Saving Us

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Saving Us Page 1

by Jennifer Foor

  Saving Us

  (A Mitchell Family Series)

  Written By: Jennifer Foor

  Copyright © 2013 Jennifer Foor

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Art By : Wicked Cool Designs – Robin Harper

  This book is a written act of fiction. Any places, characters, or similarities are purely coincidence. If certain places or characters are referenced it is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. This book is not allowed to be offered for sale, discounted, or free on any sites other than Kobo, IBook’s, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. This book may only be distributed by Jennifer Foor, the owner and Author of this series.

  Check out the other books by Jennifer Foor

  (Contemporary Romance)

  Letting Go - A Mitchell Family Series Book One

  Folding Hearts – A Mitchell Family Series Book Two

  Raging Love – A Mitchell Family Series Book Three

  Risking Fate – A Mitchell Family Series Book Four

  Wrapping Up – A Mitchell Family Series Novella 4.5

  Wanting More – A Mitchell Series Book Five

  Saving Us – A Mitchell Family Series Book Six

  Hope’s Chance (Contemporary Romance)

  Hustle Me

  The Somnian Series (YA Paranormal)

  Books 1-5

  Coming Soon

  Hustle Him (A Bank Shot Romance Book 2) April 2013

  I would like to thank everyone that continues to support me through the good times and the bad. Without you, I would never stay so determined. I never realized how rough things would be when I started to follow my dream of writing. There have been so many nights of microwave dinners and ignoring my family to make these books what they are today.

  Beta Readers

  Jennifer Lafon, Amy Haigler, Karrie Stewart, Jennifer Harried, Erica Willis, Sarah Thompson, Mechelle Lovell Jackson, Kim Eckley, Kim Person, Milasy Mugnolo, Rebecca Gentes, Heather Gunter and Stephanie Horning

  Web Design and Marketing by: Amy Haigler

  Thanks to all of my new friends on my FB, Twitter and Goodreads.

  Author: Amanda Bennett, Author: Elizabeth Buchanan

  Author: Emily Snow Author: Michelle Valentine: Michelle Leighton

  Thank you for spreading the word and all of the support you give.

  Thanks to all of my other Independent Author Friends. (you know who you are)

  Thank you to all the book bloggers out there spreading the word for me and others who write.

  Maryse Book Blog, Into the night Reviews, Book Bitches, Word, Rockstars of Romance, Kindlehooked, Shh Mom’s reading, Totally Booked, Word, Reading is my time out, Stick Girl Book Reviews, Wolfels World of Books

  Book Broads, Book Studs, Books Books Books, Reality Bites Books, Naughty Mafia Vegas, Smutty Book Whores,

  What to read after fifty shades

  Special Thanks to:

  And everyone who has made this series the success that it is. I am forever grateful. Thanks to my family and my faith. With them, all things are possible

  Chapter 1


  My first Christmas with Conner hadn't exactly been planned, but I don't think I would have changed a single second of it. His family was amazing and I'd known that from being around Miranda for a few years. I guess I never expected them to accept me the way they did. I think I was in shock when he announced that we were together and with child. In fact, I wanted to pass out in front of everyone. Much to my surprise, they welcomed me with open arms, and by that night, I found myself wrapped in Conner's arms, feeling the safest that I'd ever felt.

  I remember waking up the next morning to Conner clearing his throat. Apparently, he'd gotten up and grabbed a shower, while leaving me to sleep. "Mornin'." He leaned over and kissed me.

  "I could really get used to this." I felt so comfortable, wrapped up in his bed. His bed!

  "Me bein' naked?" The towel dropped as he stood in front of me with an eyebrow cocked and his hands on either hip.

  I just shook my head and giggled. "Well, I was going to say waking up in your bed, but now that I'm getting an eyeful, I may just have to agree with you."

  My God, looking at that man was never going to get old. He was so handsome.

  Conner smiled and showed off his dimples. "You can touch it, you know. I mean, I'm thinkin' that since I'm goin' to be sharin' my bed, I may just have to ask you to pay me in sexual favors."

  I sat up and leaned my head on my hand, while grabbing his hand and slowly pulling him to me. His smile never left his face. "I think that's a great idea. In fact, how about we start right now?"

  Conner climbed slowly on top of me, never taking his eyes off of me. I bit down on my lip when I felt the warmth of his body against mine. I anticipated his kiss just as he leaned down to do it. His soft lips brushed over my mouth and sent chills through my whole body. I could picture his long tongue making contact with mine and stuck it out to meet his. He sucked it hard and finally let go to be able to kiss me full on the lips again. As his tongue entered my mouth, I could hear his low groaning and feel a fast growing erection pressing into my thigh.

  Just as our kissing became intense, he pulled back and moved the hair away from my face. “How are you doin’ with all of this, Blaze?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, but reached up for a peck on the lips. “I don’t know. I’m a little overwhelmed with everything going on. I mean, I know this is where I want to be and there isn’t anything that will make me change my mind about that, but I am just so concerned over everything I don’t know. I want to know why Heather called and what she knows about Rick. Don’t even get me started on that bastard. What do you think he is up to? Why is he asking me for money that I don’t have? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “You’re goin’ to have to call Heather. If she knows somethin’ then it’s best you find out what it is.”

  I nodded my head to agree with Conner, when every part of my body was telling me to scream ‘no’. “I just don’t want to deal with the repercussions of being around her. I hate what you did with her, Conner. I just hate it so much.”

  He slid over to the side of me and ran his hands through his damp hair. “I told you before that I didn’t ever want to talk about it again. Please just let it go. You know it meant nothin’ to me, Amy. Nothin’!”

  That didn’t make it hurt me any less. “I’m sorry, you’re right. It’s just difficult to think about and us calling her makes me think about it more. She is evil, Conner. She’s like the plague.”

  He let out an air filled laugh and ignored my comment as he started kissing up the sides of my neck. As much as I hated Heather, he was doing a great job distracting me from our conversation. I thought about his fresh minty lips touching my skin and worried about my stale morning breath. Without warning, I sat up and jumped off the bed. “I’ll be right back.” I held up my finger and backed myself out of the room. I got halfway down the hallway and ran back to peek my head in the door. “Do not get dressed.”

  Conner wasn’t always good about waiting for things and since I had forced him to wait while I fought to get away from Rick, I didn’t want him to wait any longer for anything. I rushed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. My hair was in a disarray and I tried to wet it and comb it down enough to look presentable. I swear, ever since I had found out I was pregnant a little over a week ago, I couldn’t help but notice that my cheeks looked fuller. I knew Conner was waiting, but I couldn’t help but look at my body in the mirror.

h everything going on in my life, I hadn’t really had a single second to sit back and think of a big picture, of a possible future with my own family. My abdomen was still small, except something very big was growing inside of it and it gave me true hope that after all of the years of pain and suffering, I was going to have a happy ending. I didn’t care whether it was a girl or boy, I just wanted to be a mother to a child. Conner loving me and being a part of it all, just made it even better.

  When I got back into the room, I half expected him to be dressed with his boots on. Instead, he was laying in his bed with a baseball hat on and the sheet covering only the good parts. His arms were behind his head and he held a smile on his face. “What took you so long? I was about to come and find your sexy ass.”

  I climbed onto the bed and straddled my hot lover. “I’m back now.”

  His hands came around and traced my hips where my underwear sat. In a matter of seconds, I felt them sliding down over my ass. Once my backside was exposed and my underwear were down my legs, he began to slide my shirt up over my head.

  With my body fully naked, he grabbed the sheet and draped it over my back, before pulling me down to kiss him. Conner’s talented tongue started mingling with mine and I was ready and willing to do whatever he said. The man knew how to touch me and the taste of his skin drove me wild.

  I could feel his erection growing against my leg as I grinded myself against him. I leaned down and kissed one of his tiny nipples while he watched me. I loved how his hands traced the skin over my back and sent tingles all through me. When I felt his hands traveling to the front of my body, I sat up so he could see what he was working with.

  He licked his lips when the palms of his hands hit my hard nipples. “Put it in and ride me, Blaze.”

  I reached down and grabbed his hard erection into my hands. The smooth skin made it easy to stroke as I guided it to the right spot. As the pressure of his girth filled me, I began to relax. Conner grabbed my hips and started guiding me into a steady groove. Once we were moving in sync with one another, he brought his hands up and played with my breasts. I ran my hands through my hair and continued watching him touch my sensitive nipples. The more he pinched them, the faster I began grinding into him. I watched him looking at what he was doing and as his eyes started to close, it turned me on more. He looked at me again. “Does it feel good?”

  I threw my head back and closed my own eyes. “Yes, please don’t stop touching me. I’m so close.”

  “Come for me, Blaze. I want to watch you.”

  Hearing his soft words coming out of his sexy mouth sent me over the edge. I started rocking harder and reached up behind him to grab the headboard. He sat up and started licking one of my nipples as he looked me in the eyes and I lost control of myself. My body tightened up and I could feel every single sensation running through it. I lost control of where we were and started to cry out, but Conner put his hand over my mouth until I finished. My pace slowed until I finally stopped and leaned into his kiss.

  “Turn your ass around. It’s my turn now.” His hands guided me off of him to the opposite side of the bed, before I positioned myself so that my ass was in the air waiting for him.

  Conner didn’t take his time sliding back in. He grabbed my hips and thrusted into my wetness. I buried my head into the pillow to keep from crying out. The faster he thrusted the more I cried, but it wasn’t because he was hurting me, instead he was sending me to momentary bliss once again. I could tell he was about to finish when he increased his stride before finally collapsing over my back.

  Gentle kisses on my left shoulder sent butterflies to my stomach and I giggled just knowing how good he’d made me feel.

  He collapsed down beside me and pulled me into his arms. I met his lips and kissed him slowly, savoring the fullness of his mouth as I licked them. Strong arms wrapped around my back as I ran my fingertips over his chest and looked into his beautiful green eyes. “That was a great way to wake up.”

  He pushed the hair out of my face and opened his mouth to speak, but his bedroom door came flying open and we covered up quickly.

  Bella and Noah stood at the foot our the bed. She had a huge smile on her face. “Uncle Conner, does this mean you and Aunt Amy are married now?”

  Chapter 2


  How was I supposed to answer something like that? Obviously, seeing two people in bed together represented a married couple. Telling the child the wrong thing was really going to piss my sister off. Thankfully, Ty was walking by with one of the twins. He did a quick glance and started to walk by before backing up after he realized the predicament.

  "Iz, what are you and Noah doing in here?"

  She kept staring at us in the bed. Amy threw the covers up over her face.

  "Isabella, answer me." His stern voice made her turn right around.

  "Uncle Conner and Aunt Amy got married."

  Ty looked as shocked as I did. "They can't get...Sweetie, go play please." He watched them run out of the room. He looked down at his son is his arms. "I'm going to kick your uncle's ass."

  The little guy started grabbing at Ty's nose and laughing. "How was I to know she was goin' to walk in like that?"

  "Ever heard of a lock?"

  From under the covers I heard Amy whine. "It was my fault. I'm not used to being around curious little eyes. I'm so sorry."

  Miranda came walking into the room with a basket of clothes in her hands. "Sorry for what?"

  I let out a chuckle and pulled the covers off of Amy. She sat up but kept the sheet covering our naked bodies. "Bella walked in on me and Conner in bed. She thinks we are married now and Ty didn't know how to explain something like that. Please don't be mad."

  "She's too damn curious. Just don't talk about it to her, until I can figure out what to tell her. I'm sure as hell not going to explain divorce to her again. That took forever and she wouldn't stop askin' if when her father and I fought , were we goin' to get a divorce."

  Ty smacked her in the ass. "That's never goin' to happen."

  My sister smiled and gave him one of those smiles that had a hidden meaning. I shook my head. "You think we can get some privacy up in here?"

  "Well, shit! Far be it from us to cock block you, dude." Ty grabbed my sister by the hand and pulled her out of the room before I could come up with a retaliation comment. I suppose it was paybacks for me telling Iz to walk in on them awhile back.

  Amy had pulled the covers back over her head and refused to let me look at her. I grabbed the edge of the sheet and tried to pry it away from her. "Come on, let me see that pretty face."

  "I'm never coming out of this room again."

  "Now that you say it like that, I think that might benefit me more. Sure, we'd have to eat and shower, but stayin' in bed with a beautiful naked woman for eternity seems like a good way to live."

  I felt her leg slide and kick me. "Be serious, Conner, I don't want to face them. They know what we were doing. Plus, Bella thinks we're married. How am I supposed to explain this to her?"

  I started laughing and reached up to grab her breast through the covers. "You don't have to explain things. Besides, what can they say? We're having a baby together. Obviously, we have been together before."

  "It doesn't matter. I don't care. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a terrible person." Finally, she let me pull down the sheets.

  "Blaze, my family loves you. I don't know what you're so worried about. Get your pretty little self up and get dressed."

  I could understand why Amy felt the way she did. I knew her situation more than anyone, but being with Amy changed all of my rules about being with a married woman. I was so in love with her, that I couldn't help myself. Sure, she was still married, but in her situation, it was never about her being a cheater. Rick had cheated, in fact, he'd done it many times. Not to mention the fact that he had lied their whole marriage and abused her physically so badly that he sent her right into my waiting arms. He only wanted her for convenience or some twiste
d business deal that we didn't know yet. Whatever it was, he didn't want her like I did and now that she was carrying my child, I would stop at nothing until she was free of that bastard.

  Amy was a beautiful woman and she deserved to be happy. I was once a broken man, so jealous of my own family's happiness that I drove myself into a dangerous addiction. Amy made me want more for myself. She made me care about my future. I'll admit that after I knew I loved her, I always hoped that she would get pregnant and want to be with me. I know it sounds bad, but the truth is, she needed an out and having my baby would have given it to her. Maybe that was the real reason she was lying next to me in my bed; although it didn't even matter. For the first time in a year, she was where she needed to be and I wasn't going to let her go.

  By New Year's Eve Amy had finally stopped worrying about my family. Colt and Van were still in town visiting as well as my mother and John, but Lucy and my aunt had flown home the day after Christmas. They were expecting Lucy's adult kids for a visit and couldn't stay any longer because of it.

  I guess what helped Amy was the fact that I may or may not have told my sister that she felt uncomfortable, who in turn told my mother. Even though my mother was overwhelmed with spending time with her grandchildren, she seemed on cloud nine every time there was a mention of me being a father. I knew from across the room when she was thinking of it, because she would look at me and her face would just light up. It had been too long since I'd made my mother smile like that.

  For New Year's Eve our family made a shit load of food and hung around all night. After the babies were asleep, we took the party out to the barn to shoot pool and celebrate. Of course, Miranda had the baby monitor and was keeping it hooked to her pants in case the babies woke up.

  We were shooting partners in pool and had drawn names to see who was on who's team. It ended up being Colt and Ty's dad, John and Ty and me and Van's dad. We played a set of five games and the winner played the team that was waiting. After John and Ty won the first match, the three older guys quit on us to play cards with the women. As much as we all liked to play cards, I think me, Colt and Ty, liked playing pool better.


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