Evan’s Rescued Mate

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Evan’s Rescued Mate Page 9

by Claire Ashlynn

  “I know, we’re fine for now.” I keep looking in the cab hoping she would just magical reappear.

  “Look,” Lucas points to shredded material around the windshield and right by the truck. “Is that the clothes she was wearing when she left?”

  “Shit, your right, that is what she was wearing this morning or what's left of it.” I pick up a piece of blue material and sniff it. “It's her scent.”

  “She shifted.” Lucas looks around trying to find signs of which direction she went in.

  I look at the ground looking for paw prints. Finding them, she is heading into the woods away from the road. Thank the fuck. If she is out of her mind scared and runs into the road, she could get hit by a passing car. “She went that way,” I point. “I’m going to shift to track her, you can follow with the medi-bag.” I grab a change of clothes for her from her bag in the truck. “Here, she’ll need these.”

  Lucas nods as I strip down. Handing him my clothes, I shift swiftly and begin to track her through the woods.

  It takes thirty minutes to track her to a clearing where she is laying on her side curled up in a ball in her human form. My bear has given me shit the whole time. He blames me for letting her go alone. She is shivering but unconscious. She has blood on her arms, hands and head, but I can’t see any source for it. She must have healed from the injuries. A little disappointed that I couldn't see her in her bear form, but worried that she is unconscious, I approach her quickly.

  “She’s fine, just unconscious. Probably exhausted from running and her first change,” I touch her neck to feel for a pulse and run my hands down her body looking for any signs of trauma. Her pulse is rapid but steady.

  I reach backward for the bag from Lucas, who hands it to me and walks to the edge for the clearing to give us some privacy. Yeah, my bear doesn’t want him to see her naked. It’ll have to get over that now that she’s one of us. Shifting and nudity kind of go hand in hand. We will deal with that when the time comes.

  “Layla,” I call as I roll her onto her back. She opens her eyes and instantly hugs me close. She starts to cry trying to tell me what happened. “Shush, it's okay baby, I got you. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you when you needed me.” Pulling her into my lap, I hug her close.

  She sniffles, “No, it’s okay. I just wasn’t prepared for it to happen so suddenly. Why did I shift now and not last night when you marked me?”

  I bury my face into her neck and inhale trying to calm my bear. He is in an uproar that she is so upset and scared. “I think that the stress of the accident made your bear come out to protect you. You must’ve been extremely scared or stressed to shift without control. Last night, you calmed down pretty quickly so you weren’t stressed out. Each person reacts differently, and with so few shifter-human matings on the records, it's hard to tell.” My body’s on high alert and it's a reaction to Layla sitting on my dick has it standing to attention. There is almost always a sexual reaction after a shift and to come down from an adrenaline rush, with your mate naked on your lap, then it's a guaranteed reaction.

  * * *


  I come to as Evan rolls me over on my back. Strange, the bed feels like the ground. As reality crashes back down, I reach out for him and hug him close. I start to cry as I explain what happened. I can't help myself, it is so overwhelming. I’m not upset about having a bear in me, but I'm upset about the accident and that Evan wasn’t there for my first shift. I didn't know what was going on or how it happened. As I calm down, Evan pulls me closer and snuggles my neck. I notice that he is happy to see me, really happy. His large cock is poking me in the backside, and it’s waking my desire for him up real fast.

  I shift so I am straddling him and his cock is resting against my pussy. I rub my pussy up and down his cock. He hits all the right spots as we grind together. He grabs me by the hair and tilts my head back as he claims my lips for a bruising kiss. We dominate each other’s mouths as we continue to tease each other with our bodies. Sliding a little back, I line his cock up with my entrance and slide his head into my slick opening. We both gasp into each other's mouths and continue our fight for dominance. On the next push, he slides all the way in. Groaning, he grabs my hips in a punishing hold and helps me slide up and down on his massive cock. He licks and sucks on my neck and shoulder where he had bitten me. It feels amazing like the bite mark is connected to my clit. As we move faster and faster, I get closer and closer to my sweet end. As we rush to our explosive release, I strike and bite him on his shoulder. My canines lengthen as I sink deeper into his shoulder and hit bone. As if connected to his cock, Evan roars out his release and returns the favor. As his canine drive into my shoulder, I peak again with a powerful release. Coming down, I leisurely lick his wound as he cleanses mine. I can feel my bear near the surface now. She is so satisfied that she is almost purring like a kitten curled up in the corner of my mind.

  We move to the clearing edge and see a small pile of clothing. As we quickly dress, we can't keep our hands to ourselves. Moving farther into the woods, I notice a movement up ahead. Alarmed that there is someone near, Evan growls next to me. He puts his arm around me and pulls me close. It’s Lucas discretely waiting for us just ahead of us in the forest. Apparently I need to school my reactions better around him. If I set off his protective instincts someone may get hurt. “Hi,” I tentatively start. I know Lucas, but I’ve never really talked to him before.

  He nods his head in my direction in acknowledgment, then turns to Evan, “We’ll talk later, right now we need to get back to your truck and figure out what happened.”

  The trip back doesn't take as long as my trip to the clearing since we take a straight route there. When I see my truck, all the intense emotions come back racing through my mind. Shit, it looks a lot worse than I remembered. I start to hyperventilate and my adrenaline starts to pump again. Fur begins to sprout all over my arms and hands.

  Lucas looks at me intensely, “No, not now. You can have your panic attack later. Right now we need to settle everything here.”

  As if by magic, my bear settles and my anxiety calms. What the hell was that? I look at Evan.

  “It’s okay. We will talk later, but he’s right. We need to get this settled so we can go home and deal with this privately.” Evan assures me as he pulls me in for a hug.

  I see Lucas pull out his phone and type in a text. He notices me staring and grunts, “I'm letting Allie know you’re okay. She’s worried about you and I wanted to alleviate that. Your professor called and told her about that dickhead.” He turns his back to me and examines my truck.

  Evan moves away from me to look at the underside of the vehicle, “The brake lines have been cut.” As I come around to where he’s at, I see the lines being held up by a stick in his hands. I go to pick them up to inspect them and Evan grabs my arm to stop me. “Don’t, the police may be able to run prints from the person who did this. We don't want to compromise any evidence.”

  Shocked by the idea that anyone would want to go to such lengths to hurt me is beyond my comprehension. Shaking all over, Evan pulls me into his arms again. “We will find out who did this, and it will be dealt with one way or another.” His voice is so deep, and I can sense his bear is close to losing it. I pull him away from the truck and continue to snuggle him. I can hear Lucas on the phone, and to my awe, I can hear the voice on the other line clearly.

  “Yes, we’re right past the mile thirty-six pull off. We will need a large tow truck. No, no one was seriously injured.” I snort at Lucas’ comment, to which he gives me a stern look as Evan chuckles. I had hurt myself, but with my shifter abilities I was able to rapidly heal and was no worse for wear. “The truck’s brake lines were cut. Yes, I’m sure,”

  “Don't go anywhere, we’ll be with you as soon as possible,” the voice on the line assures Lucas. Like we’d leave my truck, I swear.

  “We should get my things and put them in your truck,” I go to grab my bags and notice that one was open and clothing
is pulled out.

  “Sorry, I was in a hurry,” Evan moves forward and starts shoving my clothes back into the bag while Lucas grabs the other one and takes off to put it in the other truck.

  By the time we’re done gathering my things and putting them in Evan’s truck, we can hear sirens. I look up the road and see a police car followed by a fire truck and tow truck.

  Here we go. I'm still in shock of everything that has happened and not ready for a police interview, but I want to get it over with. Evan moves closer to me as two police officers head toward me. Lucas walks uphill to speak with the tow truck driver, I'm sure to work on getting my totaled truck back up to the road. “Ms. Olive?” the taller police officer asks like there’s another female around.

  Just get this over with. I stick out my hand to shake his. “That’s me.” Evan pulls me back after a swift handshake. Okay, we will have to discuss his overprotective and possessive tendences later.

  The officer looks questioningly at Evan then me, “Did you want to talk alone?”

  “No,” we both say at the same time. I give Evan a look that says cut it out. I get the possessiveness but seriously, I wasn’t going to be kidnapped by the police. I roll my eyes, “No, this is my...” I pause for a moment, I’m not sure what to say. I mean really, I know we are mates, I get it, but how do I introduce him to other people. Boyfriend seems so casual.

  “I’m Layla’s fiance.” Evan supplies. I huff under my breath. I don't see a ring. We are definitely having a serious talk later.

  The officer looks at me to confirm Evan’s claim. “Yes, this is my fiance. I want him here.”

  “Okay, walk me through what happened.” The officer says.

  After what seems like forever, and I’ve answered questions thrown at me and repeated different details of my story several times, I’m exhausted. I’m sagging against Evan’s side, and he’s doing more than his fair share of supporting me. Just before he can tell the officers what they can do with their questions, Lucas walks up and take control of the situation. That’s more question to be asked for later. “I believe you have all the information that you can get from her. We wish to take her home to rest from her accident.” He says in a commanding tone.

  The officers have the good grace to look embarrassed for keeping me so long. “Very good then. Here is my card and if you have any more details that you remember to add, feel free to contact me.”

  Too tired to respond, I wave in response and Evan swoops me into his arms and carries me to his truck. Walking by the tow truck, I see that they have gotten my truck out and up on the back of it. Silent tears fall down my face as I realize this could’ve ended really bad. Evan pulls me closer, “It's okay. I’ve got you and it’ll be alright.”

  He puts me in the passenger seat and I slide over to the middle and put on my seat belt. As he climbs in the driver side, Lucas slides into the passenger side. Evan puts his arm around me and draws me in close. I close my eyes and pass out.

  Chapter Twelve


  After Layla falls asleep next to me in the truck, I look at Lucas, “Did you find anything?”

  “I think I picked up a scent but I think I’ll call Ronin to have one of his trackers come look at the truck at the impound yard. Maybe he can get a better lock on the scent.” Lucas shrugs. He doesn't look happy. I know he doesn't like not doing things himself, I’m the same way, but even though bear shifters have an enhanced sense of smell, wolf shifters are extraordinary when it comes to tracking. Lucas being the Alpha of our group feels more responsible for our clan. Now that he has a new member, one that still needs to learn about her animal, he’ll stress even more.

  “I'm sure they’ll find the person responsible. I’ve got my suspicions.” I give Lucas a quick look to see if he is on the same page as me.

  “Yeah, I’m thinking it's that asshat from her class. He was a real dick to her.” Lucas confirms my suspicions of the culprit.

  We drive the rest of the way in silence. As I pull up, I can see Allie waiting on the porch. Lucas must have texted her that we were on the way back. Lucas jumps out as soon as I park. He sprints up to Allie and pulls her into his arms for an intimate kiss. I smooth Layla’s hair from her face, “Baby, we’re home.”

  She stretches and yawns big, covering her mouth as she does it. “We’re here?” She looks confused for a minute before the sleep clears from her eyes. “Hmmm..” She quickly snuggles me and I capture her mouth in a steamy kiss. Someone knocking on the window interrupts our moment. I swiftly turn with a rumbling growl to see Allie with her fist up ready to knock again. Lucas is behind her looking like he was trying to stop her. I’m not pleased with the intrusion. They all look at me with shock. Layla must think this is hilarious because she busts up laughing. I must have looked annoyed as I felt, from the interruption, which just made her laugh harder.

  “I think she’s losing it!” Allie yells through the door. Which makes recovering Layla start laughing all over again. Seriously! What the hell? Maybe Allie is right. I look at her concerned. She sobers up and leans in to kiss me again. Her face is flushed from laughing so hard, it looks so fucking sexy on her. I want to get her inside so I can make her cheeks blush for a different reason, but first I’ve got to get rid of the company.

  I open the door as Lucas pulls Allie back. “Come on,” I slide out and hold my hand out for her. Helping her down from my truck, I tuck her against my side. My bear’s still pissed that I let her get hurt. He won’t let her go, not that I want to. I'm still shaken up by her accident as much as my bear.

  We all go into the cabin to my dismay. I was hoping for some alone time with my mate. I can tell that Lucas knows how I’m feeling but he caters to Allie’s wants and needs just as I do for Layla.

  Kicking off our shoes, we head to the living room. I pull Layla on my lap when I sit in the big recliner chair. She snuggles up to me and I wrap my arms around her rubbing her back absently.

  Looking over her head, I can see Lucas doing the same with Allie on the couch. He has her wrapped up in his arms while he is rubbing her belly.

  “Are you okay?” Allie begins her inquisition. “What happened?” Allie asks before Layla can speak.

  I rub Layla’s back as she recounts her harrowing adventure with Lucas and I throwing a few growls at the parts that piss us off.

  Layla yawns and snuggles closer to me after she finishes her story. “I think she may need a nap. How about I make you a sandwich and you get into something comfortable.” I lift Layla to her feet and look at Lucas hoping he takes the hint and leaves.

  “We need to get you home and fed, too. Maybe even a nap.” Lucas stands up after lifting Allie to her feet.

  She runs up to me and gives me a big bear hug. I unconsciously take a sniff. Hello, bear shifter, of course, my instincts are to know the scents around me. Now I get what is driving Lucas nuts, I would be seriously overprotective too. Another topic Layla and I need to discuss. I let go quickly, not wanting to anger the Alpha bear, I head to the kitchen to make some food for Layla.

  “Bye, guys.” I hear Layla say. She turns to me after hugging Allie bye. “I’m going to jump into the shower to get cleaned off.” I nod my head and continue my task.

  I clean up the kitchen after making lunch to give Layla some time to get comfortable. I head into the bedroom with our lunch and see it’s empty. I set the food on a side table and walk into the bathroom. Layla is laying in the tub with her eyes closed. I rush over to make sure she all right. As I put my hands under her neck to lift her up, she sits up suddenly with a gasp. “I’m sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I was worried that you fell asleep in the bath and could’ve drowned. I know pretty stupid, but my Bear is not settled since you got hurt.”

  “It's okay. I kind of dozed off.” She stands up and my mind goes blank. Her curvy body is all wet and slick with water. I just want to lick it all off. My dick goes insta-hard. Seriously, it was a “could hurt someone type of hard”. She looks me over and bites her li
p, which makes my bear growl with need.

  “Ya know, you could use a quick dip in the bath as well.” She says with a husky voice. Her eyes are slightly glazed and hooded.

  I strip so fast I can hear clothes ripping. She giggles and holds out her arms to me, as I step into the tub and take her into my arms for a scorching, mind blowing kiss. As our tongues dance, we sink into the water. I lift her to sit on the side of the tub and dip my head between her thighs. With a gasp and a moan, she grabs me by the hair. I tease her clit and feast on her slit driving her crazy. She is quick to orgasm and pulls my head away as she slides back into the water. I take her mouth so she can taste herself on my lips. Grabbing her by the waist I flip her over. I put her hands on the side of the tub for support and lift her hips up. I slide into her wet, hot core with ease. It is a tight fit and I give her a moment to accommodate my size. She starts to moan and move restlessly. Slowly pulling out, I quickly slide back in hard. She gasps a moan and squeezes her pussy around my cock. With this rhythm, I drive us both to the edge. I can feel my sack tightening up and I know I'm not far. I lean over her and bite down on her shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin but enough to hurt good. Reaching around her, I flick and rub her clit. She moans and I can feel her fluttering muscles and know she is close. I pound into her and we both spill over the edge. I pump my seed into her and bathe her womb until she comes down.


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