Burning Love (Hearts on Fire #2)

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Burning Love (Hearts on Fire #2) Page 12

by Heather Lyn

  “Shit. I can try to come home, baby, switch my overtime to next weekend.”

  “No, I’m okay. Seriously, Grayson. I’m a big girl. Aubrey is still here.”

  She laughs as she climbs onto the bed next to me, grabbing the phone out of my hand and switching it to speakerphone.

  “Gray, she’s gonna be just fine. Nothing a little Patrick Swayze can’t fix. I promise I’m taking really good care of her.”

  Grayson chuckles. “Okay, Aubrey. I’m holding you to that. I’ll call you in the morning, baby. Feel better and get some rest.”

  “Okay. Night, Gray.”

  “Sweet dreams, darlin’. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Aubrey ends the call and hands me the phone. “Now can we please get crazy for Swayze?”

  She laughs as I reach over to smack at her.

  “You’re such a nerd, Aubs.”

  “Yeah, but I’m your nerd, toots.”

  Giggling, we settle down to watch the movie. Long before Baby is put in the corner, I fall asleep, hoping I feel better in the morning.


  I have barely woken up before I find myself stumbling from bed to the bathroom, heaving over the toilet a moment later. Groaning, I rinse my mouth out when I’m finished.

  “Shit.” I’m grumbling as I stagger back to bed, already feeling like I need to puke again. I look at the clock on my end table and notice that it’s only three in the morning. I’m achy and freezing, so I climb under the covers and pull them over me. Closing my eyes, I find myself getting warm, sweat breaking out over me. But my teeth are chattering.

  Aubrey stirs in the bed next to me, rolling over and sitting up.

  “You okay, Kenni?” Her voice is heavy with sleep and I hear her yawn.

  “I feel like absolute shit. Fuck my life.”

  But I never hear her response, sleep taking me under again.


  It’s been three days of this crap. I had to call out of work today, and I’m annoyed because since I started teaching I haven’t had to miss any days. But I just don’t feel any better. Grayson called me several times a day all weekend and he’s finally off shift today. I told him not to come over because I don’t want to get him sick, but I’m sure he won’t listen.

  I’ve barely moved from my bed. I only do to use the bathroom, puke, or to try and force myself to eat. I just feel so weak and terrible. I’ve gotten a few more calls from my mother’s boyfriend, but I’ve just sent them to voice mail. I definitely need to do something about it, but not now. Maybe when I feel a little better.

  Rolling over in bed, I check my cell to see that I have no messages, so I turn back over and close my eyes, praying to feel better after a nap.

  I’m awoken a few hours later by my doorbell ringing. Peeling my eyes open, I climb out of bed and wrap my afghan around myself as I pad out to the front door. I pull it open to find Grayson standing on the other side, a brown paper bag in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other. He gives me a wide grin, then steps inside.

  “Damn, baby. You don’t look so good. You aren’t feeling any better?”

  Shaking my head, I stumble back to the bedroom and climb back into bed, pulling the blankets up over me and lying on my side. Grayson sits next to me, placing his hand onto my forehead.

  “Kennedy, you don’t have a fever. Are you sure you won’t go to the doctor?”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need some sleep. What’s in the bag?”

  He chuckles. “I brought you some soup. Mom’s homemade chicken noodle.”

  “Ugh. No thanks.”

  Grayson laughs and brushes my sweaty hair out of my face. “Get some sleep, baby.” He leans forward to kiss my forehead, and I go back to sleep.

  ”What the hell, Kennedy?”

  Grayson’s loud voice jolts me from sleep. I sit up in bed, trying to figure out what’s going on. I feel dizzy and I have to focus on my blanket until my head stops.

  “What’s the matter?” I whisper. Grayson is standing in front of me, pieces of paper in his clenched fists. He looks downright pissed.

  “What’s the matter is you’re being fucking blackmailed and I knew nothing about it!”

  Understanding dawns on me. He’s holding my mother’s letters.

  “Grayson…,” I begin, swinging my legs out of bed to stand. I stumble slightly, and he reaches out to help steady me.

  “How long has this been going on, Kennedy?” he asks, tossing the papers onto my bed.


  “I asked you a question, How fucking long?”

  I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. “About a month.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Kennedy? Were you even planning on telling me?”

  “Of course I was, Grayson. I just didn’t know how.” I walk past him out to the kitchen, unsteady on my feet. I need water.

  “You didn’t know how? I’m your boyfriend. I’m pretty fucking sure you can tell me just about anything and I’d understand.”

  I ignore him and continue my search for water. He’s right on my heels and he spins me around to face him. I can feel the anger radiating off his body.

  “Grayson, just stop, okay? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but it’s not a big deal.”

  “Not a big deal? Kennedy, your mother is trying to blackmail you. That’s illegal, the last I checked. You need to take care of this.”

  “And I will, Gray.”

  “When?” he counters, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “When I feel up to it.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Kennedy.”

  “I’m not lying to you. I’ll take care of it.” I brush past him to get a bottle of water from the fridge. I need to go back to bed. My stomach is killing me and I’m so light-headed it’s not funny.

  “Sure you will,” Grayson grumbles, stopping me dead in my tracks.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  I turn around to face him. He’s clenching his jaw, his hazel eyes hard.

  “You know what? I feel like shit. I’m not in the mood for this. Why don’t you just say what you’re clearly wanting to say.” I slam my water down on the counter.

  “I think you’re full of it. You never planned on telling me. And I’m pissed.”

  “Of course I was. I’ve just had a lot on my mind. And why does it matter to you so much? It’s not like I’m actually going to give her what she wants.”

  “That is not the point. The point is that you lied to me, Kennedy.”

  “I didn’t lie! I just didn’t tell you, Grayson.”

  “That’s the same fucking thing!” he shouts.

  I can feel the tears in my eyes. I can’t believe how angry he is, and how he’s treating me. I’ve never seen him like this before.

  “Don’t speak to me like that.”

  “Well, forgive me, sweetheart. I’m not too happy with you right now.”


  “No, Kennedy. Don’t. I have never asked you for anything but to be honest with me. And you’re keeping something like this from me? I’m fucking livid right now.” Grayson is pacing back and forth in front of me.

  And suddenly I’ve had enough.

  “I’m not talking about this anymore.” I turn around when he stops me.

  “Yeah, of course you aren’t. That’s what you’re good at, baby. Avoiding the problem. Running away when things get hard.”

  “Fuck you, Grayson,” I mutter. I get halfway to my bedroom when I stop. I feel like I’m about to pass out, but no. He doesn’t get to do this. I march back out to the kitchen and slap him in the face. My hand stings from the blow, and he’s looking at me in shock.

  “Go to hell, Grayson Michaels. You have no idea what my life has been like these past eight years. You have no idea what it’s like. Your parents would do anything for you and mine threw me away like I was gutter trash. I was fucking eighteen years old and all alone in this world. And you know who took ca
re of me? Me! Who cried herself to sleep for months and months? Me! So don’t you dare judge me for not knowing any other way of life but to keep it to myself. This is exactly why I didn’t tell you, because I knew you would flip out and push me. Well, congratulations. You pushed me. Too fucking far this time!”

  I’m full-blown sobbing at this point, and screaming at the top of my lungs. All my anger over this situation has boiled over. And I’m done.

  “I can’t fucking do this anymore. I love you, Grayson, but this won’t work if you blow up at me without even listening. You have no idea how hard this last month has been, trying to decide how to tell you. I’m done, Grayson. Just done with everything. Get out.”

  He opens his mouth to say something, but before he can I feel a pain rip through my stomach, causing me to cry out and double over. This pain is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and I close my eyes, dropping to the ground.


  Grayson rushes over to me and I grab my stomach. It feels as if I’m being ripped in two, and flashes of light are bursting over my vision. My entire body feels weightless and I allow him to pull me onto his lap.

  “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong? Please, Kennedy, talk to me.”

  And suddenly there’s no more pain. Everything is fading around me, but Grayson’s voice is still loud and clear. I can feel him shifting me around until he has me lying flat on the carpeted floor. Through heavy lids, I see him pulling his phone from his pocket. His eyes are wide and frantic, and they’re focused on the floor next to me. I follow his line of vision and through my haze can see the blood pooling on the floor.

  I have no idea what’s happening and I can feel my eyes closing. Grayson is shouting into his phone, and as I start to drift off, one of his warm hands cups my face.

  “No, Kennedy. Stay with me, baby.” He leans his forehead against mine, and I’m vaguely aware of something dripping onto my face. I breathe in his scent. So familiar. So comforting. So Grayson. And before I lose all consciousness, I reach up to touch his chest.

  “Forever, Grayson,” I whisper.

  And that’s it. No more pain.

  I love you so much, Grayson Michaels. Please don’t forget about me.






  Just a few of the emotions running through me at the moment. I’m sitting in a hard chair in the waiting room, rocking back and forth. We got here about ten minutes ago and I haven’t spoken to anybody yet. I rode in the ambulance with Kennedy and made sure that I informed them I’m her husband. Yeah, no way are they fucking keeping me from her. Wringing my hands together, I force myself to pull my cell phone from my jeans. With a shaking hand, I pull up my contacts and press Aubrey’s name.


  “Aubrey.” I can’t force myself to say anything else.

  “Hey, Grayson. You never call me. What’s up? Did Noah not answer his phone?” Her cheery voice makes me struggle with the words, and I swallow the lump in my throat.

  “Aubs….” My voice breaks off and I hang my head.

  “Gray, you’re scaring me. What’s the matter?”

  Clearing my throat, I take a deep breath. “I’m at the hospital. It’s Kennedy.”

  “What’s going on? Is she okay?”

  “Fuck, Aubs. I don’t know. Just please get down here. They aren’t telling me anything. I had to call an ambulance, and they didn’t say anything the whole way over.”

  I can hear Aubrey start crying, and then Noah comes on the line.

  “Gray, talk to me, man. What the fuck is going on?”

  “Can you guys come down?”

  “We’re on our way. Hang tight, buddy. It’s gonna be all right.” He disconnects the call and I shove my phone back into my pocket. I clasp my hands together and rest my elbows on my knees, head bent. I have no idea what is happening and I have no idea if Kennedy is even okay. Her cry of pain scared the ever-loving fuck out of me.

  As I sit here, I think back over our fight and I realize that she’s right. I totally blew it all out of proportion. I should have listened to her. I shouldn’t have gone off like that. When she slapped me, I almost wanted to laugh. She’s so spunky and fierce, but that hit was hardly even a tap. And now? Well now I’m regretting everything that happened.

  I’m not sure how long I sit here, lost in my thoughts, when I hear my name being shouted.

  Looking up, I see Aubrey and Noah on the other side of the room. She immediately races over to me and I stand up just in time for her to fling herself into my arms. Aubrey tightens her arms around my waist and buries her face in my shirt. I hug her back, fighting my own emotions. The gravity of the situation has finally hit me and I’m realizing how terrifying this is.

  “Have they told you anything?” Noah asks, coming up to stand next to me. Aubrey lets go and pulls back, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

  “No, nothing.”

  “What happened, Gray?” Aubrey asks quietly. I motion to the chairs across from me and they sit down together, Noah wrapping his arm around Aubrey.

  “I went over after shift. Kennedy was still sick, so I told her to get some rest. I went out into the kitchen to help straighten up, do something to help her. I found these papers from her mother. The bitch has been blackmailing her.” I break off, feeling the anger creeping up.

  Aubrey is looking at me with wide eyes, and I can tell she’s not surprised.

  “Did you know?” I ask her.

  Nodding, she looks away. “She told me the other day. Friday night when we went shopping, she got a phone call from someone Kennedy thinks is dating her mother. They’ve been calling her too.”

  “Motherfucker!” I shout, standing up to pace the room.

  “Grayson, you need to calm down. What happened to Kenni?” Noah asks.

  I ignore him and pace some more. I want to punch the wall.

  “Well, I confronted her. Like a total asshole, of course. It was obvious she’s been hiding it. Anyway, we fought and I’m pretty sure she wanted to kick me in the nuts. She was yelling at me when she cried out and grabbed her stomach. She fell down and while I was trying to figure out what was going on, I noticed the blood under her. She was—” I break off and look down at the floor. I have to take a deep breath before I can continue.

  “She was so fucking pale, Aubs. And no matter how many times I begged her to stay awake, she didn’t. I’m so fucking scared, you guys.”

  For the first time since we got here, I feel it sink in that maybe everything isn’t okay. I let a tear slide down my cheek as I drop my head into my hands, leaning forward on my elbows. Aubrey gets up and comes to sit next to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. We sit in silence, and I send a prayer up.

  Please, don’t take her from me. Let her be okay. I love her so much.


  We’ve been sitting here for about an hour. No update. Nothing. Noah grabbed us all some coffee a little while ago, but now I’m jittery from waiting and the caffeine. I stand up and start pacing again. Just then a doctor enters the room, wearing those paper scrubs.

  Oh fuck.

  “I’m looking for the family of Kennedy Grant.”

  Noah and Aubrey stand up and come to my sides.

  “We’re her family. I’m her husband, Grayson,” I tell him, reaching a hand out. He shakes my hand and then looks down at the clipboard in his hand.

  “Kennedy was suffering from dehydration and a fever of 102. Has she been sick long?”

  “She started not feeling well on Friday. She had been throwing up and couldn’t keep anything down. Is that what was wrong with her?” I ask.

  “Well that explains the dehydration and nausea. After examining Kennedy, I’m sorry to tell you that we had to perform a D&C. But with some rest, she’s going to be just fine.”

  “A D&C?” Aubrey asks. The doctor looks at us in confusion.

  “Yes, the procedure where the re
maining tissue is removed from the uterus after a miscarriage. Kennedy was five weeks pregnant.”

  I hear Aubrey’s gasp, and I have to fight to keep from passing out.

  “Pregnant?” I whisper, feeling the emotion clogging my throat.

  “I’m sorry, I assumed as her husband you knew. Yes, she was around five weeks pregnant. The procedure only took a short time and she’s now in recovery. She’ll be fine to go home in just a little while. We’re giving her fluids to help hydrate her. She’s going to be just fine.”

  “I need to see her.” I barely listened to anything he said. I have one focus.

  Get to Kennedy.

  “Of course. Come with me.”

  I follow him down several hallways until we make it to a shorter one with only a few doorways in it. He brings me to the first one.

  “Does she know?” I ask quietly. Tears are burning my eyes and I pray I don’t have to be the one to break this to her.

  The doctor nods. “She woke up shortly after we moved her in here and a nurse explained everything to her.”

  “Thank you.”

  He leaves me alone and I take a deep breath before I push the door open, closing it quietly behind me after I enter the room. I count to three before I turn to face the bed. Yeah, I was not prepared enough for this. Kennedy is sitting up in bed, her head turned away from me to look out the window. But I can see her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Fuck.

  As I slowly walk to the bed, I feel the emotions overtake me and the tears that have been threatening to fall since she collapsed come pouring out.

  “Baby…,” I whisper, my voice thick with tears. She turns to look at me, a loud sob bursting from her chest. In three strides I make it to the bed. Sitting down next to her, I pull her gently into my arms, so grateful to still have her.

  “Grayson,” she cries loudly, so I clutch her that much tighter. I don’t bother with trying to hold back the tears, burying my face into her hair. Only holding her for a moment, I pull away to kiss her forehead.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. God, I’m so sorry. But it’s gonna be okay. I still have you. You’re okay. I thought I was losing you, Kennedy. I’ve never been so scared,” I rasp, tears continuing to fall down my cheeks.


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