounds of her pleasure building filled my ear.

  “I’d like to help you get a place, too. One where I can come and stay with you.” I stroked my cock and heard her breath hitch on the other end of the phone. Then she made a sound of uncertainty, and I waited for her to say no.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. It’s all so new.”

  “You need a place, and I have a boatload of money with nowhere to spend it.”

  “It’s too much.”

  I was growing frustrated and didn’t want a debate. “Bella, you’re going to let me do this for you.”


  “Shh. Rub. Tell me how good it feels.”

  “It does feel good, not as good as when you’re inside me, though.” Her tone had sweetened, and I could only guess that she was going to try and sweet talk me out of it. “Reed.”

  “Tell me yes, Bella. Stop fighting me. It’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it. It’s only money.”

  She let out a frustrated sound. “Well, it must be nice to have that attitude.”

  “You’ll find that I’m much more agreeable when you give me my way. Say it, Bella, then come for me.”

  “Fine. Yes. I’ll let you set me up in a place, but only if I get to help pay for it.”

  That wasn’t about to happen. “We’ll negotiate later. Tell me how naughty you’ll be when I come for a stay.” I was on the verge of release again.

  “You’ll come for a stay and stay for a come?” She tried to laugh, but pleasure consumed her as she moaned through another release.

  “Mhmm, see how much you like being agreeable?”

  “Mm, yes. I’m going to be so naughty for you. I miss your cock in my mouth and the taste of your cum.” Her voice was so convincing that I quickened my pace and closed my eyes, imagining busting my load all over her pretty, smiling face.

  “That’s a girl. Here I come, Bella.” I moaned as my cock exploded, shooting all over my chest in the process.

  “Mm, that’s so hot. I do miss you, Reed. Will you come down and look for a place soon?”

  “You can find something suitable, and I’ll approve. Make sure it’s nice, though, Bella. I don’t want my girl living in a dump to try and save me money. Only the best.”

  “I don’t need much,” she argued. “Gavin kept all the big stuff, and I don’t want to fight him over anything. Besides, it’s easier to furnish something smaller.”

  “I’m going to furn
ish it, Bella. Choose anything you like. I’m not kidding.”

  “Fine, but the only reason I’m going to agree is that if things end between us, I won’t be any worse off. I’ll start with nothing, and I’ll leave with nothing.”

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Not if I can help it. And stop being so negative. You want it to work out, don’t you? Because we’re the only ones that can make this a success, and I don’t want to start out with doubts.”

  She made another moaning sound, and I realized that she was still working herself. “You’re a naughty girl, Bella. You’re still rubbing that hot little pussy, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, it feels so good. Will you come out this weekend?”

  A slow smile spread my lips, and I’d hoped she’d want me to. “For you, I’d do anything.”

  “Good, because I want you to be with me when I go apartment hunting. I don’t feel right spending your money with you not even there, and this way, there will be no reservations about the quality or the location. I’d feel much better about it.”

  “Fine, and we’ll go look for some furniture too, preferably a big bed. Maybe something with a nice headboard where I can tie you up and fuck you.” She moaned and gave a little squeal, and I knew that the idea of it had pushed her over the edge of her next release.

  “I almost feel guilty for feeling excited about it.” She was going to worry about the money until it drove us both mad.

  “Be excited, Bella. Your life is about to change.” In more ways than one.


  It had been two weeks since Reed had bought the small house that he’d insisted on instead of an apartment. I was a little upset, but he’d told me that a house was a much better investment and since he was right, I couldn’t argue. It was still his money.

  I’d spent the entire day at home, waiting for the last of the furniture to be delivered and as the men were carrying it in, I stumbled and fell down the stoop, twisting my ankle in the process. I had been a clumsy fool the entire day, and it had finally caught up with me.

  Luckily, Kayla had stopped by for a visit and was there when it happened, only she’d been in the kitchen unpacking and didn’t see me fall.

  One of the men with the delivery truck had seen it, and he scooped me up and walked me inside. “Kayla!” I called out as I limped into the living room. She came out and saw me holding my weight on the poor delivery man and before she could ask I told her what happened.

  “I think you twisted it pretty good, Miss. You should probably go and get that checked out.”

  “I think he’s right, Bella. I’ll drive.” She turned and gave the man a sympathetic look. “Do you mind helping her to my car?”

  The man had the others help him get my furniture in the house while Kayla got some ice and gathered our handbags.

  The pain was so intense that it was throbbing and I had tears in my eyes.

  “You dinged it pretty badly. You might need a boot.”

  “I’m not going to need an ugly boot. I’ll be fine. It’s just a bruise.” I might have been in denial, but I hated to think the worst.

  “No, it’s swelling pretty good. Do you want me to call Reed?”

  “No, he’ll be here tomorrow. Don’t bother him. I don’t want him trying to make it any earlier.

  “You’re right, as fast as he moves, he’ll be at the hospital before us.” She let out a soft laugh, but she was right. Things had moved so quickly with Reed that even I couldn’t believe it, but things were also going too well to worry.

  We ended up in the waiting room for a half hour, surrounded by people with the summer flu. I had gotten nauseous from the pain by the time they had called me back.

  We got into the room just in time for me to grab the waste basket and dry heave into it.

  Kayla held my hair back and then placed me in a chair as the woman got the blood pressure cuff ready. “You wouldn’t happen to be pregnant, would you?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, she’s only hurt her ankle.”

  “Actually, I’m a couple of days late, which isn’t usually that big of a deal. I’ve been late before, and I’m just getting back on my pills.”

  “You were off your pills?” The nurse asked with a smile that told me she thought I was pregnant.

  I thought back to the first weekend with Reed, and my stomach turned. I grabbed the basket and heaved again, this time expelling my lunch. No way. It was impossible, wasn’t it? I mean, that firsts night my last pill should have been working and then after he’d always been careful. I’d started my pills again too.

  “Let’s give you a pregnancy test while you’re here and then we’ll know what kind of pain meds we can give you and what kind of precautions to take during X-ray. You can’t be too careful, and I think you’ve got a nasty sprain.”

  Kayla’s eyes widened, but she waited for the nurse to leave. “What the fuck, Bella? Do you think you could be?”

  I was suddenly as scared as she looked.

  “I’m afraid there is a possibility.” I thought about Reed and what he would think, and then Kayla covered her mouth.

  “Shit, Bella. You don’t think it could be Gavin’s, do you? I mean, you were just leaving him when you met Reed.”

  Bile rose in my throat at the thought, but thankfully I knew better. “No, I’d stopped sleeping with him that last month. The last time we’d had sex was about a week before the art expo. But let’s see before we alert the media.”

  The nurse came in and drew some blood and left the room again and then they took me to Radiology where they treated me like an expectant mother, taking every precaution as they examined my foot.

  They sent me back to my tiny room with Kayla, and she held my hand to keep both of us from being too nervous.

  “Reed will be happy, I’m sure. He’ll be understanding no matter what happens.” I wanted to believe that, but Gavin hadn’t wanted children, and though Reed seemed a little more open to the idea, the two of us also hadn’t talked about it. I knew he’d do the right thing and take care of me if I was, and he’d provide for our child. But with our relationship so new, it might be too much for him.

  I placed my hand on my tummy and closed my eyes as the nurse came back into the room. I opened my eyes and could tell by the look on her face on that she knew my results. “The doctor is on her way, and she’s seen the X-rays. She’s also got your results, so she’ll discuss those with you.”

  I opened my mouth to beg her for the results when a short, curly-haired blonde walked into the room with a white coat and comfortable shoes. She pulled up a stool and lowered herself into it and wheeled it right in front of me. “I’m Dr. Jenson, I guess you’ve been on pins and needles, but I’m going to start with what you came in here for. The good news is there are no broken bones, but there are a couple of torn ligaments. Because of the severity, you’ll have to wear a boot for a couple of weeks, but the good news is, I don’t think you’ll need any surgery. I’m going to recommend something for pain, which leads me to my next diagnosis.” She scratched her head and took a deep breath. “I’m assuming that since you came in here for an ankle that you weren’t expecting to be expecting, correct?”

  “I’m pregnant?” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Yeah, and by the looks of it, you’re still early, but you need to find yourself an obstetrician and seek care immediately.”

  “Are you okay, Bella?” Kayla twisted her hands in front of her and chewed her lip.

  “I’m fine. I’ll call Reed as soon as we’re out of here.”

  “Reed is the father, I assume?” The doctor scribbled into my file and then passed the papers off to the nurse who whispered her congratulations as she hurried out of the room.

  “Yes. It’s a bit of a surprise.”

  “Well, congratulations, Bella. Tell Reed the same and stay off that ankle.” The doctor left, and I sat in a daze thinking about what I would tell Reed.

  After giving me some more instructi
ons and fitting me with my boot, the nurse got us out of there wheeling me down in a chair so that I wouldn’t have to use my new crutches the whole way.

  “I’ll be out of work for a week. I can’t run the shop like this or travel to the sales.” Things were sinking in as I thought out loud as I got into the car.

  “You are dating a wealthy man—scratch that, you’re carrying his child. I think a little time off work and fewer dollars are going to be okay. I’ll be shocked if he lets you keep working.”

  “Let’s me? I think you sent the women’s movement back like fifty years with that comment. I’m going to work and if I choose not to it will my doing and not because he made me.” My tone was a little uglier than I expected.

  “Whatever, all I’m saying is, why worry about it? You’ll be fine. They baby will be fine.”

  “The baby?” I put my hand over my stomach as tears pooled in my eyes. “I can’t tell Reed over the phone. I’ll tell him when he gets here tomorrow.”

  I just wish I knew how he’d react.


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