25. See http://www.supergolfclubs.net/tiger-calls-out-ernie-els-not-a-big-worker-physically/, retrieved May 30, 2012.
26. See http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/golf/4444156/Ernie-Els-to-celebrate-Open-win-with-Nelson-Mandela.html, retrieved August 20, 2012; and http://www.sbnation.com/golf/2012/7/22/3176267/ernie-els-2012-british-open-speech-video, retrieved August 20, 2012.
27. See http://www.buzzingolf.co.uk/matchmaker-jesper-parnevik-angry-at-tiger-woods/617, retrieved June 15, 2010; and http://sports.espn.go.com/golf/news/story?id=4924113, retrieved May 12, 2012.
28. See http://www.snpp.com/episodes/7F23.html, retrieved April 5, 2010.
29. Ibid.
30. Why the German language has a word for this concept, and English does not is hard to say. Some languages do (e.g., leedvemaak in Dutch); some don’t (e.g., French).
31. Ben-Ze’ev (2000); Portmann (2000).
32. See http://chronicle.com/article/The-Pleasure-of-Seeing-the/125381, retrieved January 12, 2011.
33. Ibid.
34. See http://chronicle.com/article/article-content/125621/, retrieved January 12, 2012.
35. See http://strangebehaviors.wordpress.com/2007/07/12/the-elusive-etymology-of-an-emotion/, retrieved June 27, 2010.
Note: Page numbers followed by an italicized letter f or n indicate material found in figures or notes. Names in italics indicate fictional characters.
Abdul, Paula, 95
Abel, 127–128
Abraham, F. Murray, 110
academic misconduct, 76–77
action/inaction, envy and, 153–154
adaptive function/benefits. See also evolution
of compassion, xvii
of altruistic tendencies, 191n20
of envy, 132
of group identity, 42, 148
of social comparisons, 12–14
of vengeful urges, xvii, 87
Aeschylus, 79
Aesop fable (ant and grasshopper), 83
African Americans, treatment of, 85–86
The Age of Empathy (de Waal), xvii
aggression, envy-triggered, xvii, 133, 138
Alabama football fans, 36–40
alcohol/alcoholism, 21–22
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 85
Alicke, Mark, 14, 82
Amadeus (film), 110, 134–138, 211n5
Ambrosino, Dominic, 69
American Idol, xv, 93–96. See also reality television
America’s Next Top Model (television show), 96
amygdala, 111
amour propre (self-pride), 5
“anesthesia of the heart,” 64
anterior cingulate cortex, 111
anti-Semitism. See also Hitler, Adolf; Nazis
envy and, xvi–xvii, 147–151, 218n25
Epstein on, 219–220n33
of Hitler, 143–147
in scapegoating of Jews, 147–151
Anti-Semitism: Its history and causes (Lazare), 218n25
antisocial behaviors, 26
Apaches, 89
Apollo 13 (film), xiii
Aquaro, George, 128
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 70
Aristotle, 27, 63, 109
Aronson, Elliot, 119
Aston, Trevor, 83–84
Atherton, William, 107
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 19
attractiveness pairings, 11
attributional bias. See fundamental attribution error
Atwater, Lee, 198n28
Auden, W. H., 88
Aunt Dahlia, 184
authority, obedience to, 166–169
bad, born to be, 51–54
Baker, James A., III, 163
Bakker, Jim, 71
Bataan Death March, 91
Battle of the Bulge, 157
Baumeister, Roy, 63–64
bear, joke about grizzly, xii
Becker, Ernest, 60–61
The Belief in a Just World: A Fundamental Delusion (Lerner), 81
Bellow, Saul, 177
Bennett, Bill, 74
Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron, 185, 207n52
Berga, East Germany, 157
Bergson, Henri, 64
Berlin Olympics of 1936, 47
“the better angels of our nature,” xvii
“better-than-average effect,” 14–16, 15f, 192n31
Beyond Revenge: The Evolution of the Forgiveness Instinct (McCullough), xvii
on the theme of envy, 127–129
on judging others, 163
on vengeance, 89
Big Brother (television show), 96
bin Laden, Osama, 79, 82
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 151–152
The Book of Virtues (Bennett), 74
Booker, Sara, xv, 96
Born to Be Good (Keltner), xvii
born to be good or bad, 51–54
Botvinick, Matthew, 41
Boucher, Katie, 116
Bradley, Ed, 24–26
Brady, Tom, 40–41
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (film), 93
Brecht, Bertolt, 59
Bridge of Sighs (Russo), 138–139
British Open, 182
Brobdingnagians, 122
Brooks, Mel, 29
Brosnan, Sarah, 13, 63
The Brotherhood of the Disappearing Pants: A Field Guide to Conservative Sex Scandals (book), 73
Bryant, Paul “Bear,” 36
Bumfights (DVD series), 25
Burke, Edmund, 115–116
Bush, George W., 45
Bushman, Brad, 63–64
Buss, David, 12, 132
Cain, 127–128
Capone, Al, 55–56
Capote, Truman, 57–58
Capra, Frank, 184
Carlin, George, 16, 21
Carlsmith, Kevin, 89, 90–91
Carnegie, Dale, 55–57
Carraway, Nick, 163
Cassavetes, John, 68
Castro, Fidel, 119
To Catch A Predator, xv, 98–108, 170–172, 223n14. See also reality television
Chang, Jung, 116
Chase, Chevy, 1, 119, 163
cheating, moralizing about, 76–77, 77f
Cheever, Susan, 21–22, 193n6
Cheshire Cat, 85
envy over inequality, 130
parents experience and, 34–35
unequal treatment of, 13–14
unguarded behavior of, 59–61
Chronicle of Higher Education, 185
Cialdini, Robert, 57, 75
Cikara, Mina, 41–42, 151, 153–154
Civil War, 16, 19, 173–174
Clutter, Herbert, 57–58, 64
The Code of the Woosters (Wodehouse), 30–32, 184–185
Cohen, Alexis, 96
Cohen, Roger, 157–160
Cohen, Taya, 42
Colbert, Stephen, 46
Cold War, 86
Columbia Journalism Review, 102
Columbia University, 36
Combs, David, 45
comedians. See superiority theory of humor
Commando (film), 88
comparisons with others, 2–4. See also social comparisons
compassionate responses, xvii
in life, xiii
self-interest in, 52–53
competitive instincts between groups versus between individuals, 42
Conspiracy (film), 156
Coscarelli, Joe, xiv
Cowell, Simon, 95–96
Crane, Stephen, 16
Crowley, Candy, 54
Crystal, Billy, 33
Cuddy, Amy, 148
“culpable control,” 82
culturally shared standards of deservingness, 68, 79
Dante, 128
Dateline NBC, 99–100, 103–104
“Dead Putting Society” (television show episode), 122
Democrats/Democratic Party, 45–46, 47f, 54
De Palma,
Brian, 68
deserved misfortune. See also justice
examples of, 68–71
impersonal satisfaction and, 202n19, 204n4
of hypocrites, 71–77
“just desserts,” 69
pleasure from, xiv, 185–187
research/studies on, 76–77
shame and, 48
Die Hard films, 107
Diener, Ed, xvii
A Discourse on Inequality (Rousseau), 5
The Doctor and the Damned (Haas), 58
dog behavior, in unequal treatment studies, 13
Don Giovanni (Mozart), 136
Dover, Kenneth, 83–84
downward comparison. See also social comparisons
antisocial behaviors and, 26
dark origins of, 24–27
drunkenness and, 21–22
experimental evidence of, 6–8
group identity in, 32
humor and, 27, 30–32
in media, 23–24
passive vs. active, 22, 25, 31
personal benefits/gain, xii, 111
as pleasing, 22, 24–26
reality TV and, xv
restorative power of, 25
“safe” targets for, 26
strategies for, 22–23
drinking/drunkenness, 21–22
“drunkenfreude,” 21, 193n6
Duke University, 37–38, 41
Dutch soccer fans, 39
Eastern Kentucky, 91
Edwards, Jonathan, 70–71
Eichmann, Adolf, 86, 154–155, 158
Einstein, Albert, 150–151
Els, Ernie, 180, 182
Elster, Jon, 130
Emmons, Robert, xvii
human capacity for, xvii
self-interest and, 62–65
Entertaining (Stewart), 117
entertainment, humiliation as, xv
adaptive function of, 132
balm/cure for, xvi
in competitive situations, xiii
denying feeling of, 126–129
description of, 109–110
hostility and, 114–115
inferiority/hostility in, xii, xvi
injustice and, 130–134
of Jews, 147–151, 220n34
likeability and, 121–122
motivated action/inaction and, 153–154
Nazi anti-Semitism and, 143–147, 148, 218n25
neuroscientific evidence on, 111
pleasure link, 114
schadenfreude link, xvi, 113–114 See also schadenfreude and envy
self-deception and, 129–130
of Stewart, Martha, 117–119, 122, 123
tabloids and, 115–116
transmutation of, 125–139, 137
as universal emotion, 110
Envy: The Seven Deadly Sins (Epstein), 144
Envy Up, Scorn Down: How Status Divides Us (Fiske), 6, 111
Epstein, Joseph, 144, 150, 219–220n33
“equalization” of lots, 130
ESPN, 178–179
evolution. See also adaptive function/benefits
altruistic tendencies and, 191n20
rival group suffering and, 41–42
self-interest and, 63
social comparison and, 10–16
evolutionary psychology, 28–29
on consumer schadenfreude, 120
on “culpable control,” 82
on dispositional inferences, 170–171
on envy, 113–114
on fandom, 39, 41–42
on hypocrisy and deserved misfortune, 76–77
on humanizing effect of a pratfall, 119
on inferiority, 133
on “just world” belief, 80
on “minimal group paradigm,” 35–36
on narcissism, 133–134
on obedience to authority, 166–169
on identification in politics, 45–47
on reality TV watching, 105
on relative standing/unequal treatment, 12–16, 61–63
on revenge, 89–91
on self-esteem, 6–10
on tabloid press, 116
on Stereotype Content Model, 151, 153
extreme circumstances, self-interest in, 57–59
Eyre, Heidi, 61
fable (ant and grasshopper), 83
Facial Justice (Hartley), 5
failure/success, of others, 61–62
fairness, justice and, 65
fans, emotional life of, 36–39
Farber, Leslie, 153–154
Faust, 52
Feather, Norman, 68
Fenton, Alice, 185–187
Festinger, Leon, 6
Fiske, Susan, 6, 41, 111, 148, 151, 153–154
Fitzgerald, Edward, 131
Flanders, Ned, xi–xii, 122–123, 183–184
football fans, 36–40
forgiveness, instinct for, xvii
Fort Lauderdale, 81
Foster, George, 130
Foundation for Humanity, 69
Frank, Ann, 86
Frank, Robert, 12
“free ride” experiment, 89–90
Freud, Sigmund, 55, 130, 218n25
friends, misfortune of, 50–51
From Here to Eternity (film), 9
From This Day Forward: Making Your Vows Last a Lifetime (Haggard), 73
fundamental attribution error, xvii, 165, 169–172, 175, 223n14
The Fury (film), 68, 69, 88
Gangnam Style dance, 43
gain, from others’ misfortune, xii–xiv
Gandhi, Mahatma, 93
Gardner, Howard, 52
Gay, Peter, 47–48, 198n33
genocide, of Jews, 154–157. See also Jews; Nazis
Gergen, Ken, 6–7
Germans, suffering of Jews and, 152. See also Nazis
Geronimo, 89
get even, desire to, 105
Getting Even (Murphy), 87
Gettysburg, Union victory at, 173
Ghost Soldiers (Sides), 91–92
Gilbert, Dan, 89, 170
Gilbert, Darius, 40
Gilligan, James, 141
Glick, Peter, 148–150, 156, 220n34
glückschmerz, 187
Goebbels, Propaganda Minister, 152
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 125
Goffman, Erving, 95
Golden Gloves winner, 91
Golding, William, 59
Goldman, Lev, 195n39
golf/golfing spectators, 43–44. See also Woods, Tiger
Golfweek Magazine, 182
good or bad, born to be, 51–54
Google NGram Viewer, xv, xvf
Goncz, Hungary, 160
Göring, Hermann, 141
Grammer, Kelsey, 2
“grandiose” narcissists, 133–134
gratification, self-focused, xvii
Greenson, Ralph, 9
grizzly bear joke, xii
group identity. See also outgroups/outgroup antipathy
“us” versus “them,” 32
adaptive function of, 42, 148
in downward comparisons, 32
group membership, self-esteem and, 34–36
group psychology, downward comparisons and, 26–27
Gruner, Charles, 28–30
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 122
Gusen I, 87
Haas, Albert, 58–59, 64, 85, 87, 92
Haggard, Ted, 73–74
Hahn, James, 43
Halliday, Jon, 116
Halliwell, Stephen, 84
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 92
Hannibal, Missouri, 112
Hansen, Chris, 99–101, 103–105, 107
social comparisons and, 5
understanding, xvii
Hareli, Shlomo, 121
Haring, Bernard, 70
Harrington, Padraig, 180
Harrison, Brian, 84
L. P., 5
Harvard Medical School, 113
Harvard University, 51–52
Harvard Yard, 113
hate crimes, 25
Hatfields and the McCoys, 91
Hauer, Mordecai, 157–161
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 106
Heider, Fritz, 130, 131
Herzog (Bellow), 177
Hesse, Fritz, 152
Hewel, Walther, 147
Heydrich, Reinhard, 154–155
high-status, adaptive benefits of, 12
Hill, Grant, 38
Hill, Sarah, 132
Hitchens, Christopher, 30
Hitler, Adolf. See also Nazis
Battle of the Bulge and, 157
envy of Jews, 141, 143–147, 219n29
evolution of anti-Semitism, 143–147, 149, 154, 217n24, 219n29
Kristallnacht and, 152
delight over suffering of Jews, 152
sense of humor of, 217n19
“solution of the Jewish Problem,” 154
watching the defeat of German sprinters, 48
Hobbes, Thomas, 27, 55
Holocaust/Holocaust survivors, 86–87, 157–161. See also Jews; Nazis
homeless men, assaults on, 24–26
Hoogland, Charles, 41
hostile responses, xvii
hostility, envy and, xvi, 114–115
Hotchkiss, Sandy, 134
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 55
Howard-Johnston, James, 84
Howie Do It, 97–98. See also reality television
Huffington Post, 99
human motivation, understanding of, 51
human nature
children’s behavior, 59–61
competing sides for, 52
self-interest and, 54–57
as public punishment, 106
in Frasier example, 4
in reality TV, 23
sanction of, 108
appeal of, 94–98
To Catch A Predator, xv, 98–108, 170–172, 223n14
as term, xv, 96
in downward comparisons, 27, 30–32
of Hitler, 217n19
perceived sense of, 14–16, 15f
superiority theory of, 27–30
Hung, William, 93–96, 105
Hungary, 157
fall of, 71–75
suffering of, 75–77
In Cold Blood (Capote), 57–58
inaction, envy and, 153–154
“individual-group discontinuity effect,” 43
inferiority. See also Makes Me Wanna Holler (McCall)
feelings of, 133
in others, 8–10
Influence: Science and Practice (Cialdini), 57, 75
ingroups/ingroup identity, 29, 35, 37, 42, 47, 149, 197n15
injuries, of opposing teams, 41
The Joy of Pain Page 28