Howling Dead

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Howling Dead Page 19

by M. H. Bonham

  “What are you doing?”

  “Bindrunes—very ancient magic. These are the most powerful— the Alerunes are to protect you against all evil, both in the physical and spiritual realms. To activate them I must inscribe a rune on your hand.”

  Kira nodded, puzzled. The woman was crazy; that she was sure of. But what harm did it do for her to go along with this? “Okay, what do you do?”

  Verdandi pulled the cap off. “It will sting a bit.” She began to chant in a language Kira had never heard—perhaps it was sheer gibberish—and marked her hand.

  The pen burned like fire and Kira yelped, pulling away. But Verdandi was a lot stronger than Kira expected and held her hand firm. The mark of Naudhiz burned on her hand. Then, the mark faded from her skin.

  “What the fuck?” Kira gasped. The piece of wood in her hand was gone, too.

  Verdandi smiled and released her hand. “Find your friend, Light Walker. He needs your help. Your animal guides can help you.”

  “Spaz?” she said. “Jim told me he was dead.”

  “Not dead. Not yet. But his thread is beginning to unravel. You can save him. The Forest is your path. But beware. There are wolves there.”

  Kira stared. “How much do you know?”

  “I see much. Don’t go home. Danger awaits you there.”

  Sirens wailed in the distance and Kira turned to look. She was still on the corner of Market near the bus terminal, blinking in the bright sunshine. When she turned back to speak to Verdandi, she was gone.


  Kira walked toward her apartment, her mind reeling with the information Verdandi had given her. She would’ve normally thought the old woman was just some crazy homeless person, but the past month had taught her that appearances were deceiving. She had become a werewolf, had met two very handsome men, had lost her job, had rescued both men, had been severely injured, and now had killed a man. What was a witch, after all that?

  Her throat tightened as she thought about the man she had killed. She really had killed a man. Yes, she had done it in self-defense and to save Jim, but it was murder nonetheless. And what would Jim think of her now?

  The sounds of sirens interrupted her thoughts again and she saw an ambulance turn down Market and head toward her apartment. Turning the corner of Wazee Street, she stopped and stared.

  Police cars lined the area in front of her apartment building. A news truck from 9 News was already on the scene. Kira remembered Verdandi’s warning. She closed her eyes and immediately accessed the Forest. Suddenly she was no longer on Wazee but somewhere in the darkness of the Enchanted Forest.

  I need the Denver 9 News computers, she shouted as she loped down the path.

  A panel opened up and she was able to read the access choices as she loped through the Forest. It took her a moment to realize that she was not only looking at the website, but at the direct feeds from the main computers. It included the streaming video, real-time.

  Pull up live feed, Kira said. She halted.

  A woman news reporter was standing in front of the apartment. She was a dark-haired, petite woman that Kira had seen on the news before. The camera panned to paramedics treating a man with spiked hair for bruises and lacerations.

  Trevor, Kira thought.

  A cop knelt beside Trevor as the paramedics were treating him. He was saying something.

  Increase volume, Kira said. If she strained, she could just “hear” them.

  “I don’t know who they were,” Trevor said. “Owww!” He tried to bat away the paramedic’s hand. “Look, they broke in and smacked me around. When I came to, they’d already ransacked Kira’s place...”

  Shit! Kira said as the shock settled in. What about her computers? What about her books? She shuddered as she thought about what would have happened if she had been there. Could she have handled several werewolves on her own? She somehow doubted it.

  Maybe the old woman was right. Maybe Spaz was still alive. But why would the rogue werewolves be looking for her?


  A voice broke her from her contact with the Enchanted Forest and her reverie. She turned to see Alaric standing beside her. She smiled, despite herself.

  “What’s happening?”

  “Somebody attacked Trevor and ransacked my apartment,” Kira said tonelessly. The whole situation seemed surreal.

  “Are you all right?” Alaric looked her up and down. Kira could help but feel pleased that he cared so much.

  “Fine, fine, I was just getting back,” she said.

  Alaric gave her an odd look. “How do you know what happened, then?”

  “It’s a long story... but I think you need to know.”

  Alaric looked into her eyes, his own mirroring his concern. “All right,” he said. He took a step toward her apartment.

  “No,” she said. “Let’s not go there just yet.”

  “Okay,” Alaric said. “How about a walk then?”

  Kira nodded.

  Alaric grinned and offered her his arm. Kira found herself grinning too, despite everything that happened. She took his arm and let him lead her toward the park.


  As they walked, Kira told Alaric everything she knew about the rogue werewolves and the Enchanted Forest. Alaric remained silent but attentive as she told him about the ability to enter the Enchanted Forest at will without the headset. She finished up by telling him about Spaz’s possible kidnapping and the two rogue wolves that had come looking for her.

  When she finished, she noticed that Alaric had said nothing. They had stopped in Commons Park, where she had first met him. He was frowning as he motioned her to sit on the bench, and took a seat beside her.

  “Did I do something wrong?” she asked tentatively as he squinted into the sun. She looked around. A few kids on skateboards were at the opposite end of the park showing off some new maneuvers.

  “No, it’s not your fault,” Alaric said, at length. “I wish I had more time to bring you fully into the pack.” He gave her a half-smile and shrugged.

  “I don’t want to be in the pack,” Kira said.

  “I’m afraid that’s not your choice,” Alaric said. “When you became a werewolf you became a member of my pack.”

  Kira glared. “You can’t order me around.” She began to stand up.

  “No, I can’t.”

  Kira began to walk away, but stopped. “What?”

  “I don’t believe anyone can,” Alaric said. “Order you around, that is.”

  Kira blinked at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He shook his head. “When Normals are bitten by a werewolf, it changes them...”

  “No kidding.”

  “No, I mean, it changes them not just in their body—but in their mind as well. The inherent personality of the human is amplified to merge with that of the wolf. I don’t know how to describe it, but in essence, you become what is core to you.”

  “You mean if you’re a nasty, mean son-of-a-bitch deep down inside, that’s what you’ll become?”

  Alaric nodded. “Only more so.”

  Kira frowned. “Then it takes away all vestiges of civilization. Great.”

  “In a Normal, yes. In those of us who are born lycanthrope, we’ve come to grips with that personality. It is ourselves and we work very hard to deal with the Normals culture.”

  “I see,” said Kira. “So I’m going to change into something I’m not.”

  “No, you’ve changed into something you always have been, but never let show.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “An Alpha.”

  Kira stared at Alaric. His face was earnest and without deceit. She wanted to argue; wanted to tell him that he was full of shit. And yet, she could sense the She-Wolf inside her nodding slowly. I am Alpha.

  Alaric smiled slightly and turned away to watch the kids on their skateboards. “I know it’s hard to accept, but I know you sense it as much as I do. You just won’t admit that you’re t
hat strong of a person. Which is odd, because you are that confident and strong.”

  Kira snorted.

  “That’s why I can’t order you around. That’s why no one can.”

  Kira put her hand on her hips and stared at him. “Okay, let’s say I am Alpha. I don’t want to be. I just want to be Kira. Computer geek with a comfortable job, preferably in Southern California...”

  “You don’t like Colorado?”

  “What do you think?”

  Alaric nodded and chuckled. “Yeah, I guess you’ve had it rough.”

  “That’s one way to put it.”

  A silence ensued. Kira sat down beside him. Alaric was lost in thought.

  He sighed. “Kira,” he said at last. “I can’t change what has happened to you. As far as I know, no one can. I regretted not bringing you into the pack because you’ve put the entire Denver pack in a precarious situation. Your cop friend knows more than he should...”

  “I don’t think he knows enough.”

  “You’ve put him at great risk—not from me,” he added when she shot him a look. “No one under my command will attack him. But, not all werewolves are under my command. That rogue wolf who attacked you will try to change over and attack him. Assuming your cop friend isn’t killed, chances are, he’ll be bitten. Do you want him to end up like you?”

  Kira turned pale. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “No, but I have. And there are many among the lycanthropes who fear having a Normal know our secrets. Certainly, there have been stories about our kind throughout the Normals’ legends, but those stories are relegated to myths, at best. It’s the stuff children tell around the campfires at night to scare each other. What would the Normals think if they knew we really did exist?”

  Kira grunted noncommittally and shook her head.

  Alaric gently touched her chin and she looked into his eyes. “How did you feel after you were attacked?”

  “Frightened. Scared shitless.”

  “Now take those feelings and put them in the entire city of Denver; the entire state of Colorado; and the entire United States. How do you think people would respond if they knew their deepest, darkest fears were real?”

  Kira said nothing. Sure, there would be those who would accept the werewolves as people, but they would be in the minority. Most people would think of werewolves as the demon creatures who ripped people’s throats out every full moon. And Kira couldn’t be sure that she was not in agreement with them.

  Alaric cocked his head. “What would you do if you were me?”

  “I’d have better control over the wolf pack.” As soon as she said it, she saw Alaric’s expression darken and immediately regretted it.

  “And how would you control them?”

  “I don’t know, but I would find a way.” Kira said.

  Alaric chuckled. “It’s not as easy as you think.”

  “Perhaps not.”

  “Are you willing to give it a try?”

  Kira raised an eyebrow. “What are you proposing?”

  He grinned. “You’re an Alpha; you’re smart. What do you think I’m proposing?” He leaned over and kissed her.

  It was nothing more than a kiss, but it sent a shockwave through her body. Despite herself, Kira pulled away and stared at him. “You have a lot of nerve.”

  “Yes, I do.” He pulled her close and kissed her again, his tongue sliding into her mouth this time. Kira slid her arms around him and kissed him passionately. When he pulled away, she opened her eyes and saw the same pleased grin on his face.

  “Why did you do that?” Despite being angry, she couldn’t muster enough energy in her voice to show it. Her words came out breathless.

  “Because I think you needed it,” Alaric said wryly. “As much as I did.”

  “I don’t need anything,” Kira said.

  “Ah, but you do,” Alaric said, stroking her hair. “You know, you’re a very beautiful woman—I’m surprised no one’s caught you by now.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to be caught.”

  “I don’t think so.” He kissed her again and she responded eagerly to his touch. He pulled away suddenly. “A woman who isn’t interested wouldn’t show such enthusiasm.”

  Kira felt her face redden, and Alaric laughed.

  “It’s okay, Kira,” he said. “I feel the same way. Now, why don’t you show me this Enchanted Forest the rogues are so interested in, and maybe we can catch dinner and see what’s happened to your apartment?”


  It shouldn’t be this hard for you,” Kira said in exasperation as Alaric shook his head a third time. “I don’t get it. You’re a lycanthrope. You shouldn’t have any problems connecting.”

  They were still sitting on a bench in Commons Park. The kids on the skateboards were gone now, leaving them alone.

  “Maybe there’s more to linking up with the Enchanted Forest than just thinking about it,” Alaric said. “You told me you were introduced when you activated the headset.”

  “Yeah, but that was different—I didn’t know what I was actually looking for besides a net within the Net,” she said. “You know what I’m talking about.”

  “Not really,” Alaric said. “I’m not really technical. Maybe we can go back to your apartment and find the headset.”

  Kira shook her head and sighed. “It’d be gone—zip, nada.” She closed her eyes and slumped back on the park bench. “Damn it, I didn’t even have business insurance. I bet the insurance company won’t cover my computers.”

  “We ought to go and see what’s gone. And see how Trevor is. He can tell me who attacked him.”

  “No. I killed a man, remember?”

  “You were defending yourself and defending the cop,” Alaric said. “And seeing as you were a wolf, I don’t know how the cop can implicate you.”

  “Werewolf DNA has been splashed all over the crime scenes,” she said. “He told me that forensics was asking questions.”

  Alaric fell silent.

  “He doesn’t have a plausible story—he doubts people would believe him.”

  “That’s the only thing saving our butts right now,” Alaric said at last. “Damn Cathal!”

  “Cathal wasn’t in charge,” Kira said.

  “What? He was my second.”

  “He was too dumb. Everything points to someone else pulling the strings.”

  Alaric cocked his head. “Why do you say that?”

  “Susan and I were attacked by a gray wolf.”

  “Yes, you’ve said that. It could’ve been one of Cathal’s henchmen.”

  “I don’t think so. The wolf was almost as big as you,” Kira said. “Second, Spaz is missing. The cops think he’s dead, but I don’t think so.”


  Kira hesitated. “You wouldn’t believe me.”

  Alaric frowned. “Why don’t you try me?”

  “An old woman told me he was still alive, but in great danger.”

  “An old woman?” Alaric said sharply. “Verdandi?”

  “You know her?” At once Kira felt relieved and perplexed. “I thought I was losing my mind. I mean, she knew me and knew my name. She knew what had happened to me. I’m so glad you’ve met her.”

  “I haven’t exactly met her,” Alaric said. “But I have heard of her. Others have seen Verdandi.” He fell silent and chewed his lip in what Kira guessed was worry.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I wouldn’t have expected a Norn to take interest in you.”

  “A Norn?” Kira stared at him. “You mean like a Fate?”

  He nodded. “She’s an AEsir.”

  “A Norse goddess?” Kira laughed. “Surely, you don’t believe...” Her voice trailed off as she saw the seriousness in his eyes. “Look, my parents are archaeologists. I learned all about these old religions growing up. I have respect for them, but...”

  “You didn’t believe in werewolves either,” Alaric said. “Look, Kira, this is serious if a Norn is paying attention
to you. Strange forces are at work.”

  “You’re telling me,” she muttered. “What am I going to do if you can’t see the Forest?”

  Alaric stared at the skyline of Denver for a while. “How about if we use our telepathy.”

  “How?” Kira asked.

  “I could see what you’re seeing and perhaps even figure out what you’re doing to get there.” He paused. “You’ll have to not fight me when you feel my presence in your head.”

  Kira hesitated. A man she was highly attracted to wanted to rummage around in her mind. How much would he see in the few moments before he latched onto the Forest and began to see it, himself? For all she knew, he already had access to the Forest and this was some trick to get her to open her mind to him.

  But...Kira couldn’t sense Alaric’s presence in the Forest. By how he acted, she doubted he had really experienced it. And it wasn’t if she had Jim to go back to. Despite what Alaric said, she doubted that he would look at her as anything other than a murderer. And then there was her apartment....

  She closed her eyes. She didn’t want to do this. She trembled as she thought about letting someone—anyone—into her mind. In the course of a month, she had lost nearly everything she had. She didn’t even have control of her body. She didn’t have anything left to her except her mind and that was slowly being taken away from her.


  Alaric’s voice was soft and gentle. Kira opened her eyes, met his golden ones and nearly melted. Damn, she thought. The man of my dreams is a fucking werewolf.

  “Kira, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  Kira sighed in exasperation. “What other choice is there? If you don’t see the Forest, you won’t know what they can do.” I have no one left to help me. She paused. “You’ve got help me, Alaric. You have to help me find Spaz before they kill him.”

  Alaric nodded. “I’ll try, Kira. You know I don’t want anyone else killed because of the rogues—especially your friend.”

  “Okay. What do I do?” Kira said.

  “Can you link to the Forest now?”

  “I’m already linked,” Kira said.

  “Okay. Now think the way you would when you’re trying to talk to me via wolf telepathy,” he said.


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