Bound and Bitten (The Year of Suns Book 2)

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Bound and Bitten (The Year of Suns Book 2) Page 13

by Marie Medina

  “Why so soon?” Vane asked. “I didn’t feel like staying to ask Orman.”

  “Two of the Gwynn’s brothers only got short leave. I thought of writing to the king, but Gwynn and Orman both objected to bothering him.” She laughed. “I think they worried he might show up if given more notice.”

  Arion looked at both of them. “Is he really that bad? I’ve never heard so many different stories about one person.”

  Evane looked to the ceiling as if praying for guidance. “The king’s one of a kind. Let’s leave it at that.” She turned on her heels and waved before hurrying off down the hall.

  Vane laughed. “Remember the punishment I handed down to Jana’s attacker?”

  Arion nodded, wondering why Vane was laughing about that, or bringing it up at all. He’d had the man castrated, and while Arion had been shocked when he first heard it from Ash, he knew it had partially been Vane’s way of getting revenge on the man.

  “Well, some people worried the king would be upset. It’s a serious punishment to carry out without his consent. But when he heard, he sent me a letter saying how proud he was of me. Said I should have the man’s balls bronzed.”

  “Did he?”

  “Yes. I was pretty scared when I got his letter. It could’ve been anything. He’s unpredictable. The next time I saw him, he asked to see them. I’m still not sure if he was joking or not. I said I hadn’t thought it appropriate to do as he’d suggested, and he just shrugged and changed the subject.”

  Arion laughed. “Hmmm, I think I see what you mean then. I might not want to invite a royal visit either.” He sighed. “So, is Orman satisfied you’re in top shape now?”

  “I think so. Bloody nuisance.”

  “You aren’t really upset, are you? I’m sure there are many dominions where the people are praying for the vampire to die.” Arion stood up and took Vane’s hand, hoping his touch would soothe the vampire.

  Vane sighed and leaned in. “It’s just annoying. I’m used to being in charge.” His arm snaked around Arion’s waist. “But I made it clear that we are not to be disturbed the rest of the day.”

  “Big plans?” Arion asked.

  “Oh yes. I’m going to do what I should’ve done twenty years ago.”

  “And what is that?” Arion asked, even though he had an idea. He could feel Vane’s cock pressing against his leg.

  But instead of answering, Vane kissed him and then pulled him down the hall, closing the doors to his bedroom and locking them before tossing the key across the room.

  “I see there’s no doubt you’ve made a full recovery,” Arion said.

  Vane advanced toward him and pushed him down on the bed. Arion tried to flip their positions, but Vane’s hold proved too strong to break. He suddenly wondered if the vampire had been holding back since he began to recover. His own body began to stir when Vane secured one of his wrists to the headboard with a rope he’d seemed to have at the ready. As Vane straddled him to secure the other wrist, Arion realized he was about to be claimed as thoroughly as he’d already claimed Vane.

  “Could’ve at least undressed me first,” Arion said, smiling up at Vane.


  Vane reached down and ripped Arion’s shirt right down the middle, pushing the material aside so he could caress the hard muscle beneath. “More fun this way.” He loved the way Arion watched him, his breathing shallow as he offered no resistance. He made short work of getting Arion’s boots and trousers off, and then he stopped a moment to admire his mate.

  “You do know I could get free, don’t you?” Arion said.

  “I do.” Vane wrapped his fingers around Arion’s cock. “But I doubt you want to.”

  Arion shifted on the bed, arching up and spreading his legs a bit wider. “I’m debating.”

  “I can put an end to that.” He spread Arion’s legs farther apart and pushed them to his chest. He began by simply licking his cock and teasing his balls, but then he moved lower. Arion gasped when Vane spread his cheeks and licked his pucker. The next sound was unintelligible as Vane penetrated with his tongue. Arion was tight, and Vane took his time loosening his mate up. He used his fingers as well and worked at the ring of muscle until Arion relaxed.

  Vane kissed up his panting mate’s body and then smiled at him. “I bet I could take you right now. You’re more than ready.”

  “Can’t believe you did that,” Arion said in a low whisper, his face bright red.

  “We bathed when we arrived. It’s fine.”

  Arion shook his head. “That’s not it.”

  Vane kissed and licked his neck. “Don’t tell me it embarrassed you.”

  “Just felt … sort of helpless.”

  Vane hovered over him and searched his face. “That bad?”

  “No. New, I guess.”

  Vane took his time working back down Arion’s body. Arion had explored his body this thoroughly, but Vane hadn’t yet had the chance to do the same. He let his fangs drop, nicking Arion’s skin now and then and healing the cuts right away. Arion actually gave a strangled cry when Vane scraped a fang over one of his nipples and then swirled his tongue around it. He suckled the nub more gently before rolling it between his teeth. Vane moved down between Arion’s legs and took his cock into his mouth, knowing exactly what would happen.

  Arion had gotten so worked up he came right away, his entire body trembling as he spilled. Vane swallowed every drop and kissed and licked his way back up Arion’s body. Their lips met, and they kissed a long time, despite how much Vane longed to be inside Arion.

  “Gods, I thought that would kill me,” Arion said when Vane finally let him catch his breath.

  “That good?” Vane asked with a grin.

  Arion came up as much as he could in his bound position, and Vane met him halfway for a brief kiss. “Told you I have a lot to learn. I’d never have thought to do that.”

  Vane rose from the bed to retrieve a vial of oil. “And we’re not done yet.”

  Arion chuckled. “Going to show me your toys?”

  “Maybe another time. Can’t say I need them now.”

  “Oh, but they can’t go to waste.”

  “Later. It’s past time I made love to you.”

  Vane oiled his fingers and worked Arion open with one hand while preparing his own cock with the other. Arion chewed his lower lip as he watched, and Vane rubbed the excess oil over Arion’s cock, which was almost fully erect again. “I’d love to experiment and see how many times I can make you come in one day. I never imagined you’d be so insatiable.”

  Arion’s breath came in pants as he shifted on the bed. “Less talking, more fucking.”

  Vane slid three fingers into Arion and watched him arch. “If you insist,” Vane said before withdrawing. He slid into Arion and slowly gave the lycan his full length, watching his face carefully. Though he longed to pound into his mate, he took him slowly and stared down into his eyes. Vane believed that Arion had fallen in love with him as well, but he couldn’t be sure. It was all based on little looks and touches, and Vane knew he might be imagining it. But as they came together, he began to feel more sure.

  Vane cupped Arion’s cheek in one hand and brushed their lips together repeatedly, never quite fully kissing him, as he picked up his pace and brought them both to orgasm within a few seconds of one another. They both shook with pleasure, and Arion broke free of the ropes and wrapped his arms around Vane, pulling him down into a crushing kiss. They lay there a long time, and Vane nuzzled his face against Arion’s neck and caressed his chest slowly.

  “You all right?” Vane asked.

  “Of course.” Arion tightened his grip. “I’m where I belong.”

  Vane shifted to the side a bit and looked into Arion’s face. “We haven’t talked about it, but I’m sure everyone expects us to have a matehood ceremony.”

  “You proposing?” Arion asked with a crooked smile.

  “In a way. Will you think about it?”

  “We’re together. What’s t
here to think about?”

  “Why you’re staying. I don’t want it to be out of guilt. Or infatuation. I want to wait until I’ve won your heart.”

  Arion didn’t say anything at first. He stretched and sat up, running his hand over Vane’s ass and then up to his waist. “When would you like your answer?”

  “Whenever you know for sure.” Vane sat up as well. “I’ve learned my lesson. This time, I’ll be patient.”

  “Wasn’t that the lesson I learned?” Arion’s hand moved over Vane’s stomach and then up his chest before settling on his shoulder.

  “We both learned … lots of lessons.”

  “Then I’ll think about it.” Arion kissed his cheek, then stroked it lovingly before climbing out of bed and heading into the bathing chamber.

  Vane lay back on the tangled sheets, hoping he’d done the right thing. Arion had opened to him physically, but he still felt a small barrier between them. He sighed, vowing he truly would be patient.


  While Gwynn and Orman’s wedding had been simple, taking less than ten minutes, Arion found himself increasingly overwhelmed by the reception, which was doubling as a matehood celebration for Ash and Locke. They hadn’t gotten to have one before because of Vane’s illness, and Locke had gone all out, with a good bit of help from Gwynn. As Arion moved through the courtyard, yet another glass of champagne was offered to him, and he decided to take this one. His nerves might need settling if anything else happened tonight. Already doves had popped out of some kind of oversized, ornate cake and a small choir of children had circled the two happy couples. As much as Arion loved people, he preferred them to stand still a bit more than this.

  Arion had danced with Lady Evane and spent plenty of time making small talk with Byron and Vane’s father, Lars. Dozens of people he didn’t know had introduced themselves and gone out of their way to make him feel welcome. He half wondered if some of them suspected he’d bolt again. Some were old enough to have been around twenty years ago, but most were younger. Jana had moved away when she married a man from another dominion about a year later, and her family had left to live closer to her shortly after that. Though he hadn’t mentioned it to Vane yet, Arion had asked Orman to track her down so he could send a letter to her. She might not care after all these years, but he thought she might like to hear firsthand who he really was and that things had worked out for him and Vane. He didn’t know if it would be appropriate to invite her to their matehood ceremony—whenever they had it—but he thought he’d make the gesture if no one thought it odd.

  Arion glanced around, eyeing Vane’s family but not seeing Vane anywhere. Lars chatted with Evane, looking happy enough considering what a serious man he was. Arion felt glad to have escaped one of the lectures Vane had told him about. Byron sat at a small table with Locke and Ash, and compared to the happy couple, Byron looked distracted and distant. Still searching for Vane, Arion scanned the dance-floor, which was a section of the courtyard that had been sectioned off with large potted plants. He hoped Vane wouldn’t want anything this lavish for their own ceremony. They hadn’t talked about it since the day Vane had first made love to him.

  Turning, Arion continued to scan the courtyard. Though he didn’t find Vane, his gaze did finally land on someone he knew. Lord Kyo nodded at Arion and excused himself from the conversation he was in.

  “Hello, Arion. Very glad to see you here. And to hear of Vane’s recovery,” Kyo said.

  “Yes. He’s much better now. Seemed to recover almost right away, actually.”

  Kyo smiled. “I’m sure he did.”

  “Are you here for the wedded couple or the mated one?” Arion asked. Kyo possessed a very calm demeanor, yet he also carried himself in a decidedly regal way that kept Arion aware of his status.

  “Both, in a way. Orman’s uncle is my steward. And I did also want to make sure you were doing well. Sigmund sends his best.”

  “Surprised he didn’t come along.”

  Laughing, Kyo said, “He said it wasn’t necessary. That he knew you two were going to be very happy.”

  “So he sees that, but he never had a vision telling him I was Vane’s mate to begin with?” Arion shook his head. “I don’t know what to think some days.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know how you feel. I wanted to wring Sigmund’s neck when I met Hatori.”

  Arion looked around. “Is your mate here?”

  “No, he’s visiting his brother Mikimo at Yoshinaga.”

  “Ah.” Arion nodded, his gaze still searching for Vane. It amazed him how much he’d come to need the vampire, and yet it felt natural at the same time.

  “No longer thinking of joining Mikimo’s order and taking vows, are you?” Kyo asked.

  Arion chuckled. “No. Certainly not.”

  “I think I’ve corrupted him far too much for that,” Vane said from behind Arion.

  Arion turned around and found his words stopped by a kiss. He stiffened, but then relaxed into the embrace, which Vane released him from soon enough. The vampire winked at him.

  “I’m surprised this wasn’t a triple celebration,” Kyo said, smiling warmly. “You two seem very happy. He’s been searching for you for some time now. Hardly felt I had his attention.”

  Arion finished his champagne. “Do vampires know how to do anything except tease people?”

  “Of course!” Vane said. “You know exactly what my greatest talent is.”

  “Oh by the gods, why do I bother?” Arion said.

  “Seriously, why didn’t you two celebrate tonight?” Kyo asked. “I’d say you’ve waited long enough.”

  Arion didn’t know what to say. He stared down into his empty glass as Vane cleared his throat. “Well,” Vane said, “there’s my other brother to think of.”

  “Byron? What does he have to do with it?” Kyo asked.

  “I’ve set him a challenge. If I could get a second chance after all this time, I don’t like to see him giving up. I told him we wouldn’t have our own celebration until he’d at least tried to win his own mate.”

  Arion looked up and stared at Vane. “What did you do that for? It’s his business, not yours.”

  Vane raised one eyebrow. “Everyone in the dominion made my business theirs, and I’m damned glad they did. If they’d let me, I’d have died with your name on my lips. I thank the gods they took action.”

  Despite Kyo’s presence, Arion pulled Vane close and kissed his neck. “Don’t say things like that. I’m here now. Never leaving again.”

  “I know. I’m just trying to make a point.” Vane kissed him back and drew away, saying to Kyo, “He found his mate years ago. But there’s a problem.”

  “Is it one that can be fixed?” Kyo asked, his gaze drifting to Byron, who still sat in the same chair looking melancholy.

  “Not sure. His mate was underage at the time. Maybe he’s come of age by now, but that wasn’t the real problem.”

  Kyo leaned in. “And what is?”

  “The boy’s afraid of vampires. Byron won’t even explain why.”

  “But surely you could pin down when they met. Find out where he was and snoop around. Maybe a vampire went mad. Or he lived in a dominion where the lord or lady was cruel,” Kyo said.

  “That’s just it. When he finally said something, the only clue he gave us was the phrase I met him last year.”

  “And when was that?” Kyo asked.

  “Four years ago, I think,” Vane said, sighing. “He’s being testy with me now. Threatening to leave and not come back for a very long time.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about that,” Kyo said as he turned to look at Byron again. “Ah. An opportunity.”

  Arion looked and saw that Byron sat alone now. “He looks so sad. Maybe you shouldn’t, my lord.”

  “I’m not going to do anything to him. I’m going to invite him to go to the capital with me. I’m heading off as soon as my mate returns from visiting his brother. I have a way of inspiring confidences. Maybe, in time, I can do som
ething to help.” Kyo smiled and bowed to them both before snagging two goblets of wine and walking over to Byron.

  Arion watched the two vampires, chewing his lip.

  “Don’t look like that. You know Kyo’s a kind man,” Vane said.

  Arion took Vane’s hand. “It’s not that. I just imagine your brother’s having a hard time right now. He must long to be with his own mate.”

  Vane kissed Arion’s hand. “I’m glad you’re getting along with them. We’ve always been close.”

  Arion led Vane to a side garden and found a free bench. They weren’t exactly alone, but at least they had more privacy. “Did you mean it? About our ceremony?”

  “It was partially teasing. But I did want to spur him to at least try. It’s up to us really.” Vane took Arion’s other hand, too. “I shouldn’t have told someone that in front of you. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not offended.” Arion squeezed Vane’s hands. “I wanted … to tell you something.”

  “About us?”

  “Yes. We can have the ceremony whenever you like. Maybe not something this big, but I’d like to have one. If anyone has cause to celebrate, it’s us. It really was kind of miraculous. Makes me believe in the gods even more. In a way.”

  “Arion, is that the only reason? Because it would be nice to have one? Because it’s so amazing we worked things out?”

  Arion smiled. “No.” He pulled his hands free and took Vane’s face in his hands. “I want to have one because I love you. I’m in love with you. That day by the pond, I said I wasn’t. Insisted I wasn’t. But I think that’s the day it really began.”

  “Do you?”

  Arion nodded.

  Vane reached out to tangle his fingers in Arion’s hair. “Then we’ll have ours whenever you want to. And it can be exactly how you want it.” Vane laughed and pulled Arion close. “I’m so scared I’m going to wake up and find out this was some feverish dream brought on by the Dissolution.”

  “Does this feel like a dream?” Arion asked before sinking his fangs into Vane’s neck.

  Vane gasped as he relaxed against Arion and let him drink. Arion didn’t crave blood the way someone born a vampire would, but he loved drinking from his mate. They broke off the embrace just in time, a small group of children running past them a few seconds later.


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