Tool Belt Defender

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Tool Belt Defender Page 10

by Carla Cassidy

  She was feeling healthier, more ready to face the rest of her life with each day that passed, but no matter how much rational thought she had in her head she couldn’t rid herself of a nebulous feeling of dread that somehow the bad things weren’t behind her but rather were racing toward her with the speed and power of a locomotive.

  Maybe it would all be dispelled now, if she found out that Luke was behind everything, believing he was being funny or trying to get her attention in an inappropriate way.

  As they got out of Alex’s car she tried to still the nervous flutter in her tummy. Even from the parking lot the sound of the band could be heard, the bass of the drum vibrating in the air, like her heart thundering in her chest.

  “Sounds like a happening place,” Alex said as he took her arm in his.

  “That’s because it’s the only place in town where you can drink and dance and get a little crazy. And I’ll warn you, people do get a little crazy in there.”

  “Consider me duly warned. And maybe before the night is over I can steal a dance from you.”

  “You like to dance?” she asked curiously.

  “I used to, although Linda didn’t like to. She was always afraid she’d slip and fall and hit her head or break a bone.”

  She tightened her grip on his arm, wondering just how much he’d sacrificed by loving his wife. “Before this night is over, we’ll definitely dance,” she promised.

  Inside Harley’s it was dark, smoky and loud. The band on the stage was a local one, not great but adequate for public consumption. But it wasn’t the dimness or the smoke or the noise that overwhelmed her—it was the amount of people who immediately flocked to her.

  Friends and acquaintances crowded around her as if she were a visiting rock star. She hugged closer to Alex’s side as he maneuvered her toward the bar in the back of the place.

  She began to relax as she realized everyone wanted to give her a hug, pat her on the back and tell her how great it was to see her out and around again. There were no awkward questions, only support coming at her in waves.

  She smiled as she heard a familiar squeal and a tall blonde came rushing at her. Brittany released her hold on Alex’s arm as she was smothered in a tight hug and a fog of familiar perfume.

  “OMG,” Melissa Winters exclaimed as she stepped back from Brittany. “It’s about time you joined the land of the living.”

  Brittany grinned and at that moment realized how much she’d missed Melissa, who had been one of her very best friends before she had been kidnapped.

  Melissa slid her gaze to Alex and then looked back at Brittany. “And when you join the land of the living you definitely do it right!” She held out a hand to Alex. “Melissa Winters, dispatcher at the sheriff’s office and former partner in crime with Brittany.”

  “Alex Crawford, neighbor and friend,” Alex replied.

  “God, I hope you’re more than a friend. She deserves only the best,” Melissa exclaimed, making Brittany’s cheeks flame with color.

  “Why don’t you let me buy you both a drink?” Melissa offered.

  “Thanks, but I’m just here to speak briefly to Luke. Why don’t we try to plan to meet for lunch this week?”

  “You mean it? I’d love it, Brittany.” Melissa gave her another hug and then went back to the dance floor where her date awaited her.

  Brittany looked forward to lunch with Melissa. There had been a time when she and the tall blonde had been nearly inseparable. Melissa had been one of the people who had tried to be there for her after her rescue, but Brittany had pushed her away and instead wrapped herself in a cocoon of isolation.

  “You okay?” Alex breathed in her ear.

  She smiled and nodded. “Better than okay.” It was just as Alex had told her—after the initial flurry of greetings everyone drifted away, leaving her and Alex to continue to make their way to the bar.

  The moment she saw Luke she wondered what had ever drawn her to him in the first place. Although he was tall and slender he might have been good-looking without the mop of shaggy brown hair and the growth of whiskers that managed to make him appear unkempt rather than cool. His ears were pierced and a large tattoo of a skull covered one side of his neck.

  He’d been her bad-boy rebellion, a choice to make her brothers crazy in an effort to declare herself grown and independent. He was nothing like what she’d choose for herself for anything meaningful or lasting. Luke had simply been a good time for a little while and nothing more.

  Still, his features lit up at the sight of her and at the same time she was aware of Alex stepping backward, giving her the opportunity to greet Luke alone.

  Luke stepped out around the bar and grabbed her hands in his. “Jeez, you look great, Brittany. I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Thanks, I’m feeling good about things.”

  “Man, I’ve missed you like crazy.” He reached one of his hands up as if to caress her face, but she took a step back so his hand fell to his side. His green eyes narrowed as if with a touch of displeasure.

  He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and continued to gaze at her. “So, what’s up? I thought I’d hear from you before now. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. When I saw you I thought maybe you came in to see me, you know, to kind of pick up where we left off before everything happened.”

  “Actually, I came in to see you, but I need to ask for my house key back. Luke, we had some fun, but things have changed over the past four months for me. I’m sorry.” Even though she’d already changed all the locks on her house, she wanted to see his reaction when she asked for her key back.

  “Nothing changed for me, Brit. I’ve just been waiting for you to come around again, you know, giving you the space I figured you needed after what you’d been through.”

  As if she really believed he’d just been sitting around waiting for her for the past four months. “I’m sorry, Luke. Like I said, things have changed. I’ve changed.”

  “I just thought maybe by now you’d be ready for a few laughs…some good times,” he said.

  “You were always good for that,” she agreed, wondering if his idea of a few good laughs was to scare the hell out of her. “By the way, did you come by my place the other night? Maybe use your key to come inside?”

  It was impossible to read his features, but he shook his head negatively. “Now, why would I do something like that?” he countered.

  “I don’t know, maybe to play a joke of some kind.” She desperately wanted it to be him. She needed him to be the explanation for what had happened. A sick joke. A warped sense of humor. A balloon, a break-in and a stupid note—she could accept and forgive that. She just wanted some answers that made sense.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I see you have a new boyfriend.” He gestured toward Alex. “Who is that joker?”

  “He’s a friend,” she replied.

  “Yeah, well, I’ve got to get back to work.” He pulled his key ring from his pocket, yanked off the key she’d requested and slid it across the bar. “Have a nice life, Brittany.” He didn’t wait for her to reply but turned and went back behind the bar.

  “You think he did it?” Alex asked as he walked up beside her.

  “Hard to tell.” She frowned and looked back at Luke, who was flirting with a young blonde at the bar. “He told me no, but he also said he was kind of waiting around for me to start up our relationship again. He didn’t seem too happy when I told him that wasn’t going to happen.”

  “You want to get out of here?” he asked, obviously concerned that she might be upset.

  She smiled, refusing to allow Luke’s petulance or the fact that she hadn’t really gotten an answer from him to ruin her evening. “Not before we have that dance we talked about.”

  At that moment the band began to play a ballad. “With pleasure,” Alex said and led her to the dance floor where he took her into his arms.

  Despite the fact that she’d reminded him only an hour before that they would b
e, could be nothing more than friends, his arms around her felt like home.

  That scared her. The Professional had taken her innocence and dignity from her. But she had a feeling if she wasn’t careful Alex would take her heart.

  Chapter 8

  A knock on the door sounded just after ten on Saturday. Brittany had just gotten out of bed, after having lingered for a long time thinking about the night before and dancing with Alex.

  She opened the door and was surprised to see Emily clutching a stuffed pink bear in her arms. “Can I come in?” the little girl asked and without waiting for an invitation swept past Brittany and into the living room where she plopped down on the sofa with a frown.

  Brittany closed the door and followed, wondering what was going on. “I don’t want to be a bother. I just need a minute away from Mr. Poophead Daddy,” Emily exclaimed.

  Brittany bit back a smile. Ah, trouble in parenting paradise. “I was just about to fix me an English muffin with some jelly. Would you like to join me?”

  “That would be lovely,” replied the child who had just called her father a poophead.

  She followed Brittany into the kitchen, set her bear in one chair and sat in the chair next to the stuffed animal while Brittany pulled out the package of muffins. “Does your daddy know where you are?”

  “I told him I was running away and never, ever coming back again.” Emily lifted her chin as if in a show of defiance.

  “I see you brought a friend with you.”

  Emily nodded. “This is Lady Bear. She’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world.”

  “She’s a lovely bear. Maybe we should call your daddy and let him know where you and Lady Bear are so he won’t worry too much,” Brittany suggested as she put the muffins in the toaster.

  At that moment the phone rang. Brittany was unsurprised to hear Alex’s voice when she answered. “I know this sounds crazy, but is Emily there?”

  “She is. We’re just about to sit down to eat a muffin and jelly,” Brittany replied.

  “Tell Mr. Poophead I don’t want to talk to him,” Emily said.

  “She doesn’t want to talk to you right now,” Brittany said into the phone.

  “She called me a poophead, didn’t she?” Alex heaved a deep sigh. “I’m sorry she’s bothering you with this. I’ll come down and get her.”

  “No, it’s okay. She needs some time. I’ll walk her home after we’ve had a little girl talk.”

  He hesitated. “Are you sure? This definitely isn’t your problem.”

  “I’m positive and our muffins just popped up from the toaster, so I’ll see you later.” Brittany hung up the phone and then slathered the muffins with butter and grape jelly. “Milk or juice?” she asked.

  “Milk, please.”

  Once the drinks and muffins were on the table Brittany sat next to Emily. “Want to talk about it?”

  Emily took a bite of her muffin, leaving a smear of grape jelly on her cheek. Brittany picked up her napkin, leaned forward and swiped it off. Emily smiled gratefully and then her smile fell.

  “Megan has a birthday party this afternoon and Daddy said I could go. I already got her a present and wrapped it in really pretty pink-and-purple paper and now he says he has a meeting and can’t take me. Megan is one of my bestest friends in school and I have to go to her party or else her feelings will be hurt.” Her lower lip puffed out a bit. “Daddy is such a poophead.”

  “Can’t your grandma take you to the party?” Brittany asked.

  Emily took a swallow of her milk, leaving a milk mustache on her upper lip, and then shook her head. “She has a woman meeting about something. Mr. Poophead said I have to go with him to his meeting and be a good girl ’cause it is about a big job for him. So, I runned away. Can I have another muffin?”

  Brittany got up to fix the muffin and her mind whirled. Don’t get involved, a little voice whispered in her head. It’s just a ride to a party, another voice replied. What else do you have to do with your afternoon?

  “What’s Megan’s last name?” she asked as she placed the second muffin in front of Emily.

  “Megan Jefferson, and I bought her a really cool pink purse with sequins and she’s one of my very best friends and she’ll be so sad if I can’t come to her party.” Emily was on a tangent, repeating herself in her frustration. “You go to a friend’s party, that’s what you’re supposed to do. It’s like a rule for little girls.”

  Brittany knew the Jefferson family. She’d been friendly with Megan’s mother, who worked at the bank. “Maybe I could take you to your party.” The words were out of Brittany’s mouth before she’d realized they’d formed in her brain.

  “Really? You could do that?” Emily jumped out of her chair and threw her arms around Brittany’s neck. “That would be so wonderful.” Her kiss on Brittany’s cheek was sweet and slightly sticky from the jelly.

  Brittany laughed. “Why don’t you finish up your muffin and then we’ll talk to Mr. Poophead to make sure it’s okay with him?”

  Minutes later they walked down the sidewalk to Alex’s house. As Emily chattered about the party, Brittany thought about the night before. She and Alex had shared not one dance, but three before leaving Harley’s. She hadn’t gotten the answers she’d sought from Luke, but the night out had been yet one more step in her re-emergence into life.

  When they’d reached her house once again she’d known that Alex wouldn’t have minded if she’d invite him in for another bout of lovemaking, but she’d kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for the night.

  She desperately wanted to make love to him again and that’s why she wasn’t going to let it happen. Her heart was getting too involved and she had to make decisions now that were best for both of them.

  Taking Emily to a birthday party as a favor was one thing; feeling the warmth of Alex’s arms around her, the strength of his naked body against hers was quite another.

  She would never again be the deputy she’d once thought herself to be and she would never be the woman Alex and Emily needed in their lives.

  Alex greeted them at the door, his brow furrowed with concern as he looked first at his daughter then at Brittany. “I’m so sorry,” he began.

  Brittany held up a hand to halt his apology. “Emily tells me she has a birthday party to attend this afternoon and you and Rose aren’t available to take her.”

  “I’m meeting a guy this afternoon who wants his basement remodeled. Today was the only time he had to meet with me,” Alex explained. “It’s a big job and I tried to explain to Emily that sometimes business has to come first.”

  “I have an alternative plan,” Brittany said.

  “She said if it’s okay with you she’ll take me to Megan’s party,” Emily exclaimed. “Tell her it’s okay, Daddy. Please, please!”

  “Daddy? What happened to Mr. Poophead?” Alex asked with a raised dark eyebrow and a wry grin.

  Emily sidled up next to him and gave him a sweet smile. “I was just upset, Daddy. I didn’t really think you were Mr. Poophead.”

  Alex rolled his eyes and Brittany stifled a giggle. “I really don’t mind taking her to the party,” Brittany said. “I have nothing going on this afternoon.”

  “I’d hate to impose,” Alex said.

  “As if I haven’t imposed on you before,” Brittany replied drily.

  “If you’re sure…” he responded.

  “Oh, she’s sure,” Emily said. “And it was all her idea, not mine.” She clapped her hands together with excitement.

  “That’s true,” Brittany agreed. “Now, all I need to know is what time.”

  “The party is from two to four. My appointment is at two-thirty and I’m not sure how long it will take me,” Alex replied.

  “Why don’t I take her to the party and then bring her back to my place and you can get her there when you’re finished?” Brittany asked.

  “That sounds like a plan.” Emily beamed at both of them.

  “Then I’ll be here at around
a quarter till two and we’ll go from there.” Brittany smiled at Emily. “I know how important birthday parties are.”

  “I knew you’d understand.” Emily gave her a smile that bordered on hero worship. “Girls understand these things.”

  “Why don’t you take Lady Bear upstairs and make sure your present is all ready to take?” Alex suggested.

  “Okay. See you later, Brittany.” On light little feet she raced up the stairs and disappeared.

  When she was gone Alex turned back to face Brittany. “I think perhaps my daughter is a little bit of a manipulator.”

  “Goes with the female genes,” Brittany said with a smile. “Really, it’s okay. I know the Jefferson family and it’s not a big deal.”

  “It’s a big deal to Emily, so I thank you.”

  When he smiled at her like that she wanted to fall into his arms. Instead she murmured a goodbye and stepped out the door. She’d been vastly relieved when Benjamin had called to let her know that Alex Crawford was exactly what he’d told her he was—a former attorney who had lost his wife. There had been no red flags in his background. The man didn’t even have a speeding ticket on his record.

  He was the kind of man she might have wanted in her life forever, if she were a different kind of woman. At least nothing had happened in the past couple of days to scare her. But unfortunately, nothing had happened in the same few days to clear up the mystery of the man at her window and the disappearing note.

  She felt as if she were in a curious state of limbo, not quite willing to trust her own mind yet refusing to admit that she was losing it.

  As she entered her house she shoved all these thoughts to the back of her mind. All she needed to think about for the afternoon was getting a little girl to a birthday party.

  At one forty-five when Brittany pulled up in Alex’s driveway Emily danced out the door. She had Lady Bear in one arm and a pretty pink-and-purple wrapped package in the other. Alex followed after her and as Emily got into the backseat he walked around to the driver window.

  “Thanks again,” he said. “I should be home by the time the party is over.”


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