A Healing Love

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A Healing Love Page 4

by Shara Azod

  “Oh my God, you’re real!” The hushed whisper was full of awe and…and what? There was still no fear, but sweet Lord there was attraction! The natural pheromones that sparked between mates increased exponentially as she became fully conscious.

  It was hard enough to sit here patiently while the woman he had thought he lost years ago came to grips with what was happening. It was harder still as her desire slammed him in the gut. Their coming together was long overdue—the physical changes in both of them had already been complete. Waiting to complete their mating was a special kind of hell. But he would wait. The worst thing he could do was fall on her like the animal he was.

  “All these years, I wasn’t crazy at all. You really do exist. I had so hoped you did.” That was delight in her voice. Such a sugar sweet, yet soft voice; pure cotton candy. His cock jumped, pushing against his jeans as if the damn thing had a mind of its own and was trying to get to where it belonged. Inside her. “Your name is Luka, right? Or did I just imagine that?”

  Shit. There was no choice but to confess now. Later—well, there would be no coherent conversation for quite some time.

  “Yes, my name is Luka.” He swallowed, searching for the right words. “Mica, I need to tell you something.” Luka’s voice sounded as rough and raw as he felt. “I did this to you, kotyonok. When I bit you, that is what made you sick. I didn’t—” No, he wasn’t going to make excuses. He should’ve known better. “I am so sorry. I should’ve had more self-control.”

  There was just no way he could gauge how she’d take such a weak apology. Hate him, forgive him—it was all a lot to take in. And he hoped like hell he would be able to keep himself in check to give her time to digest what he was telling her. But if she wiggled that luscious behind of hers against his aching crotch one more time, he could make no promises. Now was not the time for lasciviousness. Damn, but her scent was spicy sweet. And she felt so right cuddled up in his lap. A true kitten. One of his very own.

  “I don’t understand.” Frowning, she looked up at him with absolute trust. And she didn't even know him. He had let himself into her home, picked her up and placed her in his embrace, and still she trusted him. Not many human women just gave in to the attraction between mates like that. Most fought it at first. But not his woman. “You said you made me ill, but I don’t hurt when you're touching me. Not that night, not now. I feel so—alive!”

  Lord, why did she have to choose that moment to stretch just like a feline? Although she wore a heavy sweater, her breasts were generous enough to push the fabric out so he could clearly see the impression the mounds made against the sweater. Yes, she appeared fragile, but that hadn’t stopped nature from blessing her with the curves of a woman.

  He wasn’t going to make it very long.


  “How do you know my name?” she cut him off before he could stumble out whatever the hell he was about to say. He hadn’t been so sure.

  “I knew your name that night. When you first came into the village with your parents, I followed you. And since then I learned everything I could about you.” This was going too easy. Luka was determined to keep his trepidation at bay, but there had to be a catch somewhere. She was taking this way too well. “When I bit you, I started a mating process your body wasn't ready for. One that I couldn’t have ever completed. And I didn't tell anyone right away, causing you unimaginable pain. By the time I confessed to my father, you and your family had gone. My father, brothers, and I looked for you, but—”

  “You have a brother?” And back to wonder and delight. He swore every time she spoke all in awe like that, his dick got even harder. Damned if he wasn't thrusting up just a little, rubbing himself against her nice cushion.

  Either he was going to hell, or this was hell. Having her so near, not being able to touch as of yet.

  “One older, two younger brother and two cousins that are also my brothers—and you keep cutting me off while I am trying to explain.” Sounding stern came easy. It was his normal tone of voice. Felt very wrong using it on her, though.

  Not that she was fazed by it at all.

  “Of course I keep cutting you off. You are drowning in guilt when you really shouldn’t. You were a kid, I was a kid. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened.” The woman was actually castigating him. She even had the temerity to push off his lap and stand. Taking her sweater by the hem, she pulled it over her head in one fluid movement, revealing nothing but a skimpy cotton cami underneath. The sweatpants she had on weren't baggy as sweatpants should be, but molded to her legs and ass.

  Luka was in big trouble. Sick or no, Mica Richards had a body built for sin. She started to pace back and forth in front of the fire, her nipples making hard little bumps in the cotton, her hips swaying. Whatever words he had left died in his throat.

  “Basically you are saying that in order to make me well, we need to mate,” Mica went on, her adorable little face frowning as she paced. “And you are trying ever so delicately to let me know that you are responsible for making me sick all this time, and you don’t deserve to mate with me, right?” When she stopped and looked directly at him, Luka could only nod. She was magnificent. Fierce little kitty cat in her own right. “And deep down, you don’t think you have the right to take what is yours. And I am yours, right? This mating thing, I’m guessing this can’t just happen with any woman, otherwise you would’ve mated by now.”

  No, not ever; but he nodded anyway, his heart pounding against his ribcage.

  “Well, surprise, I am not about to hold you accountable for something that happened when we were kids. I had no business being out in the yard at night anyway. Much less helping what could have easily been a wild animal.” She stopped, giving him the biggest, brightest smile he had ever seen. “See? We are both at fault. So can we please get past this now? I would really love to be...cured.”

  Chapter Five

  Valeri managed to stay right where he was. For all of one minute he didn't move. In that one minute, two amazing things became crystal clear, both of which stunned him down to his marrow. One; female tigers existed. There had never been word of one born, not ever. No one had ever mentioned it as a possibility. No rumors, no ancient myths had ever even hinted at such a thing. And yet, he had seen one standing there, claws extended, fans bared, and that scent! It was enough to drive a tiger mad. And two; apparently it was possible to mate twice in a lifetime. Had to be because all he wanted to do was chase that feisty little kitty down and make her his in all kinds of ways.

  Perhaps it was because she was a shifter, his own kind, that made the urge so very irresistible. Or maybe it was just dumb luck. It really didn't matter, and Valeri wasn’t about to question it. Besides, as soon as his brain came to grips with those two things, his feet were moving, faster than he had ever allowed when surrounded by humans.

  Fuck it. He had a female feline to catch. Besides, the Inupiat tribe knew full well what he and his boys were. His daughter-in-law was Inupiat; they had no secrets in their tribe. If there were Americans around, someone would sell them some bullshit that was passably believable. It didn't matter as he burst through the door of his store, not bothering to close it, and took off in the snow, following the clear trail Megan had left.

  Anything inside the place could be replaced; a female tiger shifter—she was priceless. Though it wasn’t the novelty on Valeri’s mind as he chased her scent farther and farther away from the town. She was young, not even fifty yet. For a creature who lived up she was sloppy, not even bothering to cover her tracks. There was a lot Valeri had to teach his new mate. And there was no doubt she was going to be his mate. On some level, she knew it too. That was why she ran. And it was also why she was slowing.

  With Megan in his sight, he put on more speed. The blood in his veins sang as he bounded over snow drifts, unhindered by the fat flakes that were beginning to fall in earnest. The panicked look she threw over her shoulder made him snarl. She was not scared of him. That wasn't fear he sce
nted on the wind. It was desire. Pure, hot and needy. Valeri’s cock pounded, alive for the first time in so long he had forgotten the kinds of pleasure the appendage could bring. The closer he got to the tigress, the harder he became.

  “Wait!” Megan stopped, turning and holding out her arms as if that could halt him.

  Deciding to play along, for now, Valeri stopped and waited, balancing on the balls of his feet, ready to spring. “Why would I want to do that?” HIs voice was more growl than words. Damn, she looked glorious all flushed from her sprint, her chest heaving. And the way she kept licking at her bottom lip... Mmmm, what would it feel like to have those lips wrapped around him? He was going to have to find out.

  “You have children. You must have a mate.” She looked confused. And aroused. “I will not be your kitty on the side.”

  Valeri didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or maybe both.

  “My first mate died.” Was murdered. By his brother. But that conversation was for later. Much, much later.

  “I thought tigers only mated once?”

  Yeah, he didn’t either. Still, she didn’t seem to know about her own kind in general. Probably sheltered. If he had ever been blessed to sire a female tiger, he would’ve never let her out of his sight.

  “And I thought female tiger shifters didn’t exist,” he shot back. They were both in uncharted territory. He didn't have answers, and right about now he didn't care to.

  Her eyes narrowed, her fangs descending once more. “Did you send your son to the cabin while luring me here?”

  He could answer, but that would just lead to an argument. Valeri didn’t feel like arguing right about now. It was nothing more than a delay tactic. Enough words. He sprang, taking her down with him as he landed.


  Of course she fought him. Sort of. The tussle lasted less than a few minutes before their mouths fused together. The small hands that had been pounding at his shoulders now tangled in his hair, pulling viciously. Damn that felt good! Breaking the kiss, Valeri sank his fangs into the soft spot on her neck, marking her as his mate. Her hips bucked up against him, rubbing her crotch against the hard ridge of his cock.

  Fuck that, he wanted skin. Using his claws he ripped at her clothes, having her bare in seconds. Gorgeous. The darkness of her skin against the white of the snow was mesmerizing.

  “You’re gorgeous.”

  “I’m old.” Now she was scared. Her arms rose to cross against her chest, her legs closing tightly.

  “You are a babe in tiger years.” Yanking her arms above her head, he pinned her down in the snow. “You are perfect. I plan on showing you how perfect for many, many years to come.”

  God, he wanted to be inside her. But he was a cat; there was no way he was going to miss any opportunity to lick the cream he could smell leaking from her sweet, sweet cunt.

  “What do mean in tiger— Oh!”

  He wasn’t about to give her the opportunity to sidetrack him. Starting at her nipples, he began his feast. It was hard, but he managed to pull back his fangs so he could take the succulent blackberries of her nipples in his mouth. Claws safely back in place, he gathered her close, grinding his aching cock against her in earnest as he sucked.

  “Oh God, please! Valeri! More!”

  The plea was so sweet, but he wasn't going to be deterred. He didn’t stop sucking, first one breast, then the other as they bucked against one another. He didn’t stop until she screamed out in pleasure, her pussy flooding so much she put a wet spot on his jeans. Only then did he allow his mouth to travel down her torso. Despite the heavy snowfall, her skin was hot. A tigress in heat; fucking delectable.

  “I’m going to eat you now, kotyonok. I’m going to coat my tongue with your honeyed cream.”

  The look on her face almost made him come on the spot. Damn it, he needed to get his own clothes off. But first...

  Valeri moved down, his shoulders holding her legs wide open for him. Such a pretty little pussy. All deliciously chocolate on the outside, pretty pink on the inside. Using the flat of his tongue he took a long, slow swipe, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. So savory! So delectable! So—

  “You have never had a man.” It wasn’t a question. Valeri was stunned. Although male tigers couldn’t have sex until after twenty, they could have sex with whomever they liked until they met their mates. They couldn’t have young, and once they were mated, they couldn’t be with anyone else. At least that was what everyone believed.

  Obviously if one’s mate died, that wasn’t true. Here he was, painfully rigid for Megan.

  “I never desired anyone.”

  How fucking awesome did that sound? Valeri had loved his first mate with all his heart, but he had never felt this territorial. Damn right she had never had another male; and she never would.


  Megan couldn’t believe this was happening to her. All she wanted to do when she agreed to come to this godforsaken place was to give Mica the best Christmas she possibly could. In fact, the trip into town was supposed to be about Mica, retrieving the present she’d spent forever putting together. Now here she was, naked in the snow, panting for a man she didn’t know. Hell, she’d revealed her most guarded secret to him without any forethought. Why had she done that? All her life she had never allowed herself to get so angry she showed anyone who and what she really was.

  Valeri just got under her skin since she saw him hugging Mica. As much as she wanted to tell herself she was protecting Mica, truth was, she hadn’t wanted him touching the younger woman. Awww hell, she had been a goner from the first glance at the big Russian tiger.

  And now—God, he was setting her on fire! His mouth was truly talented. Who would have ever thought a woman could really orgasm from breast play? And now, his rough cat’s tongue was paying homage to her needy little cunt. And the bastard man was taking his sweet little time.

  “Valeri, please!”

  Why the fuck wouldn’t he give her what she needed?

  “Patience, kotyonok.”

  Patience her ass! Clamping her thighs around his head, Megan arched and flipped them both around, forcing Valeri on his back while she straddled his face.

  “Kitten, huh?” She growled, forcing her pussy down on his mouth. “Try tigress.”

  Because that was what she was, and he better not ever forget it. Without any of her former shyness, she rode his face hard, forcing his tongue deep inside her. God it felt so good! Especially when his hands gripped her ass, pushing her down against his mouth even harder. Not once, but twice Megan rode him until she was breathless, her voice hoarse from screaming her pleasure to the sky. Her bones felt like liquid by the time he flipped them again, placing his large body on top of hers.

  “Now, I will take you.”

  Fuck, that accent was deadly when it was all gruff and serious. She didn't even care that he was fully dressed. She would explore him later. Right now all that mattered was that he was finally releasing his cock from those jeans.

  Sweet lord, that was one hell of a penis! Megan had only seen them in a medical sense. There was nothing remotely clinical in the way she stared at Valeri. The reddish-purple rod looked almost angry; so thick, so long, so hard she could see the veins along the stalk.

  “Be gentle,” she found herself whispering, suddenly scared.

  It was really happening. Naked as the day she was born, in the snow, lying under a fully dressed male tiger shifter, Megan was about to do the one thing she swore she would never do. And that dick looked awfully large. Would he fit?


  One second she was lying there staring, the next he was buried completely inside her. Oh God, he was stretching her channel so full! And it hadn’t hurt. Instead her cunt welcomed him, her juices rushing to ease his passage.

  “You are mine,” Valeri grunted, his hips rising only to slam back inside her. “Say it.”

  Living only to care for Mica for so long, Megan had forgotten what it was like to want to be attract
ive to someone, to want to be with someone who found her desirable. And yet, even though her body had already surrendered completely, she just couldn’t say the words that easily.

  “Make me,” she growled right back, struggling to pull in enough air to make the words audible. But hey, she managed it.

  Maybe she shouldn’t have taunted. One minute he was inside her, stroking the secret place inside her pussy perfectly. The next he was gone. Only cold air remained where his body had so recently been.

  No! He couldn’t stop!

  But before she could complain, she found herself being lifted and positioned on her knees, with Valeri slamming into her from behind. His hands grasped her hair, forcing her head back as he sank his fangs into her neck again.

  Oh hell yeah! Her cunt spasmed, convulsing wildly around him. But Valeri didn’t pause. Like a freight train he slammed inside her again and again.

  “You are mine, Megan. Say it!”

  Her world was spinning in bright, vivid colors. Her legs shook as her body exploded from the inside out. There was no fight left in her.

  “Yours. Only yours.”

  It was obvious as the nose on her face; she belonged to this male. She wouldn’t want it to be any different.

  “Damn straight!”

  Tigers didn’t howl, yet the sound Valeri made as he flooded her womb with his seed sounded suspiciously just like that. And damn if his cum didn’t make her orgasm all over again.


  Reaching behind her she clawed at his head, her body shaking down to her toes. So good, so right. For once and for all, Megan was finally whole.

  Chapter Five

  Gleb was having a hard time concentrating. The thoughts in his head swirled in an incoherent jumble. There was something he was supposed to be doing. What was it? Why couldn't he remember? There was some reason he had left Canada and come back to Alaska, but he couldn’t recall why. Maybe he was on his way back to Russia. Home. But he hated Siberia. That was where she had left him. His mate.


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