Completion (Cambria University Series Book 3)

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Completion (Cambria University Series Book 3) Page 16

by Sadie T. Williams

  “So, that’s an invite then?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, that is, if you think you’d want to hang out again. Once it gets warmer this spring we will open it up.”

  Chipper seems nice, albeit a little arrogant. He’s moved on, you move on.

  I nod.

  “So, you’re a frat boy,” I trail off and take a sip of my beer.

  “Yeah, we’re not all assholes. There’s like three or four of us that are tolerable.”

  His statement about frat boys makes me laugh.

  “Have a bad experience with frat boys?” he asks.

  “No, I actually don’t party much. I’ve been to a couple Alpha parties, but between volleyball and trying to finish my degree early I don’t have much time for other things. Plus,” I pause and motion toward my bum knee, “getting around isn’t super easy right now.”

  “What happened?”

  “Volleyball. I’m, or was, our libero, and I dove for a ball in practice and snapped the little sucker. I’m rehabbing, but I decided to give it up.”

  “Wow, that must have been a tough decision.”

  Having Chipper listen to me talk about my knee, the procedure and walking away from volleyball is very therapeutic. I’m feeling really comfortable with him and he’s a good listener.

  “So, tell me about you,” I say as I make my way over to one of the loveseats and plop down, putting my busted leg on the coffee table. It’s squishy and plush. It must be expensive. “This is nice.” I rub the back of the loveseat with my open hand.

  Chipper laughs and sits down next to me. “It is. Some of our alumni purchased these a few years ago. Gopher colors if you didn’t notice.”

  “I noticed,” I tell him. “So, you were going to tell me about you for a while. I’ve been talking this whole time.”

  “Well, I’m a senior. I grew up here. My family owns Agro Greens, so I’m studying Ag Business. Someday, hopefully, I will inherit the business from my dad. He’s the current CEO. I grew up in Harbor Falls, right on Peace Lake. Someday, obviously not in December, but when it gets nicer you should come out on my boat.”

  Ahh, that’s why his named sounded familiar. The Larpenteur family owns everything around here, land, politicians, and several smaller investment businesses. Agro Greens is a huge worldwide company specializes in sustainability and distribution of agricultural products. They’re billionaires.

  The family owns Peace Lake. That’s not an exaggeration. They own the whole damn lake. Over the years they’ve allowed certain people in their inner-circle to build homes on some of the lots around it. No resorts, no public access. It’s very private and very exclusive.

  “That sounds super fun. I’d love that, if my sister could come too.”

  “Absolutely! Your friends are welcome on Chipper’s Clipper,” he proudly proclaims with a smile.

  Chipper’s Clipper. That has to be the worst boat name is the history of boat names.

  Chipper and I spend the rest of the night talking in the sunroom. He is Conrad Larpenteur V. He goes by Chipper because he is the fifth of his name and each of the decedents of the original Conrad Larpenteur took a different nickname. His dad goes by Connor.

  As the sun starts to peek through the trees and creeps through the windows, I check my phone.

  “Holy shit! It’s almost five-thirty!” I have several text messages from Staley and the girls. They left around three.

  “You need to go? I can drive you home if you’d like.”

  “We’ve been in here for over five hours, Chipper. Aren’t you sick of me yet?”

  “Not in the slightest. In fact, can I take you out to dinner tonight? Six?”

  “Um,” I hesitate because I think of Jess again. Fuck it. He’s moved on. You move on. “Yes, I’d like that.”

  “Perfect, let’s get you home for a nap.”

  I laugh at that because at this point I will likely sleep until our date.

  We walk back out into the party, or what’s left of it. Bodies are passed out randomly throughout the house, on couches, tables and some just on the floor.

  “It’s like an obstacle course of bodies around here.”

  He laughs. “Yeah, this is typical. Thankfully, its winter and no one is sleeping in the pool on a floaty.”

  “That happens?”

  “All the time. We’re lucky no one has drowned yet,” he says and shakes his head at the thought. “Do your friends need a ride?”

  “No, they left hours ago. It’s just me.”

  “Good,” his voice lowers as he pulls me into him, wrapping one hand around my lower back and pressing against me. “It’s just us.”

  With his other hand he slides it into my hair, right over my ear and leans in. I can feel his breath on my face. My heart races. This is it. I. Move. On.

  Chipper presses his lips to mine. They’re soft. A combination of beer and mint hit me when he pushes his tongue inside my mouth and begins the kissing dance. It’s not bad, it’s not good. It’s just different. We kiss for several moments and when we part he is breathless.

  “Whoa, Stanzy,” he says as he presses his nose into my hair and inhales. “That was amazing.”

  I smile. Yeah, it was okay I guess.

  We walk outside toward a detached garage. There are several cars parked along the street, but Mr. Larpenteur gets a garage all to himself.

  He punches in the code and as the door rises a shiny, red BMW M3 with gold rims is sitting there waiting for us.

  “This,” he says as he brushes his fingers along the rear of the car, “is Scarlett.”

  And he names his car.

  “She’s beautiful.” I offer the best forced smile I can at this point. I’m exhausted and need a minute to process tonight. On one hand, Chipper is a catch. Smart, rich, handsome. On the other, he’s pretentious and arrogant. I need more time with him before I can decide if he’s someone I can be with. But don’t I owe it to myself to open up and give him a chance?

  I’ve been closed off for years, pining over someone who hasn’t given me a second thought, so it’s time I do this… for me.

  I climb in and Chipper does the same on the driver’s side. As we zip off to campus I think back to the ride to Bubby’s in the old, rusted Chevy truck with no A/C. Anger pools in the pit of my stomach.

  It’s been three years. Let. It. Go. But I can’t. I never got answers and I never got closure. Someday, I’ll get both, but right now I need to be in the moment and see where this goes.

  Chapter 17: Rhodes

  Junior Year – Cambria University

  Junior year of college has proven to be the best and worst year rolled into one fucking mess. You’d think after almost three years my heart would have healed, that the hole inside of me would be filled. We live like kings on this campus and after this year we will be etched into the history of this school. But the hole is still there.

  I need to figure my shit out because we’re national fucking champions! We won it all riding Mac’s arm. He’s the best football player in the country and it isn’t even close. I didn’t get as much as action this year as I had in the previous two seasons, but hoisting that trophy a few months ago was the second best feeling of my life. Regardless of my stats, we won. My teammates, no, my brothers, and I are forever national champions and that isn’t something I will ever take for granted.

  My siblings watched the game on TV and all texted me after we won. I’m the only Rhodes to ever win a national title and Rowen can kiss my ass. He has not acknowledged a single accomplishment I’ve had over the last three years, including being named an All-American.

  Besides the dominant football season we had, my boys and I are living like rock stars off campus in a sick townhouse that Blake’s dad bought and it’s fucking amazing. We each have our own bedroom with a spare room Blake dubbed “The Office” because that is where we take the ladies to get work done. Mac insisted we have a spare room because one of his rules is that girls aren’t allowed in our beds. His r
ules actually make sense as we’ve navigated our way through college. They’ve worked for the most part, save the Maggie incident freshman year.

  I’ve taken my share of women to The Office, but I’ve yet to fuck one. Just like high school, people assume because I’ve become pretty fucking good at making chicks scream my name just by using my tongue. Or, I allow them to please themselves while I watch and jerk off. I’ve yet to meet a girl who doesn’t want to put on a show for me.

  So, just like high school, I don’t stop the rumors, I welcome them. It helps me save face when I’m with a girl and decide last minute that “I’m just not feeling it tonight.” They accept whatever they can get at that point and we part ways. There is something about knowing that Stanzy is my first and only that makes me feel good.

  Not that she seems to care.

  I had no intention of breaking my no sex rule, but then I made the mistake of stalking Stanzy on Instagram. She’s dating. Like seriously dating a popped collar, trust fund, assclown named Chipper who is has invaded her Instagram feed. Chipper. Seriously that’s his name. She has a boyfriend and his fucking name is Chipper.

  The photos were taken out on a lake on Chipper’s boat, “Chipper’s Clipper,” and I wanted to vomit when I saw them. Stanzy in all her athletically toned, honey haired gorgeousness lying in a high cut lavender bikini on the deck, smiling and tanning with Staley and two other girls. That image is burned into my eye lids.

  I’ve been obsessively stalking Stanzy online ever since. I’m like a drug addict fiending for their next hit. I need the pain of seeing her with this asshole. It burns, it hurts, and I crave it.

  My spiral began after Mac’s girlfriend was almost raped at party and we saved her just a second before it happened. As a thank you for standing by her, not that she had to, she cooked us all Christmas dinner.

  Thinking back, that was actually one of the worst nights of my life. I know shit like that happens and Cambria isn’t immune to it, but having it in your face and personal. That shit shook me to my core. No one should go through what Kiernan went through. I’m not much of a fighter, but fuck, I would have ripped his arms off and beat him to death if I knew I wouldn’t get arrested for it.

  I haven’t had a girlfriend since Stanzy and Kiernan’s gesture reminded me of how much I missed having someone special in my life. So that night, Mac offered to introduce me to Tori, Kiernan’s roommate.

  I’ve never mentioned Stanzy to my friends and I don’t have a good reason why, I just haven’t. They’ve never asked me about the chain I never take off, so I’ve never volunteered to share more info about my past. Dudes don’t really talk about that shit.

  My reputation as the campus party boy was solidified by sophomore year. It helped that I’d bring two, three or a couple of times, four, girls home. Public displays of dry humping prior to entering The Office and voilà! Reputation as a man-whore was secured.

  It’s actually easier with multiple girls. They get each other off and most of the time I don’t have do anything at all. I sit back and enjoy the show which they eagerly provide.

  But now, I’m sort of dating Tori. It’s been two months of watching her softball games, dinner, movies, shopping, and minor hook up sessions. Whatever she wants basically except sex. She’s been pressuring the hell out me to close the deal, but I just haven’t been ready. Until now.

  Chipper’s fucking Clipper pushed me over the edge. The thought of his hands on her body. His lips kissing her lips. His dick where only my dick should be. I shouldn’t let these types of things dictate what I do, but I’m pissed. Even if she’ll never know about it.

  “You taking Tori out tonight?” Blake asks as he pulls his fitted t-shirt over his head.

  “Nah, I’m going to the Pi Kappa end of the year party. I’m meeting her there.”

  “Huh, okay.”

  “What was that for?”

  “What?” he feigns innocence.

  “Huh, okay.” I throw his words back at him mockingly.

  “That her idea or yours?”

  “Hers, why?”

  “I don’t know. She’s just not my favorite. She keeps blasting all over campus that you won’t fuck her. It’s weird. Besides, for being your girlfriend or whatever the fuck you two are, she parties with other dudes, a lot.”

  “I’m dating her. She’s not just a piece of ass. It’s different,” I offer as an excuse even though I know what Blake is saying is right. My boys and I don’t sleep with everyone we bring home, but Tori is the first girl to actually call me out on it.

  “To each their own, man,” Blake says with a shrug. “Get dressed. I’m driving.”

  The news of Tori running her mouth makes my skin crawl and makes anger that I didn’t know I had rise up in my chest. After a beat, I calm down. My gut and my heart keep telling me to keep my dick in my pants, but my brain is unforgiving and usually wins these debates.

  We walk into the Pi Kappa frat house to chants and cheers from everyone inside. The smell of sweat, booze, and perfume clouds the air. We’re immediately met with slaps on the back, high fives, and jersey chasers clawing at our bodies.

  “This right here, bro,” Blake yells at me over the incessant cheering and manhandling that is going on, “this shit will never get old.”

  While Mac and Bateman are now both tied down, Blake is as single as they come and loving life. He will fuck anything that moves, which I can’t blame him for because some girls make it just so damn easy. He’s young, rich, popular, and really good looking for a dude. Plus, he’s got this swagger that people love/hate. They hate him because he’s a royal dick most of the time, but they can’t get enough of him either.

  “With Mac and Bateman out of the game, we need to step up,” Blake says as we make our way to the kitchen to get a drink.

  “Bro, I’m with Tori now. I’m not going to cheat on her.”

  “Why does everyone want to date someone? Fucking Mac broke his own stupid fucking rules that he made us live by. I just don’t get it,” he says as he raises his shot glass to mine. We cheers and slam down the brown liquid. The burn is savory and delicious.

  “Don’t you want that at all? Love. Someone who is just yours and you’re theirs. A constant. Your person in this world who knows you better than anyone.”

  “Nope, not even a little fucking bit. I love my life. I love free booze and free pussy. Cheers, bitch,” he says with a grin as he clinks his shot glass to mine again.

  Just then a drunk kid stumbles into the kitchen and slams right into Blake’s back. Oh, fuck. Blake spins on his heel and grabs the kid by the throat. He slams him into the refrigerator with a loud thud.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he questions the kid who looks like he is about to piss his pants.

  “Blake, let him go,” I sigh. This shit gets old. Blake’s temper is off the charts. No matter how many chicks he fucks or how many people he drills on the football field, nothing seems to soothe him. He has some deep rooted anger issues. I toss back one more shot and grab Blake by the shoulder before someone shouts.

  “Hey! Blake!” the voice travels over the crowd that has gathered to watch.

  Blake turns his head to see who is coming, but his grip remains tight on the throat on the drunk kid who ran into him.

  “Finn, buddy! What’s shaking?” Blake says with a smile. Finn is baseball player and one of our good friends. His baseball boys are good dudes and we party with them sometimes. Plus, they throw hella good tailgate parties that get the student section pumped up before our games.

  “Not much. Can you let you go of Alex? He’s one of ours. Kinda want to keep him in one piece for playoffs,” he asks Blake.

  “No shit. This scrawny piece of shit who can’t hold his booze is here with you?” Blake eyes Finn and tightens his grip on Alex’s neck as he turns and looks at the kid’s face.

  “Yeah, bro. He’s shitfaced. Can’t hold his liquor obviously. Can you spare him the beat down this time? We’ll take him home.” Finn
motions toward him and two other baseball players, Stoner and Gomez, standing behind him.

  “Yeah, we’ll get him out of here before he yacks on someone,” Gomez offers.

  “Come on, bro, don’t ruin the night this early,” I tell Blake and squeeze his shoulder.

  “Fine,” Blake concedes and releases Alex who gasps for air.

  “Thanks, bro,” Finn says as he pats Blake on the back. “Let’s go, dickhead.” He grabs Alex by the shirt and drags him from the kitchen.

  “Well, BDB has a heart after all,” I say with a chuckle.

  “You can shut your fucking mouth or I’ll let you take that kid’s place.”

  “Yeah, good one.” I throw back another shot and grab a beer from the refrigerator.

  “Hey, sweet ass,” I hear a female voice purr behind me. Tori.

  “Hey, yourself,” I reply with a smile.

  “How long have you been here?” she asks. She has clearly been drinking and dancing in the basement. She is a sweaty mess, but she’s still one of the prettiest girls here.

  “About an hour.”

  “And you didn’t come dance with me?”

  “Nah, didn’t feel like dancing. I’m conserving my energy.”

  “For what? It’s not like you’re going to fuck me or anything,” she goads.

  “Whoa, fuck this. I’m going outside to the fire,” Blake says and holds his hands up in self-defense as if Tori is going to attack him. He’s made it clear he isn’t a fan of Tori, but I like her. She’s the opposite of what I had and I think it’s just what I need right now.

  “That changes tonight,” I tell her and her eyes darken. Lust. I know Tori doesn’t love me, but I think we care about each other. It could grow into something more. Something deeper like Mac and KK or Bateman and Blaire.

  She doesn’t waste a beat, grabbing me by the hand, weaving me through the crowd, and up the stairs and into a bedroom. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind. I was hoping to take her back to my house and do this in my own room for the first time.

  The bedroom is small with a closet, desk, and queen sized bed. There is a TV mounted in one corner adjacent to a window. It’s actually fairly clean considering whoever lives here is a college-aged frat boy.


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