Educating Callie

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Educating Callie Page 16

by Emma Jayne Mills

  “Now there’s something I could get used to hearing.” I heard him mutter as he searched the kitchen drawers for a bottle opener. Nope, not going there I thought, as I checked the walls around my no swoon zone for gaps. Barbed wire, that’s what it needed!

  Adam and I watched Bruce Willis set the world straight in his vest and pigged out on pizza and even though Adam wasn’t a pineapple person, I forgave him because he got half of the gigantic pizza with pineapple just for me. Cameron arrived home as we were about to put on the second movie. I’d been to the bathroom and came back to hear him and Adam talking in hushed voices.

  “Where was this one found?” Adam asked. My skin broke out in a cold sweat.

  “Over by the dis-used railway station, the one behind the new school site in Marbledon.” Cam said quietly.

  “Shit!” Adam hissed.

  Their voices became even more hushed after that and I didn’t catch anything else of their conversation until all of a sudden I heard back slapping and more muffled voices, then laughter. Feeling mildly guilty at eavesdropping I went back into the room.

  “What are you two whispering about?” I eyed them both. Maybe people ought to start asking about Adam and my brother rather than Adam and me I pondered as they stood there grinning at each other.

  “You.” They both answered. Oh good!

  Cam filled me in as much as he could about the body that had been found, obviously he’d given Adam more details than he could give me, but the news had come in just as he had been leaving work so he didn’t know much anyway.

  “It’s him.” I whispered. I don’t know how I knew. I just did.

  “No Callie.” Cam had me in a bear hug before I could blink. “It’s not him okay?”

  “Oh come on Cam, there are things you’re not telling me, I’m not stupid. It’s the same isn’t it? What he’s doing to them, I know it is. I know it’s him.” I rambled hysterically.

  Cam steered me to the sofa and wedged me in between himself and Adam, Cam’s arm around my shoulders, Adam’s hand holding mine, squeezing lightly.

  “You’re safe Angel.” Adam said as he kissed my forehead. “We aren’t going to let anything happen to you.”

  “Which film are we on?” Cam asked, picking up the remote. I could see straight through his distraction techniques but I didn’t have it in me to argue. As Cam had said, I might not be a woman who needed a man to survive, but right then I had every intention of leaning on Adam and my brother and allowing them to take over for a while.


  I woke the next morning apparently having again used Adam as a body pillow on our sofa. He was on his back, his arms wrapped tightly around me and I was sprawled across him, just as we had been on his sofa the night we met. When I apologised he grinned and told me it was rapidly becoming his favourite sleeping position. Then I’d had an “Oh shit” moment and done a runner. But I hadn’t had a nightmare.

  Me: I did it again

  Liv: Oops? I’m excited. I love a good Britney reference.

  Me: Major oops!

  Liv: Adam?

  Me: Used him as a pillow last night.

  Liv: So is he your boyfriend now? Or is he your boy friend?

  Me: What’s the difference?

  Liv: The difference is that tiny space in between called the friend zone.

  Me: Shit, I dunno Olive.

  Liv: Blurred lines.

  Me: Robin Thicke.

  Liv: What rhymes with hug me (I’m singing) Did he hug you?

  Me: All night long.

  Liv: Lionel Richie.

  Liv: Worse case scenario?

  Me: Give it to me

  Liv: Timbaland. You’re screwed.

  Me: Good talk Olive

  Liv: Don’t call me that.


  Shortly after Liv imparted her invaluable advice, Vinnie sent me a gif of a medieval jousting tournament. I sent back a “You know nothing Jon Snow” meme.

  “Offer still stands Callie love, always has always will.” Mick said to me later as we sat at the bar after closing the pub. There was something peaceful about being in there after hours, the only light coming from the fridges behind the bar, no noisy chatter, no music. Just Mick and me with a bottle and two glasses sitting on the bar between us. I was in a funk about not being able to decide what to do with my life and my qualifications once I had finished college.

  “I know Mick and I appreciate it, but it’s more than that.” I huffed, lifting my glass to my mouth.

  “What if I could offer you more than the manager’s position?” Mick ventured, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  “You proposing Micka?” I joked.

  “In a fecking heartbeat if I thought you were meant for me.” He winked at me and we laughed.

  “Ok, so what are you talking about?” I looked over my glass at him.

  “I have plans for this place, well, another place actually, expansion. I could do it on my own, but honestly, I don’t want to.” He glanced at me, obviously testing the water. “I’ve been looking for a reason to get my brother over here permanently and I already spoke to him about it. He’s interested, but ideally I want you on board as well, love.”

  “Talk to me.” I leaned towards him. He had my attention; this might be something I could get excited about.

  “I’m thinking three equal partners. Jared, you and me each with a third share in this place and any subsequent places we open. The nature of any further businesses are up for discussion but I have a couple of ideas that I’d like both your input on.” He was watching my face for a reaction, but I was holding my cards close to my chest and giving it my best Lady Gaga. Going into business with Mick and his brother Jared could be exactly what I was looking for but I wanted details first.

  “The two of us are already an excellent team. This place wouldn’t be as successful as it is without you behind me. You’re good at this and you love doing it as much as I do.” His green eyes bored into mine and he leaned towards me as he sold me his idea.

  “Can’t deny that I love this place.” I had to agree.

  “All those courses you’ve taken, they’re all relevant to this business.” He said, topping up both our glasses from the bourbon bottle that sat between us on the bar. That’s when I realised he had been planning this. He had suggested those courses. He had kept the manager thing at the forefront of my mind. He had taught me everything I could ever need to know about running the pub. I grinned and shook my head at him.

  “You planned this from the beginning!” I accused, not at all angry.

  “Maybe not to this degree and I prefer hoped for not planned. But yeah, guilty as charged.” He confessed, not even trying to hide it. He smiled at me, knowing he had me hooked. All he had to do was reel me in. “I saw something in you the first day I met you love, when you came charging in here demanding I hire you on the spot. You were young, and had zero experience but there was a quiet determination about you that put me in your corner from the second I laid eyes on you. Of course with that pretty face, I knew you’d be good for the place, draw the punters in. You’ve put your heart and soul into the rover as much as I have and I think it’s time you got something back from it. Something bigger than a wage slip at the end of the month. I’ve gone over numbers with my accountant and I’ve been putting together lots of info for you and Jared. We can do this Callie love.”

  “You’ve got it all figured out haven’t you?” I grinned at him.

  “It’s been on my mind for a long time. You know as well as I do we could do good things together. You and me, we understand each other. There’s no bullshit between us. You’re my driving force and I’m yours.” Again, I couldn’t argue with him and I found myself nodding in agreement.

  “And Jared? Is he willing to move over here permanently?” I asked, plopping a lump of ice into my glass. I didn’t give Mick any; he didn’t drink it that way.

  “It’s something we’ve talked about. Since Da passed there’s nothing much keeping him
in Ireland. Etta has her husband and the kids, they’re solid, she doesn’t need Jared around like she used to.” He told me referring to their sister who had recently had her second baby with her husband of three years. “Plus he likes it here, he has friends in town, you being one of them.”

  I nodded again. Jared and I had gotten along fantastically each time he had visited over the years and we’d proven we could work together when he helped out behind the bar during his visits.

  “Look love, there’s a lot of details involved and a lot to think about. I’ll talk to Jared, get him on Skype at some point so we can all talk together. But in the mean time, will you think on it?” Mick put a hand on my leg and squeezed affectionately.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I definitely will.” I smiled at him and nodded, feeling a lot brighter about things than I had in a long time.

  Money wasn’t an issue for me with investing, our parent’s had left both Cam and I a generous cash inheritance that neither of us had needed to touch. I could well afford to buy into the Rover and further ventures. It wasn’t nightmare free, but I slept better that night in Mick’s spare room above the pub, content in the knowledge that maybe, just maybe, not everything was so bad.


  Dana: The situation regarding your lack of girl status has reached defcon 2 we need to rectify immediately.

  Me: I’m not going shopping with you witch.

  Dana: I already made the appointments.

  Me: We need appointments to shop?

  Dana: No, we need appointments for hair and nails.

  Me: No Dana.

  Dana: Tomorrow. 9am. Be ready or I’m bringing out the big guns.

  Me: Vinnie doesn’t scare me.

  Operation distract Callie had gone into overdrive since my little freak out to Cam and Adam. My brother had roped in all of our friends and Liv and Dana had ushered me off on some girly shopping trip from hell with Vinnie along as chaperone. Nail and facial appointments had been attended. Dana had actually stamped her feet when I refused to have pink nails, going with blue instead. And we’d had lunch at a fancy restaurant with cocktails and lettuce leaves. I returned home exhausted and in desperate need of real food.

  It hadn’t escaped my notice that, as Vinnie practically picked me up and carried me out of bed that morning, the other guys had been gathering at my house dressed like a demolition team. If Adam or Greg had shown up in their police uniforms I might have been forgiven for thinking they were forming a Village People tribute band and were about to give an impromptu performance of YMCA in my kitchen.

  I’d attempted to give Mick the third degree, he’s usually on my side on everything, but he had actually uttered the words “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, love.” earning himself a punch in the gut. He laughed, of course. Like my puny fists could do any damage to his concrete abs.

  Adam had told me to relax and enjoy myself, almost as bad as Mick’s Neanderthal response. Luke wouldn’t even make eye contact with me, Nick pulled my hair and told me to buy gloves and Nate had winked and said, “You’re having a girls day, we’re having a boys day. Just go with it babe.” And as for my brother? Well, he’d mysteriously vanished into thin air.

  I narrowed my eyes at Cam now as I hauled my bags up the steps and dropped them on the porch. They were all now sitting around drinking beer and looking suitably pleased with themselves.

  “Good day sis?” He asked innocently but there was a furrow in his brow that I filed away to interrogate him about later.

  “What have you done?” I got straight to the point.

  His eyes widened momentarily, “We’re just thinking about lighting the barbecue.”

  “So suspicious Cal,” Nate said and Luke snorted into his beer. Luke. He was my best bet. Only thing was they all knew it.

  “Luca, come and help me carry these bags to my room?” I smiled sweetly at him.

  “Oh no you don’t.” Nick put his hand on Luke’s arm.

  “Stay away from him!” Mick warned.

  “You don’t have to go with her Luke.” Cam added.

  “Ah shit!” Luke groaned.

  “It’s ok, we’ll protect you.” Greg told him.

  “You’re not playing fair Angel.” Adam stood, picking up my bags. “I’ll help you.”

  “I’ll find out.” I warned them all as I followed Adam into the house, still mildly irritated by his earlier caveman behaviour. “And there had better be some huge ass steaks going on that barbecue Cameron!”

  “Bring back wine Callie!” Dana called after me and I stuck my thumb in the air.

  Adam put the shopping bags down on the end of my bed and turned to look at me, “You bought books didn’t you?”

  “Always,” I crossed my arms and tilted my head when I looked at him, aware that he was trying to distract me.

  “You have so many already.” He said as he sat down on the end of my bed. This was the first time he had been in my room and he was looking around at the piles of books scattered on every surface.

  “Maybe I’ll open a bookstore.” I retorted as I began looking through the bags. I pulled out a lacy, red underwear set that I’d bought and waved it in his face.

  “What do you think?” I said, doing a little distracting of my own. Two could play that game.

  “I think you shouldn’t have shown me that!” Woah! Was that a growl? Adam stood and prowled towards me. He snatched the underwear from my hand and threw it over his shoulder onto the bed, as I got lost in the rush of blood to my head when he backed me up against the wall. I’d never seen him anything but calm and controlled before. This was new. And not even remotely unpleasant.

  “Why ever not?” I pulled my wits about me and feigned innocence; he caged me in with his hands against the wall on either side of my head and leaned into me. No swoon zone? Anyone seen my no swoon zone?

  “Because now I want to know what it looks like on you...” He lowered his mouth and his lips caressed my neck as he spoke. He breathed in deeply, then rubbed his nose along the length of my jaw, levelling his lips with mine. “And off you!”

  My knees went weak and I inhaled sharply. Oh my! My kind, considerate, sweet, dependable Adam had just shown me a whole new side of himself and I liked it. I liked it a lot! But I wasn’t about to admit that, or give into it obviously. I couldn’t go there with him. No way, no how. Walls? Where the hell had my bloody walls gone? Ah, there they were all crumbled to dust at my feet.

  He laughed as he pulled away and left the room, knowing not only had he well and truly got my attention, but he had also succeeded in distracting me from finding out about their activities that day. The nerve of him. Backed me up against the wall, sexy growled at me, made me think he was going to kiss me and then walked away laughing. Nope. Impenetrable.


  Twin 2: Why are there roses and chocolates on the doorstep?

  Me: Just bin them Cam and leave it at that. Please.

  Twin 2: How long has this been going on?

  Me: Leave it Cam.

  Twin 2: Answer me!

  Me: A while. I asked him to stop. He denied it.

  Twin 2: You sure it’s him?

  Me: Who else would it be?

  Twin 2: Nobody. I’ll deal with it.

  Me: Don’t do anything stupid Cam!


  His gloved hand held my chin firmly in place, forcing me to follow his actions in the mirror, as he dragged the point of the knife down my cheek again. Classical music played loudly in the back ground, drowning out my screams. His icy stare was fixed on the reflection in the mirror and he watched with fascination as the blood oozed from the wound he had created and made its way down my face...

  The nightmare woke me, a silent scream on my lips as I grasped at the bed sheets. At least I hadn’t woken Cam this time, I thought to myself as I turned on my bedside lamp and looked at my alarm clock, 3.47am. Yay! I knew it was unlikely I’d sleep again now. I eyed my phone, wondering if Adam was awake. He’d told me to text or call
him after a nightmare, no matter the time, but I felt guilty doing it. Before I’d reached out to pick it up the phone made its TARDIS sound and I smiled as I picked it up. It always reminded me of Adam. My smile quickly faded when I saw the message was from Jase.

  J: Why is your light on so late?

  Me: Are you kidding me Jase?

  J: Why is it on Callie?

  Me: Nightmares. You know how it is. Why are you outside my house at this time?

  J: I’m not anymore. I drove past and noticed. You should be asleep.

  Me: You’re being weird Jase.

  J: I care about you, that’s all. I don’t want you to be tired tomorrow.

  Me: Thanks for the concern. Stop spying on me. It’s creepy.

  J: It’s not spying. It’s taking care of you. I won’t stop making sure you’re okay. Not ever Callie.

  I wondered why he was suddenly calling me Callie, but pushed it from my mind after a few seconds. It didn’t matter.

  Chapter Nine

  Unknown: Hey Cee, got a new phone. Lost my old one. Hope you’re okay. Love J. Xx

  Me: You lost it since 3am outside my house?

  Unknown: ???

  Me: When you were texting me!

  Unknown: Pretty sure I was fast asleep at 3am. Alone. Lost my phone a few days ago.

  Me: Stop fucking with me Jase. It’s not funny!

  Unknown: Seriously Cee, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m close, I’ll stop in and we can talk. Stick the kettle on.

  Me: Stop acting like nothing’s changed Jase.

  Unknown: It’s that time of the month isn’t it? Want me to stop and get pizza and ice cream babe?

  Me: Fuck you!

  Thankfully Cam was at work when Jase turned up on my doorstep.

  “What the hell are you doing here Jase? I’m pretty sure fuck you translates to don’t come here in any language, even stupid!” I snarled at him when he walked through the door calling out “Incoming.” like it was perfectly normal.

  “You sounded stressed baby. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” Jase held his hands up in surrender.

  “Well, I’m fine. You can go now.” I snapped back.


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