Undercover Submissive

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Undercover Submissive Page 2

by Michelle Hughes

  "W-what time and where?" She asked the question before she allowed herself to change her mind. Her knees were shaking she was so nervous and her stomach was beginning to tense. She had no idea how she was going to pull this off, but everything inside of her screamed that if she was going to find Cait, he was her only hope.

  "Seven o'clock tomorrow night and my home, do you have a pen?" He felt his mind race in anticipation to the session they would have tomorrow night and smiled deeply.

  "I d-do," she lied easily. She had a photogenic memory and didn't need to write down the information. At times it was a curse with so much information stored in her brain, this wasn't one of those times though, she thought to herself.

  "387 Princeton Circle," he considered changing the date to tonight, but fought against it, "don't be late!" He hung up the phone not giving her a chance to respond. If he was going to train her, then she would need to learn to follow his orders without question.

  Cayce hung up the phone as the line went dead and felt her entire body tremble. How was she going to pull this off, she thought to herself? Thankfully it was Friday and she didn't have to work tomorrow because the rest of her night would be filled with studying information on the internet. She had less than twenty-four hours to turn herself into the perfect submissive. Closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths, she could only hope she had the mind to pull off this deception.


  Stepping out of the shower, she wrapped in an oversized towel and walked into her sister's room. Her mind was full of all the information she'd studied last night and the images had left her terrified of what this man would expect of her tonight. Cait's closest was full of provocative clothing so at least she wouldn't have any trouble dressing the part. Pulling out a red leather mini-dress, she thought to herself this was probably exactly what a man like Dylan St. Clair expected her to wear.

  Hanging the garment on the door knob, she sat down at her sister's vanity and dried out her long blonde hair until it fell in soft waves down her back. Normally she pulled the locks up into a bun or a ponytail, but tonight she knew it would need to hang free. Years of watching Cait put on her makeup helped her pull off her looks. As she stared back at herself in the mirror she could only shake her head. In her world, a nice coral colored lipstick and mascara did the trick but tonight she opted for bright red lips and smoky charcoal colored eye shadows.

  Rummaging through her sister's jewelry box, she pulled out a pair of gold dangling earrings and removed the pearl studs she usually wore. She could only imagine what Cait would say if she could see her now and the thought brought a sad smile to her face. It was strange how fate finally made her do the makeover her sister had pleaded with her to do for years.

  She pulled out a pair of barely existent lacy black panties from her sister's chest of drawers and a matching corset. Never would she have bought something like this for herself, but she had to admit it felt sinfully wicked as she put them both on. Pulling out a pair of thigh-high silk hose, she attached them to the garter clips attached to the lacy corset. The leather dress was barely-there either and as she zipped it up and looked back in the mirror, she could only hope her breasts didn't pour out of the strapless top.

  The dress was snug and there was no hiding any faults with your body, thankfully the one thing she had been blessed with was a nice figure. The garment had a built in shelf that lifted, and pushed up her full breasts, then it hugged her small waist and slightly rounded hips and only fell a few inches down her thighs. When she slid on the six inch black heels, she felt like a walking target for a rapist.

  Before she could change her mind, she grabbed a small black purse and threw in her keys and wallet. Walking to her car she knew that if anyone saw her, they would just assume it was Cait. She didn't talk to the neighbors here so she doubted any of them even knew her sister was missing. Sliding into the seat she tugged on the dress as it rode up even further on her thighs. Comfort was obviously not the plan with this outfit, she thought to herself as she drove off.

  She typed the address into her GPS while she was held up by a red light. Her hands were sweating as she allowed thoughts about what could happen tonight, and it filled her mind with terror. Cayce had no idea how far she'd have to take this scenario to get the information she needed, for all she knew the guy would demand more than she was willing to give. All she could hope was by that time she would at least have some leads.

  She was prepared to let him beat her if that's what it took, but there was no way she was having sex with a stranger. It was pretty apparent that whatever these people did, they didn't leave permanent scars, she knew Cait couldn't have hidden that from her. Pain was not something she was looking forward too but if that's what it took to get Cait back she would make the sacrifice, she told herself even as her stomach clenched in fear.

  Her mind continued to build up these horrible scenarios of what this man would do to her until she pulled up to the gate that led to his property. Her hand trembled as she pushed the button on the intercom and her foot almost slipped off the break as she heard his voice tell her to drive on through.

  "Don't blow this Cayce," she told herself as she drove up to the mansion. There really was no other word for the place, she thought looking over the three story brick building that screamed money and power. She felt completely out of place as she stepped out of the car and walked up the small flight of stairs to the door. Reminding herself that this man beat women for pleasure at least made her feel worthy enough to be standing in front of a place this incredible. What kind of monster got his kicks out of hurting other people her mind wondered.

  "Ms. Miller?" The servant opened the door and smiled warmly at the young beauty before him.

  "Yes." She tried to return the smile but she was so nervous she felt like she was about to hyperventilate at any moment.

  "Please follow me Miss," holding open the door he waited for her to walk inside before closing it.

  The sound of the door closing behind her almost made her jump. She had to do this, she reminded herself as her mind screamed at her to run back out the way she came in. She forced her trembling legs to follow the elderly servant and glanced around at her surroundings so she would know how to find her way out if she needed to run. The interior of the home was lovely but she had no interest in that at the moment. Exit strategy that was all she could think about.

  "He will be with you shortly Miss, please make yourself comfortable," the servant bowed and left her in a large room filled with books and a desk.

  She was actually impressed with the thousands of books that lined the shelves and had it been a different situation she would have enjoyed seeing what he read. Cayce really had no idea what she was supposed to do with herself, so she sat down on the cushioned chair in front of the desk and took several deep breaths. Her hands clenched together nervously in her lap and every muscle in her body was tense.

  Dylan hung up the phone, exasperated by the incompetence in his office. The phone call had taken well over an hour and made him late for his meeting with the lovely Cait. He truly was looking forward to training the girl. For the last ten years he had worked with slaves and submissive preparing them for the life they chose. There was so little free time in his busy life that he had yet to find a partner of his own. This lifestyle was his pleasure time and he hoped someday to find a woman he could call his slave one day.

  A full training could last six months when only working on the weekends, and with his travel agenda the training could take place anywhere in the world. When a woman moved on to her new life she was full of confidence and eager to please her new Master. He still received letters from many of those he had trained, thanking him for all he had given to their lives.

  Walking downstairs, he was informed by his servant that his guest had arrived and was waiting in his study. As he opened the door he was once again floored by the beauty of the girl awaiting him. "Forgive me for the delay Cait," he walked around behind the large desk and sat d
own casually, his eyes studying the girl before him.

  Lifting startled blue eyes she bit her lip to stop the gasp at being faced with the handsome man before her. The tabloids definitely didn't do him justice, she thought as her eyes moved over him curiously. His wide shoulders stretched the fabric of his white oxford shirt, which was carelessly rolled up at the sleeves showing tanned and muscular hands. His face was so incredible that she thought it should be a crime for a man to be so drop-dead gorgeous.

  "So do I meet your expectations," he smirked and his hazel eyes filled with humor as she stared.

  "I'm s-sorry," casting her eyes to her hands she felt heat fill her face. What was wrong with her, she thought? The man could be responsible for her sister's disappearance and she was ogling him like an awe-struck teenager. Why did her libido have to kick in now, with this man she pondered?

  "I'm flattered of course," in truth the way she was looking at him had his body responding in a way that shocked him. Normally he was in full control of his own needs and reminded himself that this girl wasn't his to have. She was here to be trained and he had no intention of making love to her. The two scenarios normally didn't cross in training, unless it was written in contract before they began.

  "So we should discuss your training," he spoke firmly attempting to pull his hormones back under control. "I know Lawrence has certain expectations in a slave, but of course that is for you and him to discuss when you make your contract."

  Cayce had no idea what he was talking about and to cover her ignorance, she simply nodded. He seemed as if he were waiting for her to say something and she was having trouble breathing at the moment much less thinking. "M-maybe you should tell me what you e-expect," her hands tightened in her lap and she fought against the lightheadedness that threatened to engulf her.

  Had Lawrence not discussed contracts with her, he wondered? It was apparent that the girl before him was lost. It angered him to think that his friend hadn't given her options, but then he remembered that he hadn't actually been with the girl that long. They probably were just enjoying each other sexually, he considered as his eyes roamed over her incredible body again.

  "Do you know what a contract is Cait," he enquired patiently.

  "Well of course I do, it's a binding agreement between two parties so they will both be satisfied with an outcome of an agreement," speaking about topics like this gave her courage. She had no idea what that had to do with this situation but she wasn't about to share her ignorance and blow the whole charade.

  Chuckling, it was more than apparent she had no clue what he was truly talking about. "Well yes, that is a contract, albeit our contract will be a little more detailed." He could see the confusion in the depths of her endless blue eyes and smiled. "The contract we will make will tell me what is acceptable to you in training. For example do you want to work with anal or not?"

  At the word anal her eyes widened and she had to force herself to stay in the chair. He was discussing sex like it was a formality and it made her even more nervous than she had been earlier. "I guess that would be okay," she kept her eyes on her hands and silently hoped she could get all the information she needed before it came to that. The thought of a man doing such things to her made her physically sick.

  It was easy for him to see the girl was nervous as hell and he wanted to get these issues out of the way so he could put her at ease. It wasn't uncommon for a submissive to feel uncomfortable discussing contracts; he had several that had a hard time talking about sex at all in the beginning. "I tell you what Cait; let me just go through what I know Lawrence will expect and you can tell me yes or no, okay?" He thought this might be a little easier for the girl instead of having to speak about it.

  She nodded quickly and listened as he went through a list of things that sounded so abhorrent to her that she gripped her hands together even tighter in her lap. When they finished she had agreed with every single issue, because she had no intention of seeing any of them through.

  "That wasn't completely awful, was it," he smiled and thought how lucky Lawrence was to have a submissive so willing to try anything. "We will use two safe words when we begin training, Cait."

  "S-safe words," she wasn't about to respond to how awful those comments had been. Half of the things he'd mentioned she had no clue about, and the ones she did know about she promised to make herself forget the moment she left this place.

  Shaking his head, he again wondered what Lawrence had been thinking. "Safe words are ways you can stop a situation or slow it down if you feel uncomfortable with what we're doing. If things are moving too fast and you just need me to slow down a little, mention the word yellow. I will then slow down until you're ready to move forward. If you mention the word red, everything stops. Whatever we're doing will end and we will take time to talk about it."

  "So you're telling me that no matter what happens I can use those words and you'll abide by them?" Cayce was shocked. She didn't remember reading about that on the internet.

  "Absolutely Cait, nothing is going to happen here that you aren't completely on board with." He was more than a little shocked at the surprise in her voice. He made a mental note to have a long talk with Lawrence and soon.

  Cayce let out a long sigh of relief at his words understanding this stuff was about consensual acts. It made a little more sense now why her sister would want to do something like this, even if in her mind it was still deviant. "Well that makes me feel a little more comfortable." She really hadn't meant to speak those words out loud and bit her lip.

  Smiling again, he stood up. "So we are in agreement?"

  She nodded and managed to smile slightly. As long as he kept his side of the bargain then tonight would not be the terrifying ordeal she had originally thought it to be. "We are."

  "From this moment on then, it's Master or Sir," he smiled again, ready to get this first session started.

  Calling him Master was not going to happen, but Sir she could live with. That was a term of respect she used for most of the men she was acquainted with and it didn't seem like that big of a deal. "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl," he winked and held out his hand for her to take.

  Her hands begin to tremble again as she put hers in his. His large hand swallowed up hers easily and her eyes moved to his face nervously.

  "It's time we get started, Cait, you can trust me. I won't take this further than you are willing to go." The look of fear in her eyes he would banish with the session tonight, he told himself. He wanted her to enjoy their time together as they trained.

  Leading her down the hall he opened a door that led down a long flight of stairs. When they reached the bottom it took everything she had in her not to bolt. The pictures online had nothing on the dungeon she was introduced to here.

  "There's a changing room to your right," he pointed his finger to a door, "take everything off and meet me back here when you're done." He smiled again hoping to reassure her. The first time with a new Master was always difficult for the submissive, he knew from several conversations with the women he had trained in the past. The best way to get them over their modesty was to do it all at once.

  Cayce nearly ran to the room he pointed at and closed the door before almost hyperventilating. She couldn't do this, she told herself sitting on a bench and putting her head between her knees trying to catch her breath. If she stopped now she would never know what happened to Cait, she reminded herself. How many men named Lawrence lived in this area, she thought to herself, hundreds?

  Her body trembled violently as she knew what had to be done. Her fingers fumbled on the zipper as she slowly slid it down. Knowing if she didn't hurry she wouldn't be able to finish, she quickly slid off the dress, and then her lingerie, hose and shoes. Walking over to the door and opening it was the hardest thing she'd ever done in her life. Her face burned in embarrassment as she forced her feet to walk back to him.

  "Beautiful," he spoke softly sensing the tension in her. Her small hands were clenched into tight b
alls at her sides and she refused to look at him. Reaching out his hand he pushed her long blond hair behind her so he could see how lovely she truly was.

  She tensed at the touch of his hands and had to force herself to remain still. No man had touched her since her stepfather and she had never wanted that contact again. She didn't feel beautiful, she felt shamed and just wished this horror would end. Tears slid down her cheeks at the humiliation.

  Her body was absolute perfection he thought. His eyes skimmed over her full breasts and pale pink nipples. She had a small waist, and softly rounded hips and legs that were long and supple. Her skin, where his hand had slid against her shoulder was as soft as silk and the color pale against his dark tan. The soft patch of downy curls at the apex of her thighs, he couldn't wait to remove those for her. As his eyes lifted toward her incredible face, he could barely breathe. The tears that fell made her even more beautiful and he would have never believed it possible. His long fingers traced the trail of tears gently, "Perfection." The words were whispered in reverence.

  She had no idea why his words spoke so deeply into her heart, but it had been so long since anyone had called her beautiful that she pushed herself into his arms. Holding on to him, she could make no sense of the strange comfort it gave her but it felt nice for once to not be the one who had to make sure everything was alright. All her life she had tried to take care of Cait, and hide from the world all the pain she kept inside.

  His strong arms wrapped around her as he allowed her emotions time to adjust. He was more than a little shocked that a woman as beautiful as she was had such a problem with showing off her body. He could never recall another submissive coming undone so completely in his presence over something so minor. A strange feeling of protectiveness overwhelmed him as her tears subsided.

  Pulling out of his arms the shame of her actions hit her full force. "I'm s-sorry," her arms crossed over her breasts defensively and she looked at the floor.


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