Spectral Vibrations

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Spectral Vibrations Page 10

by Mercy DeSimone

  The aroma of good food greets me as I swing the door open to find a Porter standing with a covered tray, and waiting to be invited in.

  "Good Light," she murmurs softly as she passes me, the tray wobbling slightly as she tries to avoid touching me. Stepping back abruptly, I catch my sandal in the hem of my flottoms and flail as I stumble backward, trying to catch myself before I fall. Hearing a throat being cleared, I turn back to the doorway to find Jasper leaning against the frame, watching me in amusement.

  "Are you always so unsteady?" he asks, with what I suspect is a hint of laughter in his tone although his face is a serious mask.

  "Yes," I say abruptly, straightening myself, before shaking my head and admitting,"Laz and Amet always laughed at me. They said my energy was always two steps ahead of my reflexes and it was a wonder I hadn't long since cracked my silica."

  Discomfited by his continued silence I rush on, "Actually, I did crack my silica once when I was much younger." Biting my lip I admit, "Amet healed me then."

  I can sense his sympathy as a cool rush of energy transmits to me, even though he only steps back to allow the Porter to pass through the doorway, before turning his eyes my way once more. "So, what are you doing here?" I question as he just continues to stare at me. Focusing my energy outward, I sweep his aura gently, trying to pick up more tendrils of emotion.

  Waving his arm lazily as if trying to brush away my energy, he says,"I thought perhaps you would prefer not to eat in silence. I'm sure being here is difficult enough without being surrounded by all of Amet's memories."

  Surprised by his words, I take a moment to really look at him. I was so frazzled during our earlier encounter I didn't pay much attention to what I had internalized when I met him, other than the fact that he's big. Like most Marzzians, Jasper stands close to seven feet tall, which makes them ideal as guards since their long reach can keep enemies away from their body while causing maximum damage.

  The small, scale-like pattern of his derma under his silica is a deep burgundy tone, where others of his breed range from red to orange to rust. Usually, the darker the tone, the greater the strength - at least that's what I'd been told. I'd never run any physical tests or actually spent much time around many Marzzians before, except at school where I would avoid Lian (who was a deep rust color) and his group of power junkies whenever possible.

  Jasper also wore his dark, curly hair in the traditional tribal braids, reaching past his massive shoulders, that most of his native Marzzians had long since abandoned. I wonder why? His father wore the more popular shorn curls, so I doubt it was to honor hm. Glancing at his hands, I'm slightly disconcerted to note that the retractable claws that are common on the first digit of a warrior's six digits were slightly extended, almost as if he was showing me that they existed.

  "I thought I wasn't supposed to have contact with others before the test? You told me that," I say.

  Moving from the doorway he pulls me toward the small table where food has been set out for us.

  "Others, yes. But I'm not an outsider. I suspect that you're not used to spending much time alone," he says pulling out a chair for me to sit before settling his bulk across from me. "And, I might have felt a little guilty for scaring you before I left, although what I said was important and you can't afford to ignore it."

  A slight hum begins to tickle at my silica as I consider what he told me then, and what he's telling me now. Stalling before addressing his concerns, I reach across the table to take the plate he hands me filled with plant life and small fish, while I wait for him to pile food onto his own plate.

  The food smells wonderful and the rumble in my stomach has me turning five shades of deep violet as Jasper quirks an amused brow my way before saying, "Eat; clearly your being needs it." I watch as he begins to cut through a large slice of meat on his own plate.

  I'm intrigued by the diamond tattoos placed just above each brow that declare his Warlord status. Usually Warlords live in the provinces with a city under their command. It's unusual to see one placed as a simple guard; well, a Counsil Guard to be exact. I guess that position holds more prestige than I realized.

  I suddenly realize that Jasper is quite attractively put together. His features don't seem to be softened much by the more human attributes that most of us have acquired, which means he must be almost entirely of pure blood. The combination of the deep burgundy derma set against his dark hair, almost as dark as Laz's, and red-sparked irises make him a formidable sight. Even the tilt of his oval eyes have a mesmerizing quality that makes me very aware of the fact that if it weren't for Laz, I would find him extremely desirable.

  Flutters of energy kiss my silica again, causing me to flush as I acknowledge that I've been caught staring for quite a few moments, as I pick up my utensil and taste the food.

  Peeping up from under my bangs I ask, "Why are you here?"

  Jasper's frown settles between his brows as he looks at me oddly. "I told you, I didn't think..."

  "Oh," I rush in, "I didn't mean that. Of course you answered that." I realize I'm babbling and try to pull myself together. "I meant why is a Warlord working as a Counsil Guard?"

  "Ahhhhh, " he says settling back in his chair and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "You would need to ask my father for the answer to that question." An unpleasant smirk crosses his lips, making me shift uncomfortably again.

  "I imagine it's considered an honor to be a Counsil Guard," I say in pacifying tones, as he laughs harshly at my comment.

  "Yes, I'm sure that they believe that it is." His mocking tone belies the serious expression on his face.

  Opening my senses I can taste the small burn of resentment overlaid with resignation. Frowning, I tilt my head consideringly, "Can't you ask to be reassigned?"

  I'm usually not this inquisitive. But something about Jasper intrigues me, making me want to understand what he's feeling. I can't help but open my senses to try to understand his motivations.

  His incredulous expression becomes one of chagrin as he reaches across the table and puts his hand on mine. A small ion sparks between us before his frown deepens and he pulls back abruptly. "Listen, you really are entirely too naive to be here. You need to know, the Spectrum controls everything. If they want you here, here you'll stay. If they want to break up your duo with Laz, they can make that happen." My eyes widen at the last, as he continues on, "Don't give them a reason to think that he's a threat to your purpose here. You're the power, he's expendable."

  Standing abruptly, frustration emanates from his aura as he heads to the door before turning back. "Decide carefully. Whether you wanted it or not, you're in it now. It's up to you to figure out the best way to make the situation benefit what you need. Whatever that is, don't let them know. Remember, the person with the most secrets holds the power."

  The panel slides open as he leaves without another look back, never seeing the fear that his words have caused, or the slight spark arcing from my hand as if to follow him.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Knowing that I'll never sleep now, I settle on my resting platform with my legs crossed, back straight, and roll my head loosely on my neck. Shaking out my arms, I lower my chin to my chest while consciously lowering my shoulders down and back, stretching my arms behind me. If Laz were here I wouldn't need to go through this exercise, he would just wrap his energy around me, as always, to alleviate my stress. Instead, I'm going to have to try to meditate my way through this tension to clear my vibration for what's to come.

  A soft hum begins at the back of my throat as I exhale slowly before inhaling deeply again. In my mind I begin to envision a Violet flame that burns from the bottom of my feet, through the center of my source, and out through the top of my head to tether me to the stars. Focusing my energy, I draw power from the minerals and crystals embedded in the walls to support the energy that I'm cycling through my being, gathering the tension stuck in my neck and shoulders and lifting it away into the ether.

  Time seems to slip away as I relax into the cycling of my power, dissipating the anxiety clogging my soul when I suddenly become aware of new energy around me. It's hungry. The violet flame extinguishes as I lose focus, opening my eyes to the dim room in search of the source violating my energy, the silence disturbed only by a soft scratching noise outside my door. I can almost identify the energy signature as it begins to retreat, the hunger mixed with.... anger?

  Scrambling from the platform, I head for the door only to have my feet entangle themselves in the covering once more, pitching me forward toward the floor, before I grasp the edge of a chair to steady myself. You would think that I'd learn to stay clear of the coverings by now, I chide myself as I straighten and hit the door release. The panel slides open with a swish revealing an empty corridor, the shimmering tiles echoing the silence, and I realize the suite I've been given is quite isolated away from the main hubbub of the common areas.

  As a frequent visitor, I guess it made sense that Amet's quarters would be more private as befit the Counsil Healer, but at the moment the silence feels threatening. The slide of the door panel closing and sealing alleviates the newfound anxiety that has reignited in my chest. Sighing, I realize the chances of my relaxing back into a meditative state are unlikely. Thank Vishna, Amet was a voracious reader. Grabbing a book, I try to settle down more comfortably, hoping to lose myself in something other than my own worrisome thoughts until sleep finally claims me.

  Mornings have never been my strong suit. I like to believe that my Venusian nature is what makes me a moonchild, reluctant to concede my power to the light of the sun. Usually it takes Laz tickling my feet and bringing me warm elixir to force me from my deep slumber and coax me off the platform. It's lovely to feel his energy caressing my aura in the morning, sending shivers through my core and lighting up my pleasure centers. I guess that's one advantage of having a partner who wakes with the light.

  While he often sleeps in his own cell when my energy is depleted and I need to recharge, I know that he'll be there to wake me in the morning and help ease my transition from moon to sun. I really could have used his calming energy today as I pace the suite waiting for someone to lead me to the testing area. The porter who brought my morning elixir and food offered no information other than the fact that someone would be by to collect me soon.

  It's hard to separate yourself from the energy and emotions of others when your empathic abilities force you to shield constantly. The relief of being in open space with nothing but the sky and moons above you is as close to freedom as you can get. It was so much easier being a healer when you could walk away at the end of the day without feeling the weight of other beings' energies and expectations.

  Any free time I have to myself now is spent exploring on my own or with Laz. We often spend time in my cell just reading old histories or exploring each other's energy, but occasionally I like to escape on my own. As a pocket pet, Karma is an easygoing companion; she loves to go with me for a hike up into the mountains where we can sit in solitude and wait for the moons to rise. If I can't have Laz here with me now, she would have been a comforting presence.

  I find myself pacing as I wait, my mind swirling with questions about what the testing will consist of, and how they think I could possibly live up to the example set by Amet.

  "Amet, what were you thinking?" I murmur to myself as I turn yet again to wear a path along the floor with my measured steps.

  Amet always said that I had special gifts, but I never felt anything different than what others seemed to experience. Although, I did seem to have a sharply intuitive sense when healing someone as to the source of their energy leaks. But it's really not that hard, after all, most illnesses were limited to three possible sources.

  The first was ingested intolerances whether from contaminated foods or acute poisons. The second was hereditary illnesses. These were trickier because they were illnesses that were genetically predisposed and had to be treated energetically to raise or lower frequency to stall the spread of the imbalance in the body. The only way to get rid of those types of illnesses permanently was to bond with a mate of a different frequency who could help your body regulate to the proper frequency. Without a bondmate, beings were forced to rely on regular rescaling by a healer. That's how most healers spent their time.

  The third source of illness was from a fracture or shatter of the silica. Since our silica shield was thoroughly impenetrable, those types of injuries were generally limited to extreme accidents, beings who served in our protective squads or Guard ranks, or to beings subjected to a deliberate discord. These were the hardest injuries to repair, and the window of opportunity to heal was quite limited depending upon the extent of the injury.

  Before being declared a healer, everyone in Amet's covalence was subject to assessments on all three types of healings; we had to solve an ingested intolerance with herbs and minerals, we had to use frequency to rescale a hereditary dysfunction, and finally we were expected to rescale a minor silica fracture. Since fractures were so uncommon, often those tests were simulated on computer generated holograms, but occasionally we were able to find a wounded guard or a being fractured by a fall or altercation. When that happened, everyone was brought together to observe and experience hands-on treatment. Only after passing all three exams were we allowed to be assigned to an area of practice.

  As part of Amet's covalence we were given a choice: we could practice as a regular healer working in the Quarries to treat ingestible intolerances and rescaling for hereditary imbalances. Or, we could work in the Research Labs to find cures for the genetic anomalies still affecting our people, and other projects that would forward the health and prosperity of our world. Always curious, Laz and I asked to be stationed in the Labs to explore the unknown. We thrived on the thrill of solving the puzzles that unlocked the questionable DNA that caused beings to suffer, or to find ways to cure the natural poisons that created intolerances when ingested.

  Working in the lab was where we were happiest; it was in that collaborative atmosphere that our vibrations began to balance and merge until we suddenly reached frequency and became a Duo. Amet was pleased with the amount of data we were able to push through each day, and the small discoveries we made in analyzing the more precise markers for certain intolerances and their source.

  Considering how well we worked as a Duo, I was somewhat surprised when Amet insisted on pulling me away from the lab multiple sunphases every lunar cycle to apprentice him in hands-on healing sessions. Not that I didn't appreciate the opportunity to work so intimately with Amet one-on-one, but it was more emotionally challenging than working in the Lab, although I could finally see in practice what we were trying to solve in theory. In the end, it was certainly where I made the biggest break-throughs in terms of understanding my own power and what I was capable of. It also provided the key to some of the darker memories I had stored away in the back of my mind.

  I'd always felt an odd kinship to Amet from the day he tripped over me in the library. I probably should have been more intimidated by him that day considering his importance as a healer, but I knew instinctively that I had nothing to fear. Even though it was several yarns later when I met him again after Laz and I were invited to join his covalence, I still felt that comfortable sense of acceptance and warmth. All the other Interns, including Laz, were intimidated in his presence while I just settled in as if I belonged there. It was an easy transition, from Prizm to the Healing Quarry, and as such I easily rose to a leadership position since I was one of the few willing to speak up, ask questions, and voice an opinion.

  Laz eased in fairly quickly, partly because he trusted my judgement, and partly because I was always drawing him into any discussion that I started with Amet, asking for his input and encouraging him to share his opinions. In turn, Amet occasionally invited us to join him for meals at his Cell, and continually urged Laz and I to spend a lot of time together. In hindsight, as an empath he probably felt our bond forming well before we
realized what was happening. I always told Laz that Amet was tricky, that it was as important to listen to what he didn't say as it was to what he voiced openly. And, of course, I rarely tried to hide anything from him - he was an empath after all. He could hear what was beneath the surface of the words or the facial expressions.

  The day that we were called to heal the young femme who had been shattered in a discord was the day I finally realized the source of his and my bond.

  Flashback Year of Enlightenment 2079

  She was so fragile, lying on the small platform in the healing center under a warming dome, her color already faded from a vibrant yellow to a pale, unhealthy shade that emphasized her shallow, rapid healing. Amet sat at her head and gestured for me to take a position at her feet.

  The goal of any healing session is first and foremost to stabilize their vibration, then try to lift their frequency by slow stages to allow the silica to reform and harden. This can be difficult in even small fractures depending upon how strong their vibration was before they were shattered. For this poor soul, it was obvious that she was not of strong frequency to begin with. She was still clearly unbonded, and judging by the bruises and open sores on her derma under her shattered silica, not only was she targeted to deplete her power, clearly she was used physically as well. As I examined the bruising around her chest, wrists and thighs, I was even more horrified at the thought of what must have happened to her.

  Amet was in full meditation trying to direct his frequency to support her vibration and I could already see the strain creasing his brow.


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