Tomorrow's Shadow

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Tomorrow's Shadow Page 11

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Personal Progress ~

  Stefano watched the people mill around the great hall, chatting, laughing, all the “polite society” trappings. The few smokers were outside on the balcony, something the lord of the house insisted on. There was also a tub near the rail about half way down the balcony half filled with water that was to be used as the “ashtray”. Any smoker that didn’t use it for the end of their cigarettes would find themselves on the outside at any further events at Haven.

  He slid his glass across the bar to let Viktor fill it and asked again the question that had been bothering him all evening. “Why am I allowing these empty-headed, factitious buffoons to fill the air with their inane dissonance? You keep telling me Father requested it, but I don’t see him present.” He glanced around the room, eyes searching until they stopped on Gerik.

  “Master Vargon simply said he wanted this event on this night. And so we are having it. He wanted all of the high houses of Atterstock present. And so they are.”

  Stefano growled low, a sure sign his patience was wearing thin. He gave a slight nod in Gerik’s direction, sure he saw the corners of the man’s lips rise before turning back to a group of younger men from the mainland. Stefano set his glass down and stood, but was stopped from crossing the room as the footman opened the main door to allow the latest guests to enter. The evening’s Caller almost leapt from his chair as the two came into the room. He tugged at the vest of his uniform then tried his best to look official as the woman handed him a card.

  He glanced at the card, then looked across the room to announce the late arrivals. “Lord Vargon and Lady Odessa of the house Petrescu”.

  All sound slid away like tide from the beach as eyes locked on the attractive pair. Vargon wore his charcoal-colored formal wear. Odessa, his new bride, was in a mint-green gown which made her radiant emerald eyes shine. Her crimson hair was worn loose, which was the first thing the women from the mainland would have to hold against her. Most of the men, however, could not turn their gaze from the lovely yet demure redhead. This would be the second item for the women's gossip.

  Stefano stood and gave his first smile of the evening. “This is great but pleasant surprise. I didn’t realize you were in the area.” His steps were quick but “correct for high society” as he crossed the distance to the couple. He bowed slightly as he took Odessa’s right hand. He lifted it and gave it a whisper of a kiss before releasing. His voice quieted a little as he watched the shadows deep in her pupils. “This would make sense out of Viktor’s insisting we hold this tonight. Is this the woman you have been speaking of so incessantly?”

  Vargon smiled and nodded as the sound of chatter slowly increased. “Indeed. Odessa, this is my chylde, Stefano.”

  Odessa smiled as she addressed him, also speaking gently. “I am glad to meet you, Stefano. Our sire speaks of you frequently. He’s really quite proud of you, though I’m not sure how often he says it. I find most men are oblivious to giving praise, which is odd since they all seem to need it.”

  Stefano chuckled politely. “Actually, Odessa, he tells me often. I hold no concern over his affection for me. I trust he feels the same, as I am often in awe of his accomplishments.”

  “You two sound like you’re at a royal wedding, all formal and nicely proper. Son-of-mine, get us some wine – my private stock. And try relaxing.”

  “Right away, sir.” Stefano winked at Odessa then turned on his heel and headed for the bar.

  “Now then, dear heart. Why don’t we claim a table – it looks like some further back are open.”

  “I want to be close to the piano so I can watch as Stefano plays for us.”

  Stefano walked up and gave each a glass. “Am I playing something tonight? First I’ve heard of it. Have I been volunteered?” His voice belied his happiness at seeing Vargon, though his dislike of the evening was finally fading into dust. He turned toward Odessa. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you. Haven is a large place, and my manservant keeps more than enough of practically everything on hand.”

  A new voice joined the conversation from behind Stefano, sending goosebumps along his spine. “My lord, may I have a word?”

  Stefano smiled and turned to address the new arrival. “Gerik, I’d like you to meet my friends, Lord Vargon and Lady Odessa Petrescu.”

  Gerik smiled politely and turned to Vargon. “I am pleased to meet you, m’Lord and Lady. You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed Stefano for a while?" He turned to Stefano, "That is of course, if you have time.”

  Vargon responded first. "Would not mind a trifle, young sir. My wife and I are enjoying the atmosphere and awaiting Stefano’s piano performance.”

  Stefano withheld a growl and spoke to Gerik. “Of course I have time for a friend. Shall we go to the bar?” The two men nodded to Vargon and Odessa, then headed for the bar. Their steps were casual; they spoke in hushed tones.

  “I didn’t realize you were playing tonight. I will enjoy that.”

  Stefano sighed softly. “I wasn’t planning on playing, but Odessa has requested it and as she and Vargon only recently married, I conceded.”

  “I will enjoy it anyway.” Gerik gave Stefano a grin then turned to Viktor as they reached the bar. “I would like a cognac, Viktor.”

  Stefano sat on a stool. “That sounds good. I’ll take a house cognac as well.”

  Gerik remained standing, resting an arm on the bar. He leaned forward slightly before speaking. “I hoped we could have a … more private conversation.”

  “We could go to the balcony; No one seems to congregate at the far side.”

  “I would appreciate it.”

  Stefano stood and took a sip of his drink. Again the men’s stride appeared relaxed and easy as they moved toward the door.

  “I wish we had somewhere that we could be alone.”

  “Any specific reason? Is your topic for discussion deeply personal?” Stefano arched a brow as they stepped out the door and headed for the deserted end of the balcony.

  “I might have more than talking on my mind.”

  “Indeed? You know I would not mind getting more personal with you, are you sure you are comfortable with the idea? And I am assuming the doctor has said your leg is fully healed.”

  “My leg is fine. And you are right, I have been very unsure about us getting closer. But that feeling has diminished greatly over the past few weeks. I would not mind riding again to the other end of your island to spend more time alone in your company. Just no jumping this time.”

  Stefano laughed softly. “That was not my idea. If you had not challenged me it might not have happened.” A glance around told him they were alone on the balcony. He softly brushed the back of his fingers down Gerik’s cheek. “Though I must admit I did not mind carrying you.”

  Gerik shivered at the touch. “Your touch sets my skin ablaze and fills me with desire. Stef, I need to be with you.”

  “Come look at the beach with me.”


  Stefano placed his hand on Gerik's shoulder to prod him towards the stone stairway. “Just come.”

  As they descended the steps their pace quickened. Once at the bottom Stefano looked around again before heading for a heavy stone outcropping. “Follow.” It was almost a command.

  After a couple of turns they entered a clear area well out of sight from the balcony or anyone at sea. Gerik stepped in but stopped at the intense darkness. Stefano reached and pulled him close. Before he could form a word Stefano claimed his lips with his own. Passion flared in both men as the kiss became filled with heat. Gerik finally broke the embrace and looked deeply into Stefano’s eyes.

  “You have enchanted me.”

  “I thought enchanting was left to princesses or beautiful servant girls.”

  “I thought as well, until now. This evening, as I watched you mingle with your guests, I couldn’t help but admire your poise. Your charm flows from you naturally; anyone blessed by it would believe they were your deepest f

  Stefano slipped his hands into Gerik’s hair and pulled him close until their foreheads were touching. “If my touch heightens your desire, your words along with your embrace are enough to drive a sane man over the edge.”

  “As long as I go over with you, I won’t mind.” He renewed the kiss, grinding himself against Stefano as a low moan rose within him.

  This time Stefano pulled back from their embrace. “We cannot … remain any longer. Your parents will surely notice you are gone, and you know those attention seekers in my home will want to vie for my presence.”

  Gerik slid his fingertips down Stefano’s chest. “You are right, of course.” He paused before continuing. “Your skin is cool to the touch. I noticed it while you were carrying me but I thought perhaps it was just delusion caused by my injury.”

  “I know.” Stefano sighed. “I am … blessed … with blood vessels that lie deeper than most others. I suppose that’s why I enjoy standing before a fire.”

  Gerik stepped out of the opening. “So, you are saying you are thick skinned?” He laughed as he launched himself up the stone pathway, almost stumbling.

  Stefano was close behind, also laughing. As they reached the balcony they slowed and calmed themselves before heading inside. Lord Falow turned to the doorway.

  “At last. Where have the two of you been?”

  Stefano spoke first. “My apologies, my friend. I took your son to see the small inlet at the bottom of the cliffs. It appears we lost track of time.”

  Gerik looked at him, amazed at the speed and fluidity he could come up with an answer.

  “Knowing his penchant for talking, I suppose that is a reasonable excuse. But now that you’re back, perhaps you can find the time to play for us.” All of the women within earshot filled the room with their gloved applause.

  Stefano looked across the room and caught Vargon’s gaze and smirk. He wondered how many others had heard that he would be playing. Probably all of them, he thought. "Yes, of course. Let me get a fresh drink and we shall see what transpires.” He continued to muse as he moved to the bar. So what shall I play? Ever since joining with the shadows my mind often fills with dark ballads. I imagine anything will be acceptable.

  When he finally sat down and placed his glass to the side, the room became silent. Anticipation filled the air like static charges. Stefano looked at his many guests, pausing when he saw Gerik. As he raised his hands to play his eyes closed. He began with violent chords, filling the room with masterful progressions. As he gradually brought down the volume he broke into a soft waltz.

  A couple of minutes went by before Vargon stood and offered his hand to Odessa. When she rose he led her to the middle of the room. While people pressed back they began to dance. Their movements were graceful but there was no denying who led and who followed. Vargon’s presence flowed around them, causing many of the guests to watch. Gradually a few others joined in until several couples moved around the floor.

  Stefano opened his eyes as he felt a change in the atmosphere. He watched the couples while his fingers performed their own dance across the keys. The room was alive with sound and music.

  Viktor stood behind the bar and smiled. Finally. He has learned how to be himself in the presence of others. Master Vargon does know how to inspire.

  Stefano finished his song and closed the lid over the keys. He picked up his glass then stood for a moment to more accolades before bowing slightly to the room. As he straightened, he searched in vain to find Gerik. In addition, he could not find Lord or Lady Falow. His eyes darkened as he headed for the bar. He did not leave without a farewell. He could not – would not be so thoughtless.

  Stefano put his glass down heavily, causing a crack up one side. Viktor handed him a folded sheet of paper before swiftly disposing the glass and selecting a fresh one. He glanced at Vargon, his brow furrowed in worry. He needs to calm, m’Lord. I like not the look in his eyes.

  Stefano read the note, his anger lessening slightly. He refolded the page and shoved it in a pocket. When he spoke, he barely looked at his guests. “My apologies, lords and ladies, but I need a few moments.” He walked to the balcony door and stepped out, closing it firmly. He grasped the rail with both hands and tried in vain to will himself to be calm.

  I can wait no more. I want him - I need him here.


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