Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 136

by Annabel Joseph

  “Oh, yes? Membership of what?”

  “The Honey Trap of course.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re a bar, mate, that’s all.”

  “Don’t bullshit me, I came a long way to join.”

  “Listen,” he said, his eyes narrowing, his teeth gritted together as he stood too close to me. “It’s invitation only and you ain’t invited.”

  “I’ll give you a thousand for a week’s membership.”

  A smile was on his lips in under a second as he slipped his arm over my shoulder. “Why didn’t you say so? Come into my office and we’ll talk.”

  We weaved through the tables until he reached the edge of the bar. A black door marked ‘Staff Only’ blocked the way. He dug out a key and turned it in the lock, pushing the door open and beckoning for me to follow him through.

  On the other side of the door was a tiny office that smelt of stale beer. “Above the cellar,” he said when he saw my nose wrinkling. “Take a seat.”

  I had to lift a pile of flyers for the bar off the battered chair to sit down. He squeezed round the other side of his desk before tossing me a piece of paper. “Fill that in.”

  “What is it?”

  “Membership form. Oh, and you’ll want this.” He slid open the desk drawer and pulled out a black mask. “Everyone’s anonymous in there. No faces on display, ever. Got it?”

  “Anything else?”

  “No sex, we’re not that kind of place. You want to bang, you go hire a hooker.”


  “No cutting, no pissing, no shitting.”

  “Jesus, do you even need to say that?”

  “You’d be surprised what people have tried in the past. All done? Great. Put the mask on and in you go. Did you read the small print?”

  I shook my head.

  “No one ever does. Look, Mr Rollins, it’s pretty simple. The subs wander round until a Dom claims them for the night. Once you’re set up, you can head into one of the private rooms. What happens in there is between the two of you as long as you stick with the main rule. What’s the main rule?”

  “No sex.”


  “Is there a reason?”

  “Licensing. We’d be shut down and I’d be out of a job along with everyone else who works here.” He pointed a finger at me. “I don’t know you and I don’t need to know you. You pay up front and you’re in. One week, that’s all your money gets you. Then you either make a deal with me or you head off to new pastures, got it?”

  I nodded. “Got it.” I dug into my wallet and pulled out the wad of fifties that Waterman had given me. He counted each one twice as I watched. “It’s all there.”

  He grinned, folding my contract before sliding it into his drawer. “Course it is. Welcome to The Honey Trap, Mr Rollins.” He passed me a business card, laminated with H.T. in flowing script on the front. “Membership card. Don’t lose it. Now go enjoy yourself.”

  “I intend to,” I replied, getting up and heading out of the office, the card tucked into my inside pocket. I took a deep breath when I was back in the bar, the air fresh in comparison to the office. Then I stood in front of the entrance, pausing to slip the mask over my face. Would she recognize my voice? I would just have to see. Besides, she might not be in there. She might have made the decision not to stay, in which case my job was both easier and harder. Easier because without her working here, Waterman might not be so obsessed with shutting the place down. Harder because as soon as I walked through the door into The Honey Trap, I had no intention of leaving anytime soon. It was like I’d come home after a long time away. I just hadn’t even realized that this was where I belonged.

  Chapter 5


  I had made my token display of resistance. I had pretended to be shocked by the sight of a room filled with Doms and subs, some of them wearing so little, I was surprised it was legal. But then, maybe it wasn’t. It was a private club after all. Who was going to know what went on in here?

  I stood at the back of the room, in the shadows, watching. When Mickey had brought me through and shown me what he wanted me to do, I had to act shocked. I couldn’t act eager. I couldn’t show how excited I was by the thought of submitting to any one of the hot looking guys in here. The thought of what they might do to me sent shivers down my spine.

  Every Dom was wearing a mask. Every sub had her face on show, all the better for the Doms to choose, Mickey had said with a grin. Then I’d shaken my head and refused to be a part of it, not protesting enough to be thrown out of the door, just enough to be shown where it was. Then he’d left me to decide and, of course, I’d already made my mind up. I wanted this more than I wanted anything.

  A part of me thought this was the perfect way of rebelling against my father’s wishes, of doing the thing that he’d forbidden. But that wasn’t the main deciding factor for me. It was when I walked back in and seconds later, a man appeared who stared at me with such intense eyes, my panties almost melted away. That decided for me. I had found a Dom, I had found the Dom, the right one for me. I just hoped he felt the same way.

  I couldn’t make him choose me of course. I had to wait to see what happened. But as he strode slowly across to me, I felt sure he wasn’t going to turn me down.

  I had no idea what it was about him. He was muscular, that much was obvious by the cut of his suit. He was tall, had dark hair, but it was the eyes that did it for me, such piercing blue eyes, the only part of his face visible through the mask. I could have sworn I’d seen those eyes somewhere before. “You,” he said when he reached me. “Back room, now.”

  His voice was so commanding, all I could do was obey, following him to the nearest open door. I had barely stepped through before he slammed it shut behind me. “Bend over,” he said, his voice a deep growl of desire.

  “Yes, Sir,” I said, the words coming out without me thinking about them. I did as he asked, leaning over a wooden table that was in the middle of the room, pointing my ass towards him. It should have been too much, too fast. I’d turned up to work behind a bar and now I was bent over far enough for my skirt to ride up the back of my thighs. But it didn’t feel like that. I was too swept up in the excitement of the moment to think about things properly. Maybe if I had, I would have hesitated. But I didn’t.

  He walked up behind me and before I had chance to brace myself, his hand slapped down on my ass. I let out a yelp of pain, the stinging heat still spreading through my buttocks when his hand slapped down again. “You’re mine,” he snarled. “And I want you to know what it’s like to be owned by me.” Another smack, this time lower, nearer to the back of my thighs. “To be marked by me.”

  I let out a shriek of pain as his hand slapped down several times in quick succession. My breath was ragged already and I felt as if my ass was on fire. He paused long enough for me to realize how tender my nerve endings had become. Then he continued, another flurry of blows that jolted me against the table, my legs losing strength.

  “I want to fuck you,” he said, pulling the back of my skirt up to reveal my panties.

  “That’s against the rules, Sir,” I said, cursing myself for admitting that I knew that. Was this some kind of test? I was suddenly sure Mickey had put him up to this, to check I remembered what he’d told me. No sex, no matter how much the Doms demanded it. Tell him if they wouldn’t back off and he’d tear up their membership. I had no intention of that happening with this guy. I didn’t even know his name but already I wanted to protect him from that.

  “I’ll be back,” he said. “Be here tomorrow night.”

  A second later the door opened and he was gone. I was alone. I stood up, my legs trembling. Had that really just happened? Or had I imagined it? The stinging pain in my ass told me it was real, he was real. But he was gone as if he’d never been there.

  I walked slowly to the door, stepping out into the main room with my heart pounding. I looked around but he’d gone. They might all have been
Doms in masks but he was not there, those eyes were not there.

  I was still thinking about him when I lay in bed three hours later. I’d rejected Dom after Dom, not wanting anyone else, only wanting him. It was impossible to say why I felt so strongly so quickly, but no one else would do.

  It meant I had a frustrating night and when the place shut, I left quickly, not wanting Mickey to hear how I’d turned so many people down. I got home to silence, my father already asleep. That was good, it meant I didn’t have to have another argument with him.

  I closed my eyes and thought about my mysterious stranger. I was in that half realm between being awake and asleep, picturing him in the room again with me, how sexy he’d looked, the way his voice had oozed charisma. If he’d told me to break the rules, I would have done it. But then I’d be fired. Not only that but the place might be shut down too. Could I handle the life of a sub in there? I could if it was with any other Dom. I’d happily let them spank me, have them tell me what to do. I’d walk round on a collar with a leash attached all night, crawl on all fours if they wanted me to. The life of a sub had opened up to me and it was like a dam bursting, all my latent desires to please, to conform, to obey, all coming out at once.

  But if it was him, could I resist sex? Could I resist him if he yanked down my panties and rammed himself into me? Could I resist my urge for him to fuck me? There was only going to be one way to find out and that was to see if he came back. I shook my head, coming to for a brief moment. “You’re an adult,” I said out loud. “You can control yourself.”

  Which goes to show just how wrong someone can be.

  Chapter 6


  “It didn’t work.”

  Waterman looked at me, the fury barely concealed. “What do you mean, it didn’t work?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me, you bought the thing.”

  The hidden camera lay on his desk, looking accusingly up at both of us. “I’m not a tech wizard, Nate. You hide it, you turn it on, that’s all I know.”

  “Well, it didn’t record last night.”

  “Then you’d better bloody make sure it records tonight. I’m down another point today. I need this.”

  I hadn’t told him that I’d seen Kathryn in there. He’d already insinuated I’d better not have anything to do with her. I didn’t tell him that I’d spanked her, my hard-on so painful, it almost made me wince. The sight of her in that skirt, the hint of her panties, the way her ass had looked when I’d lifted her skirt. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen and the last thing I needed was for Waterman to find out what I’d done. All I’d told him was that I’d tried to get them to break the rules and it hadn’t worked. “It will work tonight,” I promised, picking up the camera and cramming it into my pocket.

  Could I do this though? Could I go in there and get the place shut down, the first place I’d really felt at home in my entire life? I thought I’d found the right place working for Waterman but I was wrong. That was who I was on the outside. He belonged there. The real me, the deeply hidden me, well he belonged in The Honey Trap, telling his sub what to do.

  I’d fallen so naturally into the role it was like I’d been born to do it. I didn’t even hesitate. I just told her what to do and she did it. Was I again going to tell her I wanted to fuck her? Could I be that blatant about things after she’d rebuked me the first time? Who was I? I wasn’t the same man in the mask as when I’d last seen her at the party, trying to talk to her and failing before I even began. What was it about her that made my brain switch off?

  But in that room, I’d been in charge. It had been like slipping into a well-fitting pair of shoes, just something that I was made to do. I told her to bend over, she did. I spanked her, she let me. The only fly in the ointment was when I’d let slip how badly I wanted to fuck her. When she’d told me I couldn’t, the urge to do it was so strong, it was almost overwhelming. I had to get out of the room or I’d do something I’d regret, even in my lust addled state, I knew I had to get out of there.

  Tonight was going to be different. I was going to get her to agree to it. I was going to film her saying yes. I was going to take her to the edge before making my excuses. Then Waterman would get what he needed, the party would get what it needed, I’d get the pay increase I needed. The only downside was I wouldn’t get the thing I really needed, and that was to stick my cock in the most beautiful woman I’d ever known.

  It didn’t mean I couldn’t spank her again though. I had to resist grinning like an idiot when I walked into the bar that evening, the camera ready to roll under my jacket. All I had to do was flick a switch and it would start recording. I flashed my card to the guy by the door at the back of the bar and then I was in The Honey Trap again.

  She was there already, pacing up and down at the far side, doing her best not to make eye contact with anyone. She glanced up when I walked in and she beamed, her smile so wide it made it hard for me to keep my stern face, the face my character should have in this role, the angry, cold Dom, not the lust addled lunatic acting like a teenage virgin.

  She came over to me, looking incredible, as if she’d been poured into the tight black dress she had on. “I’m glad you came back,” she said, looking as if she was desperate to reach out and touch me.

  “Me too,” I replied, turning away from her, knowing she’d follow me. I walked over to the bar at the side of the room. “Can I get you a drink?” I asked her as she slid onto the stool next to mine.

  She nodded. “An orange juice please.”

  “OJ for her,” I said to the barman. “I’ll take a whisky, make it a double. No ice.” I didn’t want her to hear the cubes clinking on the side of the glass, having no doubt my hands would be shaking with the nerves I was trying to pretend weren’t there.

  When her drink arrived, I slid it across to her, letting my hand brush over her fingers as she took it from me. She sipped at it while I stared at her, taking in the cute button nose, those innocent blinking eyes, that smile that seemed fixed to her face. “What’s your name?” I asked, taking a sip of my whiskey, followed by another.

  “You can call me anything you like,” she replied, setting her glass back down.

  “How about my princess. How does that sound?”

  “Your princess? I’m your princess?” She grinned even more broadly. “I like that.”

  “Then come with me, princess. It’s time to get started.”

  She gulped, the color draining from her face. “Okay, Sir,” she said and my cock twitched in response.

  She automatically followed me to the same room we’d used last time. Once I was inside, I watched her enter before closing the door, shutting us in together. I took a step towards her, breathing her in, close enough to touch her. She stood there, blinking up at me. “What now, Sir?” she asked, her hands clasped behind her back, her feet turned inwards towards each other. She looked so damn good.

  “Now you strip out of those clothes.”

  Chapter 7


  I couldn’t disobey him. It was impossible. He’d told me to strip so I had to do it. Something about the command was liberating. The need to pretend to be modest was gone. My shyness was gone. All I wanted to do was obey him. He wanted me naked so I was going to be naked for him.

  I looked at those eyes of his as I slid the straps from my shoulders. He stared intensely as the dress slid slowly down my chest. I tugged it past my boobs, watching his eyes widen as my breasts came into view, my nipples hardening under his gaze. I thought about his hands touching them and had to resist a shudder of desire. My breathing grew more labored as the dress reached my hips. I leaned down, pushing it past my panties until it fell into a heap on the floor. I stepped out of it, putting my hands behind my back, my chest thrust forwards towards him.

  “Keep going,” he said, towering menacingly over me.

  I gulped, my heart thudding so hard I thought it might burst out of my chest as I pushed my panties down to the floor. I couldn’t be
lieve this was happening. A moment of reality kicked in as my shoes came off. I was naked in a private room with a complete stranger. It was insane. But then I got caught up in his eyes again and I was lost. All I wanted to do was please him.

  “A dozen spanks for taking too long,” he said. “Does that seem reasonable to you?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The thought was enough to make my ass tingle in anticipation of what was about to happen.

  When he told me to bend over the table, I did so at once, thinking of what I wanted him to do to me. It was wrong, it was completely wrong, but it didn’t stop me wanting it. He bound my hands in place, tying them to the table legs before doing the same to my ankles, leaving me trapped in place.

  I couldn’t stop it now even if I wanted to. I was completely in his control. He slid a blindfold over my eyes, his fingers lingering on my face as he brushed my cheek while I could see nothing at all. Then I heard him moving behind me. There was the rustle of clothing but I had no idea what he was doing. My pussy throbbed with desire, I could feel his eyes burning into my skin. I wanted him in me more than anything in the world.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, his chest pressing against my back, his mouth by my ear. His chest. I could feel his skin. He’d taken his top off. I felt like jelly, without the table under me, I’d have collapsed to the floor at the thought of what he looked like. “Y-yes,” I managed to get out after several attempts at speaking. “Yes, Sir.”

  “We agreed a dozen, did we not?” His body wasn’t pressed against mine anymore and I yearned for it to return.

  “Yes, Sir.” I had barely got the words out before his hand was on my ass, slapping down so hard I could only gasp as the sting of the blow ran deep into me. He spanked me again and the heat inside me grew, making every part of me tingle with the sensation, my nerves on fire.


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