Smoke and Mirrors

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Smoke and Mirrors Page 12

by Tiana Laveen

  “Frank, real pimps are accountants, managers, therapists, lovers, bodyguards and doctors all rolled into one, all day, every day!” Smoke knew what he was getting into, but since a young age, something inside of him pushed him out in the forefront, regardless. He had a natural fascination with sex, not one that ruled the mind 24-7, but he’d perceived it in a mature way before hormones had even kicked in.

  “Let me tell you something, man. From the time I was fucking five, I understood in great detail how sex worked, what went where, and the basic human anatomy. No one had sat my ass down and discussed the birds and the bees; I hadn’t seen a porno movie, either. It simply came to me, instinctively, like breathing.”

  Frank burst out laughing. “And that’s exactly what the fuck I’m talking about, Smoke! You gotta put all this shit away, these crazy thoughts in your head. You’re a born pimp! It’s what you do, and you’re good at it!” He wasn’t surprised at Frank’s reaction. The man loved being in the life, even if he was only riding shotgun. Frank loved not just him, but the girls, too. He’d do anything for the family, but he simply couldn’t understand Smoke’s battle, his internal struggle.

  “I’m a little fucked up, Frank.” Smoke laughed as he made his journey farther up the street, drawing closer and closer to Paris’ pussy haven. “I got what they call, dysfunctional ways.” He cackled…but he found not one word of it funny.

  Pimping aside—for years, he’d been drawn into a world few knew he dabbled in. Smoke had another small secret. No one in his stable knew he was a Dom. He took that very seriously. That part of himself would be reserved for a special woman, and he had yet to find that one person worthy of such knowledge. Up until that point, only female sex club members were allowed into his clandestine world, women he’d never see again. It always left him feeling empty, for the Dom/sub relationship was sacred to him…completely removed from his career. Regardless of the beauty he saw in the lifestyle, he knew on some profound, hidden level, it was being fed from pain deep within. Yes, he’d been destroyed in a way that he had refused to acknowledge; thus, the razorblade had felt like a safe bet for a brief moment.

  Because he’d never be whole! He’d never be free. He questioned his very existence. How did this come to be?!

  “You said I was a born pimp.” Smoke grimaced, replaying the conversation from just moments ago.

  “You were. Look at you and all you’ve done, by yourself I might add.”

  “You know what, Frank? The notion that pimps are born into the business may be a big ass lie we tell ourselves.”

  “Smoke! What the hell is going on with you? What are you talking about?”

  “Yeah, a big ass lie! Maybe it is just something men like me tell themselves just to survive trauma…suffering. What can make a man beat his fuckin’ stable into a bloody pulp? Huh?! We’ve seen it time and time again. I don’t hit my women, but I feel nothing for them, Frank. Don’t you think something is wrong with that, huh?! And that’s how most of us are. We don’t see a person, but rather, a pussy with soaked dollar bills falling from between her goddamn cunt lips!”

  They. Weren’t. Human.

  He heard Frank sigh heavily on the other end. “I’m coming over early. You’re losing your mind. First you tell me you like some broad, a madam of all people. I let that slide, because I can kinda get that. But then you tell me about this fucking suicide attempt and then you tell me pimps like you aren’t born, you are created from craziness! Get tha fuck outta here! You need a prescription or somethin’, Smoke! You’re stressed out, that’s all this shit is! Take a vacation, man. I can hold everything down for ya.”

  “No, Frank.” Smoke waved his hand around frantically, as if the man was right there in front of his face. “You know it is deeper than that. I’ve known you forever, man! You’d be at my house sometimes when I was a kid. You and my father were friends. You two hit it off when you worked security at the fucking hotels, you know what the fuck I’m talking about! You saw the goddamn hookers coming in and out of those rooms, bloodied and bruised! You fucking saw them!” Smoke screamed, unable to reel himself in. “In order to look at another person the way I do, and void them out as a sentient being with a beating heart, one has to become inhuman our-damn-selves!”

  There was no space for a pulse, no time to think the shit through and psychoanalyze one’s choices. No. Just keep moving because the minute you sit still, you’ll end up with a razorblade at your fucking wrist…

  Frank was so quiet, he wondered whether he’d walked away from the phone. He’d never yelled at the man, hell, Smoke rarely raised his voice to anyone…but he was changing. Emotions, passions and desires were pouring out of him, and they demanded an exit.

  In retrospect, the irony of it all struck him as humorous. In his teen years, he didn’t have the rationale to dissect himself, to understand how all of this bullshit came to be. He also knew, deep down, that once he began to fuck, he would try to control it, to make it work for him instead of hurt him as it had done in the past. It would kill him a bit more if he allowed his mind to replay the worn, abusive tap of yesteryear. He simply couldn’t stomach it. He needed relief… he needed happiness.

  Happiness? What was happiness? Smoke wasn’t exactly certain.

  “Remember earlier, Frank, when you mentioned firsts?”


  “Did I ever tell you about my first girlfriend?”

  “I don’t believe so.”

  “Well, she was a real sweet girl. She was a virgin, too. By the time I met her though, I was pretty sexually active. I wanted to see man, just one time, if I could make love, and not just fuck.” He looked dead center across the street at Paris’ home, then continued his conversation. “For this reason, I really wanted Cheryl—not because I was horny beyond belief, but to find out if I could be ‘normal’, just one fucking time in my whole miserable life, Frank. When she refused me, I realized maybe I was never supposed to be ‘normal’ in the first fucking place…”

  “Look, Smoke,” Frank coughed heavily then continued. “You come from a line of men that are different. You guys are exceptional. I’m not tryna make light of what you’re telling me, I’m just telling you it ain’t all bad as it seems. The answer is not suicide, though. Don’t you ever try some shit like that again.”

  “In death comes new life, Frank.” Smoke whispered with a smirk. Yes, he could feel it now. He surmised he was going slowly insane, had been for quite some time, and he wasn’t concerned with hiding it from everyone any longer. He needed a witness to this madness, and he’d found one. “Dad’s body is deep in the ground at Los Angeles National Cemetery. But from his death, the new me was born… a bona fide pimp, from the blood that runs in my veins down to my insatiable lust for the nicer things in life.”

  Nice things made him feel important. Nice things covered pain, at least for a moment or two. Nice things made all the bad shit go away. Nice things sparkled, so he sparkled, too…

  After being poor for so many years, then living a life that was fairly financially free, he refused to allow himself to ever be destitute again! He’d do what he was supposed to do and channel his inner work ethic. Whether it was instilled from his mother, within him from the time he popped out of her pussy or developed later, he was going to follow the code and obey his lust to be true to himself.

  “You’re a legend, Smoke.” Frank reached back into the conversation with his massive hand and grabbed the damn dialogue by the throat. He was determined to keep Smoke on track, at all costs. “You’re self made, you didn’t care that no one was helping you; you were determined to find your first two whores that very week your father died!”

  “I had to! I would’ve been homeless soon,” Smoke explained.

  “And that was exactly what you did!”

  At the time, it had been a struggle to simply just be. He had to figure this shit out, and fast! What could he say that would make women want to choose him, give him a chance? What could he do to pretend that he didn’t on
some level hate women, because he didn’t trust them and it was time they paid for what they did to him? They’d hurt him. They’d lied to him, manipulated him. Yes, it was time to make them work for this. Make them suffer. Make them give up every damn thing they had and then some, but even that would never be enough!

  How could he stand out from the crowd, despite his white flesh in a black male dominated profession? He was always on the job, learning, growing, becoming a bit less of Brent and a whole lot more of Smoke. Smoke wanted to make sure he had an edge, to follow the code and follow it hard.

  Money and power controlled him, ruled him with an iron fist.

  It was fundamental. Anything desirable to mankind could be lucrative. Everything revolved around, ran through, or stood directly below cash, currency and the like. He never discussed his mental mechanisms, the way his mind twisted and turned these notions like the inner workings of a Swiss clock. Matter of fact, he grew to enjoy being rather quiet, like a ghost only revealed from the corner of one’s lying eye.

  Smoke had something special, but it took him a while to realize it. Like his old friend Carl had said back in the day, he had a wisdom about him, as if he’d lived a thousand lifetimes. Now, he was beginning to see the truth in that…

  “Maybe you’re right,” Smoke huffed. “Maybe I just need a damn vacation.”

  “Now you’re talkin’! I’ll be over in an hour. Do you need anything?” Frank asked with obvious relief in his tone.

  “Nah, I’m fine. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “Alright.” And he disconnected the call.

  Smoke stood across the street, staring at Paris’ apartment building. He continued to grip his phone, knowing he’d just given Frank a ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card.’ He knew better, and he meant every damn thing he’d said. Something was different. Something was changing. The smoke in the air dispersed, morphing into something dense, heavy and ominous, like a New England fog. Most importantly, it refused to be ignored. He smiled, for inside, he was okay with that…yeah, that was just fine, for after the smoke clears, the truth is revealed…


  PARIS SAW HIM from one of the attic windows. That strange man she adored had been pacing up and down the sidewalk, his tall, strong body wearing a path in the concrete. She wondered whom he was speaking to, for at times, he looked rather animated. She observed him with the window cracked, and a romance book in her lap. She’d ordered this classic little number online: ‘The Bride’ by Julie Garwood. Paris loved the feel of a new hardbound book. Her Kindle lay cold on the dresser, for in the afternoons, she found the scent of the pages turning damn near intoxicating. She’d stolen herself away for a break, entering a room filled with odds and ends, and sat perched on a three legged chair that would give at any moment. It didn’t matter; she’d become distracted by the beautiful man that bid her ‘good day’ thus, a perfect excuse to place her book aside, and instead, concentrate on the real live, walking fairy tale in front of her. He kept glaring at her house…pausing, taking a long look, then turning away. It was unnerving yet satisfying, all at once. After some time, his call must’ve ended, for he turned on a dime and made his way back inside of his establishment, closing the door behind him.

  And she missed him already…



  Over many days, they continued to have phone conversations, flirt with one another, and roam in each other’s mental playground. He said things to her, things he hadn’t planned to say but they slipped out anyway. She was always so busy, which meant he couldn’t see her much, yet he was at peace with her admissions…for he could see through her, knew she told the truth. They’d talk on her porch at times, just sitting there, discussing mundane, simple things. She hadn’t had time for a date, but he hoped that would change soon. Regardless of these increased conversations and visits, his obsession never waned. Funny thing—he was now getting the attention of his whores due to his odd behavior. Such as when he sat with his anxious fingers wrapped around a pair of black binoculars and demanded he be left alone, undisturbed. It got to the point where he had to be harassed and hounded to take care of his duties, because he simply didn’t want to leave his stoop. So unlike him…

  What if he missed another sighting of Paris? What was she wearing today? He’d sit there with his cigarette, his music playing at a low pitch, his head cocked to the side and a smirk on his face as he fed his voracious voyeurism. He’d listen to Ben Folds Five’s ‘Draw a Crowd’, and crack up, as if he’d just smoked an entire bag of weed in one sitting. Such a great feeling of being alive, like he had some shit to look forward to during his mornings. He relished in the fact that he knew the woman’s schedule inside and out, so much so, it helped him corner the little Pussycat that fateful day…

  As she did every Tuesday around 1:00P.M. she left her apartment building. He never knew exactly where the little minx was going, but one thing he was certain of, it was time to confront her about their ‘living’ situation. One afternoon, he decided to follow her. He was pleased to see where’d she been going, and realized it would prove a perfect setting to discuss business matters with her. Things could get ugly; this way at least she’d watch herself, be on her best behavior. No one that works illegally wants to cause a damn scene in a financial institution. He kept on watching her, making mental notes for his grand confrontation. She stalled a bit, got out of her limousine after he’d already parked, which aided him in his plans. He made it inside and waited… He had several angles to play depending on her response, and he was armed and ready. The most disturbing part of his investigation happened to be when his concerns were validated. She was fucking beautiful, and his cock swung in her direction and sung her pretty praises…

  This strong attraction drove him further into a life of dedicated voyeurism. He continued to do it long after he’d made his intentions clear to the woman. What a horrible obsession, one he couldn’t shake. He was out of control, but what the hell could he do? He hadn’t gotten his claws into her yet, hadn’t gotten what he wanted, but he was close…oh, so close. Pausing, he took a deep breath. When he turned away from the window, the ugly truth was there, waiting for him. The apartment was decked, the johns were monitored, and he was in control of the whole motherfucking operation—but no matter how the floors shined, how expensive the Oriental rugs were and how many Greek statues he had on each floor, he was living inside of the Devil’s ass and told to get comfy, because this had become his permanent residence and he was about to get suffocated and die. He wanted out into beautiful open spaces, but he felt so damn filthy…and trapped.

  To his right stood the citadel of lustful fantasies come to life. Looking straight ahead was the sunny outside, covered in palm trees and a woman grinning from ear to ear that he couldn’t take his fucking eyes off of. Paris’ smooth light toffee complexion, jet-black hair, soulful eyes and lush lips stroked his dick with her mere image. He’d had too much of a good thing. He was surrounded by beautiful women on a daily basis, all willing to fuck him, no matter how tired they were. They brought him shitloads of money, but this one right here…well…challenge accepted. His desire for her superseded all else. He spotted her once again, this time waiting for Art, her limo driver. She wore a classy black pantsuit. Grabbing his binoculars, he adjusted them, wishing to see all the small, intricate details of her ensemble, her facial expressions, not miss one damn thing. Ahhh, that was better. Little pearl buttons ran down the front of her jacket, to match her pearl necklace.

  Suddenly, the front door slammed abruptly, taking him away from his pleasure. Soon, he saw Felicia exit the place, angrily walking down the walkway, her zebra print flip flips clacking against the pavement like the repeated slap across a face. The woman got into her car and sped off as if there were some pressing emergency. He looked back towards Paris, but by then, she was gone…


  Chapter Six

  TASHA, JUNIPER, APRIL and Carla stood in the foyer looking at the room full o
f rare hybrid calla lilies, fragrant hyacinths and an array of magnificent blossoms as if the shit was for them. Everyone appeared to be in awe, and Paris attempted to hide her own amusement mixed with great appreciation for the gesture. She stood amongst the purple, pink and white petals, smack dab in the middle, overtaken by the strong, sweet aroma. What a perfect birthday…

  “Uh, you do realize he had to have spent a hell of a lot of money to do this! Look at all of these. It looks like a florist shop in here!” April laughed gregariously, tossing her blond weave back in dramatic fashion over her shoulder before bending at the waist to sniff a lavender petal.

  “I can’t…believe… he did this,” Paris stated as she continued to take it all in. It took the delivery guys thirteen trips inside of the apartment complex to transport the entire load. They shot strange glances at her and her scantily clad girls, too—the kind of glances that meant they’d planned to return in the near future.

  “Let me ask you something, Paris, and I mean no disrespect.” April switched her sparse weight to one hip. “What are you so afraid of? I mean, do you think he is going to try to turn you out? Now, I know these mothafuckas out here aren’t shit, they can’t be trusted.” She rolled her eyes. “But from what I’ve heard, he is actually a pretty good guy, as far as male pimps are concerned. I would never work under another man again, but if I had to, it would be Smoke,” she finished, raising an eyebrow.

  “Me too,” Tasha cosigned, nodding in agreement. “He lets his women keep a lot of their money and he invests it, too. I ain’t never heard of him beating some bitch up either but I have heard of him fucking a lot of johns up that tried some shit, or having to physically defend himself on occasion with a fuckin’ simp or two… and that’s all right in my book.” All the ladies moaned and nodded in agreement.


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