The 17-Year-Old Itch

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The 17-Year-Old Itch Page 8

by M. J. O'Shea

“That’s great, Joey. Is it going well?” He looked so sweet and interested that Joey felt like he could talk to him. Not like he could talk to his family about liking Robbie. Or boys. Or anything at all.

  “It is. I mean, he’s different. He doesn’t fit in at school, but there’s something great about him.”

  Evan smiled. “If we all ended up with the people who fit in at high school, well, I think there’d be a lot of single people.”

  “Huh?” Joey felt dumb.

  “I’m just saying that in the grand scheme of things, it’s not really important who was a big deal in high school and who was an outsider. If you like him for the right reasons, then don’t worry about changing.”

  “I do. He’s smarter than people think he is. He’s interesting and fun. I like being around him. He’s… I guess he’s the bad boy in school, but he’s not like that when he’s on his own.”

  Evan smiled again. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I was that bad boy in high school, big clunky leather boots and all. Look at me now. I’m happily married, and I wear sandals. And khaki shorts.”

  Joey and Evan both chuckled. “I guess you never can judge someone by what they’re like when they’re a teenager,” Joey said.

  “I don’t know,” Evan said. “You seem like you have it together….”

  “CUT!” XARA called. “You two look like you’re either about to start making out or fighting or both. We want fatherly advice for the kid whose father is too busy for him, not a lead up to bow chicka bowwow.”

  Tony stepped back from Casey. Fuck. It wasn’t the first time their chemistry had leaked onto the camera in a not-so-good way.

  “Take a break, you two, and sort yourselves out. We’re back on in an hour.” It was the last scene of the day, and Tony wanted nothing more than to get home and onto his quiet little beach by himself. It was absolute torture being stuck with Casey after their one-night stand and subsequent tension. He turned and went to the empty cafe set for a little bit of silence.

  He probably shouldn’t have been surprised when Casey sat at the table with him. Tony made a loud sighing noise.

  “You really don’t give up, do you?”

  “I need to know before I make a huge ass of myself. Are you with Levi or Blair?”

  “Are you fucking with me? No, okay? No. Never have been and never will. Those two are like my brothers. We spent the night in bed together on Saturday and did nothing but pass out.”

  “You slept in a bed? With both of them?”

  “We were fully clothed and drunk. Seriously, nothing happened, and it never will. Now, can you leave me the fuck alone, please? You obviously don’t fucking want me. I don’t get your persistence.”

  Tony would’ve laughed if any part of his life was remotely funny anymore. It wasn’t funny.

  “It’s not like that,” Casey mumbled.

  “Then please educate me, because it fucking felt like that when you fucked me and then left me in the morning… actually, don’t. Because no matter what you say, you still do all the same things.”

  Tony stood and tossed his paper cup into the trash. He turned to go back to the set and wait out the hour near all the crew, where Casey couldn’t start anything else.

  “Tony. Tony, wait.”

  “What, Casey? What the fuck?” Tony was tired of waiting. It seemed like all he’d been doing since that first magical kiss last year was waiting for Casey to decide that they were worth something. It wasn’t gonna happen no matter how beautiful it felt when they were together.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Tony sighed. “You’re always sorry. You’re always saying you want me, but you just want… I don’t know. Something on the side. I’ve said it a million times. I’m not going to be that.”

  “I do want you. I have since the beginning.”

  “Then what?” Tony waited to hear it. One last goddamn time. It was going to be the same old crap again and again. They weren’t good PR for the show. Casey was worried about his re—

  “I was scared, okay? Biggest bullshit excuse ever. I was scared. We just kept getting closer and closer last year, and then we slept together, and I wanted to be with you so damn much, but I was scared.”

  “Of what? I told you I wanted to be with you.”

  “Wanted?” Casey actually looked terrified for once.

  “Wanted. Want. I don’t even know anymore. Just… say what you need to say.”

  Casey scrubbed at his face. It was the most vulnerable Tony had ever seen him look. “It’s one thing when you’re twenty-seven and I’m forty. What about when you’re in your thirties and I’m, like, fifty? What then?”

  Oh, shit. Okay. Tony should’ve expected it. Their industry was brutal to age of any sort. Guys like Casey still got roles as the hot dad or whatever, but the older they got, the more those roles dried up. It was something most of them feared nearly every day. Could that actually be it? It wasn’t about image or Tony looking like a dumb kid. It was about his damn pride.

  “Casey, you know I don’t care about that shit. That’s so stupid. I… fuck. I was falling in love with you. You had to know that. It was real for me, not just some on-set fling.”

  “I was too. By the time we wrapped the season, all I could think about was you. Constantly. But then you got that offer for the miniseries in LA and it seemed like your career was just starting and I’m old and fuck. I don’t know how to explain myself.”

  Tony felt the stress and tension drain out of him. “No, you don’t have to. I think I get it.”

  “You do?” Casey’s face cleared.

  “Yeah. I do. You could’ve told me that instead of making me feel like shit for months.” He wasn’t over it. Just because he understood didn’t mean he was ready to accept that it was all good. It didn’t escape his attention that he was still the only one who’d actually said the words.

  “I know. I’m… such an asshole. Who wants to admit that they’re afraid of getting old?”

  Tony made a face. “Everyone in our business. Maybe everyone, period. Listen, I heard you out. I got it. I’m… I’ll text you later when I’m ready to talk, okay? I’m really tired, and it’s been a long, well, a long everything.”

  “That’s it?”

  “What did you expect, Casey? It’s not like you rode in here with a bunch of flowers and actually did anything other than make more excuses for how shitty you treated me. I get it. I do. Doesn’t make it any better.”


  “Let’s go film our scene and get the hell out of here. I need about ten drinks.”

  “You never used to drink so mu—”

  Tony held up a hand. “You don’t get to judge me. Come on. Let’s go do our job.”

  TONY HAD a massive headache. The kind that came from sitting up all night talking, then getting up before dawn for the earliest of early calls. He had talked to Blair and Sander for hours until Sander had tapped out and left him with Blair to try and figure out what the hell his next step was. Blair had been righteously outraged on Tony’s behalf and said that Casey needed to prove himself in a big way.

  Tony was starting to feel bad for the guy. Blair had ripped him up and down, and he seemed to want Tony to do the same. The bad part was… he still had feelings for Casey, as misguided as they were. Sure, part of him wanted to take a long trip on the rage train, but another part of him was so tired of being angry he just wanted to let it go.

  “OKAY, SWEET pea, you’re done,” Lorelei chirped. Tony hopped out of her makeup chair and went to find Whitney to get into his costume for the day. Hair and makeup was typically pretty painless for him. He felt bad for some of the girls who had to get full visible eye shadow and everything every day after the bronzing and powdering that he managed to sit through. And those fake lashes. They looked painful as hell.

  He was waiting in a quiet corner for Whitney to finish with Blair’s wardrobe assignment when a warm pair of arms wrapped around him from behind. Bleu de Chanel and vanilla soap. Casey.
  “What are you—”

  Casey leaned forward and kissed his neck, brought his lips to Tony’s ear and whispered, “I don’t want us to be a secret anymore. I’m proud of you, of us. I just want… everyone to know how amazing I think you are.”

  “Us?” Tony asked. That was the only word he could manage to grasp.

  “If you still want that. Tell me to back away and I’ll listen.”

  Tony snorted. “Since when?” He didn’t move, though, and he didn’t tell Casey to back away. He didn’t want to. It was terrifying and could go to shit at any moment, but right then, right at that moment? He’d never felt better in his life. The others were starting to stare, and Tony, well, he didn’t give a damn. It felt way too good to have Casey where everyone could see.

  “I’m serious. Tell me you want me to back off and I will.”

  Tony didn’t tell him to back off. Instead he put his hands over Casey’s and tried to breathe. It was like… he couldn’t believe it was happening. After months of good and bad and up and down it was happening.

  “I want to tell them,” Casey whispered.

  “Tell them?” Tony shivered when Casey twined their fingers together.

  “How I feel about you. Is that okay?”

  “Where’s all this coming from?”

  “I love you and I’m sorry. So sorry that I let my shit get in the way of us becoming something.”

  “I love you too.” Tony thought he might have loved him that first day in the office back in LA. His life hadn’t been the same ever since.

  “Can I tell them?”

  Tony snorted and glanced at their coworkers, who were barely concealing their stares. “I think they already know. But sure.” He chuckled quietly.

  “Hey, Whit. Blair.” Casey waited until they were looking. “I love Tony. I just wanted you to know.”

  Tony’s face flamed. “Casey. Jesus.” Somehow he didn’t expect it to be that embarrassing.

  “You don’t want me to tell them anymore?”

  “Maybe just take the volume down a notch? We do have to show our faces here tomorrow.”

  Casey grinned. He dragged Tony over to Eugenia’s hair station. “Hey, guys,” he whispered theatrically. “Morning. I love Tony.”

  Eugenia and her assistants burst into happy giggles as Casey pulled Tony over to Lorelei to do the same. Tony was tugging on Casey by the time he left the hair, makeup, and wardrobe ghetto and headed for the main set.

  “Hey there, Lizzie!” Casey called. He had his hand wrapped around Tony’s, fingers entwined. It was impossible to miss.

  “Tony?” she asked. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” He was. He was mortified, but in the very best way. Like it was some weird dream.

  “I love Tony,” Casey told Lizzie, who walked away, glancing back at them quizzically every few feet.

  “Hey, Xara!” Casey called.

  Oh, fuck. Casey…. “You really don’t have to.”

  “Morning, Casey,” Xara said. She had her typical enormous coffee and a chia seed muffin.

  “I’m in love with Tony. You okay with that?”

  Xara raised her eyebrows. “That’s gonna squash the Tony and Blair rumors for sure” was all she commented before she shrugged and puttered off, clipboard smashed to her chest.

  “Casey, Casey. Stop.” Tony was giggling by that point. “I get it.”

  “Do you?” Casey stopped and pulled Tony into his arms. His face went all soft and sweet, like Tony had only seen a few times. “I just wanted to make sure. I love you. I’m here if you want me. I want to come into set together, if you want. I want to take you to dinner. I’m not sure if I’m ready to announce it to the press—”

  Tony shuddered. “Please, no.” The idea of a press conference about his relationship was about as painful as anything he could imagine.

  “I just love you and want you. For real. Whenever and wherever you want me. Okay?”

  Tony decided he couldn’t take it anymore. He reached up and hauled Casey to him until their lips slammed together hard. He kissed Casey like he never wanted to let go, in front of their friends and castmates and boss, fuck Jesus. But it was one of the best moments of Tony’s life.

  “I love you too,” he said when he and Casey finally drew apart. Then he pulled him back in and kissed him again… just for good measure.

  Be still my thundering heart, Tiffers!! You won’t believe what you’re reading in a moment, but just remember you read it here first. This is still in rumor stages, but it looks like our adorable and awesome Tony Adams, Joey from Coconut Cove, has found love. But it’s not with Blair Fletcher, who’s super loved-up and cutie-cute with boyfriend, Sander, or even with Levi Phillips, who is rumored to be dating the series’ head stylist.

  Oh, no! There is no Blainy or Tovi…. Leny? I can never get that shipping stuff right. Anyway, it doesn’t even matter, because last night sweet little Tony was seen out on the arms of almost-silver-fox Casey Sherman, the seasoned hottie who plays Mack’s dad Evan. Oh le scandale!

  The couple looked gorgeous and happy as they entered the front doors of local glitterati hangout Pirate’s Booty last night. Who would’ve ever guessed our little sweetheart was hiding such a big secret. After that stunt pulled on Twitter the other night apparently by an “unnamed castmate,” we thought Tony was looking for love in a totally different place!

  I wish them all the best. Big hugs and kisses from Tiffany to both of you!! And hugs and kisses to my readers as well.



  Coconut Cove

  Coconut Cove: Book One

  Life’s a beach… and then you meet the guy of your dreams.

  Flynn Wright’s role on the upcoming teen drama Coconut Cove means a fresh start in the land of crystal water, palm trees, and gorgeous people. The move to the beautiful beaches of Key West, Florida—and away from LA and his conniving ex—is just what Flynn needs.

  Meeting sexy bartender Seth is the cherry on top of Flynn’s colorful frozen drink, and he can’t wait to take a taste. But Seth isn’t impressed by Flynn’s Hollywood good looks, nor is he interested in the complications of dating an actor, no matter how hot.

  Can Flynn dodge his scheming ex and the eager paparazzi while showing Seth that he is more than a pretty package?

  Coconut Cove: Book Two

  Will a reunion between high school friends lead to romance—or regret?

  Key West local Blair Fletcher goes from wallflower to star overnight. One day he’s waiting tables, and the next he’s thrust into a different world—as an actor on the new gay teen drama Coconut Cove. Playing queen-bee Ryder quickly makes him friends—and enemies—but it’s the set carpenter who’s had his heart since they were kids.

  Blair always assumed golden god Sander Johansen was completely unattainable… and straight. Now that Sander has returned to their hometown, it seems Blair’s assumptions might have been wrong. As things heat up on set and in the bedroom, Blair has to realize he’s no longer the shy kid who never moved away from home and maybe it’s finally time for him to have the life, and love, he’s always wanted.

  Coconut Cove: Book Three

  Lights, camera… wardrobe?

  Coconut Cove is television’s newest hot sensation. The glitzy teen drama set in the beach lover’s paradise of Key West is the talk of every gossip rag eager for dirt and hookup news on the hot young actors—like Levi Phillips, who plays the show’s resident bad boy.

  Levi’s attraction to costume designer Whit heads into high romance when Whit orders Levi out of his clothes—in an attempt to save Levi from heat exhaustion, of course.

  Sassy Whit knows just how to dress, and undress, Levi, and soon the sexy duo are steaming it up offscreen, which is no surprise to their friends and castmates.

  But love in the public eye is complicated, and rumors pose challenges that can threaten careers and love….

  More from M.J. O’Shea

  Angus has been with the sa
me guy for ten years. When his boyfriend breaks up with him the night of his thirtieth birthday party and announces his engagement to a twenty-two-year-old less than ten hours later, Angus is… a mess. To put it lightly. He spends days in bed, drinks himself into a stupor every night, and ends up losing his job and his apartment. His best and oldest friend, Reece, decides it’s time for an intervention. And a change of scenery.

  Reece and Angus take off on a buddy trip across the US. They don’t have much of a plan; they just start driving. It takes Angus a couple of days to do much more than grunt when Reece talks to him, but slowly he opens up. They drive, talk, heal, shout, drink a bit too much sometimes, dance, meet new friends… and somewhere between Portland, Oregon, and Portland, Maine, they fall in love.

  Which was the last thing in the world Angus expected.

  What Austin Lloyd lacks in academics, he makes up for in his love of the animals who frequent his pet salon. He’s not lucky in romance, though, and his family would like him to settle down with a good man. Austin—and his golden retriever, Maggie—couldn’t agree more.

  Evan Partridge isn’t good at letting people in. His messy family life and the past that’s shaped him aren’t worth bringing up. But his pug, Dexter, sure likes the pet salon owner.

  Austin and Evan get off to a rough start, but being friends soon turns into something more. Unfortunately, Evan’s secretive behavior nearly does the relationship in, and the budding love affair almost crashes and burns when Evan’s troubled sister shows up on his doorstep.

  Not speaking to each other is killing them both, but Evan doesn’t know how to keep Austin and help his sister at the same time. He just knows he has to try. Winning back Austin’s trust back, however, is going to take a whole lot of work.

  M.J. O’SHEA has never met a music festival, paintbrush, or flower crown she can stay away from. She loves rainstorms and a perfect cup of tea, beach days, music, bright colors, and more than anything a cozy evening with a really great book.


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