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Out Page 12

by Cara Dee

  “But,” he hedged.

  “But we can’t put our lives on hold forever.” Mostly because what was going to hurt now was going to fucking shatter me later. Here, I was living in a fantasy. A dream. It just wasn’t real. “Once Ty gets here, I can stay another week or maybe ten days. Mattie doesn’t have anything until school starts, so that’s between you guys. I gotta get back to work and Nan.”

  He hummed. “Well, if you’re going to be all reasonable about things…”

  I chuckled and pressed a kiss to his temple.

  He was gonna have to make a lot of decisions in the near future. Unless Ty changed schools, Henry might have to move to Camassia by the end of the summer. Ty still had his senior year of high school to get through before he was off to college. For now, I told myself to be satisfied with what we’d discussed. I’d have a few more weeks with Henry.

  There was one worry, having spent time in LA now. What if Ty did want to move here?

  The following late afternoon, Henry and Martin’s stony silence remained in effect.

  “What about this?” I held up a shirt and showed it to Martin. Their ongoing war of not speaking was even worse when they were in the same room. Lunch had been horrific. I’d ended up telling knock-knock jokes to see if they would crack.

  They didn’t.

  Martin pursed his lips and tapped his chin thoughtfully.

  Henry was on the couch with Eagle again. He was taking a vacation day from his store… Though, in his defense, he was still working. I just didn’t know with what. The table was strewn with finance stuff. He was wearing glasses. Hot. As. Fuck.

  “No, I want to see you in something tighter,” Martin said. “What pants are you wearing?”

  “The slacks,” I told him. They resembled the charcoal dress pants Henry had worn the other day. He’d said my ass looked delectable in them.

  “Then, no.” He took the shirt from me and started sifting through the clothes in the closet space Henry had given me. “Try this one.”

  Jesus. When Martin said tight, he meant it. The light blue button-down hugged my torso and biceps to the point where it almost strained. “Maybe it’s—”

  “Perfect.” Martin clasped his hands together under his chin. “Every man in the club will want you. All of them.”

  I lifted a brow, then narrowed my eyes at him. He was a shit. He was doing this to rile up Henry.

  “Only one of them matters.” I winked.

  I didn’t need to look over my shoulder to sense Henry relaxing.

  Martin waved a hand and asked where I kept my accessories.

  He picked out a cuff and some leather cords to attach around my wrist, all while muttering about getting me more stuff.

  “Okay, you’re free to go,” he told me. “I’m heading out quickly. We have—” he checked his watch “—three hours. I can bring back dinner—”

  “Tell Martin I’ve got dinner handled,” Henry said.

  “Oh my God, you two,” I groaned.

  Dinner was awesome. Something must’ve happened while I was in the shower, ’cause now they were silently seething.

  “Should we discuss how smoking hot we all are tonight?” I suggested innocuously. While certainly true, I had a feeling they weren’t chatty this evening. So I ate my delicious pasta dish from some Italian place in not-silence. I hummed appreciatively and made yummy noises.

  I’d gotten a slight tan, which made me happy. It made my arms look better, and Martin had insisted I neatly fold the sleeves to my elbows. The party we were going to was upscale, hence the button-down and slacks. To be honest, I was digging the fashion stuff. I didn’t understand much of it, but I enjoyed the results. Having never paid attention to what I wore and how I looked before, it was a nice change.

  I even tucked a napkin into my shirt so I wouldn’t spill.

  To fuck with Martin, no doubt, Henry was going with all black. Black dress pants, black button-down, black shoes, black leather belt. He looked like a god. Add a nice watch to that…? Goddamn. I wanted to jump his bones.

  “Will there be dancing tonight?” I asked.

  Martin nodded stiffly.

  “Awesome.” I took a sip of my wine and eyed the grouches. “What else can I expect?”

  “Makeup.” Martin so wanted to ramble. He was excited about tonight. He just couldn’t bring himself to show it when he was fighting with Henry. “Have you heard of Brooklyn Wright?”

  I shook my head.

  “She’s amazing. One of the best makeup artists in the business,” he went on. “She’s the owner of ShadowLight, and they’re launching their own makeup brand. Tonight, they will give us a glimpse.”

  I wasn’t particularly interested in makeup, though. “Will they know what a Violet Haze is at the bar?”

  His mouth twitched. “Yes, dear.”

  Henry cleared his throat. “You’ve probably heard of Tennyson Wright.”

  Well, sure. Famous director.

  “He’s Brooklyn’s brother-in-law,” Henry finished.

  “Oh. Cool.” I took another bite of my food, hoping I’d thawed them out a little. “So…does this mean it’s some celebrity event?” Nan would get a kick out of this. She was a film buff.

  “There will probably be a few,” Martin answered. “Brooklyn is close friends with Tennyson’s wife—Sophie Pierce?”

  “Oh, she’s good.” I nodded. She was an A-lister. I’d seen a few of her movies. My grandmother adored her.

  Would I break some code if I asked Sophie for an autograph? I hoped she showed up.

  “Noah Collins might show up,” Henry pondered out loud. “Given he’s worked closely with both Wright brothers…”

  I didn’t know who the Noah dude was, but I was getting increasingly enthusiastic about this party. It was part of the fantasy, things I’d seen on TV but never thought I’d be part of. LA was a heady drug that sucked you in, wasn’t it?

  “Did you read the article about Noah and his husband?” Martin asked Henry. My head snapped up; they were fucking talking. Or would be, if Henry responded.

  And he did, nodding. “It was good. Julian’s such a gifted composer too.”

  I grinned.

  They offered looks of confusion, after which it dawned on them.

  So they went back to glaring at each other.

  I sighed.


  Is it okay to fangirl?

  I was starstruck. We’d only just entered the club—somewhere in Hollywood—and I was already losing my composure. There was a real red carpet outside, reserved for famous people who were arriving later. The club was decorated as a fancy studio, albeit with a lot less light. The spotlights were mounted on big stands, the bar was built to look like a makeup artist’s station, the back wall complete with a huge mirror and light bulbs framing it. High chairs, like director’s chairs, instead of barstools.

  Low couches and tables took up the space along the walls, and the rest was one big open area. If the building was an old warehouse, I wouldn’t be surprised. Except, the ceiling wasn’t as high.

  It was already packed with people. They were mainly industry people, Martin explained to me. As in, they were—in one way or another—involved in film, music, or anything surrounding it.

  “I’m not including the caterers and bar staff,” he said.

  I chuckled, and we passed a guy carrying a tray of champagne flutes.

  There were fancy snacks too.

  I tentatively grabbed Henry’s hand, something that earned me a smile from him, and then we sort of walked around for a while. Martin knew several people here. Henry knew a handful. I was introduced to people I’d never meet again.

  The venue was big, and it took us some time to cover the whole place. I noticed there was more than one bar too.

  “I wonder where Joseph is,” Martin said. “Let me know if you see him.”

  I guess. I wasn’t too thrilled about that part, although I was stoked he’d invited us.

  Martin wandered off
to socialize.

  “Let’s get a drink and find a place to sit.” Henry gave my hand a squeeze, and I followed him.

  He ordered for me, making sure they got my drink right. He was too sweet. In the meantime, I was staring at everyone, taking it all in. The dresses and suits these people wore…I didn’t wanna know what they’d cost.

  Again, I remembered my ex, Meghan. She’d been good at putting together cheaper things and making it look extravagant.

  There were photos on display here and there, pictures of models with heavy makeup. I spotted a few women by one display, their phones up. Selfie-time, huh?

  I smiled and shook my head in wonder.

  Henry inched closer, handing me my cocktail, and he spoke in my ear. “I love watching you. How you process.”

  “Thanks for making me self-conscious about it.” I let out a laugh and clinked my glass to his whiskey. Violet Haze was served in a martini glass here, instead of a tall glass. It meant I’d need more of them. “This place is insane.”

  Henry looked out over the floor, pensive. Had they dimmed the lights further? It appeared darker suddenly, and the music a little louder.

  “If you were to show them the mountains around your town, they’d call that insane too.”

  Maybe. Some of them, sure. I got his point, though. I also heard him say your town, as if Camassia wasn’t his anymore.

  I’d need a dozen Violet Hazes to forget that.

  I took a big gulp of my drink.

  It did get louder. And darker. It hadn’t been in my head. As the club filled to the brim, the party came to life. Henry pointed out a few minor celebrities, famous for being famous but good to have around because they were whores on social media and knew how to spread the word.

  When Martin found us on a couch in the seating area, he had Joseph with him. It made me straighten up, and I linked my fingers with Henry’s.

  “Hello there, my gorgeous lovebirds.” Joseph smiled and sat down next to me, his hand on my thigh as he leaned over to kiss Henry’s cheek. “No more sneaking around for you, huh? Not that you were subtle last Sunday.”

  “Play nice, Joseph.” Henry’s warning held no warning whatsoever, though his eyes tightened at the corners.

  “Yes, yes, no extra fun for you.” Joseph waved it off. So Henry had already told him there’d be no, um, threesome. “I have the evening to change your minds.” I grew uncomfortable as he placed a finger under my chin and leaned closer to my ear. “Henry and I can make you see stars, Zachy boy.”

  I stiffened and inched away. I didn’t make it a habit to jump into bed with complete strangers, and his advances were anything but sexy.

  Joseph rose from the couch before I could respond, though I had no clue what I would’ve said, and he smirked at us. “You do make a cute couple. I’ll have to buy you guys a drink later. Work calls.”

  He left, taking a silent Martin with him.

  Henry had been tense, something I didn’t notice until his shoulders relaxed. “What did he say to you?”

  I shook my head and finished my drink. The jealousy lingered, and it bothered me. They’d been friends for years, had a lot of history, a sexual one included. The day I went home, Joseph would still be here.

  “Let’s get another drink.” I kissed his jaw. “Then you’re gonna ask me to dance.”

  He tilted his head and captured my mouth with his. “You got it.”

  “You gotta stop doing that,” I laughed and panted, fearing the music had drowned out my voice. Holy shit, he was indecent. I groaned and turned my head to nuzzle his jaw. With him behind me and dancing bodies all around us, nobody could see him cupping my crotch, fondling it sensually.

  “I’ll do no such thing.” He kissed my neck as a new song poured out. It was slower, like the foreplay of music. The bass reverberated through me, and Henry’s cock against my ass didn’t exactly improve my situation. A few more songs like this and I’d come in my pants like a teenager.

  I shuddered, moving against him. It was getting all kinds of hot, and I wiped at my forehead. The third drink had given me a slight buzz too. And I was learning that my favorite Haze made me bolder.

  Maybe it was a good thing we were interrupted.

  I blinked dazedly, then grinned when I saw my favorite Martin. He appeared in the crowd, yelled something over the music, then gestured for us to follow him. I couldn’t very well protest and say one more song; he was already disappearing again.

  “There’s probably someone he wants you to meet,” Henry said in my ear.

  He took my hand, and I followed after adjusting my dick. The bastard had gotten me hot and bothered.

  “Martin!” Henry called. “Where are you going?”

  That was my question too, ’cause he was leading the way out of the club. We left the main area, and Martin continued to a sealed-off hallway where a security guy waited. He let us through, and Martin finally slowed enough to tell us what was going on.

  “This is called networking, dear,” he told me. “When you get the chance to meet higher-ups in the industry, you go with it. You never know what connections you’ll make.”

  Henry narrowed his eyes. “You’re up to something.”

  Martin waved a hand. “Of course I am, but even if I weren’t, networking is always good. I already booked a work event—a charity thing. My pretty pastries will get more publicity.”

  That was great and all, but I didn’t see how this concerned Henry and me. There was no reason for us to network. No cupcakes to sell.

  We came to a stop outside of a door, and Martin opened it. Inside was a mini version of a club, a dark room with a small bar. The low couches and tables in the main club were here too, just fewer of them. Twenty people would fill the room.

  “Oh, shit, that’s…” Not only was Sophie Pierce in here, but the music was low enough that I heard myself being un-cool. Thankfully, no one else seemed to hear it, and my being tipsy made it easier to unclench.

  Did Joseph have to be here, though?

  He stood up when he spotted us, and he smiled warmly. “Get over here, gentlemen. Let me introduce you to my gorgeous boss.”

  A beautiful woman with dark skin and a gold dress that made even me perk up tinkered a laugh and slapped Joseph’s thigh. “You already got your promotion, hon. You can stop flattering me now.”

  He chuckled and winked at her. “Never, my love.” As we reached their table, Joseph cupped my elbow and encouraged me closer to him. “This is Zach Coleman, a sexy little thing visiting from Smalltown, America.”

  I gave him a WTF look, then plastered a polite smile on my face as he introduced me to Brooklyn Wright, the owner of ShadowLight. I shook her hand, blurting out a compliment about her dress that made her beam, and others followed. Others whose names I wasn’t sure I’d remember. Her husband was sitting next to her, then Tennyson Wright—and I had to admit he was hot as fuck, something I hadn’t considered before. Now, being here, a whole lot of doors had opened. I was seeing men everywhere.

  “You directed A Killer’s Walk and Fallen.” I was all about blurting shit out, and as if he didn’t know the films he’d made? Christ. “I loved Unrecovered too.”

  He smiled and shook my hand firmly. “I appreciate it.”

  “The lovely Sophie Pierce, of course,” Joseph went on.

  She rose with a stunning smile and extended her hand so I could greet her. “It’s nice to meet you, Zach. Are you enjoying LA?”

  “Very much, thank you.” I had to lean over the table a bit to grasp her hand. And I kind of didn’t want to let her go, ’cause I was shaking hands with a Hollywood actress who’d been nominated for an Oscar twice. “I love your work, and my grandmother will be jealous when I tell her I met you. You were awesome in A Killer’s Walk. Oh, and Beneath the Scars.”

  She seriously blushed. How adorable was she? She didn’t look too many years older than me. Her sexy husband was a lot older, I remembered that much.

  “Look alive, Noah.” Tennyson leaned
back and slapped the arm of a man on the other side of Sophie. He was another hot one. Bearded, tall.

  He resurfaced with a “What? I’m alive” after shaking hands with Henry.

  Sophie laughed. “You should meet Noah, Zach.” She gestured at the man to her left. “He directed Beneath the Scars.”

  He inclined his head. “Good to meet you.”

  “You too.” I shook his hand eagerly—shit. I was forgetting to play it cool. “The last scene sort of slayed me, when the mom was in the mental ward and her son came in.”

  He grinned. “One of my favorite scenes too. I’m glad you liked it.”

  Okay, I was more than a little starstruck.

  Sophie sat down again, cuddling up with her husband, and she shared a joke with her brother-in-law. I wanted to say his name was…Asher? It was a lot to take in, and I was still being introduced to people. At least Henry was back to my side, my hand in his again.

  The last person I shook hands with was Julian, Noah’s husband. Martin informed me he was a composer and had done the music for Beneath the Scars.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have to show my face at the party,” Brooklyn said. She was bringing two women with her, along with Joseph and her husband. “Please have a seat, Henry. Joseph told me you’re the one I need to talk to about Second Family. If you have time, I’d love to set up a meeting.”

  I whipped my head in Henry’s direction, surprised. Was he involved in that company? I remembered it was on the list of LGBTQ+ centers he was taking Ty to.

  “I’ll look forward to it, dear.” Henry nodded.

  Sophie piped up. “Oh, was that for the boys’ dog ranch?”

  “I just love it when you call us boys, princess,” Tennyson drawled.

  In the mix of chuckles and laughter, Brooklyn clarified to Henry, “Asher and Tennyson run an organization called Fight for Fighters. Have you heard of it?”

  “Of course,” Henry replied. “Rescue dogs and rehabilitation, right?”

  They continued talking about some collaboration, and I snuck past them to sit down next to Tennyson. A guy came over with a tray of drinks, and he took my order for a Violet Haze too. Then Martin joined me with a tipsy smile and a kiss to my cheek.


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