Eternal Promise: (The Cursed Series, Book 5)

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Eternal Promise: (The Cursed Series, Book 5) Page 3

by Kara Leigh Miller

  He failed to mention Ivy had invited him to join her coven. Maybe he’d decided not to accept that offer.

  “So, then, all we have to worry about is the Zoya attacking once the curse is broken?” Whitney asked.

  “Yes,” Isach said.

  I leaned back in my chair, and Trent draped his arm around my shoulders.

  “What if we can’t beat the Zoya?” I asked the one question I knew was probably on everyone’s mind. “I mean, I know the magical balance will be restored, which will give Ivy and her coven more power, but how much is it going to weaken the Zoya?”

  “Enough,” Isach said. “Excuse me.” He stood abruptly and walked out of the house.

  I chased after him. “Isach, wait!”

  He stopped near his car and turned to face me. His expression was unreadable, but a war waged behind his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” I asked.

  “It’s just… I’m sitting in there plotting to take down my coven. I’ve known those people my entire life, and now I’m trying to kill them.” He shook his head.

  “Isach.” My voice cracked, and I hesitantly placed my hand on his arm. “If you don’t want to do this, just tell me.”

  If he backed out, the deal was off, because Ivy couldn’t do this without him. And, truth be told, I didn’t want to do this without him, either. I trusted him to make sure everything went smoothly.

  “If I don’t, you and Trent don’t get to—”

  “I know,” I cut him off, not wanting to hear the reality of the situation should he choose not to go through with this. “But no matter how you feel about your coven, they are your family. Trust me. I know what it’s like to have people you love lie to you and do terrible things and then try to justify it.” I frowned, thinking about what my father had done to protect me. “You can love them and hate them at the same time.”

  “I hate them more than anything, but I have this twisted sense of loyalty to them,” he said, his words thick with anger. “I just want out. I want to live my life without someone dictating my every move or questioning everything I do.”

  “I know,” I whispered. “And what about Abby? Don’t forget you’re doing this for her, too.”

  He rubbed his hands over his face, paced away, then returned. “I’m not sure I can face my coven in a fight, like literally face to face. I can’t do that.”

  “Then you won’t have to.” I crossed my arms to ward off the chill working through my body. “You can take a stand some other way. Give Ivy and her coven a magical boost or something. Do a spell that will protect whoever does face your coven. There has to be a way.”

  “I’m a Zoya, too, Chloe. The second you break that curse, I’ll be weakened like the rest of them,” he said.

  My shoulders slumped, and I dropped my hands to my sides. I hadn’t even considered that, but he was right. His magic would be weakened as well. Would he even be able to help us?

  “Then Ivy can give you a magical boost,” I said. “If she really wants your loyalty, then she can do this for you. It’s only fair.”

  Laughing, Isach shook his head. “You really are determined, aren’t you? No wonder Trent can’t say no to you.”

  I smiled sadly. “He said no to me about all of this, and he still hasn’t said yes. For all I know, none of this matters. Maybe we’re in there making plans and stressing ourselves out over nothing.”

  “Trent would not be in there right now trying to figure this out if he wasn’t planning to say yes,” Isach said.

  I hoped Isach was right, but until I heard the words from Trent, I wouldn’t get my hopes up. I’d done that once already, and it had nearly crushed me.

  “Regardless of what Trent decides, it’s really up to you. Ivy can’t do the spell without you,” I said.

  Isach hesitated and paced the length of his car, agitation pouring from him with every step he took. “I don’t want Abby in the middle of this. Any of it. But how can I keep her safe when she doesn’t know the truth? I’m doing this so I can get away from my coven, but the bigger reason is so I can be with her. Forever.”

  I bit back the urge to say, “for eternity” like I always did when Trent talked about forever. “You still haven’t told her about the slow aging thing?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “No, and it’s not like I can use a spell on her to slow her aging. My only choice is you.”

  Everything suddenly clicked into place and crashed down on me. Why hadn’t I figured this out sooner? “But she doesn’t know about vampires or what I’m planning to do,” I said.

  “Exactly.” He laced his hands on top of his head and blew out a breath. “I feel like I need to come clean to her about everything, before I make this deal, because if she doesn’t feel the same way about me, if she doesn’t want forever…”

  “Then we tell her the truth,” I said. “Together. Today.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. Trent was not going to be happy about this, but what other choice did we have? Isach was bargaining for forever with Abby. Surely, Trent could understand Isach’s desperation.

  “Okay,” he said.

  He was so worried about Abby knowing the truth so that she could become a vampire and they could have forever, but he still didn’t know what that would mean for Abby once she changed.

  “Isach, there’s something you need to know.” I licked my lips and nervously twisted my hands in front of me. “If Abby chooses to change, she’s going to have heightened emotions. All vampires do. And while you might age super slow, you will still die someday. Abby won’t. Your death with destroy her.”

  “Then change me, too,” he said like it was no big deal.

  My jaw dropped. Isach wanted to become a vampire? Could he when he was already such a powerful witch?

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he said in a scolding tone. “You of all people know what this feels like, to want something—someone—so much, you’d do anything to get it, to ensure you’ll never have to a spend a second without them.”

  Yeah, I definitely knew what that was like, and it wasn’t a good feeling, to constantly worry that you were going to lose the person you loved the most. Trent knew the feeling, too, and I was counting on him remembering that and being sympathetic.

  “You think they’ll go for it?” He nodded toward the house.

  “Only one way to find out.” I headed back inside, and Isach followed. “So, there are some new terms.”

  “We know. We heard everything,” Trent said as he pulled me down onto his lap. “Are you absolutely sure you want to tell Abby?” His question was directed at me even though it had been Isach who wanted to tell her.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “And you’re positive she won’t tell anyone about us?” Sean asked.

  “Yes,” I said again. “Abby’s good with secrets, especially if she knows telling would hurt me. Or Isach.”

  “Good, because I just texted her and asked her to come over,” Whitney said. “It’ll be nice not to have to hide who I am around her. It’s exhausting.” She laughed.

  Trent wrapped his arms around me. “What if she doesn’t want to change?” His gaze was locked on Isach, who stood in the kitchen entryway, arms crossed.

  “Then I guess I spend however many years I can with her,” Isach said, defeated.

  I honestly had no idea how Abby was going to react to finding out her friends were vampires, and that I was planning to become one, too. But I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that she loved Isach, and she might be okay if she knew she could have an eternity with him.

  “And if she says no, I assume that means you won’t accept Ivy’s deal?” Trent asked.

  His question was like a knife to my heart. Everything hinged on Isach, on the witch who once tried to kill me and had now become a trusted friend. He had more to lose than any of us, and we were asking him for too much. I wouldn’t be surprised if he said no.

  “I need to get out of my coven, and this is the only way. So, I’ll accept Iv
y’s deal,” Isach said as he moved from the entryway and toward the island counter. “I know Chloe’s ready to accept Ivy’s deal. That just leaves you, Trent.” Isach placed his hands flat on the counter and leaned forward, his stance menacing. “So, what’s it going to be? Yes or no?”


  Vampires Are Real

  TRENT TENSED, AND I SUCKED IN a sharp breath. His eyes were dark, and a quiet but deadly growl rumbled through his chest. The room was silent, everyone waiting for Trent’s answer. Me most of all. I couldn’t believe Isach had put Trent on the spot like that, but I had to admit, I was grateful.

  “Get up,” Trent said through clenched teeth.

  Slowly, I stood, and Trent rose to his feet. Then, without a word to anyone, he took my hand and led me out of the kitchen and into his bedroom. He kicked the door closed so hard the walls rattled. I cringed, and my heart jumped in my chest. This silent, dark-eyed Trent was terrifying.

  “Trent, you don’t have to—”


  I snapped my mouth shut and stood frozen in the middle of his room.

  “In order for any of this to happen, we need to tell Abby that vampires are real, that you’re going to become one, that Isach wants her to become one, too, because he can’t stand the thought of outliving her, and if she agrees, he wants to change, too.” He paced in front of me, each step heavy.

  “Yes.” I licked my suddenly dry lips and cleared my throat. “But if you don’t want to take Ivy’s deal, then we don’t tell Abby anything. It will be over right here, right now.”

  “Over?” His expression softened, and his eyes faded back into their normal blue.

  He closed the distance between us and took my face into his hands, his gaze loving and compassionate. Then, his mouth was on mine, kissing me deep but tender, the opposing sensations igniting a fire in my belly.

  “Trent.” I broke away from his kiss with a gasp.

  He responded by lifting me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he carried me to the bed and laid me down, his lips landing on mine the same moment my back hit the mattress. He was always affectionate like this, but he was twice as bad after we’d argued or spent any amount of time apart.

  He took my hands and pinned them above my head, shifting so he was only half on me; then he dragged his palms down the length of my arms, over my shoulders, and across my ribs before one hand settled on my stomach.

  “You’re going to be an incredible mom,” he whispered.

  My heart stopped, and all the breath rushed from my lungs. “Are you saying…?” I couldn’t even form the words.

  “I’m saying yes.” He gave me that gorgeous smile, the rare one that showed off his dimple. “We’re taking Ivy’s deal.”

  “Oh, my God.” My voice was thick with emotion, and I could barely get the words past my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him as tight as I could. “Thank you.” Tears slipped silently down my cheeks.

  Sighing, he buried his face against my neck, holding me back just as tightly. “I wanted to tell you in my own way, not out there in front of everyone,” he said.

  “I love you so much,” I whispered.

  For a moment, I forgot all the bad stuff—the Zoya, the deal with Ivy, having to tell Abby the truth—and let myself revel in the fact that I was getting everything I wanted: Trent, his baby, eventual immortality.

  Trent pulled away and brushed the hair from my face. “Happy tears?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “You’re sure you want to do this? You’re not just agreeing because you know it’s what I want?”

  “I want this, Chloe. I promise.” Sincerity rang in his tone.

  “Hey, Abby’s here,” Whitney called from outside the bedroom door.

  My stomach dropped, and bile rose in the back of my throat. I knew we needed to tell her the truth, but I was nervous about how she’d react. At least she’d have me to talk to about it, which was more than I’d had when I found out.

  Trent got off the bed and helped me to my feet. Hand in hand, we left his room. When we entered the living room, Abby was on the couch with Isach, his arm draped around her shoulders.

  “Hey,” Abby said. “Everything all right?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Everything’s fine.” I smiled.

  Isach raised a brow, his gaze lingering on me and Trent. “Well, did you make a decision?”

  “Yes.” My smile widened. “We decided to take the deal she offered.”

  I sat on the couch next to Abby. Trent sat on the arm of the couch while Sean and Whitney sat on the loveseat across from us.

  “Is this some sort of intervention?” Abby laughed. “What’s with all the serious faces?”

  I cleared my throat. “There’s something we have to tell you, and it’s going to sound crazy, but please just listen, okay?”

  Abby angled her body toward me. “What’s going on?” She glanced around the room. “You’re scaring me.”

  Trent rested his hand on my shoulder, his touch reassuring. No one else was speaking up, so I guessed that meant it was my job to tell her.

  “You know how Isach is a witch, right?” I asked.

  “Chloe!” Abby’s eyes widened, like she couldn’t believe I’d just blurted that out in front of everyone.

  “It’s okay,” Isach said, taking her hand. “Everyone here knows.”

  “Oh.” Abby’s shoulders sagged. “Okay, so what about it?”

  I glanced at Trent, silently pleading for some help. How did I tell her vampires were real, and that she was currently sitting in a room with three of them?

  “We’re vampires,” Trent said, stating it as plainly as if he were commenting on the weather.

  I smacked his leg and gave him a dirty look.

  “What?” He shrugged. “It’s much easier to just say it.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Abby stared at us like we’d suddenly sprouted two heads. “This is a joke, right? Like, y’all are pranking me or something?”

  “No, we’re not,” Whitney said, her tone much more sympathetic than Trent’s had been. “Me, my brother, Sean, Trent, and Jax are vampires.”

  Abby continued to stare, and I worried she might be going into shock. I didn’t know what was worse, silent staring or hysterical screaming. Abby was never this quiet.

  “If witches are real, and you know they are, then why can’t vampires be real, too?” I asked carefully.

  I dove headfirst into the whole truth, right from the moment I arrived in Keene Valley and met Trent. I told Abby every last detail about the curse, being taken by Hannah, how Jax was responsible for bringing my dad back into my life, how Trent had wiped my memories and then gave them back because I was being hunted by witches, learning the truth that I was the only one who could break the curse, being kidnapped by Ivy and held prisoner with Jax, and how Isach helped rescue me.

  The only thing I didn’t tell her was Isach’s part in the Hannah thing and that she’d known him previously. That would only complicate things even more, and I couldn’t risk her dumping him. Though, eventually, we’d have to tell her that, too. We couldn’t expect her to make such a life-altering decision about immortality when she didn’t have all the information about her past.

  “So… you’re marrying a vampire?” she asked.

  After everything I told her, that was her only question? “Yes,” I said.

  “You’re right. This is crazy.” She stood, and Isach stood right behind her. Then, she laughed. Hard and long. “You really expect me to believe this?”

  “It’s the truth,” I said.

  Trent sighed heavily, stood, and then bared his fangs. Abby screamed and backed up into Isach, who steadied her. She whirled around and buried her face against his chest.

  “You’re a jerk,” Isach said, holding Abby tightly.

  “Was that really necessary?” I glared at Trent.

  “Did you have any other ideas how to prove it to her?” he ask
ed, a trace of humor lacing his words. I was going to kill him.

  I stood, gently placing my hand on Abby’s back. “Hey, it’s okay. Look.”

  Slowly, Abby peeked over her shoulder. Trent stood next to me, grinning, no signs of his fangs. He was enjoying this way too much, and he wasn’t being the least bit helpful.

  “See?” I said. “Do you believe me now?”

  “It’s okay, Abby.” Whitney remained seated, which was probably smart. The last thing we needed to do was make Abby feel like we were ganging up on her. “We won’t hurt you.”

  “Do it again,” Abby said to Trent.

  He once again bared his fangs, his face contorted. This time, Abby didn’t scream, but she shrank back against Isach. Her expression vacillated between horrified and curious. I watched her closely, praying she’d calm down enough to sit and listen to everything else we had to say.

  Abby’s gaze landed on me. “You’ve known this all this time, and you never told me?”

  I shook my head. “I couldn’t.”

  “Then why are you telling me now?” She crossed her arms.

  My gaze darted to Isach, who gave a small nod. He needed to be the one to tell her the rest of the story.

  “Come with me. Please?” Isach took her hand, and Abby followed, though she kept glancing over her shoulder as if she didn’t trust us not to attack her.

  Isach led her into the back bedroom, and when I heard the door shut, my shoulders slumped.

  Trent slid his arms around my stomach and kissed my cheek. “She’ll be okay,” he whispered.

  “Yeah, she reacted a lot better than I thought she would,” Sean said and stood. “I’d better find Jax, Colt, and Wyatt and give them a heads up before they get back here.”

  “That’s probably a good idea,” Whitney said. As soon as Sean left, Whitney wrestled me and Trent into a group hug. She squealed. “You two are going to have a baby!”

  I laughed and hugged her back. Trent wriggled free and winked at me.

  “Oh, I get to plan your baby shower.” Whitney bounced with excitement. “Are you guys going to do it right away or wait a while?”

  “Uh…” I hadn’t really thought about it, and we certainly hadn’t talked about. We’d only made the decision to even do this less than an hour ago. There was a lot we still needed to figure out.


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