Romancing the Rogue

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Romancing the Rogue Page 117

by Kim Bowman

  “Do you see that woman over there?” Ewan nodded in Grace’s direction. She was standing next to another gentleman, who was speaking with Shiply.

  “Yes, her. Lady Grace? The one he escorted here?” she asked, her eyes calculating.

  “Yes,” Ewan affirmed with a nod.

  “What about her?” Miss Rachel asked curiously.

  “I love her.” The words were spoken before he thought them through, or their implications, but what was done was done.

  “Good for you.” She nodded then returned her gaze to Shiply.

  “I don’t think you understand.” Ewan waited, growing impatient.

  “You don’t say?” she remarked, tossing him an irritated glare.

  “Lord Shiply is trying to pay her court, but if we work together…” He waited for her to think for a moment. “I’ll do my best to keep Shiply away from Lady Grace so that you can have more of an opportunity to gain his attention, if you will do the same for me.”

  Ewan waited, hoping he hadn’t made a fool of himself.

  “You might have a good idea…” Miss Jacobsen regarded him, as though measuring his sincerity. She waited, clearly thinking over his plan and weighing her options. Ewan felt warm as he realized that he could have easily made an irreparable mistake.

  “All right. I’ll do it. But… you may not tell him about our little alliance. Do you understand?”

  “Of course! That goes without saying. What kind of fool do you think I am?” he questioned slightly offended. He paused for a moment before adding, “And I expect the same from you.”

  “Of course.” She tossed him a glance that spoke of her irritation at his assuming anything else.

  “Brilliant.” Ewan smiled as he began to formulate the plan in his mind. “Now, here’s what we’ll do…”


  Grace had tried all evening to avoid Ewan, but after that waltz, where she nearly lost all control and kissed him before the entirety of the ton, she hadn’t been able to take her eyes from him for more than a moment. Her heart stuttered when she saw him speaking to the lovely Miss Rachel. Wasn’t she the one he had run into, knocking her over? With a heavy sigh that earned her a quizzical glance from Shiply, she forced her gaze to her escort. As she eyed Shiply, she found herself wishing she could find at least half of the attraction towards him as she felt for Ewan. Then maybe her heart wouldn’t feel so fragile.

  Even as she danced with Shiply when she first arrived, she had been watching Ewan, causing her to trip twice. Shiply, ever the gentleman, hadn’t even remarked on her clumsiness. In contrast, her heart had been in her throat the entire time she had waltzed with Ewan, causing her prickly barriers to recede ever so slightly. But now she erected them again, knowing she was only asking for pain should she let down her guard.

  Resolving to keep her attention away from Ewan and on Shiply, she pasted on a joyful smile and entered the conversation taking place between Shiply and Lord Heath. As she struggled to focus her attention on the two men, she began to impatiently toy with her fan.

  “Lady Grace?” came a soft, caressing voice from behind her.

  Ewan. Closing her eyes, she allowed the soft tones work their magic over her heart, but only for a moment. Steeling herself against the coming onslaught of devastating charm, she turned.

  “Yes?” Grace turned to see Ewan escorting Miss Rachel. Her heart pinched with the unwelcome pangs of jealousy.

  “Grace…” Was it just her wishful thinking, or did he speak her name differently? She searched his blue eyes and found them soft and mesmerizing.

  “I’d like you to meet a new friend of mine. Miss Rachel. I don’t know if you are acquainted. After feeling a need to apologize once more to her for my clumsiness, I discovered that she hadn’t been introduced to you earlier. I wanted to remedy my oversight.” Ewan spoke the words, never breaking eye contact.

  Had he been speaking about her to Miss Rachel? Why would he? She scolded herself for finding hope in the smallest details.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Rachel. I trust you’re not too injured from your fall?” Grace asked graciously. After all, it wasn’t Miss Jacobsen’s fault she had been run over by Ewan or caught in the middle of Grace’s jealous imagination.

  “Oh, I’m quite all right. And please, call me Rachel.” Her blue eyes twinkled with merriment, and Grace found she didn’t harbor any resentment toward the beauty. Her eyes were not cool and calculating like many of the other debutantes, but they were warm and joyful.

  “Of course, Rachel.” Grace responded with more warmth than she had originally offered.

  “I was thrilled when the Duke of Greys said he had known you since you were children! Imagine! I once knew a boy who was my best friend when I was a young girl.” Her eyes were bright as she spoke.

  “You did? Are you friends still?” Grace inquired politely.

  Rachel’s blue eyes were sad as she replied, “No, we lost touch with his family as I grew older. It’s been about ten years or so…” Her voice trailed off, but not before Grace noticed her casting a longing glance toward Shiply.

  “I am sorry. It is difficult to lose friends.” Grace murmured with empathy.

  “Yes, but it’s also lovely to make new ones.” Rachel spoke with sincerity as she looked Grace in the eye. Even though the temptation to be jealous of Rachel was great, she found that she truly did desire to be friends with the beauty. True friends were rare among the ton.

  “I would have to agree,” Grace replied casting a look towards Ewan. He was grinning at her and she couldn’t help but grin back. He was so handsome when he smiled! White teeth flashed against his too full lips, and his eyes always looked like he was harboring a delicious secret he wanted to share. With a longing sigh expelled by her heart, Grace turned her attention back to Rachel.

  “Perhaps we’ll get a chance to get to know one another better?” Grace offered to Rachel.

  “Oh yes! I’d love that! In fact, I’m planning a shopping trip tomorrow, for Christmas, and I’d love for you to join me. It’s ever so boring going by yourself with only a maid for company.” Her eyes were pleading, and Grace understood. It was indeed tedious to shop alone.

  “I’d love to,” Grace replied with a small giggle.

  “Will two o’clock be acceptable?” Rachel asked, hope evident in her voice.

  “Perfectly.” Grace smiled as she spoke, hoping Rachel did indeed become the friend she believed she could be.

  “Since that is all settled.” Ewan rubbed his hands together. “Lady Grace, would you care to take a turn about the room with me?” Ewan’s eyes beseeched Grace; imploring her to accept his invitation, unaware that she would say yes to almost anything he requested.

  “Of course.” Grace nodded to Rachel and reached out to place her gloved hand on Ewan’s arm. His warmth radiated through his coat and warmed her hand, causing her belly to flutter in response.

  Rather than speaking, Ewan gently led her through the crush of people. When they needed to go around a couple, Ewan touched the small of her back with the softest of pressure, and then trailed his gloved fingers slightly down her dress before losing contact with her heated skin. As they maneuvered around another group of people conversing, he guided her by taking her hand and deftly interlacing his fingers within her own. It was only for a moment before he properly placed her hand once again on his strong arm, but not before giving her a flirtatious glance that let her know he was fully aware of each touch.

  The flirtatious glance wasn’t one she had seen before. No, it was smoldering with a passion that was carefully restrained. But why? Grace couldn’t make sense of it. Her mind was blurry as she was lost in the simple sensations of Ewan’s gentle attention.

  “I’m pleased you will be spending time with Miss Rachel.” Ewan cast her a clear blue gaze as they continued to walk.

  “Yes.” Grace struggled to form a clear thought, though all she wanted to do was watch him and memorize the new expressions in his eyes as he watched her.
“She seems very nice.” Grace offered after a moment of collecting her fragmented thoughts.

  “Well, she certainly is very forgiving.” Ewan chuckled.

  Grace laughed in response. “Ah, yes, I can see how that would be helpful in your current situation. How did you run into her anyway? Did you not see her?” Grace inquired, feeling more comfortable. She looked up and grinned at Ewan.

  “No, I saw her clear as day and wanted to make a fool of myself,” Ewan replied with dry sarcasm. “Of course I didn’t see her! Do you really think me so clumsy that I’d run into someone even if I had seen him or her? You’re wounding my ego here, Grace.” Ewan grasped his heart in mock pain.

  “Well, one never does know with you,” Grace teased back.

  “Touché.” Ewan nodded with a wicked grin.

  Ewan stopped and Grace took a moment to glance around her. They were outside of the ballroom and on a deserted balcony… alone. Her mind spun. Why had he brought her here? Yet, just as soon as she thought the question, she dismissed it. She didn’t care. All that mattered was he had.


  Ewan’s grin faded slightly as he turned to face her. Grace’s smile faded as well, and she looked up into Ewan’s eyes as they roved over her countenance. Never had she been gazed upon like Ewan was presently doing. For just a moment, his eyes dipped to her lips, and then he forcibly shifted his gaze to meet hers once again.

  “Grace, I…” His eyes searched hers. He grasped both of her gloved hands within his own, sending heat waves up her arms and intensifying her heartbeat. Ewan massaged small circles in her wrist with his thumb, and she felt her breath hitch with desire as she stared into his searing gaze.

  “Ewan…” she whispered, leaning forward, swaying slightly and dropping her gaze to his lips.

  Just as Ewan leaned forward, Grace heard footsteps click against the marble floor of the balcony. With a gasp, she stepped back to a proper distance at the same time as Ewan.

  “Lady Grace! Here you are! I’ve been looking for you. I have someone you must meet!” The very unwelcome voice of Lord Shiply seemed overly loud as it echoed off the stone walls of the balcony. With a downward glance and a disappointed sigh, Grace closed her eyes and prayed for him to disappear. She instinctively knew that Ewan would have kissed her; that something intangible had changed between them. But gone was the moment.

  With an apologetic smile she glanced at Ewan, losing her train of thought at the blatant desire burning within his eyes; desire and possession. Grace curled her toes in her slippers at the warm sensation his gaze gave her. Yes, there was hope, and she was not about to give it up.

  “Later, Ewan?” she whispered, staring at him and allowing him to see just a portion of her heart in her eyes.

  With a slight nod he grasped her hand and very gently kissed the back of it, then turned it over and pressed another moist and prolonged kiss to her wrist, sending shivers up her arm. After one long, lingering glance, she turned to meet Shiply.


  So close! Ewan had been so close to finding the perfect moment to press his suit, but no. Again Shiply intervened and stole the moment away from him. The only reason he hadn’t challenged the arrogant cad to a duel was the bewitching look that came from Grace that would have made a saint sin with lust.

  Her eyes had glowed with desire, and Ewan had used every ounce of self-control to not take her lips with his own, in front of Shiply; especially in front of Shiply. But he was honest in his endeavor of being worthy of Grace, which meant he must be the gentleman and put her before himself. But how difficult it was, when she continued to cast him glances where he swore he could see her soul buried in the green of her gaze.

  He smiled, as he knew one thing for certain. He indeed did have hope in winning Grace’s heart.

  Chapter Eight

  As Grace prepared for the famed Kringle Ball, she thought back over the past week. Indeed, Miss Rachel had proven to be the friend she had hoped. Already they had become fast friends, and Grace was thankful that Ewan had run into her.

  She laughed gently at the thought, but her amusement was short-lived. A furrow etched itself in her brow as she thought over the frequent subtle questions Rachel had asked regarding Shiply. She had answered her questions as best as possible but found it difficult because, well, as she answered the questions she discovered she didn’t know Shiply well at all. It was a shocking revelation, amplified by the contrast with her ability to answer any and every question Rachel occasionally asked about Ewan.

  Although her heart hadn’t been engaged in the courtship Shiply had paid to her, she also hadn’t ended it. Ewan had indeed spent more time with her, but the hope she had felt earlier at the Lordington ball was fast fading as Ewan’s behavior toward her was lacking the seduction he began at the ball. He was far too much of the gentleman, far too reserved, far too unlike the Ewan she knew.

  Gone was the rake and rogue who would flirt shamelessly, and replacing him was a perfect gentleman. Grace found she missed the old Ewan, and wondered what had caused such a profound change.

  Although his actions said he was paying her court as well, she didn’t know for sure. He had not stated his intentions nor spoke with her parents, as far as she knew. It had been a confusing week, and Grace was frustrated.

  “Mother?” Grace asked as Lady Jarvais walked into her room. She was beautifully dressed in a red velvet gown trimmed with gold-braided trim. On her head was a thin veil that had white ostrich feathers gracing the top.

  “Yes, love?” Lady Jarvais asked as she inspected Grace’s dress. “You look stunning. I’m sure Shiply will be pleased.” She spoke with tenderness as she caressed her daughter’s arm and studied her with a proud smile.

  “Yes, well… I believe I have a problem…” Grace trailed off, unsure of how much to share with her mother.

  “What is it, darling?” she asked, sitting down next to her and waiting patiently.

  “What if… I mean…” She paused, collecting her thoughts. “What if Shiply isn’t exactly what I want? What if there was another who… another to whom I was attracted?” she asked hesitantly as she lowered her eyes and smoothed out the lines of her silk gown.

  “No one is requiring you to accept Shiply’s attentions, dear,” her mother replied gently.

  “I know, but… though I know I should like him and be thankful because he’s a perfectly respectable gentleman, my heart is holding on to a fantasy, and Mother, I…”

  “You don’t know if you should settle or not?” Lady Jarvais added helpfully.

  “Does that sound horrid? I sound vain and arrogant when it’s said that way, but it is how I feel,” Grace replied miserably. She lifted her gloved hands and covered her eyes.

  “No, love, you don’t sound vain.” Lady Jarvais smoothed Grace’s wheat-colored hair from her face. “Sometimes the heart is simply wiser than the head, but also, sometimes the reverse is true as well.”

  Confused, Grace looked at her mother. “But which is true of me, now? Which is wiser, my head or heart? My head says be thankful and forget about my heart, and my heart says the opposite.” A lone tear trailed down Grace’s cheek, followed by a sister tear on her other cheek.

  “Dear…” Lady Jarvais pulled her daughter into an embrace. “These things have a way of working out. As of yet, Shiply hasn’t asked for your hand, so you have time, love. Time to discern the wisdom of both your head and your heart. As for Shiply, he wouldn’t be allowed around my daughter if I didn’t think him worthy of your attention. As for the other…” Lady Jarvais wiped Grace’s tears away. “I believe Ewan is equally as worthy, or else I wouldn’t have allowed him around here as long as I have.”

  Grace gasped.

  She smiled. “You’re my daughter, love, it’s my job to know your heart,” she replied to a still stunned Grace. “Give them both time, dear, you don’t have to choose now.” Lady Jarvais rose from her seat and placed a kiss upon her daughter’s head before leaving the room.

gaze followed her mother as she left. She was thankful her mother had said she approved just as much of Ewan as Shiply. Somehow it made her feel more secure in her affection for him. With a deep breath, Grace continued to ready for the ball, and something told her that it would be special, one way or another.


  Ewan paced the floor of his study, watching the clock. Tonight he would speak the words he had been so carefully displayed the past week to Grace. It had nearly killed him; the restraint, the self-control it took to be utterly proper when around her and not succumbing to his passion and pulling her into a tight embrace and kissing her thoroughly, and more… so much more.

  He gave a frustrated growl and heard Whit clear his throat.

  “I suppose you’re going to say I’m wearing out the rug or some other sort of attempt at humor?” Ewan grumbled

  “No sir, I was merely reminding you that your study clock hasn’t been serviced and is behind.” Whit hid his smile behind a false cough.

  Ewan froze and glanced at the old clock again.

  “Excuse me?” he asked Whit, increasingly nervous. What time was it truly?

  “I believe I told you yesterday, but I doubt you heard me. It was when you were on your way to Lady—”

  Ewan interrupted Whit. “I know full well where I was yesterday, but why tell me now? I’ve been pacing here for near an hour! What time is it?” he asked, frustrated.

  “Near nine, sir.” Whit responded. Ewan heart lurched, and he felt his face twist with horror. Whit glanced down, lifting a fist to cover up the clearing of his throat in a pathetic attempt at hiding his laugh.

  “Nine!” Ewan shouted before jumping into action and grabbing his coat. The ball began at nine! He had wanted to get their right on time so that he could find Grace as soon as possible. Though she was arriving with her parents, he had no doubt that Shiply would descend like a plague and whisk her away without a backward glance.


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