Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance)

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Bad Coach (An Alpha Male Bad Boy Romance) (Forbidden Romance) Page 58

by Claire Adams

  I chose an off-the-shoulder black sweater with a skirt, and assessed myself in the mirror. I had to admit that I was looking a little hot that night. It was time to forget about the mugging, and start having fun again. I grabbed my clutch and headed out the door.

  The club was booming that night as Benny escorted me into the bar. The music thumped through the walls, and the dance floor was full. Benny was not about to let me sit at the bar all night and drink, however, so I had to follow him around the room, and mingle with his friends. It was kind of nice, actually, being social again. I hadn't done a lot of that since my breakup, and it was good to get back out there.

  Benny introduced me to a few of his classmates, who seemed to zero in on me immediately. I danced with one of them, and the other couldn't stop buying me drinks. I didn't even need to bring my wallet at all. I was sitting with Benny and a guy named Mike, drinking rye and Cokes, and laughing my ass off when I saw Jet walk into the bar. I checked my phone quickly and frowned when I didn't see a message from him on my phone. He had to have gone home and seen my note, so why didn't he message to meet up? Why do you care, Natalie? You didn't want a boyfriend, remember?

  I watched Jet as he made his rounds around the room, saying hi to friends, and flirting with anything in a skirt. He took a girl’s hand, led her out to the dance floor, and proceeded to do something that could only be considered foreplay. I rolled my eyes, and downed the rest of my drink. Mike ordered us all another round, and winked at me. I was starting to feel a pretty decent buzz, and I had Mike to thank for it. I looked back over at Jet, and felt my blood pressure rise as he continued to dance with the girl. Was it really necessary for them to be that close?

  I shook my head in disgust until I realized once again that I had no reason to act crazy. There was nothing between Jet and me, so why did it matter who he was dancing with, or how close they were dancing? And they were dancing very close. I had a difficult time taking my eyes off of him and the girl, and the whole scene was starting to make me sick to my stomach.

  I turned to Benny. “Who is that girl dancing with Jet?”

  He glanced over and shrugged his shoulders. “She looks pretty random to me.”

  When I looked back over, the two of them were leaving the dance floor. Jet walked over to a booth, and started talking to another girl. Wow, he was sure on fire tonight. He hadn't even noticed I was in the room, and didn't even seem to care, for that matter.

  My mouth dropped open as I saw Jet grab the girl by the hand and lead her across the room. I couldn't believe it, but he was actually leaving with that girl for the night. I guess that meant I wasn't spending the night at Jet's again this evening. I would have to return to my own apartment, and think about the two of them having sex all night.

  “Jet just left with a different girl.”

  Both guys looked at me, confused. Benny asked, “The girl from the dance floor?”

  “No, someone else. He just found her in a booth, and they left together. Who is she?”

  “I have no idea. Why do you care so much about what Jet's doing? The guy likes to play around―that's what he does.”

  Something quite akin to jealousy brewed up inside of me, and I felt a little out of control.

  “I need to go talk to him.”

  “He just left with another girl. They are probably fucking right now or very soon.”

  That propelled me out of my seat, and I grabbed my clutch, and headed across the room. Benny was by my side in an instant.

  “Natalie, what are you doing?”

  “I need to stop him.”


  He tried to grab for me, but I dodged him.

  “Look, Natalie, you're drunk. Just go home, I can take you there. But chasing after Jet when he's left with another girl is a really bad idea. Really bad.”

  I ignored him as I went down the stairs of the club and out the door. As I got out onto the sidewalk, nervousness came to me as I thought about the mugging. How could Jet assume I wasn't spending the night? Or had he gone to the girl's house instead? I hailed a cab and watched as it moved to the curb.

  Benny finally managed to grab my arm, and pull me away from the cab. “Natalie, what's going on? Is there something you're not telling me about?”

  “No. I just need to talk to Jet. He's my friend.”

  Benny laughed, and shook his head. “Okay, if I can't stop you from making a fool of yourself, than go ahead. Call me if you need to be picked up.”

  I didn't answer as I crawled into the cab and gave the driver Jet's address. When the cab pulled up to Jet's home, I paid the driver and got out. I tentatively headed up to the door and nervously knocked a few times.

  I cringed inside at the thought of the two of them already having sex inside the apartment. It seemed to be taking an awful long time for the door to be answered. I heard a noise and braced myself for the surprise attack. Was he going to be half-naked when he answered the door?

  The door swung open, and there he was, thankfully with all his clothes on. He looked surprised to see me, and before he could say another word to me, I kissed him fully on the lips. The kiss lasted for a moment as warmth flooded my body, and I released his lips from mine.

  A grin broke out on his face, surprise still etched all over it. “Wow, what was that for?”

  “Please don't sleep with her.”

  He laughed. “What the hell are you talking about? Sleep with who?”

  “I was at the same bar as you were. I went with Benny and I saw you leave with that girl.”

  “You have it all wrong.”

  “Have what wrong?”

  “She's my cousin. Yes, I left with her, and drove her home, but she's my cousin. I didn't pick her up; she just needed a ride.”

  I stood there, stunned, as shame washed over me. So this was what Benny meant when he said he didn't want me to make a fool of myself. And yet I managed to do exactly that.

  “Oh, wow, I'm so embarrassed. I'm such an idiot.”

  “No, you're not. It's actually really flattering that you are jealous. I know how it must have looked at the bar. I was just having fun, and I had no intention of taking anyone home. For one thing, I wasn't sure if you were still staying with me.”

  “Oh, this is mortifying.”

  He pulled me to him, and kissed me again, his tongue slipping into my mouth for a deeper kiss. I moaned as our tongues touched, and the heat between us magnified.

  He pulled me into the apartment and closed the door behind us. He picked me up in his arms, and carried me through the living room and down the hallway into his bedroom. I was placed on the bed and I watched as he undressed before me. He was far more beautiful naked than I had imagined. He came to me and helped me out of my clothes and then he dropped them to the floor and his mouth found mine once again.

  As our tongues intertwined once again, his hands found my breasts and he squeezed them. He kissed my neck, and trailed the kisses to my breasts, and licked at my nipples. A searing heat ran through my body, and I felt my pussy moisten.

  I moaned as he nipped and licked at my body before coming back up to meet my mouth. My hand went to his rock hard cock, and it felt so strong in my hand. His fingers found my clit and rubbed it, causing my body to shake beneath him. He inserted a finger into my wetness, and groaned when he felt how wet I had become. I moaned deeply as he went in and out, each thrust building up more pressure inside me.

  He suddenly stopped and drew himself up to his full height. I sat up and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down so I could brush my lips against his. But he tore himself away from me and grinned at me before shoving me back flat against the bed. His eyes slowly moved to my pussy and then he licked his upper lip.

  “Fuck. I’ve been waiting for this,” he said, pushing my legs apart as far as they would go. He rubbed the head of his cock against my clit, making me gently bite down on my bottom lip. He threw my legs over his shoulders and thrust his hips forward, sliding his cock fiercely inside m

  “Ah,” I moaned, closing my eyes and grabbing fistfuls of sheets below me.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He pushed into me with a steady rhythm that caused a buildup in my own body. My muscles were tightening at a fast rate, causing my body to begin to tremble. His arms tightened around my legs like he was holding on for dear life. When I opened my eyes for just a second he leaned back, lifting my ass completely off the bad so he could go as deep into me as possible.

  He thrust harder into my aching core and I shouted, “Oh God,” over and over.

  I squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

  Then he let go of one of my legs that was dangling over his shoulder and I heard him spit. Moments later his moist fingertips moved swiftly over my clit. Finally, waves of pleasure tore through my body, and I didn't remember a time when I felt so good, so pleased or desired.

  “Fuck!” I cried out.

  My pussy tightened around his thick, long cock and my calves constricted his neck. He spilled into me at the sound of my one last shriek. The thrusts slowly tapered off until he collapsed next to me. I lay there, spent as I curled into his side.

  How was I going to face him tomorrow? I didn’t know.


  Chapter One


  My eyes fluttered open reluctantly; oh God, they did not want to open. I closed them again slowly, and felt nausea roll through my stomach. I was groggy, and slow to move. I opened my eyes again, and found that I was not in my own bed, though I guess I hadn't been for a week. Still, I hadn't anticipated waking up in Jet's bed that morning. I rubbed at my eyes and considered falling back to sleep, until I realized I was the only one in the bed.

  Where was Jet? Why wasn't he sleeping beside me?

  The sun shone through the window, and I wondered what time it was. I glanced over at the clock Jet had on his nightstand, and it dawned on me quite literally that it was early. It was 7:30 a.m., where had Jet gone so early in the morning without leaving me a note?

  My head was pounding hard, as if little excavators were digging for diamonds in my brain. Ugh, I hated hangovers; they made me regret drinking so much the night before. I would say that I would never drink again after that moment, but I knew that would just be a lie. My throat was dry, and I needed to get some water immediately, and some painkillers, if I could find them. That would have to wait a bit, however, because the thought of moving made the nausea roll through my body once again. I really did not want to start vomiting in Jet's room―that would be mortifying, at best.

  Speaking of embarrassment, I thought about my actions last night, and blushed furiously. I must have been quite a sight showing up at Jet's place and throwing myself at him. I tried to remember how good the sex was, and had to assume that in my drunkenness I had made a fool of myself. I had no idea if I had been any good, or if he just got what he needed from it, and that was that.

  I had to assume I was a disaster, otherwise, why hadn't he stayed here with me? Instead I woke up alone, unsure of what he thought ... or felt after the night we had together.

  God, I was an idiot.

  I rolled over onto my side, frustration building up inside of me. Sometimes I allowed my emotions to rule my life, to the point where I made terrible decisions. Benny had suggested a one night stand would be good for me, that it might help me get over my ex. So maybe I should just chalk last night up to being a step closer to getting over my past. There was no need to worry about the future, or the fact that I made a mistake with Jet. Just enjoy the moment, and the fact that I hadn't thought about my ex in days, and just be happy with that.

  Why did I need to get drunk last night?

  What was worse was that I had allowed jealousy to propel me into the arms of a guy who would only use me and throw me away. I had thought he was trying to take a girl home for sex, and it turned out she was only his cousin. Why had I cared who it was, and what he was planning on doing with her? I had to stop obsessing over someone who wasn't meant to be a part of my life. I didn't want him to be a part of it, that was the most important thing.

  He was just like my last boyfriend. No. Thank. You.

  I could certainly blame alcohol for being in the position that I was in but it was more than that. I had to couple alcohol with stupidity, because that was the only explanation I had for my stupid behavior. Of all guys to end up in bed with.

  I had to get up and get out of there. I would no longer be crashing at Jet's pad; it was foolish for me to even be there in the first place. Especially now.

  I pulled off the sheet and went to get out of the bed, when Kyle opened the bedroom door and walked in.

  “Hey Jet, man are you getting up? I didn't hear your alar—”

  I grabbed the sheet and tried to cover myself up as quickly as possible, but how much he saw was hard to determine. My cheeks glowed a bright crimson, and I had a hard time meeting his eyes.

  “Oh God, I'm sorry. I had no idea anyone but Jet was in here. Uh, I didn't hear his alarm, so I thought he slept in ... or something. His door isn't usually closed unless he's still sleeping.” He was rambling.

  “Or there's a naked girl in the room.” I smiled awkwardly.

  “Yeah, or that, too. Sorry.”

  “Don't sweat it.”

  “It's Natalie, right?”

  “Yes, we met last week.”

  He looked sheepish, but had no problem with meeting my eyes. “Yeah, that's right.”

  I smiled with the sheet wrapped more tightly around me.

  “I've heard a lot about you.”

  I couldn't help but think that this was probably one of the most inappropriate moments to discuss such things since I was naked under a sheet and I was fairly certain he had seen more than one exposed body part.

  “Oh, is that right?” I said, not really knowing what to say.

  “Yeah, Jet talks about you a lot.”

  I couldn't even believe he was still standing there talking to me. He was either really slow, or he enjoyed being in the same room with me naked. Or maybe he just enjoyed making me uncomfortable. I decided not to respond, in the hopes that he would take a hint and get the hell out of Jet's room.

  There was an awkward silence between us before he said, “Okay, well nice seeing you again...”

  He smiled before he turned around and left the room, closing the door behind him. I sat there momentarily, not being able to believe what had just happened. Hopefully the vision he had of me before I was able to cover myself with the sheet would disappear. I rolled my eyes, and decided to get the hell out of there while I could. I dressed quickly and lay back down briefly to rest my eyes before leaving. But I was still hung over and tired, and I slipped back to sleep without realizing it.

  Chapter Two


  I pulled into a parking spot at the college, and got out of my car. I grabbed my gym bag and headed inside. I headed straight for the locker room to get changed. I grabbed my gear out of my locker and pulled my shorts and T-shirt out of my gym bag, and changed for training. I was meeting my brother, Craig, at the gym that day. We were going to lift some weights and get a little jacked. He was part of the MMA fighting team too, but was a lowerclassman. My brother and I were close, and we often trained and hung out together.

  I left the locker room, and headed out to the training area to find my brother. I saw my coach training a few guys, and waved to him as I headed to the weight area.

  “Hey Jet, how are you doing?”

  “Good man. Have you seen my brother?”

  He shrugged. “No. But I haven't been around the gym yet. He could have slipped by me.”

  I laughed. I waved him off, and continued on to the weight room. Once I arrived, I saw my brother setting up the bench press because it was chest and shoulder day. He was sliding plates on the weight bar.

  “Hey buddy. Already getting in there, aren't you?”

  “Yeah, can't waste any time. We are tanks, bro.”

  I laughed. I totally
loved that guy. I patted him on the shoulder and went to assess the weight situation. We weren't bodybuilders but we lifted pretty well. I liked weight days. It was good for the ego to lift weights, and feel so much stronger.

  “Okay, you do the first set, and I will spot you,” I offered.

  “Sounds good.”

  He lay himself down on the bench and braced himself under the bar. I stood in front of him, ready to take the bar if needed. He brought it down slowly to his chest and pushed it up. He did a set of ten with solid weight before he sat up and we pumped fists. He did two more sets like that, adding weight each time.

  It was then my turn. I weighed a little more than he did, so I could lift more. He spotted me, and I took it to eight each time. When my sets were done, I went to the water cooler to get a drink. When I came back, he got 60 pound free weights for each arm and did chest presses again. We each worked those sets until we were dripping sweat off our bodies.

  “So how's life, man? What have you been doing these days? Haven't seen you in a bit.”

  “Not much, really. Training for the fights. Been out a few times, but mostly training, man. And of course school too, but let’s be honest, it's not my focus.”

  Craig laughed at that. “No doubt. Heading for the big time, man.”

  “You know it.”

  “So what about the ladies? I heard you screwed some art student,” he laughed. “Not really your regular type there, is it?”

  I didn't like what he said, and I bristled briefly, not saying anything. Fucking Kyle; I could almost kill the guy for opening his mouth, apparently all over campus. He didn't even hang out with my brother, and yet my brother had heard the same gossip everyone else had. I didn't like that my teammates knew about her, and assumed she was just some girl I banged one night. I certainly wasn't going to add insult to injury by continuing on with that kind of talk. There was no way I was going to continue on with the rumors, and make the situation worse. I was lucky that Natalie was still talking to me…and fucking me.


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