MORGAN, JOHN PIERPONT, JUNIOR (‘Jack’), 318; shooting at Gannochy, 205n; visits QE, 220 & n; sends wartime food parcels to QE, 318
Morris, Private C., 48–9
Morton, Andrew: Diana: Her True Story, 605n
Mosley, Sir Oswald and Diana, Lady (née Mitford), 252 & n
Mountbatten, Edwina, Countess (née Ashley), 164
Mountbatten, Admiral of the Fleet Louis, 1st Earl (‘Dickie’), 164 & n, 395 & n, 403, 432, 606n
Mouvet, Maurice, 92
Mulholland, Dame Olivia, 528 & n
Munich Agreement (1938), 257
Munro, Hugh, 41
Murdoch, Rupert, 608
Murless, Sir Noel, 480
Mussolini, Benito, 212, 214n, 243
Mutesa II KBE, Kabaka of Uganda, 508
Nagasaki, 385
Naseby Hall, Northamptonshire, 171 & n, 172
Nash, Paul, 358 & n
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 495n
National Government (1931), 185n
National Health Service, 452
Nehru, Jawaharlal (Pandit), 434 & n
Netherlands: Royal Family succession, 407n
New York World Fair (1939), 271
New Zealand: QE and GVI tour (1927), 150, 154–7; GVI cancels trip (1948), 409; rail accident (1953), 478 & n; QE visits (1958), 498–9; (1966), 530n, 533–4, 535
Nicolson, Sir Harold, 75
Nigeria: Elizabeth II tours (1956), 492n; independence, 506
Nightingale, Florence, 168n
Nkrumah, Kwame, 520 & n
Noel-Buxton, Noel Edward Buxton, 1st Baron, 128 & n
North Africa: wartime settlement, 341; GVI visits troops, 350 & n, 352
Northampton, Emma, Marchioness of (née Lady Mary Thynne), 65, 105 & n
Northern Ireland: QE and GVI visit (1924), 73
Northern Rhodesia, 511
Norwich City Football Club, 547
Nunburnholme, Mary, Lady (née Lady Mary Thynne), 104, 105n
Ogilvy, Bruce, 52 & n, 79, 114
Ogilvy, Sir Angus, 618
Olav V, King (earlier Crown Prince) of Norway, 166, 293 & n, 294, 304, 586
Olga, Princess Paul of Yugoslavia (née Princess Olga of Greece), 122n, 124, 280, 310n, 334, 413n, 467, 477
Opalescent (racehorse), 502
Oppenheim, E. Phillips, 141
Osborn, Victor, 147
Osborne, Sir D’Arcy see Leeds, 12th Duke of
Osborne House, Isle of Wight, 198 & n
Oslo, 166–7
Oswald, Sir Michael and Lady Angela, 580 & n
Owen, Dr David, Baron, 571 & n
Pacific Islands: Elizabeth II tours (1982), 580
Pajama Game, The (stage musical, 486
Palmer, Lady Mary, 367 & n
Palmer-Tomkinson, Charlie, 610
Palmer’s Shipyard, Jarrow, 218 & n
Paquin, Jeanne, 32 & n
Paris: QE visits, 92–3, 131, 189, 191, 214; GVI and QE make official visit (1938), 257n; falls to Germans (1940), 292n; liberated (1944), 377
Parker, Lieut. J., 51, 53–4, 157
Parvin (decorator), 150
Paul, King of the Hellenes, 391n
PAUL, PRINCE OF YUGOSLAVIA, 279, 285, 413, 466, 562; in Paris, 92; and QE’s engagement, 110; marriage, 122n, 124–5; wartime activities, 299, 310 & n, 334; exile, 413n; treatment in Switzerland, 413; visits Sandringham, 477
Pavlova, Anna, 203 & n
Pearce, Ernest, 29n, 39, 61 & n, 111, 113, 206 & n, 207, 534
Pearce, Mary Ann Whitfield, 29n
Pearl Harbor (1941), 244, 315
Pearl, James, 531, 535, 540, 557, 610n
PEARS, (SIR) PETER, 552; 478n, 542, 558, 559n
Peebles, Catherine, 479, 482
PEEL, LADY DELIA (née Spencer), 446; 53, 397
Pelly, Adrian and Andrea, 475
PENN, SIR ARTHUR HORACE, 108, 110, 256, 320, 326, 327, 329, 363, 373, 387, 406, 442, 445, 460, 484; on Barson’s grief at death of Lady Strathmore, 30n; QE meets, 33 & n; at Bisham, 94; QE tells of engagement to GVI, 108; mother’s death, 320n; sister killed by V1 flying bomb, 363 & n; and School of Needlework, 395; gives present to QE, 406, 442; and purchase of portrait of George III, 410; and QE’s purchase of Castle of Mey, 460–1; and Princess Margaret–Townsend romance, 470; and expenses at Castle of Mey, 484; arranges QE’s visit to Clarks at Saltwood, 497n; leaves clock to QE on death, 514–15 & n
Penn, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Eric and Prudence, Lady (née Stewart Wilson), 515 & n, 544
Penn, Olive, 363n
PENN, PRUDENCE, LADY (née Stewart Wilson), 544
Perrick, Eve, 441, 486
Persepolis, 557
Persia see Iran
Petter, Sir Ernest, 106 n
PHILIP, PRINCE, DUKE OF EDINBURGH, 401, 405, 417, 422, 424, 429, 445, 472, 510, 526, 541, 549, 561, 566, 586, 598, 606, 612; honeymoon at Birkhall, 168n; engagement and marriage, 245, 400–1, 403; and accession of Elizabeth II, 246; background and career, 400; QE’s kinship with, 401n; Halliday portrait of, 417; Beryl Poignand’s pen portrait of, 417; naval career, 418, 429; stationed in Malta, 418–20, 435; relations with QE, 422–3 & n, 424; gives plates to QE, 424, 476; writes to GVI on Navy, 424; returns from Malta, 427, 429–30; falls from pony, 437; tour of Canada with Princess Elizabeth, 440–1; on death of GVI, 445; moves into Buckingham Palace, 456; on Commonwealth tour (1953), 474n, 478, 480; on official tour of Nigeria, 492; at Princess Margaret’s wedding, 510; at Balmoral, 512; shooting, 512; tour of India (1961), 512, 514; and Charles’s schooling at Gordonstoun, 516n; in Caribbean (1966), 530; mother’s death, 541; gives own paintings to QE, 549 & n; visit to Canada (1973), 551; sends book to QE, 561; lends A Romanov Diary to QE, 598; and Edinburgh tables (genealogy), 606 & n; birthday (1996), 612; Men, Machines and Sacred Cows, 586 & n; A Windsor Correspondence, 586n
Phillips, Mark, 566n
Phillips, Peter, 566n
Phillips, Zara, 566n
Pietri, François, 214
Piper, John, 336 & n, 358, 383
Plunket, Patrick, 7th Baron, 486
Plymouth: bombed in war, 309
Poe, Edgar Allan, 169 & n
POIGNAND, BERYL, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 90, 91, 111, 112, 113; as QE’s governess and companion, 7, 23n; background and career, 23n; accompanies QE to theatre, 32–3; QE addresses as ‘Medusa’, 35 & n; and QE’s actions at Glamis fire, 41; works in War Office, 47; brother promoted, 50; QE’s fondness for, 61; QE tells of engagement, 111; visits QE, 118; writes on Princess Elizabeth, 183; writes pen-portrait of Prince Philip, 417; wishes to see QE’s grandchildren, 432; death, 529
POIGNAND, CATHERINE MAUD (Beryl’s mother), 29
Poland: Germans invade (1939), 243, 276; troops in Britain in war, 306–8
Polesden Lacey, Surrey, 86n, 119, 325
Portarlington, Winnafreda, Countess of, 863
Potsdam Conference (1945), 385
Powis, George Charles Herbert, 4th Earl and Violet, Countess of, 59, 598
Prague: Germans occupy (1939), 261n
Pratt’s Club, London, 594 & n
Prince of Wales, HMS: sunk in war, 316
Pushkin, Alexander, 569
Queen Elizabeth, RMS, 392 & n, 485
Queen Mary, RMS, 392n
Ralston, Gavin, 22 & n, 62
Rankin, Lady Jean, 464n, 486, 517n
Rattigan, Sir Terence, 484–5 & n
Rawlings, Amelia, 360
Reading, Stella, Dowager Marchioness of, 331 & n
Reith, John, 1st Baron, 300 & n
Renown, HMS, 151–2, 156, 159–60
Repulse, HMS, 262, 316
Reynolds, Lieutenant J.S., 61n
Rhodes, Cecil, 463, 511
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 286 & n, 300
Roberts, Laurence, 506
Robey, Sir George, 65 & n, 117
Rockefeller, John D., 128
Romania: GVI in, 100
Rome: D’Arcy Osborne in, 173–4, 215 & n, 287, 380, 415; Elizabeth II visits, 437, 517; QE visits, 505–6
ROOSEVELT, ELEANOR, 291, 389, 417; entertains GVI and QE on visit to USA, 270–2; invited to Britain in war, 330, 333 & n; revisits England (1946), 389–90
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano: pre-war speech, 253; entertains GVI and QE on 1939 visit to USA, 270–2; praises QE’s broadcast to American women, 315n; at Hyde Park, New York State, 596
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 596
Rosslyn Chapel, near Edinburgh, 16 & n
Rosten, Leo: H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N, 251
Rostropovich, Mstislav, 530n, 567n, 599
Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount, 186, 229
Royal Academy: ‘The King’s Pictures’ exhibition (1946), 393 & n
Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability, 129n
Royal Lodge, Windsor Great Park: QE and GVI occupy, 77, 190 & n, 197, 199, 202, 207–8, 210; Charles and Anne visit, 475
Royal Marriages Act (1772), 470n
Royal Opera Benevolent Fund, 562
Rumbold, Sir Horace and Etheldred, Lady, 167
Runyon, Damon, 329n
Russell, Bertrand, 3rd Earl, 513–14 & n
Russia, Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of, 301n
Russia, Andrei Alexandrovich and Elisabetta, Prince and Princess of, 301 & n
Russia, Soviet: in war, 316, 329, 379; Garbett visits, 355
Russia, Xenia Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess of, 301 & n
Rutland, Violet, Duchess of, 34
St James’s Square, London, 6, 10n, 80n, 82
St John of Jerusalem (Order), 223
St Katharine’s College, Regent’s Park, 375, 390
St Paul’s Walden Bury, Hertfordshire: QE at, 3, 6, 11–15, 87, 101, 116; as hospital in Great War, 25; home to Rachel Bowes Lyon in widowhood, then to Simon and Caroline, 518n, 521–2, 548, 592
St Peter’s Court (school), Broadstairs, 17
Salisbury family (Cecils), 71, 79–80
SALISBURY, ELIZABETH, MARCHIONESS OF (earlier Viscountess Cranborne; Betty), 391, 458, 461, 484; invites QE to Cranborne, 458; QE invites to Birkhall, 461; in Uganda, 508
Salisbury, James Edward Hubert Gascoyne-Cecil, 4th Marquess of, 390
SALISBURY, ROBERT GASCOYNE-CECIL, 5th MARQUESS OF (‘Bobbety’), 458, 463, 509; QE visits, 79 & n; visits QE, 392; succeeds to marquessate, 458n; QE invites to Birkhall, 461; entertains QE, 485, 509; in Uganda, 508
Salmon, Roy, 74
Saltwood Castle, Kent, 497
Sandringham, Norfolk: QE misses visit while pregnant, 144; Christmases, 210, 212, 234–5, 253, 388, 442, 476–7, 491, 569; EVIII makes changes, 221–2n; GVI reverses EVIII’s changes, 234; closed in Second World War, 302 & n, 304; Women’s Institute, 302, 304, 452–3; QE at, 404–5; QE deprecates, 424; QE visits as Queen Mother, 460, 466–7, 476–9, 491, 496, 574, 588, 603, 605; QE suggests improvements, 477; servants’ ball, 478; Flower Show (1996), 614n; see also York Cottage
Sassoon, Sir Philip, 89
School of Needlework, 198, 395
Scotland: QE and GVI tour in war, 305–7; Polish troops in, 307–8; see also Balmoral; Birkhall; Glamis; Mey, Castle of
Scott, Caroline (née Burnaby; then Cavendish-Bentinck; QE’s maternal grandmother), in
Italy, 5 & n, 9
Scott, HMS, 68 & n
Scott, General Sir Thomas Edwin, 132
Seago, Edward, 443
Seaton, P. (steward at White Lodge), 121
Sebright, Lieut.-Col. Sir Giles, 113 & n
Second World War (1939–45): outbreak, 244, 275–6; victory celebrations, 244–5, 382; threat of, 274–5; German bombing campaign against Britain, 292, 296–8, 309, 340; reverses and setbacks, 301; ends in Europe, 382, 384; final end (August 1945), 385
Sefton (horse), 579n
Serbia, 122–5
Settrington, Charles Gordon-Lennox, Lord, 57 & n, 65–7
Seymour, Katherine, Lady (née Hamilton), 55 & n
Seymour, Mme Handley, 116 & n
Shakespeare, William: QE reads, 191, 297
Shaughnessy, Alfred, 597n
Shaw Farm, Windsor Home Park, 475n
Sheean, James Vincent: Between the Thunder and the Sun, 357 & n
Sheldon, Sir Wilfred, 513
Shilluks (Nilotic people), 139–40
Sickert, Walter, 260, 402
Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 307 & n
Simpson, George, 421 & n
Simpson, Wallis see Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of
Simson, Sir Henry, 172, 177, 179
Sisley, Alfred, 260 & n
SITWELL, (DAME) EDITH, 463; poetry, 287 & n; at poetry reading, 338n; sends anthology to QE, 463; A Book of Flowers (anthology), 463
SITWELL, (SIR) OSBERT, 169, 228, 233, 236, 250, 258, 287, 312, 324, 325, 332, 337, 342, 356, 359, 362, 364, 371, 383, 386, 393, 401, 408, 423, 429, 458, 472, 495, 524, 538; QE meets, 165 & n; sends books to QE, 233 & n, 250, 324, 332, 342, 356, 359, 364, 371, 383, 402, 408, 429, 472, 495, 538; and death of Mrs Ronald Greville, 325–6; bequest from Mrs Ronald Greville, 326n; autobiography, 165n, 332, 338, 383n; arranges poetry reading (1943), 338 & n, 342; QE invites to exhibition of Royal Collection paintings, 393; illness, 403, 423; visit to USA, 408; attends Buckingham Palace party, 423; condolences on death of GVI, 459; poetry, 495; England Reclaimed, 357; Gentle Caesar (play; with R. J. Minney), 324; Left Hand Right Hand, 383; The Man Who Lost Himself, 170n; Mrs Kimber, 251; Noble Essences, 429; ‘Rat Week’ (poem), 236 & n; Selected Poems Old and New, 356; Sing High! Sing Low! (essays), 364
Smith, Bay, 79
Smuts, Field Marshal Jan Christiaan, 356 & n
Smythe, Pat, 518
Snowden, Philip, 253 & n
SNOWDON, ANTONY ARMSTRONG-JONES, 1st EARL OF, 533, 540, 546, 549, 578, 601; engagement and marriage to Princess Margaret, 509n; QE consults over Castle of Mey, 528; visits Hong Kong with Princess Margaret, 530; photography, 533; designs ceremony for Charles’s investiture as Prince of Wales, 539n, 540; gives lunch parties for QE, 549–50, 601; designs bridge for Old House, Sussex, 578 & n
Soames, Mary, Lady, 464n
Soames, Nicholas, 573
Social Democratic Party (later Liberal Democrats), 582 & n
Somerset, Henry Robert Somers Fitzroy de Vere, 79 & n
Somerset House, London, 553–4
Sophie, Princess George of Hanover (‘Tiny’), 597
South Africa: QE and GVI tour (1947), 394–9
South Wales: QE visits in war, 316
Southern Rhodesia: QE visits (1953), 463, 471–2; proposed Federation with Northern Rhodesia, 464 & n; QE visits (1957), 497
Spanish flu epidemic, 876
Special Cargo (racehorse), 570
Special Leave (racehorse), 580
Spencer, Cynthia, Countess, 366
SPENCER, JOHN, 7th EARL and CYNTHIA, COUNTESS (née Hamilton), 427
Spencer, Lady Lavinia see Annaly, Lavinia, Lady
Spencer, Sir Stanley, 260 & n
Spicer, Lady Avice and Captain Frank, 481
Stamfordham, Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron, 181 & n
Starr, Lilian, 133n
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 333
Steyn, Mrs Martinus, 396
Still, Dr, 151
Stirton, Rev. Dr John and Mrs, 221 & n
Straight, Air Commodore Whitney, 443
STRATHMORE AND KINGHORNE, CECILIA NINA, COUNTESS OF (née Cavendish-Bentinck; QE’s mother), 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 27, 31, 32, 33, 37, 56, 119, 123, 124, 132, 133, 139, 147, 149, 152, 158, 183, 197, 199, 219, 222; children, 3; and children’s upbringing, 4, 6–7; p
iano playing, 5; in Italy, 9, 19; eye for beauty, 17; and death of Fergus, 26n; death, funeral and memorial service, 30n, 255–7; on QE at Glamis fire, 41; learns of Michael missing in France, 46; music-making, 48; advises QE to be more flirtatious, 51; holds dance for overseas officers, 53–4; and QE’s departure for East Africa (1924), 74; letter from GVI (Prince Albert) following visit to Glamis, 85n; operation for gallstones and recovery, 95–6, 110; ill health, 97–8, 199, 219; letter to Lady Christian Martin, 107; on QE’s engagement, 107; tea with George V and Queen Mary, 118; at QE’s wedding, 119; baby Elizabeth II visits, 154
STRATHMORE AND KINGHORNE, CLAUDE GEORGE BOWES LYON, 14th EARL OF (earlier Lord Glamis; QE’s father), 9; and QE’s birth, 3; personal life, 15; gives pearl and diamond horseshoe to QE, 24; writes to QE, 31; in London, 38; and Glamis fire, 41; birthday (1918), 55; at St Paul’s Walden Bury, 56, 116; at Glamis, 101; and QE’s engagement, 108; at QE’s wedding, 119; catches cold, 149; QE visits, 279; and death of son John, 317n; final illness and death, 374, 376
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Claude Bowes Lyon, 13th Earl of (QE’s grandfather), 3
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Dorothy, Countess of (née Osborne): marriage to Patrick, 5; and death of QE’s father, 376
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Fergus Bowes Lyon, 17th Earl of (QE’s nephew; ‘Fergie’), 476 & n
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Mary, Countess of (née McCorquodale; Fergie’s wife), 476n
Strathmore and Kinghorne, Patrick Bowes Lyon, 15th Earl of (QE’s brother): birth, 3; marriage and children, 5; serves in Great War, 6, 46; succeeds to earldom, 376 & n
Strong, Sir Charles, 482
Stuart, James (later Viscount Stuart of Findhorn), 84 & n, 100, 118 & n
Stuart, Rachel, Viscountess (née Cavendish), 118 & n
Suckling, Gwendoline, 528 & n
Suez: QE and GVI visit (1924), 131–2; crisis (1956), 495n
Sutherland, Eileen, Duchess of (née Butler), 33 & n
SUTHERLAND, GRAHAM, 519; withdraws from portrait of QE, 519 & n
Sweden, 167
Syme (Glamis stationmaster), 58
Talbot, Godfrey: The Country Life Book of Queen Elizabeth, 568n
Tallon, William, 599 & n
Tammuz (racehorse), 556
Tasmania, 159, 502
Tāufa’āhau Tupou IV, King and Halaevalu Mata ‘aho ‘Ahome’e, Queen of Tonga, 571 & n
Temple, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 321 & n, 361
Tennant, Lady Anne (later Lady Glenconner), 513
Tennant, David and Stephen, 104
Counting One's Blessings Page 74