Foreign Affair

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Foreign Affair Page 16

by Shelli Stevens

  “Where are we going to get chocolate?” Lena asked, leaning against him for support. “These streets are awful. I can barely walk.”

  “They’re terrible,” he agreed in amusement, though he managed with no difficulties. “Why don’t we just stop at the nearest café that’s still open?”

  “Okay, café is good. Café is a French word, isn’t it?”

  “I believe it is.”

  They found a café and went inside to sit down. Tyler ordered two coffees and a rich-looking chocolate confection.

  “Mmm.” Lena narrowed her eyes and stared at the morsel before her. She picked up her fork and took a bite, then closed her eyes with a near orgasmic expression. “Oh, yeah.”

  Tyler took a sip of his coffee and leaned back in his chair, watching her with amusement.

  “Tyler?” She ran her finger over the half empty plate.


  “Do you believe in fate?”

  He paused. “Do I believe in fate?”

  “Yeah, fate.”

  “Sure, why not?”

  “Hmm.” She frowned, looking not entirely satisfied by his response. She looked down at her plate for a bit and then groaned.

  “What?” His gaze sharpened on her. Oh, shit, that color of green on her face could only mean one thing.

  Lena smacked a hand over her mouth and jumped up, making a beeline for the bathroom.

  I should have seen that coming. Tyler groaned and followed her toward the door. He heard the sound of retching and grimaced.

  Why the hell had he taken her out to get chocolate?

  He gave a gentle knock on the door and her answer came in the form of a groan.

  “Lena? Are you okay?”

  Her only response was another pitiful groan.

  Tyler glanced at the few occupants of the café, relieved to see no one was watching them.

  “Lena?” he repeated softly. “Do you want some water?”

  “Yes, please.” Her voice came weak through the door. “And my head is killing me, can you get me some aspirin out of my purse? I have a bottle in there.”

  “Poor girl.” Tyler strode back to the table to find her purse.

  He slipped his hand inside to search for the bottle and then swore, pulling his hand back out and staring at the paper cut just starting to well with blood.

  “Damn it.” He reached back in to find the aspirin and, as he did, a drop of blood splattered onto the paper, now wedged half out of her purse.

  Tyler grabbed the bottle of pills, and then a napkin off the table. He blotted his finger and then reached for the paper to wipe off the blood.

  He folded it back up to put away, when his gaze picked up a name on the paper.

  “What the fuck?” His heart started to pound. He sat back down to read.

  Sun. Too much sun. Lena groaned and pressed a hand over her eyes, rolling over in the bed. She opened one eye and looked around. Tyler lay asleep beside her, though in his sleep he scowled.

  Hmm. Must be a crappy dream.

  A wave of tenderness swept through her. He’d been so patient with her last night. She could barely remember the taxi ride home from the café. She leaned over and kissed his forehead.

  Lying back against the pillow, she went over the conversation she’d had with Claire after dinner. There was no way she could marry Keith now. Not with how much Tyler had come to mean to her—how much happiness he represented.

  Her head still throbbed as she climbed out of the bed to go get some water in the kitchen. She paused to use the bathroom, brush her teeth, and rinse with mouthwash. When she returned, Tyler lay on his side, his back to her.

  She climbed back into bed with him and wrapped her arms around his chest. She felt him stiffen. He was awake?



  “Are you mad about last night?” She pressed her cheek against his back. “I’m sorry. That was pretty crappy of me to drink so much and make you deal with it.”

  He didn’t answer for a moment. She bit her lip. Crap, maybe he was pretty annoyed.

  Tyler rolled over a moment later and met her gaze. His intense stare sent a ripple of unease through her. Finally, he closed his eyes and sighed.

  “No, I’m not mad that you drank. It was almost cute, in a way.”

  “Yeah, real cute. Which part did you like better?” She grimaced. “The part where I danced like a hooker at Claire’s, or when I puked at the café?”

  “Both were kind of great, actually.”

  “Nice. Exploit my weak moment.” She nudged him in the ribs.

  Lena...” He paused, appearing to lose his train of thought as his eyes roamed over her again. “You’re enchanting.”

  “And you’re way too diplomatic if you’re calling a hung-over chick enchanting.” She flushed and ducked her head against his chest.

  He smoothed a hand down her back. “What’s going to happen in a few days?”

  Oh God. Was this going to be a serious talk? “What do you mean?”

  “With us? Are we just going to say good-bye and leave it at that?”

  The blood drained from her head, and the nausea she’d experienced when she first awoke returned.

  Say good-bye? Did he…was that what he wanted? Because she was beginning to realize that wasn’t what she wanted.

  “I’m just curious if I’m going to be a diary entry after Sunday.”

  A diary entry? “What makes you think you’re just a diary entry to me? You know that’s ridiculous.”

  “Is it? Look, I just want us to be honest with each other.”

  Honest with each other. It sounded way too easy. But honesty right now—explaining Keith—would mean a big, big mess. She closed her eyes.

  “Why did you come to Amsterdam?”

  She blinked and lifted her head. “Stephanie and I were taking a vacation together. You know that.”

  “I know. It just...the timing.”

  “The timing?” she repeated, a bit uneasy now. She’d been thinking that same thing yesterday after she’d read the email.

  “I just get the feeling you’re not telling me everything, Lena.”

  I’m not. But I will. Let me end things with Keith, then I’ll tell you everything.

  His fingers gripped her chin and lifted her head until their gazes locked. “I found that email in your purse.

  Lena blanched and struggled to breathe.

  His eyes narrowed. “You know who Carolyn is, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” The words were a whisper. “She’s your fiancée.”

  “No. She was never my fiancée. We were just dating, and I broke it off before I left.” He paused, his glance scouring her face. “I realize Carolyn can be a bit of a bitch. Did you realize who I was and then decide to sleep with me to get back at her?”

  “What? No. That makes no sense.” She licked her lips. “I just found out myself. Look at the date on the email, Tyler. I printed it out the night before last.”

  His nostrils flared. “You’ve known for two days and never thought to say anything?”

  “I know this looks bad, and I thought about it.” She pulled away and sat up. “I just freaked out. I mean, you can’t argue that it’s a crazy coincidence.”

  “No, I can’t exactly argue that.” But he still didn’t sound convinced.

  She had doubts of her own. “Is it really over between you two? She seemed pretty convincing.”

  “So do sociopaths. The woman is nuts, Lena. It’s over.” He sighed and shook his head. “Besides, I wouldn’t be in bed with you right now if I were engaged.”

  Lena felt the blood leach from her face and looked away before he could see her reaction to his words. Thank God she hadn’t told him about her situation. It sounded like he wouldn’t exactly be understanding.

  She’d get a moment alone today and call Keith. She’d break off the engagement and then tell Tyler everything. How would he react though? Would he still be angry that she hadn’t told him about Ke
ith in the first place?

  Of course he will.

  “Is there anything else you’re not telling me, Lena?”

  The urge to blurt out the truth was right on her tongue. But the fear overpowered it. The fear of his expression when she told him—what he’d potentially do. Walk away. The idea made everything inside her shrivel up with fear. She had to end things first with Keith. Make it a non-issue when she told Tyler.

  “No. There’s nothing else.” Her stomach revolted at the blatant lie.

  He climbed out of bed and slipped his arms around her from behind.

  “Thank you.” He brushed a kiss over the back of her neck. “You know, my company also has an office in Seattle. I’ve been thinking about relocating out there. That’s not too far from Portland, is it?”

  Was this some kind of long-term reference? Her pulse quickened. “Just a few hours’ drive.”

  “I love the west coast. It’s beautiful.”

  The urge to call Keith—now—roared up inside her. Lena pulled away, wanting to get out of the apartment and call him as soon as possible. End it all immediately so she could be honest with Tyler, beg him to forgive her for lying to him in the first place. She should’ve done this long ago. Like the minute she’d found about the Keith’s infidelity. Or especially before she’d gone to bed with Tyler.

  “I need coffee.”

  “Sweetheart, you don’t feel well. Go back to bed and I’ll grab it for you.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I need fresh air. I’ll grab it. I’ll just go to that corner shop. Would you like some?”

  “Sure, if you don’t mind.” He yawned and stretched his arms above his head. “I’ll grab a shower while you’re gone.”

  “Okay.” She rushed to pull on her jeans and a sweatshirt, then pressed a quick kiss against his lips.

  He caught the front of her sweatshirt, pulling her closer, and brushed his lips over hers again.

  “Don’t be gone long.”

  “Oh trust me. I intend to make this quick.”

  “Good.” He kissed her again. “Hey, grab some croissants too.”

  “Deal. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes tops.” She walked out the door, ready to close the door on one part of her life and open another.

  Tyler had just turned on the shower, when a loud pounding came on the door. He turned the shower off again and wrapped a towel around his waist. Maybe Lena forgot her purse.

  He opened the door and then blinked.

  A man stood outside. Tall and groomed, he looked as if he’d just stepped out off the cover of GQ.

  “Can I help you?”

  The man gave him a once-over and made to step through the doorway.

  Tyler slammed his hand against the other man’s shoulder to stop his advance. “I don’t think so, buddy.” His voice took on the slightest edge. “What can I help you with?”

  The man gave his head a shake of disgust. “I think you’d better let me in so we can talk. It’s Tyler, right?”

  How the hell did the man know his name?

  “Maybe,” Tyler replied with deceptive calm. “But you have me at a disadvantage. Why don’t you introduce yourself, GQ?”

  “The name’s Keith,” the man replied with a humorless smile. “And I’m here to find out why you’re fucking my fiancée.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Lena entered the apartment, stressed to the max. Keith hadn’t answered his phone. Where the hell was he? He was making this ridiculously difficult.

  Her cell shrilled to life. Lena set the coffee and croissants on the counter and answered her phone.


  “Lena,” Stephanie said urgently. “Oh my God, has he shown up yet?”

  “Steph? Hey, what’s going on?” She frowned. “Wait, has who showed up?”

  “Hello, baby.”

  She spun around and her heart dropped. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh God. He’s already there.”

  “I’ll call you back, Steph,” she muttered, almost numb.

  “I tried all last night to warn you, but you never answered the phone—”

  Lena ended the call and stared at Keith. “You didn’t answer my question. What are you doing here?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Bringing you back to your senses. You’re having a total breakdown.”

  “I’m not having a breakdown.” Wait, why was the apartment so quiet? Her stomach clenched. “Where’s Tyler?”

  Keith didn’t reply, and she pushed past him toward the bedroom. It was empty. His suitcase gone.

  Her heart slammed in her chest as she spun back to face Keith. “What did you do to him?”

  “What did I do? Don’t be so dramatic. I didn’t do anything to him. He left about ten minutes ago.” Keith looked pleased to break the news to her.

  “He what?” She had to grab onto the counter as her knees threatened to buckle. “No, he wouldn’t.”

  “Of course he did.”

  “What did you say to him?”

  “Nothing I shouldn’t have.” He shrugged. “I told him that you were my fiancée, and that he was a revenge fuck after you learned I’d been cheating on you.”

  “You told him that?” she choked. “Oh, God. And he believed you.”

  She stumbled to the window and sat down in the seat, pressing her head between her knees. Of course he believed Keith. She had just lied to him less than an hour ago, and the living proof had shown up on the doorstep.

  “You’re a bastard.” Lena shook her head, her body trembling. “You had no right.”

  “He is a revenge fuck, Lena. I get it. And so does he now.”

  She stood up, her fists clenched at her side. “You have no idea what he is to me.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Keith softened his tone. “Baby, I know I screwed up, but you got even. I’m not real happy about it, but I’ll move past it in time. Besides, you wouldn’t turn your back on this life we’ve built together, would you?”

  Lena clutched her stomach, nauseated. “Yeah, I think I will. I don’t love you anymore and, to be honest, I don’t know if I ever did.”

  “Nonsense.” He didn’t look the slightest bit convinced. “You don’t mean that. You’re just confused.”

  She gave a humorless laugh. “I swear you’re denser than a brick. Why am I arguing this with you?”

  Tyler was gone. He’d left her life as quickly as he’d entered it. She swallowed against the thickness in her throat.

  “I packed your bags, Lena. Our flight leaves in two hours. Unless you plan on staying in France alone?”

  She glanced around the apartment, and her eyes flooded with tears. What could be accomplished by staying here? She would have to straighten things out when she got back to the States. She would get a hold of Tyler and explain things.

  How? How would she contact Tyler? They hadn’t exchanged phone numbers. Maybe I could just call Carolyn and ask for his number. She pushed back a hysterical laugh.

  “I need to use the bathroom.” She stood up and walked into the bathroom, knowing she was going to get sick.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am.” The voice came back on the line. “That number is unlisted.”

  “No, there’s got to be some mistake.” Lena clenched the phone as desperation clawed at her stomach. “Can you look again? The name is Tyler Bentz.”

  “Ma’am, I’ve checked twice now for you. I’m sorry, you’ll have to find another means of contact. Thank you and have a good day.”

  “No, don’t—damn it.” She slammed the phone down after the woman hung up on her.

  She glanced around the living room of her parents’ house and groaned.

  She’d only been back in the States for a few hours, and jet lag pummeled her body without mercy. Thankfully she’d had enough sense to insist that Keith drop her off here. She had no intention of stepping back into that house as long as Keith lived there.

  Sighing, she pressed a hand against her forehead. The
re had to be another way to find him. Maybe she could Google him and find the company he worked for. He might have his name on a website somewhere.

  Her cell phone rang, and she dug frantically in her purse for it. Her heart sank a bit. Stephanie.

  What, you expected Tyler?

  She flipped it open. “Hey.”

  “What happened? I need details, and I need them now.”

  “I can’t.” Lena fell back onto the sofa and swiped at the tears that had gathered in her eyes. “I screwed up so bad, Steph. And now he’s gone.”

  “Who, Keith?”

  “No. I can’t get rid of him. Tyler,” she choked. “God, I’m such an idiot. I should have told him, and I kept putting it off. And then it all came back to bite me in the ass. I had him…and then I lost him.”

  She couldn’t hear any words Stephanie might have said in response, because she was crying so loud.

  Stephanie’s firm voice cut through her tears. “Hello-oooo. Leeeena…blow your nose, honey. Blow your nose and listen to me.”

  Lena grabbed a tissue off the coffee table and blew her nose.

  “Have you called him?” Stephanie asked.

  “I don’t have his number. I tried information, I tried looking him up online, I—”

  “I have his business card—”

  “Tried to locate his—you what?”

  “He gave it to me outside the coffee shop the first day we met him, remember?”

  “I love you. I love you. Give me his number.” She leapt off the couch, knocking the used tissue onto the floor as she scavenged for a pen and paper.

  “Hold on, let me get my purse.” There was a brief silence and then the sound of the phone being picked up again. “Okay, got a pen? Here goes.”

  Lena jotted down the number and took a deep breath “It’s going to be all right now. It has to be. I’ll call him, explain everything, and then let you know how it goes.”

  “You’d better. I’ll be waiting by the phone.”

  She hung up and stared at the number. The thought of calling him terrified her so much, her fingers shook as she dialed the phone.

  It started to ring. Once. God, what if the number was wrong? Twice. What if he didn’t answer? Three—

  “Tyler Bentz.”


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