The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 16

by Juliet Anderson

  Those cold eyes of Valkarin’s glared at him as soon as he entered.

  “You called for me?” Heinrekh glowered back.

  “I want Sasha brought here today.”

  “I’m sure you do. But she will do what she wants,” Heinrekh responded flatly.

  “Her wishes are of no concern to me,” he waved his hand dismissively. “If you cannot persuade her, I will send a group of Vokteren to bring her here.”

  “She already has a Vokteren guard.”

  “He is there for her protection only. Besides, I do not think he is that loyal to me.”

  “He is a Voktere by birth and you question his loyalty?” Heinrekh was shocked.

  “Jasper Voktere has joined Erin McLomard’s camp permanently. His son may therefore follow.”

  “I was not aware Erin was well-known to Lars.”

  “Did she not rescue him from your dungeons? He is honour bound to stand next to her.” Valkarin wandered out onto the terrace and surveyed the city below him. “It is very satisfying looking down on the city I now own.”

  “I’m sure it is,” Heinrekh grunted.

  “When you see Sasha later, give her my ultimatum. If she does not come voluntarily, we will bring her here by force.”

  Heinrekh was about to open his mouth, then stopped. An idea was forming. If he let Erin know Valkarin was planning to abduct Sasha, she could stop the Vokteren without breaking a sweat. Sasha would then be in a much more harmonious mood towards him. This could work very much in his favour.

  “I will pass on your message,” he bowed and left feeling much happier. Valkarin would soon suffer another humiliation at Erin’s hands.

  Gudrun intercepted him in the Great Hall before he could leave. “It seems strange talking to Lokranor’s sworn enemy but right now, I do believe you are on our side.”

  “I am on no-one’s side by my own,” he bowed formally.

  “That I do not believe entirely, however we share a common goal.”

  He nodded picking up her meaning. “Indeed we do, my lady.”

  “Have you heard anything through Sasha about my son?”

  Heinrekh saw the pained expression in the Queen’s lovely eyes. “I understand he and Lodraill are with Erin.”

  “I should not ask this of you, but when you see Sasha next, could you pass a message to him through her?”

  Sasha had spoken at length about Gudrun’s kindness towards her when she had been held hostage by Olav. He therefore owed the Queen a favour in return. “I will, my lady.”

  “Just tell him that he is not to do anything rash, he will regain his rightful place but all in good time. Valkarin is expecting a move from Erin and Wilhelm, so do not oblige him yet.” She gave Heinrekh an appreciative smile. “He has always been a little fiery.”

  Heinrekh chuckled. “I look forward to the day we are back fighting each other.”

  “Me too,” she smiled and patted Heinrekh’s arm.

  He watched her glide across the Great Hall, she really was the epitome of elegance. It was good to know that they had an ally still in the Queen, she could prove very beneficial to their fight back.

  Gudrun felt better than she had in a while. At least now she knew Wilhelm was safely settled in Muirhead and Erin would see to it he did nothing foolish. Then again, Erin was not the most patient teenager on the planet. But they had each other, that was important.

  “Did you have an interesting conversation with Heinrekh of Vasmaar?” Valkarin interrogated her as soon as she stepped back into the Royal Quarters. “I was unaware you knew him.”

  Valkarin’s tone made her very wary. “In truth, we have never met.”

  “So what did you talk about?” his voice was incredibly chilly.

  “I was asking about Sasha.”


  “I got to know the girl when she was a captive of Olav’s briefly and also spent time with her when I was in the First Realm. Such a lovely person. I was enquiring about her confinement and how it was going.” She purposefully walked towards her bedroom as she was speaking. To her annoyance, he followed.

  “And Heinrekh’s response?”

  “About as useful as I would expect from a man. Just that she was still irritable and increasing in size.” Gudrun made the decision to throw Valkarin off his interrogation. He might be the evilest of sorcerers but she knew his weakness. “Now if you’ve finished giving me the third degree for talking to one of your subjects, I’m going to bathe.” Her dress slipped from her body, leaving her wearing just a thin slip.

  It had the desired effect as she heard the low growl in his chest. “I apologise, madam, but I am a somewhat suspicious of those around me.” He took hold of her and steered her towards the bed.

  “My bath?” she looked at him innocently.

  “That can wait, I can’t,” he grunted as his top was stripped off.

  Erin tracked down Magnus. “I need a lift into Thurso,” she smiled sweetly.

  “Can’t you take your bike?”

  “It’s not yet back from the garage.”

  “I can’t drive you right now, I’ve got things to do,” he grunted.

  “Like what?”


  “Excuse me for asking, but isn’t your prime directive to protect me?” she scowled.

  “Yes. And you’re not going anywhere right now.”

  Erin let out a frustrated hiss. “Fat lot of use you are.”

  “Insulting me isn’t going to get you your lift.”

  “I haven’t started yet. When I do I’ll use short words so you understand,” she stalked out the room. She had to get to Thurso. Luckily Birdie was a little more obliging.

  “What do you need to go for?”

  Erin explained about melting down the two wristbands into one.

  “Give me five minutes, and we’ll get on our way.”

  Scuttling back up to her room, Erin retrieved the two bands and put them in a soft pouch. She also picked up her Lokranor medallion, the jewellery maker would need an idea of what the engraving should look like.

  “You realise it has been an age since it was just you and I,” Birdie glanced over at her niece as the RangeRover ate up the distance between Muirhead and Thurso.

  “Yeah, the house has been rather chaotic the last few months.”

  “Mad house is more like it,” Birdie chuckled. She was used to living quite a solitary life.

  “It’s going to seem very empty when everyone leaves.”


  “We will defeat Valkarin, I’m sure of it. Then Wilhelm, Lodraill, Ingrid and Magnus will all return to Lokranor.”

  “You’re very sure about defeating Valkarin.”

  “I have to be. Besides, I was born with black blood and these gifts for a reason.”

  “You made no mention of Jasper leaving?”

  “I will still need my tutor and you don’t want your male friend to leave.”

  “No, I’ve kind of got used to having him around. We mesh together very well.”

  “Is that what you call it,” Erin snickered.

  “Enough cheek from you, young lady, else you will be walking to Thurso.”

  “What it is to be loved.”

  “Talking of love, I gather your relationship with Wilhelm has moved on.”

  Why was everyone so interested in their relationship? “It has,” Erin felt her cheeks redden.

  “What happens when Wilhelm returns to Lokranor?”

  “It’s only a gateway that separates us,” Erin shrugged. She’d not really given it much thought, they were kind of living in the now.

  “He will be king.”

  “And? Even kings are allowed a relationship.”

  Birdie chuckled. “But a king cannot keep nipping through a gateway to see his girlfriend.”

  “The gateway does go both ways, Birdie.”

  Erin deliberately stared out the window at the countryside, giving Birdie a clear message they were done talking relationships.
Wilhelm had taken up residence in her head. When, not if, they retook Lokranor, he would be king. Quite a scary thought. And would be still feel the same about her? Her hand went instinctively to the Lokranor medallion around her neck. Guess she would find out when that eventually happened. Her thoughts drifted on to Gudrun; she prayed the Queen was in one piece and not suffering too much at Valkarin’s hands. A wise man would treat such a woman well, but Valkarin was a law unto himself.

  The journey did not take long and Heather, the jewellery designer, was more than happy to carry out Erin’s request.

  “It’s a simple enough task, I should have it completed in two days.”

  “That’s great. Just take care of the medallion. It has great sentimental value.” Erin fixed her with a stern look.

  “It will be locked in my safe,” Heather assured her.

  As Erin was leaving her phone beeped. “Can you drop me at Sasha’s?” Erin asked Birdie. “She’s just got back from her trip to Venice.”

  “Yes. Just call when you want collecting and I’ll send Magnus.”

  “Hey, pregnant lady,” Erin hugged her friend. “You’re looking totally chilled.”

  “I feel it,” Sasha beamed. “Venice was wonderful.”

  “Even Lars looks unscathed.” Erin glanced over at him standing in the shadows of the entrance hall.

  “Yeah,” Sasha pulled her through to the kitchen. “He’s not such a toad as he used to be.”

  “Have you heard from the Dark Destroyer?”

  “Not yet, but then I’ve only been back a short while.”

  “I thought he’d be pacing the hallway waiting for you.”

  “He’s very jumpy about leaving Vasmaar as he’s worried Valkarin might remove him permanently.”

  Erin shivered. “That guy really gives me the creeps. It’s not natural for a two thousand year old body to look like that.”

  “The Vikings must have been good at embalming,” Sasha made Erin a cappuccino.

  It was then Erin caught sight of the ring. “Bloody hell, that’s a rock and a half.”

  Sasha gave her a shy smile. “Heinrekh wanted to make our engagement official.”

  “And with that kind of bling, you weren’t about not say no,” Erin gawped at the rock.

  “True. But under that hard exterior is a warm, caring man. Not the evil sorcerer you believe. Talking of evil, you know Heinrekh will support you whenever you make a move against Valkarin?”

  “I thought he might. Life was so much easier when it was just he and I trying to exterminate each other.”

  Sasha laughed. “Yes, and if you succeed in sending Valkarin back to the underworld, you and he will no doubt resume your battle for Lokranor.”

  “Actually it’s Wilhelm who will now. He will be king.”

  “How is he doing?”

  “He’s hiding the pain well. He and his father did not part on good terms when last they saw each other, but it is his mother who concerns him more.”

  “I understand Valkarin has quite a soft spot for her, offered to keep her on as Queen.”

  “And she stayed?” Erin asked incredulously.

  “I think it was more along the lines of stay or I’ll massacre all the citizens.”

  “That would explain it.”

  Lars raced into the kitchen drawing his gun. “We’ve got company.”

  “Who?” Sasha jumped to her feet.

  “I don’t think it’s the Girl Guides selling cookies,” Erin headed to the front door. “Your nearest and dearest forewarned me the Vokteren might pay a visit. Stay close to Lars.”

  She walked out the front of the house to intercept the group before they got too close. “State your purpose,” she barked at them, hands raised.

  “We have not fight with you, McLomard,” one Vokteren spoke. “We are here to safely escort Valkarin’s heir to Lokranor.”

  “Sasha is going nowhere, so I suggest you leave now whilst you still can.”

  “Not without the heir.”

  “Take one step further and I will annihilate you and your men.”

  “I think that unlikely.”

  They rushed at her, but Erin was quick. With one wave of her hand, they were knocked back several meters.

  “Come at me again and I will turn you to ash.” Her hands were raised to strike.

  All but two charged forward. A burst of Loxhadrin vaporised them. She watched the remaining two race back towards the gateway; she almost felt sorry for them, Valkarin would turn them to dust himself for failing in their mission.

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to play nice?” Sasha touched her shoulder.

  “No. I was raised by my father,” Erin retorted.

  “Dare I ask that that was all about?”

  “Valkarin wants you in Lokranor.”

  “I take it not as a day visitor?”

  “I guess not. The guy does not like the word no, does he?” Erin grinned.

  “He certainly belongs in another era. Perhaps the one he was born in to. You said Heinrekh forewarned you?”

  “Yeah, I wish to God he wouldn’t project into my bedroom. It’s a bit pervy.”

  Sasha laughed. “It’s probably the best way to get your attention.”

  “That he did. If he had been there in person, he would have got a black eye.”

  “Valkarin won’t be happy you decimated his men,” Lars spoke up.

  “I know, I kind of sent him a message. If he wants Sasha, he’ll have to come get her himself.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Sasha headed back to the kitchen. “Whatever that creep threatens.”

  Erin got the feeling that Sasha might not have that much choice if Valkarin descended. “How’s Angus?” she asked out the blue. “I’ve not seen him for an age.”

  “Me neither,” Sasha shrugged. “He comes and goes at weird times.”

  “So he’s not back at Uni then?”

  “No. But with him, who knows.”

  Maybe it was worth a bit of mind searching, Erin thought. She’d found out Angus was the traitor in the Lokmuir Circle after she entered his mind. Finding out what he was up to now could be beneficial. Although she wasn’t too sure she really wanted to go there again, the images he had of her made her feel quite nauseous.


  Erin stood in the concealed chamber off her father’s study, staring at Aria’s crystal. It was a risky move but she needed to talk to Valkarin’s former wife. She figured with Valkarin seething over the news that she had blocked his attempt to move Sasha to Lokranor, his mind would be focused elsewhere.

  No time like the present, she told herself, and gripped the crystal with both hands. Aria’s pretty face came into view in her mind.

  “We meet again, Erin McLomard. How goes your quest?”

  “Reasonably well. We have the artefacts and have banded together the other items. It’s just the location of your resting place we have difficulty finding.”

  “Search your mind, child. I am the mirror opposite of my husband, surrounded in life and death by wolves.”

  Erin would have to work on that cryptic clue later. “I understand there is a book you gave Tobin?”

  “Yes, one which you will find most useful. Always wear your medallion when using it otherwise you will turn like my husband.”

  “Thank you,” Erin smiled as the image started to fade. She really would like to have met Aria in person.

  Returning to her chair by the fire in the study, Erin contemplated what Aria had told her. She was the mirror opposite of Valkarin. He was in a chamber above ground, did that mean she was buried in a vault underground? And where? In Vasmaar? Unlikely. Perhaps she was in the First Realm, where Tobin retreated? And what did she mean by the reference to wolves? She was lost.

  Then there was the book. Magnus, Wilhelm, Birdie and Lodraill had spent the last two days searching the house for McLomard dragon symbols, but all the hiding spots they uncovered revealed no book.

  She stood up and stretch
ed. The weather was not too vile at the moment, so a ride would clear her head. Wilhelm was more than happy to join her, they had to grab any chance to be alone.


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