Bound Hearts 01-12

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Bound Hearts 01-12 Page 46

by Lora Leigh

  “Come here.” He held out his hand to her, though there was nothing so weak as a request. It was a demand.

  She stepped forward slowly, taking his hand, expecting him to pull her into his arms. She was surprised when he stopped her inches from his chest.

  “I’m going to blindfold you,” he said firmly. “You will leave it on, no matter what.


  She had never been blindfolded. She had never been stripped of even the security of her sight. She shuddered at the demand but nodded in compliance.



  Jared touched her cheek with the pads of his fingers before leaning close to touch her lips with his.

  “I’ll blindfold you here, then carry you to another room. Your safe word is sacrifice; by saying it, you’ll sacrifice a pleasure, baby, unlike anything you’ve known yet.” What could he have planned?

  Kimberly nodded jerkily, trembling before him as he picked up the black eye mask from the bed and pulled it over her head. It covered her eyes only, the elastic fitting snugly at the back of her head and blocking all light.

  “I’ve never done this, Jared.” She reached for him, her hands gripping his forearm desperately as she became lost in a world of darkness.

  “I know, baby,” he whispered. “Just let go. I’ll take care of you.” She stilled at the small, almost hidden vein of emotion in his voice that she caught then. Despite the arousal, the absolute pleasure, underlying the dominant satisfaction was…sadness?

  “I’m going to pick you up,” he told her a second before he swung her in his arms.

  “You don’t have to do anything yet, Kimber. Just relax.” Relax? She was blind and becoming paranoid. His voice was making her crazy.

  What was that emotion, that hint of something in his tone that sent a shaft of pain piercing her heart?

  She gripped his shoulders as he cradled her against his chest and began to walk.

  She tried to picture the path in her mind, but the turns he made didn’t make sense, unless he was trying to deliberately disorient her.

  “Are you going in circles?” She tried to smile, but felt her lips trembling in the attempt.

  “Of course.” She heard the smile in his voice. “Where would be the fun in it if you knew where you were?”


  Lora Leigh

  He was demanding the complete sacrifice of every shred of control she possessed.

  And she was giving it to him. That was the part she found truly amazing. She had no qualms in giving it to him, to trusting him to care for her, to protect her.

  They stopped moving, and after a pause, she felt him stoop to lay her on the thick comfort of a well-padded mattress. She lay still, listening.

  She heard the sounds of him undressing as she shifted against whatever bed she lay on. She wanted him naked, wanted him taking her. She could hear him beside her, but she could feel movement on the other side. A depression to the mattress that made no sense.

  “Jared?” She swallowed tightly as she called out to him.

  “Yeah, baby.” He answered from the position beside her, just as she had heard him.

  She whimpered as she felt hands at the robe. Confident, self-assured, they began to loosen the belt. And it wasn’t Jared.

  “Oh God,” she whimpered as the strap loosened and the edges of her robe fell to her side.

  Calloused, broad hands lifted her, smoothing the material from her as she shuddered in the grip.

  “Easy, Kimber.” It was Jared who smoothed back her hair from her neck, uncovering her breast to another’s gaze.

  She was shuddering, trembling from the inside out with reaction. The hands smoothing along her sides were warm, not rough, but firm, demanding. When they covered her breasts a tremulous cry escaped her lips as her womb convulsed in pleasure.

  She knew nothing but sensation. Nothing but touch, sound. Her hands fisted in the sheet beneath her as she arched to the touch, Jared’s name bursting from her lips in a plea for what, she wasn’t certain.



  “Damn, you’re pretty, Kimber. The most beautiful sight I’ve seen in my life.” Jared’s voice was filled with adoration as he came down beside her, his hand cupping her jaw, turning her head to him. “I want to see you burn, baby. Burn for me…” Male hands spread her thighs as Jared’s lips came over hers. She screamed into his kiss as lips, hungry and intent covered the soaked folds of her pussy.

  Kimberly could feel her body shaking, shuddering with pleasure as Jared’s hand spread through her hair, gripping the strands and pulling erotically as his tongue danced around hers.

  His kiss fed her arousal, fed the wild, untamed fire that burned low in her belly, sending her rocketing into a place of sensation that she had never known existed.

  Whoever fed from her cunt, licking, sucking, his tongue spearing inside her to fuck her with shallow lazy strokes, was a master at what he did. But there was no pleasure greater than Jared’s kiss. Then his lips at her breasts, his tongue stroking her nipples, teeth rasping them, tugging at the little gold rings that pierced them.

  Below, between her spread thighs, invading male fingers pressed into the narrow channel of her anus, lubricating the tight little hole, stretching her with sensual, slow strokes.

  Blind, her other senses now took over, becoming more sensitized, clearer than ever before. She lifted her hips, bearing down on the fucking fingers as she screamed against the pleasure shaking her soul.

  “Yes, baby,” Jared urged her pleasure higher. “Burn, sweetheart, let me see you burn.”

  Her nails bit into his scalp as he sucked at her nipples until his hands gripped her wrists and slammed them to the mattress. She was restrained, helpless beneath them and she burned.

  “Let me come,” she was screaming the demand, arching to the lips sucking erratically at her swollen clit.


  Lora Leigh

  No sooner than she thought her peak would be reached than the lips gentled, lessening the pressure and easing the tightened muscles of her womb.

  “Not yet, darlin’.” The voice was deep, so deep it rasped over her nerves and sent her shuddering in response. “I like to play, Kimberly. For a long time…” His tongue swiped through her exposed slit before playing demonically with the little ring that circled her clit. At the same time, Jared pulled at the rings on her nipples.

  One with his mouth, the other with his tormenting fingers, sending her shrieking with an agony of exquisite pleasure/pain.

  She was burning just as he wanted. Burning alive with the need to orgasm, and very well aware of the fact that she would be denied until the men holding her captive deemed the time appropriate.

  Despite the evenings she had spent at The Club, she had never been without her control. Her choice. It had never been like this.

  “Jared.” She strained against his hold on her wrists, terrified as emotions and sensation swamped her.

  Her head tossed on the mattress as the fingers tormenting her rear sank deeper, sending flames shooting from her anus to her clit. The two digits scissored inside her, stretching her further.

  “I’m here, baby,” he soothed her, despite the roughness of his voice as his lips moved to caress her neck, the shell of her ear. “I’m right here.”

  “Hold onto her,” the voice at her cunt warned him then. “I’m going to give her more here. Let’s see how hot she can burn.”

  “Come here, Kimber…” They lifted her, positioning her to her knees though the fingers invading her ass stayed in place.

  She knelt on the mattress, following Jared’s whispered instructions to lower her shoulders to the bed.



  “Anal sex can bring you complete satisfaction, Kimber,” he whispered deeply as she felt her buttocks being parted as another finger began to push its way inside her. “If you know how to take it, which you d
o. If the person giving it knows how, which he does. It can take you places you can never go any other way.” Her back arched as the fingers stretched her further. She was in agony. Pleasure and pain rocked her body as she strained backward, desperate for more.

  A second later she screamed in outrage as a hand landed firmly on her buttock. She stilled, thinking it would ease. Believing the swat was for her desperate movements to push his fingers deeper. But it came again, on the other side.

  “Bastard,” she screeched, intending to jerk away, to push aside the blindfold and face her tormentor.

  “Bad Kimber,” Jared chuckled when her hand moved to the blindfold. He caught her wrists, holding them before her as he lay beside her now. “Haven’t you ever been spanked, baby? Feel it Kimber. Relax with the heat, let it heighten the pleasure. You love the pain, you know you do. It’s just another form of it.” The hand landed again, and despite her need to deny it, the pleasure rode a hard edge on the stinging burn. As though in reward, Jared’s hand moved beneath her, tucking between her thighs, the palm of his hand exerting a firm, sensual pressure against her clit as he lifted her to lay against his chest.

  The hand struck again, and this time the fingers stretching the entrance to her ass moved deeper.

  “Oh God…Jared… I can’t stand it…” The hand landed again, causing her to tighten on the fingers invading her and making white-hot spears of sensation rip through her pussy.

  “More, Kimber…” His voice was rougher now, demanding. “You can take more, baby, you know you can.”

  Another series of burning slaps were followed by a smooth, even thrust of the fingers into her ass as Jared tugged at the ring piercing the hood of her clit. She was 93

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  shaking violently, shuddering with the pleasure and intensity as she bucked into each thrust.

  “Now, baby…” She was lifted from his chest and propped on hands and knees as he moved before her. “Open wide, Kimber. I want your mouth so damned bad I’m about to come just thinking about it.”

  She felt Jared’s cock press against her lips and opened to him as she moaned in regret for the fingers slowly exiting her rear.

  Her mouth was filled with the hot male flesh she loved so dearly. Jared, his cock throbbing against her tongue, his thumbs pressing at the hinge of her jaw as she felt her buttocks being parted again.

  She stilled, whimpered.

  A second later reality exploded in a kaleidoscope of brilliant bright pleasure/pain as she was invaded. Not by fingers, but a cock that tunneled inside her with one sure, quick thrust that destroyed her.

  She lost reason. Madness consumed her. Her lips tightened on Jared’s thrusting flesh as her rear burned in ecstasy. She was taken, impaled, possessed in a way she could have never imagined. She could feel every hard inch buried between her buttocks, taste the potent passion in the cock thrusting between her lips. She was possessed, taken, sacrificed to such pleasure that she was certain she would never survive.

  She could feel the flames washing over her as the hard body behind her covered her. His hand went between her thighs, his hard fingers moving on her clit a second before he delivered a series of hard, rapid little slaps that pushed her over a precipice she had never known existed.

  She exploded, only dimly aware of Jared’s semen jetting hot and hard down her throat, and the flex and throb of the cock in her ass releasing as well. All she knew, all she could process was the pleasure burning her, rocking her…destroying her.



  She fell to her side, curling into a tight ball as her muscles shuddered and her pussy began to flex in protest. And she knew, despite the agonizing ecstasy that still echoed through her, that never again would the driving pleasure mixed with pain ease the terrible ache in her body. It had only triggered a hunger for more. A hunger she knew only one man would ever ease…


  Lora Leigh

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jared stood inside the shower, feeling the spray pounding on his back as he leaned his forehead against the tile wall. His eyes were closed, every muscle tight with the effort to control the raging demand that pounded through his body and his mind.

  She was his, goddammit. The fierce demand raged through his mind. His heart. His fucking soul and he was wasting away beneath the force of the water rather than laying in satisfied exhaustion in her arms.

  The ménage with Ian should have stilled part of the hunger, but it only made it worse. It wasn’t enough. Nothing he knew now would ever truly be enough until he took her as he was meant to.

  His cock was like living stone, near to bursting with the raging of his emotions. He could taste her on his tongue, feel her on his skin. He could still hear her ragged cry as she convulsed beneath him. Did she even realize what she had cried? Could she know the effect her words had on him?

  “…not enough…oh God, Jared, it’s not enough…” The words had been a ragged, nearly incoherent cry as she shuddered through her earlier orgasm.

  No, it hadn’t been enough. It would never be enough.

  Would he live another five fucking years before he could claim her? He grit his teeth at the thought of it. It would be a hell he could have never imagined before now.

  Hell yes, he would wait. But it would fucking kill him.

  “Jared?” Her voice was a whisper of hunger, of the needs that raged within him as well.

  He opened his eyes, ignoring the water that poured over him as his turned to meet her gaze.



  Her green eyes were dark with pain, with goodbye. Fuck. Not yet. He wasn’t ready yet.

  “The Agency just called.” His heart clenched at the sound of her voice, at the misery in it. “The threat has been deemed a prank. I’ve been called back first thing in the morning.”

  She had put her robe back on, had belted it tightly around her waist and pushed her hands deep into the little pockets at the side. Her hands were clenched, her fingers bunched together to restrain the pain he saw reflected in her gaze.

  “Fuck.” What now? Damn them, he wasn’t ready to let her go, wasn’t prepared to do without her warmth in his bed. Son of a bitch, he had just managed to get her into it.

  “Jared…” He watched her swallow convulsively; saw the regret that filled her eyes, and the tears.

  “No!” he growled.

  Straightening abruptly he jerked her into the shower, ignoring her gasp, pushing aside the knowledge that no matter how hard he wanted, how much he loved, that it was time for her to go.

  “I’ll always be here.” His arms wrapped around her, pulled her against his chest as he maneuvered his body to protect her from the full force of the water. “Always Kimber. I’ll be right here, baby, anytime you need me. Anyway you want me. I’ll be here.”

  Her arms tightened around his shoulders, holding fiercely to him as he felt the heat of her tears against his chest. God surely hadn’t meant for a man to have to endure this sorrow? He prayed for mercy, because he couldn’t cry with her.

  * * * * *


  Lora Leigh

  Leaving the farm was the hardest thing Kimberly had ever done in her life. She didn’t think she would have the strength to do it. Not after the past night. Not after the realizations she had come to herself.

  But she did it. She threw her suitcase into the SUV where Matthews sat waiting on her. The others had left hours before, eager to get back to the offices, file their reports and head into more adventurous assignments. Kimberly hadn’t been able to tear herself away as easily.

  Jared stood behind her silently. He had watched her pack, his expression worn, his gaze turbulent. But he hadn’t made any demands, hadn’t asked for any promises, he was simply letting her go. Reluctantly, she could tell, but he was letting her go.

  She turned back to him as she closed the rear door, staring up at him, realizing that the pain in her
chest was more than just regret. It was a hollow, gaping wound she feared would never ease.

  “Remember to let Mother know when you’re back in town,” he told her softly. “She worries, even if she never says anything.”

  Kimberly nodded, smiling though her heart was breaking. “First thing,” she agreed.

  “And don’t drive too fast,” he growled. “Matthews told me you scared the hell out of him on the way up here. The man has a family to feed you know. Stop risking his life.”

  She would have laughed if it hadn’t hurt so damned bad.

  “And remember, you always have a place to stay here,” he finished. “Anytime, Kimber. All the time.”

  She wanted to weep at the softness of his voice.

  “Jared…” There was so much she wanted to say.

  “No.” He shook his head regretfully, reaching out to touch her cheek with a caress so light, so tender she felt it rock her soul. “Just remember that, baby. You know where I’m at if you need me. Always.”



  She had to look away from him or she would never hold back her tears. How was she walking away from him? She could feel everything inside her screaming out in rage that she would do so.

  “Go,” he said then. “You’ll be late getting back if you don’t leave soon.” Her lips trembled as she turned back to him. She blinked fiercely to hold back her tears, fighting her head and her heart as she stared up at him.

  She loved him. She could feel the emotion exploding within her, violently protesting the decision to leave, to stand firm to the vow she had made so long ago.

  “I want…” He cut her words off, laying his fingers against her lips as he flinched slightly.

  “Don’t, Kimber,” he whispered. “Don’t make letting you go impossible for me to do. Or for you to do. There’s always tomorrow. We aren’t saying goodbye, remember?” She licked her lips, feeling her soul shatter. God help her. He loved her. She could see it in his eyes, in that crooked, pain-filled smile that was hers alone. It was hers alone because he loved her.


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