Taking Control

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Taking Control Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You leaving already?” Chris asked, amazed.

  “I want to be with Melissa.” Correction mate, you need to fuck Melissa, she’s

  driving you crazy with need and she isn’t even here.

  “I heard her earlier.”

  Bruce saw the amusement in his friend’s eyes.

  “Don’t, Chris. She’s finally letting go and I don’t need you to mess this up.”

  Chris held up his hands. “Just saying I heard her earlier and to let you know that no one else did, accept my assistant, but she had her mouth full if you know what I mean?”

  Bruce did know. Chris and his secretary, Natasha, had been screwing each other for some time now. He felt relieved though to know no one had been there, for as much as the thought turned him on, he knew the looks would make Melissa uncomfortable and might make her retreat back into her own shell.

  “Your stuff's been delivered,” Chris told him, holding up a sealed bag.

  “Thanks,” he said, reaching out for it.


  The moment Bruce walked through the door, tantalizing aromas from Melissa’s cooking filled his senses. He found her waiting for him in the kitchen, her hair loose, no makeup, wearing his favorite cream dress. When he went to her, kissing her passionately on the lips and trailing down to her collarbone as she shivered with pleasure. He breathed in the scent of her, his woman.

  “Bruce,” she moaned as his lips went further down to the top of her breast.

  “I want you, Melissa,” he groaned, pulling away.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing, I want to eat whatever smells so good first.” He kissed her on the lips, taking hold of her hand and walking to the kitchen.

  “What did you do today?” he asked in between mouthfuls of food.

  “The usual, went shopping for the weekend, cleaned the house and delivered your clothes to the dry cleaners. How was your day?”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He reached over the table, taking her hand. “Thank you for today, Melissa. You make me so happy.”

  She blushed. “You’re welcome.” His fingers stroked her hand.

  “This sauce is delicious,” he complimented, taking another scoopful of the aromatic tomato sauce.

  “I got the recipe out of a cookbook.”

  The food was delicious as always and he kept the conversation light until she placed his desert in front of him.

  “What are your fantasies?” he asked, seeing her stiffen across from him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sexual fantasies. What turns you on? What do you like sexually?”

  “I don’t know. What do you fantasize about?”

  Bruce sat watching her for a few seconds wondering what his next move should be. Should he tell her and allow her to feel comfortable with him, or should he force her to accept it.

  “All right, I’ll tell you one and then you tell me one of yours.” This would be the best way Bruce thought, especially when Melissa nodded, intrigued.

  “Well, one of mine was fulfilled this afternoon, with you naked across my desk, allowing me to suck on your sweet pussy and fucking you senseless. That’s been a fantasy of mine for some time. I want to fuck and make love to you everywhere, Melissa. I want to drive you insane with pleasure so all you can think about is me.” He warmed her up with his suggestions. He wanted her to know everything. “I want to fuck you while someone is watching. Would you like that babe, to have someone watch? Would you like me to watch?”

  Melissa gasped in shock. Bruce could see her body responding, her nipples were hard pressing against the fabric of her dress, her lips slightly open, moist and ready, her look wild. He bet if he was to put his hand between her legs, he’d feel nothing but slick, wet heat. “Someone watching?” Her whisper was breathy as she looked at him.

  “Would you like that? To have someone watch as we pleasured each other, to know

  that if you wanted, he could join in?” Bruce asked.

  “That’s not right,” she said, turning her head away.

  “It is right, Melissa. If it’s what we want, it’s always right.”

  Bruce’s words penetrated her whole body. Anything they wanted, anything she wanted, they could have. She moved from the table to straddle him, rubbing her pussy through the fabric of their clothes against his hard dick and he could feel her body humming with desire. She wanted it. She was trying not to let it show but Bruce knew. She wanted it. She was fighting with herself.

  “I want to watch other people.” She stopped. Heat gathering in her cheeks, Bruce saw the fear and embarrassment in her eyes.

  “You want to watch other people what? Say the word’s, sweetheart, feel them. No more hiding,” he soothed, his arm stroking her back, caressing the tight muscles there until the tension slowly began to ease from her.

  “I want to watch other people.... fuck.” The last word left on a sigh. Such a naughty word.

  “That’s right, baby. Fuck. You want to watch other people fuck.” The words were intoxicating.

  “Yes, Bruce I do. I want to watch and I want you to fuck me,” she moaned into his kiss, hot and bruising and everything she wanted.

  “Consider it done.”

  Chapter Four

  Melissa looked at her husband while he drove through the city streets. Melissa was excited and nervous. Last night he said he'd take her to a place that allowed all types of fantasies to take place. They were headed there now, but could fantasy really work in reality?

  “Stop worrying. Nothing will happen you don’t want to,” Bruce told her.

  “What about our marriage?” Melissa had heard so many stories about marriages failing over something like this and she didn’t want that to happen to them.

  “I love you, Melissa. This is just an extension of my love for you. Nothing will affect our marriage. If you don’t like it tonight we’ll leave but at least we’ll know.”

  Melissa was reassured to a certain extent, but she hoped that he was right.

  “You look sexy as hell,” he complimented.

  Melissa wore a small, tight, black miniskirt that emphasised her gorgeous, smooth legs and fulsome hips and a corset pushing her tits up to show their delicious size. The chill from the night air coming through the partially opened window was perfect. She wore no panties and she loved it, the feel of the cool air caressing her wet lips. Melissa was pleased Bruce convinced her to dress for the occasion.

  “Thank you. You look hot, too.” Bruce wore casual black trousers with a white T-shirt and he was all muscle, full of masculine appeal.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  “Open your legs wider.” Melissa opened her legs as far as the seat would allow, crying out as Bruce leaned over and flicked one finger between her folds.

  “You're fucking wet. I can smell you from here. You’ll drive me crazy tonight and you’ll love it, babe. I can feel it.”

  “What are you doing to me?” she gasped, fisting her hands into her seat.

  “Playing with my wife,” he replied innocently.

  “Anyone can see,” she moaned as he swirled a finger around her pulsing clit. The fire of need consuming her.

  “You taste so sweet,” Bruce said, sticking his finger between his lips and sucking as they moaned together.

  He alternated between stroking her clit and sucking on his finger all the way to this place he’d mentioned where the front gate was huge and there was an intercom. Melissa couldn’t see what lay beyond the gates as rows of bushes and trees covered the view but it all looked very dark and mysterious.

  “Can I help you?” a voice broke through the eerie silence on the intercom.

  “Bruce and Melissa are here. I phoned earlier.”

  She heard a buzz and the gates opened automatically. The drive was long and dark.

  “Have you been here before?” Melissa asked, wondering what she might not know about her husband.

>   “Several times before I met you. It’s reserved for those who can afford to belong,” he told her. “This is exclusive, Melissa. I need you to behave and not make any scenes. If you don’t like anything you see, just tell me and we’ll leave.”

  “Okay, I'll admit I was a little worried but now I feel like a child,” she admitted. He’d never behaved like this before, let alone ordered her as if she were ten. It was alright to do during sex, but she didn’t like it now.

  “Let’s just say this is seriously exclusive and reserved for those who can pay for the guarantee of anonymity. You’ll probably see some people you know. The rules are kind of like that thing with Vegas, you know. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Let’s just say if it doesn’t stay in here, there will literally be hell to pay. Anyone abuses this place and life becomes fucking difficult. You know I don’t think of you as a child.”

  “Should we be here?” she asked.

  “Melissa, you’ll love this place.”

  They pulled up in front of a huge, dark mansion. A middle-aged man came out of nowhere and helped her out of her seat. It all seemed above board and proper protocol. She wondered if they’d come to the right place while trying to pull her corset up.

  “Thanks, Howard,” Bruce said to the man, handing him his keys.

  “Nice to see you again, Bruce.” Howard turned to her.

  “This is my wife, Melissa.” Bruce placed a warm hand around her waist.

  “Nice to meet you, sweetheart.” She nodded with nervous anticipation, but didn’t say anything.

  “See you later, Howard,” Bruce said as the guy took their car. “Are you ready?”

  Melissa looked up at the house and nodded. She wanted to scream that she’d

  never be ready but another part of her was impatient to see what waited behind the doors.

  “How will we find our way around?” Melissa asked as they made their way into the house, wishing she didn’t feel so naïve.

  “It’s for you to explore on your own. It’s supposed to make you feel more relaxed.” Bruce took her hand, leading her down a long hallway where soft music drifted around them, slow and intense. He opened the last door in the hallway leading into a darkened room, and as her eyes adjusted to the small light available, she let out a gasp.

  There were several naked men, but that’s not what made her gasp. Other men were watching as women sucked on their cocks.

  “What is this?” she asked, not disgusted as her pussy was creaming at all the blatant sex on display before her eyes.

  “This is where men get to watch their partners. Some men really crave seeing their partners being fucked by a woman.”

  “Two men?” she croaked.

  “Yes, babe. Men have cravings too, even two men in a relationship. To watch a woman give your partner absolute pleasure but to also know it’s you he or she will be going home with can be quite the heady experience.”

  They moved through the room stopping to watch as each couple progressed. Bruce moved her to the end of the room where another door awaited them. He moved her from room to room, each scene more intense and more risqué than the last, each scene whetting her appetite for what he was searching for. She saw a woman being fucked by two men, one in her mouth, the other entering her from behind.

  “Can you really do that?” Melissa pointed to a woman who had a man thrusting into her pussy and another into her ass.

  Bruce watched from behind her, holding her close to his body, rubbing his erection against her ass. He whispered, “Anything's possible if you want it enough. It makes everything more intense. Imagine every part of your body being touched at the same time.” He cupped her breasts. “Imagine while I stroke your tits another could be licking that sweet delightful pussy.” He moved one hand down her body to cup her mound through her mini skirt and she moaned, leaning into his touch.

  “You like that, sweetheart?”

  She nodded.

  They watched for a few more minutes until Bruce led her to another show.

  “Your fantasy awaits.” Bruce opened the door, leading her through and shutting it quickly behind her.

  “Fuck me, harder...ohhhh...yeah like that.” Screams and cries of a woman interrupted her thoughts. She searched quickly for where the sound was coming from and got an even bigger shock when she discovered it.

  A man and woman were having sex in the middle of the room but the shock was that she knew the man, her husband’s best friend, Chris. The blush spread from her cheeks to all over her body. He looked so magnificent and powerful, unlike anything she’d ever seen before. She was shocked. He looked so strong and confident on stage. Melissa recalled the times he'd teased her, making her blush. For the first time ever, she craved a man who wasn’t her husband. She thought about Bruce as he was stood right behind her, his hard cock pressing against her ass cheeks, his raspy breath against her ear, his presence so much part of her arousal. But Chris was fucking another woman right in front of her. She couldn’t take her eyes away, but she forced her gaze away, needing to know what else was


  going on in the room, trying desperately to distance herself from the man she now wanted. She had to get her composure back. Her body flushed, hot and so damned aroused the simple stroking of her legs together had her creaming.

  Everything in the house was fantasy. She didn’t know anyone else, so there would be no consequences once they left. But she knew Chris. He worked with Bruce. They were best friends. Chris was a reality.

  She took in all the rooms where some couples were just sitting watching and others were stroking each other while others were doing exactly what Chris and the mystery woman were doing.

  “Do you like what you see?” Bruce’s voice was deep and smoky, penetrating her mind the way she wanted him to penetrate her body. She loved the sound of his voice, full of promises. “Don’t be afraid, babe. I love you no matter what happens.”

  Fuelled on arousal, it was hard to understand what Bruce was saying. She looked up into his face. His features were so open and trusting. No matter her decision, he wouldn’t be unhappy with her. The freedom she’d experienced earlier in his office, the acceptance of her, was back, fighting down her barriers. Every step they took was a step closer to her.

  “I think it’s amazing. I want to stay, Bruce.”


  Melissa’s words eased Bruce as joy and happiness consumed him. Even though he could now feel complete, having her here, he still would've loved her with all of his being even if she’d said no and asked to leave. She might have tried and not liked it--he knew that was a risk, but from the look on her face and the message of her body, she wanted more.

  “Do you like it because it’s Chris?” he asked, his arm circling her body.

  “We’re not supposed to know who he is.”

  Her smile coy and deeply sexy, she turned, giving him her full attention. Her eyes held his, not wavering, just looking at him as she undid her corset and let it fall to the floor at her feet. The mini-skirt was next and soon she stood in nothing more than her stilettos.

  “Just like no one knows who we are. What do you think?” Melissa stretched her arms above her head, her breasts thrusting forward, her nipples hard and erect, begging for attention.

  “What do I think?” Bruce growled and curled his arm around her waist, bringing her flush to his body. “I think you’re an amazingly, beautiful, sexy woman. You’re my woman,” he told her roughly, bringing his lips to hers, demanding entrance, not asking. His domination apparently pleased her, his will to do what he wanted. She loved being taken, she loved his controlling nature. Her lips parted and he thrust his tongue deep as she moaned, taking all of him.

  “I want you.” He tore off his clothes, a man possessed by lust.

  “I want you, too.” Melissa helped him shed his clothes until he stood naked in front of her.

  They paid no attention to the couples now watching them, seeing their passion, the lust they had for eac
h other, the heat radiating from their body’s pure temptation, his hard and muscular body thrilling her, his long cock throbbing for her.

  Bruce pulled his wife close to his body, his cock pressing into her rounded belly. God, I love this woman. She fit him so perfectly, her smooth, soft skin a temptation. Her eyes stayed wide open, a message passing between them. She wanted him and she wanted this, to fuck in front of these people. Bruce noted the eyes of everyone in the room, the soft intense music playing in the background only disturbed by soft moans of the people surrounding them. All these women staring at his body. He sensed the want, but all he wanted was already in the strength of his arms. The men watching Melissa turned him on, too, to know they wanted her, they were getting hard for her, knowing she was his, only his. It made his cock throb harder.

  Bruce pressed on her shoulders taking control, making Melissa gasp as her erect nipples grazed his body on the way down.

  “You know what I want.”

  She nodded.

  “Tell me what I want.” He wanted to hear her say the words to know she wanted this as much as he did.

  “You want me to suck your cock.” She licked her lips, tempting him further. “I want to suck your cock, Bruce. I want to suck your cock while all these people watch us, getting turned on and fucking because they want to, while watching you and me.” Her honesty shocked him to his core. It was exactly what he wanted to hear.

  He cupped her face tenderly but with full command so she knew he was still in charge. Her eyes darkened, her arousal matching his. Bruce guided his cock to her lips, stroking it along her lips, his pre-come coating them. Then her tongue darted out and swiped the moisture from his head before ringing her ruby red lips.

  “You like that, sweetheart,” he hissed. “You like the taste?”

  “Yesssss.” Melissa panted a second before her lips closed over his shaft.

  Her hot, wet heat stroked the head of his cock.

  “That’s it babe, take it all,” a deep voice echoed from somewhere behind them.


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