Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 53

by Sarah J. Brooks

  As she fumbled with her purse and looked for the keys to the apartment, her phone rang, and she answered it. Normally, she would have looked at who was calling before just answering it, but Rose was too drunk and too distracted by trying to get into her apartment.

  “Hello,” she said as she stopped to try and find the right key on her key ring.

  It baffled her why she had so many keys in the first place. She really only needed three keys, and she couldn’t remember at all what the other ones were even for.

  “I’m sorry I yelled today,” Noah said.

  “Okay … I … um … I’m sorry I fucked up,” Rose stumbled on her words.

  She tried to speak clearly and not sound drunk, but she knew it wasn’t working very well. Rose wasn’t as good an actress when she had been drinking. Normally, she wouldn’t have let herself get as drunk as she had, but she wasn’t planning on taking anyone home, and it had been fun to bullshit with Elsa for the evening.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “What do you mean? I’m … no … well, I’ve been out … but I’m not drunk.”

  Rose tried to sound sober, but the more she talked, the more she knew it sounded like she was drunk. She just needed to get off the phone as soon possible. Noah knew her much too well, and no matter how hard Rose tried to hide it, he was going to know she had been out drinking. Not that it mattered at all; Noah didn’t control her, and he certainly wouldn’t care that she had been out drinking with Elsa. But Rose did have a feeling like she was going to get in trouble as she talked to Noah, and she wanted off the phone.

  “Where are you? Do you need a ride?”

  “I’m fine Noah … I’m home; I’ll be just fine as soon as I get my damn key … my damn door open,” she said as she continued to fumble with her keys.

  Rose felt someone move behind her. She quickly turned around to find Bronx standing there. He grabbed the keys from her hand, quietly found the right one and put it in the door. She held her finger up to her mouth and made the quiet face at him. She couldn’t have Bronx talking with Noah on the phone; he certainly didn’t need to know there was a man with her at her apartment.

  “Are you sure?” Noah asked.

  “I’ve just got into my apartment. Everything is fine. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  Bronx shut the door behind them and started to kiss the back of Rose’s neck as he reached around and unbuttoned her blouse. Rose wanted Bronx, and she wasn’t about to stop him from taking off her clothes, but she had to get off the phone with Noah before she was going to be able to do anything with Bronx.

  “I don’t know. You don’t seem alright. Are you sure?” Noah continued.

  Bronx quickly moved his hands around her body and had her clothes on the floor before she could answer Noah. She was distracted as hell by Bronx and trying to keep herself together enough to talk to Noah and assure him she was alright. The last thing she needed was Noah showing up at her apartment when Bronx was there.

  “I’m … fine …” Rose said as Bronx grabbed her hand and guided her to the bedroom. “I’m going to go now; I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow. Really, I’m fine.”

  “You’ve said you’re fine three times, and I don’t believe any of it. But if you’re sure.”

  Bronx pressed Rose back onto the bed and grabbed the phone from her hand. He held it up for her to talk one last time before pulling it away from her for good. Bronx didn’t care who she was talking to, he was with her in her apartment, and that man was somewhere else, so he had obviously won.

  “I’m sure, goodnight,” Rose said as having pulled the phone away, Bronx hung up on Noah.

  She watched as he placed the phone on the nightstand and then stood over her. The hunger in his eyes was evident, and Rose couldn’t wait to have him. It had been a really long day, and she wanted to feel the release of an orgasm desperately.

  “I’ve been waiting for you. I called and text, but you didn’t answer,” Bronx said as he pulled his own clothes off. “I needed to see you.”

  Rose couldn’t help staring at his throbbing hard cock as Bronx pulled his pants off and stood over her. Bronx wanted her desperately; she could see it in how his body throbbed for her. She was comfortable with him, what they had going worked, and she didn’t have to worry about emotions or anything else. It was perfect.

  “Fuck me,” she said softly as she reached her hands out for him.

  But instead of sliding into her, Bronx started to kiss her gently and sweetly. He moved his lips down her neck and around her body as he explored her and was sweet to her. Bronx took his time as his body throbbed; he didn’t rush, he didn’t hurry, instead, he took in every moment he had with Rose.

  “I missed you tonight,” he whispered when he finally made his way back up to her lips.

  Bronx seemed to be in a very romantic mood as he looked at Rose and watched her every move. He was being gentle and sweet, and nothing like the way they were with each other normally. But Rose was too drunk to care at all how Bronx was behaving, all she cared about was having him inside of her and feeling the sweet release of her body as she orgasmed.

  “I was out with a girlfriend.”

  “Lucky girl.”

  Bronx moved slowly and gently as he slid into Rose and kept his eyes glued to hers. Maybe it was the alcohol in her system, but she felt like making love to him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Instead of a quick fuck, Rose and Bronx moved together sweetly and slowly as they made love.

  His hands were gentle and loving on her body, and the passion was intense. Rose hadn’t actually made love in a very long time and felt herself getting wrapped up in the moment with him. They had been friends with benefits for several weeks, but the sex had been amazing. Neither of them had pushed the relationship to be more than just sex, but in that moment as Bronx moved with her, Rose started to feel something for him. It scared the hell out of her, but she actually had feelings for him as they continued their lovemaking throughout the evening.

  For the first time since they had been together, Rose just fell asleep without worrying at all that Bronx was spending the night with her. When she woke up all cuddled up next to him, she was disoriented for a moment. Even when he had spent the night before, she hadn’t cuddled with him, that just wasn’t her thing; so it was out of the ordinary when she lifted her head up and saw she had it resting on his chest.

  “What time is it?” Rose asked as panic rushed through her.

  She hadn’t remembered to set an alarm, and it was getting light outside. She didn’t want to be late for work.

  “It’s only five thirty; we have time,” Bronx said as he pulled his arm tight around her.

  Bronx had longed to have Rose feel comfortable enough with him that she actually slept next to him. To him, the night had been perfect and had further made him feel comfortable with the idea that Rose would someday give in to him, and they could actually date.

  “I should get ready,” she said as she started to move, but Bronx held his arms tight around her and prevented her from getting out of bed.

  “Not yet, let’s lie here for a minute.”

  Rose normally would have pushed her way away from him, but for that moment, she decided to stay right there. It felt good to have his arms around her. They had grown closer to each other, and Rose was comfortable with the relationship they had established. Sure, it wasn’t a traditional relationship, and she didn’t expect it to go anywhere, but it was practice for the real world, and she was excited that for once she didn’t feel like totally running away from a guy.

  Rose let her head get comfortable on Bronx’s chest again, and she closed her eyes. For that moment, she was going to give in to the feelings and just let things be. She wasn’t having anxiety like she normally did, and she wasn’t feeling the need to run away. So she just let herself be there with him.

  “I’ve got an alarm set for six thirty, will that work?” Bronx asked as he held onto Rose.


  She felt more relaxed than she had in a very long time as she drifted back to sleep with his arms around her. Things in her life were going to be alright; she felt like her conversation with Elaine and even her night with Elsa had been exactly what she needed. She also had really enjoyed her evening with Bronx, despite thinking that they had been a little more intimate than she had originally wanted to be with him.

  When his alarm went off, Rose and Bronx both got up right away; they knew they had to get showered and off to work before eight o’clock. They were both very dedicated and had worked out a good timing schedule for when they spent the night together and then went to work. That day it was Bronx’s turn to show up first, and Rose would swing by the coffee shop before she arrived.

  They gave each other a quick kiss before getting into their cars.

  “See you at work, dear,” Bronx teased.

  “Oh, stop,” Rose said.

  As Bronx drove away, Rose stopped to look at her cell phone before she pulled out of the parking garage. There were six missed calls from Noah, and she was just about to call him back when she realized that there was one very long call with him before the six calls. There was a call that had lasted twenty minutes.

  Her heart sank as she tried to figure out what had happened. She remembered talking with Noah briefly when she arrived back home, and Bronx took the phone and hung it up before they made love. But he must not have pushed the button because that call lasted at least fifteen more minutes after Bronx had taken it away from her. That meant that Noah heard everything that had happened between her and Bronx!

  Chapter 19

  “You and your boyfriend don’t seem to be hanging out as much. Is that because you’re falling in love with me?”

  “No, Bronx, I’m not falling in love with you. It’s sex, and that’s it, remember we talked about this. Now are you going to finish or should I get my magic toy out to do the job? And stop calling Noah my boyfriend, he’s certainly not.”

  Rose pulled Bronx back toward her as they made love in her bed. It had become a usual thing to have Bronx over at her house, and Rose was certainly accustomed to having him there. But she wasn’t falling in love with Bronx or anyone else for that matter. She wasn’t interested in love. All Rose was interested in was working and making a career for herself. Love had passed her by when her husband passed away; she didn’t expect to find it again.

  As for Noah, he wasn’t her boyfriend; he wasn’t anything more than a friend to Rose. The whole reason Bronx was even in bed with Rose was because she didn’t want the messy emotions of a real relationship. She certainly wasn’t going to start something with the best friend of her late husband, that would be nothing but emotions.

  Bronx was exactly what Rose needed and wanted. A delicious young guy to fuck her brains out and not ask her for anything more. She knew he was joking about the relationship stuff, but somewhere under the jokes she suspected that Bronx wanted a little more from Rose than she was offering. But he knew the deal, and he had agreed to sex without the complication of emotions. That was all Rose could give, and that was all she expected from Bronx.

  “A guy can hope, can’t he? And yes, I’m going to finish. Don’t bring that damn toy into bed when I’m here. I’m going to make you scream like you have never screamed before.”

  Bronx stopped talking and went back to work, thrusting his hips into Rose. Her arms held onto him, and her eyes looked up at him with desire as he moved. Even though Rose and Bronx had a very clear understanding that they were just sleeping together for fun, Rose did care about Bronx. She liked Bronx and enjoyed their time together. He was turning out to be a really nice guy, and sometimes she hated that he talked so openly about having feelings for her, even if he was joking.

  Rose had made it very clear that if they were going to continue sleeping together, it was as friends with benefits only; nothing more. Bronx agreed to the plan, and it was working out really well; except for his feelings toward her. But Bronx would always put them in check and get back to the rules by the end of the night. Rose liked that she could count on Bronx for some delicious sex and stress relief, and she did her best not to lead him on with emotions.

  Bronx was so fun to play with; it was much better than picking up new guys each weekend. Rose was happy she had found a guy to keep around. Going out to the clubs and finding someone new to have a one-night stand with each weekend was exhausting. She certainly couldn’t have continued with that lifestyle after starting her job at the law firm. And Rose needed her sex.

  The feeling of release was the only thing she felt calmed her mind and body. It was becoming an addiction, and she loved it. She could work herself to death all week long and then bring Bronx back to her apartment for some much-needed relaxation. If she didn’t have Bronx around for a release, Rose was sure she would have been drinking herself into a stupor every weekend.

  Her brain raced with memories of her old life and her late husband when she was alone. She couldn’t stand it and wasn’t about to turn into one of those sad old widows who everyone felt bad for. No, Rose had found the perfect solution to all her trouble. Uninhibited sex with a very hot man; it was all she needed to forget the past and still participate in her life.

  Sex with Bronx was good—it was even better than she could have imagined. But she knew why it was good—they were becoming familiar with each other. That was one of the positives of any relationship, Rose knew what turned Bronx on, and he was learning how to turn her on too. The knowledge of each other’s sexual bodies had been invaluable in pleasing each other.

  When they finally both collapsed from exhaustion, it was close to midnight. Rose slid next to Bronx and let her head rest on his chest as they drifted to sleep. It was nice having a man in her bed, especially one she trusted. She felt safe when Bronx was at her house and had started sleeping really well with him in her bed. It was unusual for her to sleep well at all, and Rose loved that aspect of having Bronx over.

  “I’ve got to get to work early today. Elaine and Noah want me in some meeting at seven o’clock,” Rose said when her alarm went off before dawn.

  “It’s probably someone political or famous. My aunt once told me she held those meetings first thing in the morning. She said it was too early for photographers and easier for celebrities and political figures to sneak in. What are you doing on the case?”

  “No idea. But when Elaine tells me to be somewhere, I jump.” Rose laughed.

  “My aunt has a bark that’s bigger than her bite.”

  “Your aunt better never bite me.”

  “Ha, yeah, that would make for some serious gossip in the office. Well, you head in there; I’ll come in at eight. You don’t mind me lounging around your bed for another hour do you?”

  “Lounge away.”

  Rose leaned down and kissed Bronx as she made her way to the shower and quickly got dressed. The kiss had felt oddly intimate, and she made a mental note not to do that again the next time they slept together. It wasn’t that she minded kissing Bronx, but doing it in the morning before work reminded her too much of her late husband, Derek. He had always kissed her before he got out of bed in the mornings.

  Bronx and Rose had the perfect friendly sex arrangement, and it had become very comfortable for her. They slept at her house a couple times a week, and she didn’t have to worry about the logistics of navigating emotions and feelings like a real relationship would require. If she could just keep things going with Bronx for a few years without emotions, that would be perfect. But Rose was a smart woman, and she knew that eventually emotions would cause the end of what they had going.

  Bronx was right about one thing—although Noah wasn’t her boyfriend, there was a real tension between them in recent weeks. Rose hadn’t talked with Noah alone since the incident with her cell phone when she had been drinking. She didn’t know if it was just that he was avoiding her, or maybe she was avoiding him. But things certainly had not been the same as they were before that night

  Rose didn’t have confirmation that Noah had heard her and Bronx having sex, but she thought he had. The fact that he had been so distant could have been because she asked for a few months to think about having a relationship with him, though. Noah hadn’t been pleased about that suggestion either, and the combination of hearing her have sex with someone else and asking for space from him could have made Noah rethink his feelings for Rose. It gave her an upset stomach to imagine not having Noah in her life.

  Even though she was trying to keep him at a distance, Noah was very important to Rose, and she wanted to mend things with him. She just couldn’t have a relationship with Noah. The way he looked at her made her feel totally out of control, and Rose couldn’t be out of control. She had to remain in control, or she felt like everything in her life would crumble around her.

  She didn’t have time to worry about hurting Noah’s feelings, though, as much as she had wanted to talk to him. Business was crazy, and she was clocking at least 70 hours a week at the office. She didn’t have time for much beside eating and sleeping. Well, and of course, some hot sex with Bronx; but that was for stress relief and nothing more.

  It really didn’t matter what was going on with Noah, though, Rose wasn’t going to let it get in her way of showing him and Elaine that she was a top-notch lawyer. She would love to mend things with him when time allowed, but for the time being, she had to continue to work. She was fine with not talking to Noah outside of the office, but only if that was what he wanted. If he wanted to be angry with her over having sex, that was his issue, and she wasn’t going to fight with him about it. Noah knew Rose very well, and he knew she used sex with men as a way of relaxing and enjoying life. Noah knew it was the only way she could drown out her memories of her husband.

  Why shouldn’t she have a boy toy in her bed at night? Noah could be mad if he wanted, but Rose wasn’t going to let him make her feel bad. Guys had used women as their sexual relaxation things for years; Rose wasn’t doing anything different than most men did. She was actually being smart about it by setting up the situation with Bronx. Now Rose didn’t have to find new men to play with each weekend and could concentrate her energy on work.


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