Beautiful Disaster

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Beautiful Disaster Page 51

by Rye Hart

  “Did you plan this?” I asked with a smile.

  The fire lit easily, illuminating the entire room in a romantic glow. Dean shook his head and turned to face me, his eyes slowly moving down my body.

  “No,” he said. “I just got lucky.”

  “Well, not yet,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

  Dean’s eyes never left me as I moved my hands up to unzip my dress. It fell to the floor around my feet, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. Nerves fluttered through my stomach but when I met Dean’s gaze, I knew I was ready. I slid off my bra and stepped out of my panties, taking a tentative step forward.

  Dean stared at my body with wide-eyed admiration. He shook his head slowly back and forth and swallowed hard.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His voice was low and weak. The compliment sent shivers down my spine, and I opened my arms to him.

  He stepped forward, taking me in his arms and holding me against his chest. The kiss he placed on my lips was so soft and so full of meaning that it nearly brought tears to my eyes. I held on to him with desperation as the kiss deepened, every nerve in my body calling out to him.

  Dean pulled away and slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head. His ab muscles looked sexier than ever in the glow of the firelight. When he pushed his jeans and boxers down his legs, my eyes followed his movements closely. I didn’t want to miss a single second.

  Standing in that room, both fully naked, we locked eyes and stared at each other. I felt so connected to him, so in love. When he moved forward to hold me again, I shivered with nerves and my eyes darted down to my feet.

  My first time would mean everything and I was scared. No matter how much I loved Dean, I still felt a moment of hesitation. Just a flicker of self-doubt that made me wonder if I could possibly measure up to the other women he’d been with.

  “Hey,” Dean said gently. He tucked his finger under my chin and slowly lifted my head. Our eyes met and he smiled. “We don’t have to do this. If you aren’t ready, that’s okay.”

  “I want to,” I said. “I really do.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I said, and I meant it. No amount of nerves was going to stop me from being with Dean.

  He stepped forward and kissed me. The kiss was long and slow. His tongue pushed inside my mouth, and I melted against him, letting him wrap me in his strong arms. My naked breasts pressed against his chest and he groaned. The sound sent waves of desire coursing through my body. I placed my hands on his back, deepening our kiss and digging my nails into his skin.

  The kiss turned hungry as we groped each other’s bodies. My hands were never still. I slid them down his back and felt his bare ass, while he traced my sides and dug his fingertips into my hips. When he reached up to tangle his hands in my hair, I moaned and let him pull me back, his lips sliding down to my neck.

  He kissed my neck, nibbling and licking me with desperation. I was panting when he finally laid me back on the floor, his mouth moving even lower. I could feel my desire pooling between my legs as he bit down on my nipple. I cried out and writhed beneath him while he teased the tight buds one at a time.

  “Dean,” I moaned, pulling his lips back to mine.

  As we kissed, I kicked us over so I could straddle him. I threw one leg on either side of him and let my wet pussy slide against his already erect cock. He moaned and pushed me down harder against him. I could barely think as I knew the moment was almost here. My heart was pounding in my ears and my body was begging him to take me.

  When he flipped me back over, pinning me to the floor, I felt hot and needy. All my nerves faded as he positioned himself above me. In that moment, the world slowed down. He spread my legs slowly, reaching toward his discarded jeans. As he pulled a condom from his pocket, his phone buzzed loudly.

  “Do you need—”

  “No,” he said shaking his head. He kissed me hard and fast. “God no.”

  I grinned and watched as he tore open the condom. My hips lifted automatically, ready to take him in. I’d been told it would hurt but I didn’t care. I was desperate to feel him, to be connected to him in every possible way.

  “I love you,” Dean said gently as he moved forward. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too.” I breathed.

  His phone buzzed again, loud and sharp. It cut through our desire like a butcher knife. Dean sighed and looked over to where his phone lay. He frowned when he saw the screen.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Dean said but I could tell he was distracted. “It’s nothing.”

  He shook his head and focused his attention back on me. His eyes trailed over my naked body, lying there ready for him. Just as he was about to kiss me again, his phone rang for the third time.

  “Dammit,” he spat. “It’s my mom.”

  “Go ahead,” I said. “It’s okay.”

  He groaned and reached for his phone with a look of anger on his face.

  “What?” he said.

  I could hear the murmur of his mom’s voice on the other end. In an instant, his anger faded to concern. He pressed the phone harder against his ear and frowned deeply. I stared at him, waiting for some clue as to what was happening.

  “I’m on my way,” he said. He hung up the phone and started grabbing his clothes. I pushed myself to my feet and followed his lead, throwing my dress back over my head and sliding my panties beneath it.

  “Dean,” I said softly.

  “It’s my brother,” he said quickly. “Caroline, I’m so sorry. He’s in trouble, and I have to go.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “Let’s go.”

  Dean nodded and we flew out of the cabin.


  Two days later, I still hadn’t heard from Dean. He dropped me off at Stephanie’s Friday night and drove away in a flurry of anger and fear. All I knew was that his brother was in a bind. Apparently, he hung out with some pretty bad guys and that night, he was in serious trouble. I wasn’t angry at Dean for leaving me but I was worried. It wasn’t until Monday night that my fears were calmed.

  My parents dragged me to yet another event at the country club. There, I finally saw Dean again. He snuck in the back of the event hall and waved me over. I ran to him.

  “Where have you been? Are you okay?” I asked frantically.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’ve been dealing with my brother but I’m fine. I’m okay.”

  “I missed you,” I said weakly.

  He smiled. “I missed you too.”

  Before we could move an inch closer, my mother appeared at my side. She grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin.

  “Ow!” I cried out.

  “Come here,” she snapped. “Now!”

  She pulled me into the center of the event hall, so I couldn’t make a scene. Lowering her voice and plastering a fake smile on her face, she turned to me with rage in her eyes.

  “I warned you about that boy,” she hissed. “I told you to stay away from him and yet, here you are, fraternizing with him in front of everyone! What were you thinking?!”

  “I’m sorry,” I said softly. “It won’t happen again.”

  She glared at me for a fraction of a second and then flitted away to join my father. Her anger melted away as she mingled with the other country club elite. I wiped the tears from my eyes and moved to the edge of the room, desperately wishing I could become invisible.

  As I passed a supply closet, I felt a hand reach out and pull me in. I gasped and looked up to see Dean grinning down at me.

  “What are you doing?!” I said, fear overwhelming me. “She’ll see us!”

  He crashed his lips down on mine, reaching around to grip my ass in his strong hands. He kissed me hard and fast, leaving me breathless.

  “I couldn’t let her ruin our moment,” he said. “I haven’t seen you in days. Now, get back out there before she does see us.”

  I grinned and slipped back out into the crowd. My eyes foun
d my parents. They were still in the same place, unaware of my disappearance. I grinned wider and thought about the next time I would see Dean.


  It felt like days since I’d last seen Caroline. Despite stealing a kiss during an event last night, I missed her so damn much. We hadn’t spent any real time together since our night in that old cabin, when we were interrupted by my family drama. I still hadn’t forgiven my brother for getting himself in trouble and cockblocking me. Caroline and I were so close to finally being together before everything came to an earth-shattering halt when my phone rang.

  My mother wasn’t wrong to call me. She was stuck in rehab and the last thing I wanted was for her to check herself out early. She wasn’t ready to come home and yet, my brother called her in a panic. The dipshits he hung around with had gotten him into a serious bind. I had to go swear to the Sheriff to keep him out of trouble before he ended up in jail.

  Daniel wasn’t a bad kid, he never had been. We were both dealt a really raw deal as kids. Neither of us stood much of a chance but Daniel succumbed to every stereotype there was. He made piss poor decisions and constantly put himself in compromising positions. As his older brother, it was often my job to save his ass. It wasn’t a job I would ever give up but it also wasn’t one I particularly enjoyed.

  That night, all I wanted to do was be with Caroline. We were right there, about to have sex for the first time, and then nothing. It made my balls ache just thinking about it but mostly, I just wanted to see her face. I felt like the entire fucking universe was trying to get in the way of us being together. Her parents. My family. That douchebag, Eric. Even my job was preventing us from spending time together.

  It was late Tuesday afternoon when I finally saw Caroline’s car pull into the back-parking lot. She always parked by the stables so she could see me on her way in and out but after I saw her park, she disappeared. I craned my neck, trying to find her, but she was nowhere in sight. Things at the stables were so busy that I didn’t get a chance to sneak off and look for her until almost an hour later.

  I peeked around the back of the barn, my eyes roaming all around. Caroline wasn’t anywhere to be seen and the club grounds were already starting to empty. The sun was setting, which meant the nightly events would start soon. Everyone was going home to change and wash up for whatever dinner party they had to attend. I rolled my eyes at the thought and continued looking for her. I crept around the back of the dining room, peering in through the windows when I finally saw her.

  She was standing in the back doorway of the dining room, facing away from me. I saw her long blond hair falling down her back in loose curls and grinned to myself. I was halfway to her when I realized she wasn’t alone. When I moved around to the side, I saw that her face was contorted in rage. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was thin as she talked to someone I recognized immediately: Eric Vanderwalt.

  I froze. My eyes narrowed as I sunk to the side, not wanting to be seen. Where they stood, Caroline and Eric were removed from the crowd. I could tell the dining room was beginning to fill for the dinner rush but the back door led to a hallway that curved around behind the hostess stand. No one would see Caroline and Eric unless they came down that hallway. I frowned and crept a little closer, trying to hear their conversation.

  Caroline looked pissed but she wasn’t moving. Eric was speaking quickly, his face inches from Caroline’s and his eyes boring into hers. He seemed to be begging her for something. With anger already coursing through my veins, I moved even closer.

  “I’m just worried about you!” Eric said. “You aren’t thinking clearly!”

  Caroline shook her head and opened her mouth to argue but Eric interrupted. He took a step closer to her, forcing her to retreat further outside the building. I wasn’t the jealous type, and I knew Eric Vanderwalt didn’t stand a chance with Caroline. But seeing them together made my blood boil. I clenched my fists at my sides and tried to get myself under control.

  “This isn’t any of your business, Eric!” Caroline hissed. “You and I aren’t together. Why can’t you understand that?”

  Eric glared and lowered his voice, growling something at her that I couldn’t hear. I watched a glimmer of fear flicker across Caroline’s face, and I took a step forward. Just as I was about to charge over there, a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around.

  “Daniel?” I asked, looking at my brother’s face. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mom’s home,” Daniel said quickly. “She just showed up like thirty minutes ago. I tried to calm her down but she’s on a fucking rampage, man. She’s drunk off her ass and I didn’t know what to do. So I just came here.”

  I glanced behind me, looking back at Caroline and Eric. I knew I needed to leave, to go home and smooth things over with my mom, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. Not until I knew Caroline was okay.

  “Did you hear me?” Daniel asked impatiently. “Mom checked herself out of rehab and—”

  Just then Eric reached out and grabbed Caroline’s arm. He yanked her forward with a strength I didn’t know he possessed. She cried out in pain and I lunged forward without thinking.

  “Dean!” Daniel yelled.

  “Hold that thought,” I told him without stopping.

  I hurled myself forward until I was standing right beside Caroline. I put my hand on top of Eric’s and pried his fingers from her skin. With one heave, I shoved him backward and stepped between him and my girl.

  “Get the fuck off her,” I growled.

  Eric’s eyes widened in fear for a fraction of second. Then, he squared his shoulders and got right in my face. His eyes narrowed and he glowered at me with anger.

  “Mind your own damn business stable boy,” he spat. “This is between me and Caroline. You aren’t needed here.”

  “You’re sorely mistaken if you think that’s the case,” I said softly. “If you ever touch her again, I will kill you.”

  Eric glared at me but I knew he was taking my threat seriously. Eric Vanderwalt, a skinny little rich boy, didn’t scare me. I was ready to beat his ass until he swore to never come near Caroline again.

  “Leave it alone,” Caroline said in my ear. She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away but I wasn’t moving.

  “You’re nothing!” Eric screamed. “You’re just a pathetic stable boy. Caroline’s taken pity on you. You mean nothing to her! She’s just whoring around with you until she gets bored, then she’ll throw you away without a second thought! No one wants a piece of shit like you! No one!”

  “You need to walk away.” My voice was low and dangerous. “Now.”

  “Why?” Eric scoffed. “You think I’m scared of you? Do you even know who I am? You can’t touch me!”

  With that, Eric shot forward and punched me in the jaw. My head jerked back a fraction of an inch. I grinned at him and watched fear cross his face. As I took a step forward, my fist raised, I heard a pop like a firecracker go off to my right. There was a sharp ringing in my ears as I was suddenly drenched in Eric’s blood.

  Eric’s eyes flew wide and he crumbled to the ground, bleeding and convulsing. Caroline screamed, and I looked around. A few feet away, Daniel was standing with his arm raised, a gun in his hand.

  My head spun wildly as I tried to make sense of what just happened. Caroline sprinted inside the dining room, running for help. I just stared at Daniel, watching the realization of what he’d just done dawn on his face. He looked at me with fear in his eyes, and I flew into action. I ran toward him and grabbed the gun from his hand, gripping it tightly in my own and settling into my resolve.

  When the first few people ran out back, I could already hear sirens in the distance. Daniel was muttering something in my ear but I couldn’t hear him. I could only see Eric lying in the grass, bleeding and staring wide-eyed up at the sky.

  Caroline appeared in the doorway, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked at me, then down at the gun in my hand, confusion on her face. I just shook my head
and turned away from her. I couldn’t bear to see the pain in her eyes.

  The first police officer arrived, then the second. They hurtled toward us, guns raised. When they approached, I stepped in front of my brother and raised my arms in the air. The gun was dangling from my fingers.

  Paramedics were working on Eric, trying desperately to keep him alive. Everything was happening too fast and before I knew it, the police officers had me on the ground with my arms fastened tightly behind my back.

  They yanked me to my feet, already leading me away from the scene. Daniel and Caroline both ran forward, their mouths open and ready to defend me. I glared at them both, shaking my head and silently telling them to shut their fucking mouths.

  I wouldn’t let my brother go down for this.


  One Month Later

  I left the hospital in a haze. My parents forced me to go now that Eric was finally being released. He survived the gunshot but the bullet had hit his spine. He would be paralyzed from the waist down for the rest of his life. After a month of recovery and rehabilitation, nothing had changed. Seeing him there, lying helpless in that hospital bed, was one of the worst things I’d ever experienced. Still, my heart didn’t just ache for him. It ached for Dean, who was rotting in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.


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