The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 4

by Juliet Anderson

  “I needed to see you.” She pulled away from him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Well, not so much nothing. Since you left, I’ve been having trouble controlling my powers. Not even Jasper has been able to sort me out.”

  He reached out and touched the side of her face. “And how can I help fix that?”

  “You just have,” she grinned. “But there is another reason I’m here. Magnus and I are thinking about another trip.”

  “You’re going away?” He did not want her to leave, he needed to have her close, even if it was in another realm.

  “We have to find Aria’s dagger and medallion.”

  “They are in Iceland, are they not?”

  “Iceland and Greenland.”

  “When do you leave?”

  “Probably within the week, I’ve yet to set the details. Or more accurately, rely on Birdie to do the planning.”

  “It could be dangerous. With Valkarin regenerated, the Vokteren will want to make sure those items are not found.”

  “Luckily for us, they haven’t a clue where the items are located. But Magnus and I could do with your help.”

  “With what?” he asked eagerly.

  “We want you to come with us. Magnus thinks I need two protectors.”

  “Has something happened?”

  “Someone did try to terminate me a few days ago.”

  Wilhelm swore under his breath. “Who?”

  “We’re not sure. They were dressed like Vokteren, but Jasper assures me that Valkarin wants me alive for now.”

  “That is refreshing to know. But who else could it have been?”

  “Someone who wants Aria’s bracelet perhaps. Which is why I do not want to delay this trip.”

  “Is the bracelet safe?”

  “Yes. It is in our special place,” she smiled knowingly.

  “You know I would follow you anywhere. And as my father and I are at loggerheads, perhaps a trip is in order.”

  “Perfect,” she ran her mouth over his. “You really will be retracing your Viking heritage.”

  A noise out the front of the temple made them both turn. Erin could quite clearly hear her mother’s voice. “Yes, come on through, Wilhelm is in the back room.”

  Erin cloaked herself immediately and retreated to a corner.

  Ajax appeared, looking a little rosy cheeked. “Wilhelm,” he puffed. “You are a tough person to track down.”

  “Sorry, I was consulting with Lodraill. What did you need me for?”

  “I have found something in the Archives that might interest you. There was reference to another potion that could kill Valkarin?”

  “How interesting,” Lodraill piped up. “What potion?”

  “A list of basic ingredients for a sorcerer, but with the addition of small amount of Aria’s ground bones.”

  “And that would kill Valkarin?” Wilhelm queried.

  “Yes. Such was Aria’s hatred for her husband, her bones would be quite toxic for him.”

  Wilhelm felt Erin’s soft hands run down his back and gently stroke his butt. “Do you have any idea where…where her tomb is?” How could he think clearly when she touched him?

  Ajax shook his head. “Not yet. But I will keep working on it.”

  Wilhelm jumped as Erin blew hot air into his ear.

  “Very well, keep me p…posted,” he squeaked. Erin was running her hand up over his thigh, it was positively torturous.

  “Erin, please stop tormenting Wilhelm,” Lodraill chastised her daughter after Ajax had left.

  “But mum,” she complained dropping her shield. “I was having such fun.”

  “Behave, young lady.” Lodraill looked towards the door. “You should return to Muirhead before you endanger both yourself and Wilhelm.” She kissed her daughter’s cheek. “I will see you again soon. And one of these days we will have a proper mother-daughter catch up.”

  Lodraill left Erin with Wilhelm once more.

  “Mum is right, I should get going.”

  “In a moment,” Wilhelm grunted and kissed her enticingly, his hands inflicting the same torment he had just received. “Now get going whilst I can still let you leave.”

  “I will let you know our departure date.”

  Wilhelm knew from the emptiness of the room that she had gone. He was thrilled she wanted him on their trip, but it was the unknown assailants that concerned him. Who else would want Erin dead? Obviously not Valkarin just yet. Heinrekh would only kill her himself, not send some hired help. So who else was there? His father? That thought left a very acrid taste in his mouth.

  He was looking forward to following in his ancestors’ footsteps. As a child he had heard many tales about the Icelandic Vikings and now he was about to pay them a visit.

  “You know Erin will never want you leave,” Birdie glanced over her paperwork at Jasper who had books sprawled all over the library table.

  “Much as it pains me to say it, I don’t want to go. This household is completely barking mad and I am so very fond of it.”

  “I think she regards you as a father figure. And she is desperately in need of one. Teenagers need guidance, especially ones with rather startling powers.”

  “I am honoured she thinks so much of me, considering my family line. But does she not speak to her father from time to time?”

  “Yes, but she needs a living one. And as for you being a Voktere, that does add a little complication, but I know she trusts you with her life.”

  “She returned my son to me, I owe her everything.”

  “But it goes deeper than just gratitude,” Birdie stated flatly.

  “Yes. I feel her pain at losing her parents, or at least believing she had, and for never truly fitting in. And then to cope with the realisation of what she has been left to clear up. For a girl of her years, she has acted with great maturity.”

  “You know there might come a time when you have to decide where you stand?” Birdie thought she’d better broach the subject.

  “Yes,” Jasper gave half a smile. “But for now, we’ll see how things pan out.” He stood up and came around the table to Birdie, pulling her to her feet. “You do realise we are quite alone in the house this afternoon. Erin is in Lokranor and Magnus and Ingrid out shopping.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Birdie ran her hand over his chest.

  “I think we should use this moment of peace more wisely than looking at books and paperwork,” his breath was warm in her ear.

  “Are you saying what I think you are, Jasper Voktere?” Birdie tried to sound a little affronted, but was anything but.

  “Most definitely.” Birdie made him feel like a man again. And that man had some very pressing needs. Just as he took her hand, his phone rang loudly.

  “Do you have to get that?” Birdie sighed. It was so killing the moment.

  “Yes. It’s Isafor.”

  Birdie watched Jasper head out the library. She could not completely understand what they were saying, they were speaking in Norwegian, but from Jasper’s raised tone, she could tell he was not happy. Perhaps the war was approaching quicker than they all thought.

  “Not good news, I take it?” Birdie stated when he reappeared.

  “Valkarin wants to meet Erin.”

  “There is no way Erin is going to Isleberg,” Birdie said flatly.

  “No. He’s coming here.” Jasper sighed. “He is first and foremost visiting Sasha. But as he is here, he is keen to meet the child he has heard so much about.”

  “Heinrekh might have been invited into this house, but I draw the line at Valkarin. If Erin is happy to meet with him, then it will have to be at McBride Castle.”

  “I’ll broach the subject when she returns from Lokranor.” Jasper hoped she’d be in a receptive mood having just seen Wilhelm. He slipped his arms around Birdie. “Now I do believe we were on our way somewhere before that phone call interrupted us.”


  Lars was pacing up and down in the
hall of McBride Castle. He was more than a little nervous waiting for Valkarin to show. He was worried about how the meeting with Sasha and Erin would go. Sasha was still very volatile, she had not spoken to Heinrekh since their argument a few days ago. And Erin was flexing her muscles, eager to protect her friend. He really was caught in the middle. Not to mention Magnus was behaving like an overprotective brother.

  The sound of an engine outside got his attention. He opened the front door and admitted Valkarin. For a man that had been dead two thousand years, he certainly had an impressive aura about him.

  “Welcome to McBride Castle,” the hostess in Sasha took over.

  Valkarin bowed formally, taking hold of her hand and kissing it. “A pleasure to meet you, Sasha McBride.”

  Erin headed over to Isafor, feeling this was a bit like a Voktere reunion. “Isafor,” she smiled, “we meet again.”

  “We do, although under slightly different circumstances this time.” He steered her towards Valkarin. “My Lord is eager to meet you too.”

  “Now there’s a surprise,” she murmured and turned to face the even darker one. It did strike her how similar he looked to Heinrekh. Long blonde hair and good bone structure must run in their family.

  Valkarin bowed but made no attempt to touch her, a wise move. Instead he started to circle her, a bit like a cat stalking its prey. “At last I meet my worthy challenger,” his black eyes bore into her. “I have heard much about you.”

  “I’m glad my reputation precedes me,” she refused to be intimidated by him. “Sadly, all I know about you is the few snippets I’ve read in some dusty old volumes.”

  He spun around sharply to face her, clearly not expecting to be insulted. Before he had a chance to respond, Sasha wisely stepped in.

  “Why don’t we go through to the living room?” she ushered him through the door before giving Erin a look that could kill.

  “How is your confinement progressing?” Valkarin asked as he took a seat.

  “Well, so I believe. I am due to have my first scan shortly.”

  “Scan for what?”

  “To check that the baby is healthy,” she responded, recalling that modern neonatal clinics did not exist in Valkarin’s time.

  “I can tell you that from one touch of your abdomen.”

  “Not wishing to offend, the only person who touches my abdomen is Heinrekh or a midwife,” Sasha responded demurely. “Now please excuse my manners, I have not yet offered you some wine.”

  Valkarin took the glass from her. “I am surprised you are not living in Vasmaar.”

  “This is my home and I plan to stay here with my child.”

  “Your son belongs in the Second Realm. Whilst I have no problem with him visiting this Realm, he will be brought up in Lokranor and Vasmaar.”

  “I will bring my child up where I choose and neither you nor Heinrekh will bully me into doing what you want,” Sasha responded firmly.

  “So Heinrekh has already pressured you to move to Vasmaar?”

  “Yes. And lost. I will say no more on this subject.”

  “Regrettably my dear, I will. You carry my heir. His place will be by my side when I rule Lokranor.”

  Erin could detect Sasha’s temper starting to fray so stepped in. “Perhaps this is a conversation to have if and when you actually manage to conquer Lokranor. From what I have read, your descendants have tried many times but failed.”

  Those black eyes rested a little too long on Erin, making her wonder whether she was about to see a demonstration from the main man himself. Sadly, he had remarkable control over his temper. But then he was not a hormonal teen, pregnant or not.

  “The priestesses of Lokranor have become weak over the last two millennia and therefore Lodraill poses no threat to me whatsoever. In fact I will be generous to you, Erin. I am aware your mother has been absent for most of your life, so I will give her free passage back to this Realm to be with you as long as you do not attempt to interfere.”

  “Let me guess, you’re acting out the kindness of your heart and nothing to do with the fact that I am the only person who can actually challenge you.” Erin retorted sarcastically.

  “If you think a mere girl of eighteen has the ability to challenge me, you are deluded. I made the offer because I admire your strengths. Nothing more.”

  “Your Vokteren brothers have obviously not kept you up to date on current issues. Whilst I care not for King Olav, I have a relationship with Prince Wilhelm. I cannot sit idly by and watch you take his birth right from him.”

  “The birth right is mine,” Valkarin snapped. “It always has been and I will succeed in getting my lineage back on that throne.”

  “Back on the throne? I didn’t realise it was ever on it,” she taunted.

  “Aria was Brimir’s only child. By rights her son should have succeeded to the throne. Instead Brimir announced his nephew as his successor.”

  “Quite legal in the Viking world. A daughter cannot take the throne. And even if Brimir did give the throne to Aria’s son, you never would have got to rule.”

  Valkarin got to his feet, Erin followed suit. The tension in the room was crackling, sparks could fly at any moment.

  Sasha jumped in before her living room got trashed. “This argument has one major flaw. My son is being raised here, so will not be ruling anywhere. If you want to wreak havoc on Lokranor, Valkarin, I have no problem with that.” She turned to Magnus who was standing in the shadows. “Sorry, but it’s the truth. I hate the place.” She faced Valkarin again. “Try and pressure me to live in the Second Realm and I will disappear south with your precious heir.”

  “You would deny him the throne of Lokranor?” Valkarin’s tone was exceptionally chilly.

  “Yes. He is a McBride and will be raised as one. I will not have him dragged into your millennia long war.”

  “The child is also Heinrekh’s. Does he not have a say in this?”

  “The same response applies.”

  “You are aware that I can force you to do my bidding?” Valkarin moved to simple threats.

  “If you think you can compel a bad-tempered redhead with major hormonal imbalance, then please try. Everyone here would welcome it.”

  “I meant abduct you,” he hissed.

  Sasha laughed and so did Erin.

  “Did I say something to amuse you both?” he asked scathingly.

  “How is Aria? Did you wake your ever-loving wife from her eternal slumber?” Erin goaded. “I thought you would have learnt a valuable lesson from her that abducting a woman is not a good move.”

  Valkarin let out a loud snarl at the mention of his wife’s name. Erin was surprised to see Isafor shrink into the background a little. He obviously feared Valkarin. Foolishly, she didn’t.

  “No-one mentions that woman’s name.”

  “Sorry, we are not fully versed in your history. Although Aria herself has become quite a legend. Didn’t she write that manual How to kill your evil husband in seven easy steps?” Erin knew she was treading a very dangerous line, but she could not help herself. He was so up himself.

  Valkarin raised his hand, Erin did likewise. Both their palms were glowing blue and sparking.

  Lars was the voice of reason. “I think it best if we end this meeting before anything happens we regret.” He stepped in to protect Sasha, not that she was actually in any direct harm, but if Valkarin and Erin kicked off, then everyone in the room was in danger. “Sasha is still coming to terms with her pregnancy and all that it entails. Perhaps in a few weeks, she might see things differently.” He squeezed her arm as a sign that she should stay silent.

  Magnus came forward and propelled a growling Erin into the room next door.

  Valkarin said nothing, he just swept from the room and out to the waiting car. Isafor glanced at Lars before leaving. “That was well done of you. Keep working on her.”

  Lars and Magnus both flopped down on the sofa after Valkarin and Isafor had left.

  “That went well,” Lars gr

  Magnus gave Erin a dark look. “Do you have a death wish? Were you deliberately trying to piss off the world’s most dangerous sorcerer or are you just plain dumb?”

  “Oh, it was deliberate. The guy needed to see we weren’t scared or intimidated by him.”

  “Why, dare I ask?”

  “He’ll be worried I might have some power he is unaware of. Only one who is so sure in their abilities would taunt him like that.”


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