Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 111

by Annabel Joseph

  “Spread your legs wider for me, sweetheart. I want to touch inside you.” As he issued his request, his lips left the first nipple glistening wet from his mouth, and without breaking contact with her skin, moved to the other, also hard in anticipation of equal treatment.

  Resting her cheek against the top his head and his thick wavy hair, she closed her eyes tight and did as he asked, though just barely. The very notion of opening her thighs more and offering him full access to her most intimate parts left her feeling overwhelmingly timid. A strangled whimper escaped her compressed lips.

  He raised his head a fraction, hovering over a wet nipple, his eyes gleaming up at her in the moonlit room. “Don’t be shy, Amelia. You’re beautiful inside and out, you smell wonderful and taste even better. Later, not tonight, since it’s your first time, my mouth will be where my fingers are. For now, I want to touch deep inside you, making you wet and ready for me. It will be easier for you to take me then, and you’ll enjoy it all the more. All right?”

  She hesitated, peeking between her lashes and seeing him gazing up at her. His features were soft and open, and she realized that was how he was most often with her. This was the man she’d come to know over the past three months, the one she fell in love with, the one she trusted. Discovering his secret had stung her pride, but he’d been assigned to do a job, had done it with honor, protecting her, even though she’d made it harder for him through her actions. And even though he’d spanked her soundly, in hindsight, it was no more than she deserved. Although she had accused him of the opposite, he was brave, upstanding, and law abiding; he was also her husband, and she loved and trusted him.

  With a surge of boldness, she spread her legs wide, not because he asked her to, but because she wanted him inside her as much as he wanted to be there.

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered, a moment before one of his long fingers slid into her channel.

  An odd stretching sensation, at first, and a tight fit, he glided slowly in and out, his thumb rubbing the nub in front while his mouth resumed sucking, licking, and nibbling on her nipples. All combined, it felt incredible and sent another rush of wetness to her center.

  “There it is,” he murmured hotly against a hard peak. “I knew you’d respond beautifully.”

  He played with her body for several more minutes until a pressure built low in her belly and she couldn’t keep still, her legs moving restlessly and her hips lifting off the bed.

  “Something’s happening, Jake.”

  “Let it, sweetheart. Let go for me.”

  When she did, incredible pleasure swept through her, culminating in a clenching, tightening spasm between her thighs. She couldn’t suppress the cry of joy that burst free when her entire body tensed with a rush of pure pleasure.

  As she basked in the breathtaking, heart racing sensation, he moved above. Coming up on his knees between her spread legs, Jake quickly stripped off his shirt, and shucked his trousers by shifting his weight from one knee to the other. Once he was stripped bare, he aligned his body with hers—face to face, chest to chest, his hard thighs brushing the inner softness of her own. A warm, heavy presence glided over her tender skin before his hand guided it into place. He smoothed the head of his shaft through her slickness, once, then twice, pausing at the entrance to her body.

  “Look at me, Amelia.”

  Her eyes rose to his, the blue darker and gleaming with desire as he looked back. His handsome face was tense, his jaw tight; she could sense the control he was exerting. “You might feel of pinch of pain, then I promise, there will be only pleasure.”

  She nodded, his sign to proceed. Pressing firmly inside her, his shaft filled her, slowly stretching her virginal tissues. Instinctively, her hands rose to his chest but she didn’t resist, simply resting against him, her eyes locked onto the bluest eyes she’d ever seen.

  He’d taken care with her until now, and she trusted him to do so with this, making her a woman in truth—Jake’s woman, his wife.

  A warmth flooded her body, and the pressure in her belly started building again at the thought of belonging to this strong, powerful, gorgeous man. Acting on instinct, she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his hips while her hands slid up his chest, around his neck and into soft waves at his nape.

  “I’m ready to be yours,” she whispered, and the next second came the pinch he’d predicted, but it was less than nothing and replaced by an exquisite fullness. Wanting more, she arched her hips, encouraging him to go deeper. Readily giving her what she wanted, he drove home in one thrust.

  With his hips against hers, his hard thighs wedged tight between her softer ones, she learned he was right about something else. The small bite of pain was gone, forgotten, as exquisite pleasure encompassed her. Aided by the hand that slipped between them, locating the nub with his thumb again, he rekindled the tingling, needy sensation.

  He drew back, gliding out of her but not quite leaving before he returned on a slowdown stroke. She groaned, clutching him tighter as the waves that brought her to soaring heights earlier returned. Her inner muscles reacted by squeezing his length.

  Above her, he moaned, his head bending so he could claim her lips. “You feel like Heaven on Earth, sweetheart, like I knew you would. You’re so snug and wet, I’m not sure how long I’ll last, so don’t hold back. Let me bring you to climax once more.”

  His lips sealed over hers and his tongue plunged inside, taking with his mouth as his cock took below, sending her body racing toward another tumultuous release. She recognized its approach this time and moved against him, meeting his thrusts with her own as her fingers curled into his hair and she hung on.

  A bright flash of light appeared behind her eyelids a split second before the wave broke over her. She cried out, riding the crest as Jake moved faster, plunging into her steadily, his own body tensing, his breath coming quick. Then his head arched back and he thrust deep, groaning as his seed splashed hot and deep within her. She held him, her body coming down from its peak as he shuddered against her.

  Moments later, his taut muscles eased and his hips began to pump gently, setting his shaft into motion with a slow steady glide in and out.

  He’d only made one mistake; being one with him was the true Heaven on Earth.

  When he stilled above her and pushed up on one elbow, he eased some of his weight from her. She hadn’t really noticed how heavy he was until he shifted and she could breathe fully again.

  “Sorry, darlin’. I didn’t intend to crush you, but I kind of got swept away.” He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to her lips. “You made that happen, beautiful.”

  He shifted all the way to his side, which meant she lost him, but gained his long body beside her, his legs entwining with her own and his arms holding her close. Despite the warmth of the evening, she snuggled up against him and buried her face in the side of his neck.

  “Are you all right, darlin’?”

  “Wonderful, thank you,” she sighed, sounding like a contented cat.

  He must have thought so, too, because he chuckled. “Good to hear.”

  “Will it always be like that?”

  “The first time is special, so I was careful with you.”

  “And your tender care is appreciated, husband.”

  “Next time, I won’t have to go slow. I think you might like that even more.”

  Her head came up and she gaped at him, noting the eager grin on his face. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “This was perfect, but as we get used to one another, we can explore more and play. It will still be wonderful, but sweeter in other ways.”

  “I don’t think I’ll survive,” she whispered as she dropped her head back to his shoulder.

  He squeezed her, his laughter a low rumble beneath her ear. “Oh, I think a girl brave enough to stowaway, steal my horse, and take off after cutthroat bandits, will have no trouble keeping up with me in the bedroom.”

  Without raising up, she tipped her chin a
nd gazed at him. He didn’t pass up the opportunity and dipped his mouth for another kiss. Then, with a cheeky grin, she beamed at him. “Don’t forget how I went head to head with a handsome, undercover Texas Ranger, took off on his horse—I love Arrow, by the way—and wound up with a marriage proposal. How many brides can claim the same on their wedding day?”

  His hands slid down her back to her bottom and he lifted her, draping her over top of him like a blanket. Theirs had been long since kicked to the floor.

  “Life won’t ever be dull with you, my sweet Amelia.”

  “I’ll try to keep it interesting for you, dear Jake.”

  He squeezed her cheeks, a clear warning. “Not too much, though, my darlin’ wife.”

  “I’ll try to keep my grit and determination under control, oh cherished husband.”

  Laughing outright, he rolled them until she lay beneath him once again. “I’ll have to see what I can do to help. Perhaps by keeping you so busy at night, you’re too exhausted to get up to mischief.”

  “Don’t let my size fool you, I’ve got amazing stamina. But I’m happy to see you try.”

  With those unforgettable words, she learned quickly that Jake was always up for a challenge. He tested her vaunted stamina not once more, but with four earth shaking climaxes that left her lying like a bowl of jelly in his arms. But he didn’t gloat, not one bit, only holding her close while he whispered sweet words of love and promises for a long, happy future together.

  The End

  Maddie Taylor

  A lifelong reader, Maddie became a romance junkie as a teen with her first romance novel, The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen Woodiwiss. From then on, she was hooked, and gobbled up everything she could get her hands on, whether contemporary, historical, paranormal or sci-fi. If there was romance to be found between a strong alpha male, and a sassy, adventurous and oftimes defiant yet loving woman, Maddie was all over it. As an author, she stays true to those themes, writing steamy erotic romance with a side of kink, and adding elements of intrigue, danger and suspense to her plots.

  Maddie started writing as a hobby. Her stories stayed private while she raised a family and worked full time as a registered nurse. It wasn’t until 2012 that she decided to take the plunge and submit her first book for publication: Captain My Captain. She found acceptance at Blushing Books and published an impressive twelve novels the first year.

  She’s still juggling writing with her day job and you’ll find her working at her laptop into the wee hours of the night, scribbling plot ideas onto the notebook she always keeps handy, and working out the details of a scene while floating around in her pool with a lemon drop in hand. Don’t be surprised if you see her pulling over on the side of the road to capture an idea for a scene on paper, because as Maddie says, her best ideas always come when there isn’t a pen in a five-mile radius.

  An interview with Maddie Taylor


  Visit her webpage here:


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  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Maddie Taylor and Blushing Books!

  Club Decadence Series

  Faithfully, Prequel

  Captain, My Captain, Book 1

  You Said Forever, Book 2

  Little Light of Mine, Book 3

  Unbind My Heart, Book 4

  Second Time Lucky, Book 5

  What About Love, Book 6

  Decadence L.A. Series

  Master My Love

  Decadent Nights Series

  Hooked, Book 1

  French Kiss, Book 2

  The Red Petticoat series

  Claiming Coral

  Single Titles

  Surrender Your Grace

  The Gift

  Everything Christmas

  The Juniper Bride


  Hero Undercover

  The Sons of Johnny Hastings

  With Hearts Aflame

  The Naughty List

  In Too Deep


  Claire Conrad

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Claire Conrad

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

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  Claire Conrad

  In Too Deep

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1

  Jace Montgomery

  Only a handful of things scared me. I was the type of guy who continued skateboarding as a teenager when I broke five ribs instead of going to the hospital. I’d skydived out of a plane, hiked for four months with just my handy (now unusable) backpack, and free climbed all over the world’s mountains. As an undercover agent, I’d been in situations where I didn’t know if I’d get out alive, had a gun pointed at my head, and watched my closest friends get killed mercilessly right before my eyes.

  But I’d never been scared like I was now.

  I’d used all my self-control not to punch the living hell out of Nate when he told me they were keeping her hostage. I’d been worried sick about her when I couldn’t contact her two days ago. I swore I was about to do so many different things that would get me in trouble, mostly illegal things. It didn’t help that I was a DEA agent and was working undercover.

  Fuck. I cursed inwardly, knowing full well just how fucking fucked I was. I was blowing my cover, and my job, for a woman. Months of training and hard work to climb up the ranks and earn their trust would just vanish tonight. Months of work gone in an instant. I shook my head; I never had any second thoughts about this, not now and not ever. The moment I found out she was being held captive by the same guys I was investigating, I knew I needed to get her out.

  I sucked in a hard breath, trying to calm down. Nothing got to me. But this wasn’t just me, this was my Carly. Beautiful, innocent, sexy Carly who loved iced caramel lattes and who dug her fingernails into my ass when she came. My knuckles turned white where I wrapped them around the steering wheel of the stolen car. My forearms were bare, but not for long. I’d wear a jacket inside, not to cover the tattoos, but to hide my weapons.

  Two loaded glocks with extra clips, and a pair of eight inch blades that I’d use if I needed to be quiet.

  “Whatever it takes, baby.” I made my vow to her as I parked the car behind a large building that looked like a storage shed. Sheet metal and fiberglass, there wasn’t much to it. But inside was a whole different world.

  Cocaine cutting. Bagging operations. Grow houses and massive stacks of cash guarded by assholes with machine guns. The compound was spread out over several acres. If the boss, Vlad, hadn’t already been expecting me, I’d never have made it this far without being shot full of bullet holes.

  I might end up that way regardless.

  You’re whipped, the annoying voice in my head taunted. In too deep.

  I know. Now, shut up. Talking to myself? Definitely not good.

  I left the engine running and did a quick check of the surveillance cameras and did a mental note of where Nate said they were keeping her.

  What if they’d hurt her? Beat her? Raped her? Shot her full of heroin or just blown her head off? I was fucking scared, not for me, for her.

  “What the fuck is between you
and Vlad, baby?”

  I checked the clips in both guns, bullet in chamber, safety on as I talked to her. She couldn’t hear me, I knew, but I hoped she felt me coming.

  When I got her out of here, I was going to spank her sweet ass for not telling me about this. Vlad was cold and calculating. He didn’t kidnap random women from town. He was very careful to keep his head down and men under control. If he took Carly, had her locked up, it was for a reason.

  I didn’t even know where to begin with Carly. We met at my favorite coffee shop. I was in a rush to get back to headquarters after a whole night of working undercover in the shadiest underground bar I’d ever been in. With zero sleep and Malcolm, my boss at the agency, tearing into me for leads, the world had been just a giant blur that day. I knocked her iced coffee and spilled it all over the front of her white blouse. Whether it was the lacy red bra in full view from her soaked white button-down or her wavy black hair and sun-kissed skin, I’d apologized by asking her out.

  The rest, as they say, was history.

  I had no business falling in love. She didn’t even know my real fucking name. But when she looked at me, I wasn’t strong enough to do the right thing—walk away. We’d met four months ago at the coffee shop. Two days ago, she stood me up, and today, I was getting her out of trouble. It wasn’t going to be a walk in the park: this was the base of an international drug ring. Vlad hired mercenaries and spooks, not street kids with no self-control.

  No, he hired guys like me. Eight years Army. I’d been in the Middle East when things got bad. I’d been shot. I’d killed. I’d strangled a mother-fucker with my bare hands after he threw a grenade at a couple of my friends and blew their legs off.


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