Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 32

by Sarah J. Brooks


  She refused me for a week just out of some pure game she wanted to play, it was enough and I wasn’t going to have it anymore. I would respect her and not put my cock inside of her, but I was going to have some fun with Jennifer in my bed. I hoped she would even cave in and agree to let me start fucking her again.

  Jennifer was pissed off because I offered her a new car. Dozens of girls I knew would kill for a free car, yet Jennifer played it off as it was some sort of insult. It wasn’t an insult at all and as much as I tried to explain that to her, Jennifer couldn’t get what I tried to say.

  Women sometimes want things that they can’t have; I didn’t feel like it is a big deal to spend $30,000 on a new car. That was a very small amount of my money and very worth my while to give a car to a woman I want to keep fucking. No other woman had ever turned me down when I made such an offer. It turned me on greatly to know I couldn’t buy Jennifer’s allegiance.

  Her loyalty needed to be genuine for the rest of my plan to work successfully.

  As we pretended to make love under the silk sheets of my bed, I heard a faint siren from in the distance. It had only been noticed by me because it continued to get louder and louder. Instantly I wondered how long it would take the siren to get to my house, I knew they were coming and it would change everything.

  Chapter 24


  I was torn between excitement and fear when the sirens got to my house. I jumped off Jennifer to look out the window. Something inside me had me worried that they had come for me, I hadn’t seen Roberto for a few hours, perhaps he had tried to flee the country? I wasn’t sure, but I was afraid.

  Jennifer was too, I could see the fear in her eyes as she hurried and put her clothes back on. She didn’t want to be mixed up in all of this anymore and I knew that. The problem was, I needed her in order for my plan to work. She was the only way it was possible.

  I made my way down the stairs and opened the front door just as the officer knocked. I was prepared for any questions they might have.

  “Roberto Calvertino, where is he?” The officer asked me.

  “I believe he’s in his room on the other side of the study. It’s through there,” I pointed in the direction of Roberto’s room.

  Having him in my home for the last few weeks had been close to torture. I spent every waking moment constantly worrying that I would say or do something that he would be offended at. I always worried he would get angry and just have someone kill me.

  The officer waved his fellow officers in and they moved quickly towards Roberto’s room. I didn’t expect that he would come willingly with them. I certainly had not expected him to walk out of his room with his hands up and ready to go with the officers.

  “Roberto Calvertino, you’re under arrest for the murder or Mrs. Patricia Anderson.”

  My eyes got big and I looked up at Jennifer, who stood on the stairs. Her knees gave out and she tumbled down the last two stairs and onto the floor. It wasn’t far enough that she got hurt, but it did cause a couple officers to come over to her and help her up.

  I felt their eyes on me when they saw how young she was and that she had come from upstairs. But I didn’t have time for their judgment, I needed to figure out the best plan of attack now.

  Roberto never listened to anything. The one thing I had told him when I took over his case was that he absolutely could not commit any crimes while he awaited trial. So, of course, he ignored what I said.

  I could see that Jennifer was about to freak out. Her hands shook and tears had welled up in her eyes. I helped her into the kitchen and quickly returned to the commotion in the front room.

  “Officer, is that a warrant?” I asked as I saw the piece of paper in his hands.

  Proper procedure would have been for him to show me the warrant before he entered my home. I knew that it wouldn’t hold up in court since I had pointed him to the room he needed to go.

  Roberto didn’t look angry and all. His level of calmness was very unnerving and eerie. His eyes were glazed over and Roberto showed no emotion at all. It made me nervous, extremely nervous. I could feel my heart pounding as the officer walked passed me and Roberto looked me dead in the eyes.

  “Mr. King, if you would like to visit with your client you can do so tomorrow,” the officer said as he walked out of my house with Roberto.

  The other officers followed and the house was cleared out within a few minutes of them all arriving. It had happened so quick that I could hardly believe it.

  I knew it was all part of the bigger plan, but the adrenaline of the moment whelmed me. Seeing Jennifer’s reaction also overwhelmed me. I hated to have to bring her into this whole thing, but there was no other way.


  When I heard the police officer, say Mrs. Anderson’s name I couldn’t believe it. She was so afraid of Roberto; she didn’t even want to talk to us. Now she was dead. I felt dirty. I felt evil. I knew I was on the wrong side of justice and I just couldn’t take it another moment.

  I couldn’t remember out I had gotten into the kitchen, but I sat on the floor and cried. My body shook and I was overwhelmed with the reality of the moment. Roberto Calvertino was a killer and I knew it. There was no way I could continue on with this, there was no way I could keep working with Ryan. I needed to get out of this. I didn’t care anymore about Ryan or Roberto, I just needed to get away from the situation.

  “Are you alright?” Ryan said as he helped me up from the floor.

  I couldn’t talk. I was too overwhelmed to even try and put words together. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight.

  As much as I wanted to get away from the whole situation, I didn’t want to get away from Ryan. At that moment, his arms felt so reassuring. His voice so calming. I couldn’t leave. I just needed to stay right there.

  Tears streamed down my face and I just held onto Ryan. I couldn’t believe it was all happening. I couldn’t believe that this poor woman had had her family ruined and her life taken from her all because of Roberto.

  I started to scream and hit Ryan out of anger. This wasn’t how life was supposed to be. Life was supposed to be happy and fun. Life shouldn’t be this full of evil. I just couldn’t take it.

  “I can’t keep working with you Ryan, I just can’t,” I cried.

  “It will be alright,” he said as he caressed my back.

  My breathing calmed as he moved his hands up and down my back. The rhythmic motion was just what I needed. Everything overwhelmed me about the situation; I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. Standing there was the only thing I could do.

  Something changed in our embrace.

  As his hands moved up and down my back, I realized that I wasn’t made at him at all anymore. In fact, I had totally forgotten why I was mad at him at all.

  I looked up at him and my eyes begged him to kiss me. I just needed to be taken away from the moment. I needed Ryan.

  He must have heard my thoughts because he leaned down and his lips gently kissed mine. It was a different kiss than we had ever had before. This kiss was something much more, something that I couldn’t have expected. It was soft and sweet. His lips searched mine to comfort me, not to entice me.

  Ryan moved his hands and grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. Again, not in passion, but instead in a deep desire to have his body and my body as close as possible.

  I was emotionally and physically exhausted and just couldn’t spend another moment standing up. My body needed to rest. I felt my knees start to give out and I wanted to go back upstairs.

  Ryan grabbed me around the waist and led me up the stairs to his bedroom. The look in his eyes was filled with passion, but he also had a softness that I had never seen with him before. Not in all the times that we had been together had I seen him look so vulnerable.


  It had only been about an hour since we had pretended to fuck under his silk sheets. But neither of us cared about the fight anymore. I wanted to f
eel his hands on my body. I wanted to feel the passion of him and I together under his soft green silk sheets.

  Ryan’s hand slid gently down my face and I closed my eyes. It felt so nice to be touched with passion instead of just with lust. I melted. My whole body turned into a puddle of mush as Ryan continued to show me his passionate side.

  He slowly started to kiss my earlobe and then moved down to my neck. I waited for him to pull my clothes off and take my breast into his mouth, but he didn’t continue on. Instead, Ryan kept his lips on my neck and moved from one side to the other. He was committed to the slow seduction and I couldn’t get enough.

  My body ached to be touched in a gentle way like he was. It wasn’t something I was used to, but certainly something I needed.

  I breathed in a couple deep breaths as I absorbed the moment. His hands firmly pressed me toward him and I couldn’t escape, not like I wanted to, though.

  I reached down and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled the shirt up and over my head. Then I reached over and did the same to Ryan. Our torsos were bare and the skin to skin contact was delightful.

  The warmth of his body and mine instantly melted together.

  We both reached down and took our pants off and then slid under the sheets together. Ryan wrapped his arms around me and turned me around so we could spoon. He kept his arms wrapped around me and just held me. He held me so long that I finally had to cave in and start to relax. It was a feeling of safety like I had never had before.

  At that moment, I felt like Ryan and I were the perfect combination. I felt like there was a reason we were together and I wanted to make sure we stayed together.

  I reached back and let my hand caress his hip as I started to thrust my ass toward him gently. I couldn’t tell if he had an erection, but soon I could feel him adjust himself and his cock started to rub up against my ass.

  Ryan unfolded his arms from around me and let one of them start playing with my nipple while the other played with my clit. The moment was intense and slow, it was like there was nothing else in the world that mattered.

  His lips kissed my neck as his fingers caressed my body. Oh, how delightful it felt. I wasn’t sure if it was the emotions of the day or the moment itself, but I quickly felt myself getting wet. I was wet and I wanted Ryan inside of me. I wanted him to thrust his cock into me so I could forget about everything. I didn’t want to have to think about Roberto, the court case, or Mrs. Anderson being killed.

  I reached back and grabbed Ryan’s cock and helped him slide into me. He didn’t fight me.

  Our bodies moved together in a slow and deliberate motion that was perfect for both of us. His hands moved around my body like he owned me. He knew just how to touch me so I was absolutely and totally unable to think of anything else but Ryan.

  The way we moved together I felt like we had been partners for years. I felt like I could understand every move he made.

  The motions were slow and sensual as my hips thrust back against him and he gently thrust into me. It was a gorgeous episode of love making that I didn’t want to end. I loved how my body felt when Ryan’s arms were around me. I loved the sensation of comfort that came over me when he was near. It felt perfect to be in bed with him.

  The sweet lovemaking went on for almost an hour as we moved from position to position. My lips touched his and his moving all over my body. Our orgasm even came together at the most perfect time. It was like a scene out of a movie, a romantic and sensually perfect scene.

  Chapter 25


  The trial day had finally come, but everything was very uncertain. Roberto had just been arrested for Mrs. Anderson’s murder and we didn’t have any idea what was going on. Mrs. Anderson had said she would tell the judge whatever Calvertino wanted her to, so it was scary and a little weird that Roberto had killed her. Or allegedly killed her.

  Ryan had convinced me to stick with the case and that the danger was now gone. If Roberto was going to be charged with the murder of a potential witness in this case, it was not likely he would get out of prison. It was even less likely that the judge would overturn his previous ruling.

  Things really were starting to feel much better. Roberto would go back to prison and it wouldn’t be Ryan’s fault, so Ryan wouldn’t have to worry about Roberto coming after him to get revenge. Ryan also wouldn’t have to worry about Roberto taking off to Russia and making it look like he had help with his escape.

  I felt totally different and more relaxed as we entered the courtroom this time. Maybe it was all the time I spent with Roberto and Ryan lately, maybe it was our threesome, or maybe I just felt confident in that Roberto would stay in prison.

  As Roberto was brought into the courtroom, I make eye contact with him and smiled. But the look that came back to me was nothing like what I had expected it would be. His eyes glared at me like I had done something horrible to him. They delved into my soul and I felt like he would have murdered me right there if he had had a weapon.

  I had never had a person look at me with such an evil look as his before. It was as if he thought I had turned him into the police or something. I didn’t feel safe sitting next to him.

  Roberto shook hands with Ryan and then ignored me.

  I couldn’t figure out what I had done wrong. I hadn’t done anything to Roberto and I certainly didn’t know anything about what he did or did not do to Mrs. Anderson.

  “All rise for the Honorable Judge Henry,” the bailiff said.

  We all stood and I pulled my chair toward Ryan just a touch as I stood up. I couldn’t stand the thought of Roberto being so angry at me. He was a murderer and I just knew it. There was no way I wanted to be on his bad side. Yet that’s where it looked like I was.

  “Mr. Calvertino, it appears there is new evidence that is pertinent to this case and will prevent us from continuing with the re-trial,” the judge said as he looked through some documents.

  “Your honor, Mr. Calvertino is subject to a new hearing if the new charges are going to be placed against him. We are still here to request the re-trial for previous charges,” Ryan said and then sat down.

  Ryan didn’t look over at me or over to Calvertino. He seemed in a zone and unwilling to let his focus be phased.

  The back and forth between lawyers and the judge seemed to go on for hours, although it was probably only about thirty minutes. The Judge wanted to keep Roberto in jail and add the new murder charges to his previous charge. Ryan wanted Roberto released and to continue the current trial. The prosecutor wanted Roberto sent back to prison and no re-trail at all.

  In the end, the judge decided to give a week-long continuance so everyone could prepare for the re-trail. He did not make a ruling on if the new charges could be added or not. But he did say that Roberto would have to remain in jail because of the current charges of murder against him.

  I felt a huge sense of relief as Ryan and I walked out of the courtroom and Roberto had to stay behind.

  “He looked like he wanted to murder me. What is he so mad at me?”

  “I’m not sure, maybe he thinks you had something to do with the police coming and arresting him.”

  “That’s ridiculous. Why would I know anything about Mrs. Anderson’s murder?”

  I couldn’t understand why Roberto would even think that I had something to do with him being arrested and charged with murder. There was no way it made any sense to blame me. I was just an intern helping out on the case. I had nothing to do with the police or their investigation into Roberto.

  I was getting pretty pissed off that Roberto was even angry with me. I did think he was a murderer, and I started to get paranoid that I might have said something on tape that he had overheard. There was just no way that I could remember everything I had ever said over the past couple of weeks.

  As Ryan and I made it back to his house, I decided to stay over with him. I was scared to go back to my apartment. I didn’t what Roberto was capable of and I certainly didn’t want to be home al
one in my apartment after the way he had looked at me during court.

  “I would feel safer here with you,” I said as Ryan wrapped his arms around me.

  “I think that is a great idea. You are welcome to stay over here anytime you want. In fact, I can get you a key and the code to the front gate if you would like.”

  “I would like,” I said with a smile.

  My mind told me that Ryan never made grand gestures like that to anyone else. He must have been overcome with emotion or at least also feeling like it would be a bad idea for me to go home alone.

  That night we lay in bed together and didn’t make love. Ryan held me and stroked my hair until I fell asleep. My mind raced for almost an hour about everything that was going on, but then I was finally able to get some sleep.

  It was the most rested sleep I had ever had at Ryan’s. More surprising was the level of comfort that I felt when I slept with him all night long. His touch was gentle and reassured me that everything would be alright. In bed with Ryan, I felt protected and safe from Roberto and anything else horrible that could happen to me. I liked that feeling and wanted to have it more often.


  It felt like a weight had been lifted from us. I went back to my regular schedule of classes and Ryan continued teaching. I was happy Roberto was in jail. I didn’t want to deal with him or his case anymore. I didn’t want to have to pretend to be nice to a man who clearly had no concern for other people or for life itself.

  “Should I pretend to come for supervision tomorrow?” I joked when I ran into Ryan after one of my classes.

  It had sort of become a running joke that he never actually supervised me in anything. We spent our time talking about the Roberto Calvertino case or having sex. I wasn’t opposed to our arrangement. But I would prefer more sex and less talking about Calvertino.


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