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ROMEO Page 14

by Ruby Rowe

  “Yes, but even I told him you and Mickey weren’t a threat.”

  “Well, he believes we are, and I thought he was trying to run us out of LA by stalking Ava.”

  I shake my head. “I knew it had something to do with my family, but you, of all people, should know that there are less elaborate ways to get rid of a person.”

  “Yes, but before you were working for Ava, her stalker would send her letters that threatened her safety if she and her family were to stay in LA. He’d specifically state that she must move back to New York or else.

  “This went on for about six months, and I was certain Dominic was behind it. But then, she started getting letters and packages that were more personal and cryptic. Soon, it became apparent that this person was truly obsessed with her. It wasn’t a scare tactic by a Golino.”

  “Trust me, it’s not Dominic. History says he’d find a bloodier, faster way to get rid of you and your family if that’s what he wanted. Do you suspect anyone else?”

  “I did consider one other person, but that didn’t pan out, either, so it’s why I hired you.”

  Nervously, Teddy picks up a bottle of water from his desk. I notice he’s sweating as he takes a long drink.

  “Would you like a scotch or bourbon?”

  “No, I want answers. I’m late for an appointment.”

  “Fine, I suspected it could be Mickey DeLuca, but I don’t anymore.”

  I lift my brow. “It wouldn’t surprise me if it was him, but it surprises me that you would suspect your right-hand man. Why did you think he was that sick and twisted?”

  “Mickey has a peculiar attachment to my daughter. He thinks of her as a prized trophy, or his queen, you could say, but he also considers himself a King. One who feels it’s totally acceptable to have crème brulee while eating cheap cookies at the same damn time, if you catch my drift.”

  Teddy holds up a finger. “But, that doesn’t change his love for Ava. He worships her and feels completely lost and inadequate when they’re not together.” He laughs. “I remember how he anxiously waited for her to be old enough to date.

  “Anyway, she started getting the letters soon after she was officially done with him, so I couldn’t help but wonder if he was behind it, especially since he was itching to return to Brooklyn, but like I said, it’s not him.”

  “Why are you so sure?”

  “Because I believe with every fiber of my being that he’d never hurt her. The initial letters were the most I could see him sending, so like your uncle, he was ruled out once the bizarre packages began arriving in the mail.”

  “That’s pretty much what Ava said about him. So, why would Mickey want to go back to New York? He’s a well-known producer who has it made in LA. Not to mention, Ava’s here.”

  “Your uncle’s been sending threatening messages our way since before Gabriel died, and I think Mickey sees New York as the lesser of two evils. Also, my underboss is officially taking over soon. He and Mickey are tight, so he wants Mick to be his consigliere like he was for me.”

  Teddy gives a half-shrug. “And what can I say? Mickey bores easily and is over the Hollywood scene. He struggles to stick with things for any length of time.”

  “Or one woman,” I say, glaring.

  That sly smile curves from his lips again.

  “She’s already under your skin.”

  “And why on earth would you want that? A Leoni and Golino together. It makes no sense, and I can tell you without a shred of doubt that my uncle wouldn’t feel the same.”

  I squint. “Wait a minute, you didn’t hire me as a payback to my uncle. No, you wanted me close to Ava so that if Dominic went after your family, I would protect her. That’s it, and I took the bait.”

  “Damn, you might be smarter than your father, but in all seriousness, I knew I wasn’t going to be around forever, and I needed to know she had someone to care for her.

  “She’ll be an easy target once I’m dead, especially if Mickey’s in New York. Ava doesn’t know it, but when she lived here alone, Gabriel kept her under his protection in exchange for some cuts from our business. He’s no longer here to do that.”

  “I asked when you hired me if this had anything to do with my family, and you swore it didn’t.”

  “Gabriel told me to call on you if I ever needed help. He worried about what Dominic would do once he wasn’t here to run interference, and what your father feared is exactly what’s happening. Dominic is slowly making his move. I feel it.”

  “What makes you think I could stop him if he tried?”

  “You already think you could stop him, or you wouldn’t have put my daughter in danger by falling for her. Am I correct?”

  “If you cared about my father, you wouldn’t have put me in the position of protecting your precious cargo from my own damn family.”

  “Sorry, but my family’s safety comes first. Look, Dominic is not the only reason I hired you. I still need you to find Romeo.”

  Shaking my head, I exhale a sharp laugh.

  “You don’t get it. Ava has a stalker, but you created Romeo.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Then read Romeo and Juliet, asshole,” I say as I stand. “If you think Dominic’s going to sit by and allow a Golino and Leoni to live happily ever after, then you’re the delusional one. You made me Romeo, and you better find a way to fix it.”

  I storm from his office, but he follows behind me.

  “Griffin, wait. I wouldn’t have done this if your uncle was a reasonable man.” Not stopping, I swing the front door open and almost run right into Mickey DeLuca.

  “Mr. Scott, what are you doing here?” His forehead scrunches as he pulls his hands from the pockets of his khakis.

  “Uh, I was just leaving after talking to Mr. Leoni about the wedding next week. I’m working out the logistics for security.”

  “Isn’t that something you could’ve discussed with Ava? She knows the area well, along with most of the guests.”

  “Ms. Lane has employees for a reason; it’s so she doesn’t have to do the work herself. Now, could you step aside so I can leave?”

  While he remains stock-still, his paranoia sits at the forefront. Without a word, he slowly steps aside, but his eyes never stray from my face. Just when I think things can’t get worse, they do.

  Once I’m on my bike, I send Daniel a message, letting him know that my uncle will have to wait for his update. I’ve dealt with enough shit for one day.


  It’s nine o’clock at night, and I haven’t heard a word from Griffin. He was such an ass today, yet all I’ve thought about since is when I’ll get to see him again.

  After the same guard passes by the fence for the third time, I get up from my lounge chair and walk inside the house. Thanks to Romeo, I never have any damn privacy. I reach my bedroom door, and my phone buzzes in my hand.

  Griffin: I won’t be back tonight. There are plenty of guards working, so you should be fine. I’ll check in tomorrow.

  I sigh. He’s still angry with me, but if he didn’t treat me like I child, I wouldn’t resort to acting like one. Are we oil and water, too? No, Griffin’s nothing like Mickey, and I suspect our fights stem from sexual frustration more than anything.

  I sit down on my bed and bring my phone up.

  Me: If this is about today, I’m sorry for my attitude and for fibbing about staying home, but I couldn’t tell you I was going out.

  Griffin: Why is that?

  Me: Because, Griffin, you should know I was going to the Harley store to buy you a gift. Why else would I be there? I wanted to surprise you.

  Griffin: I can’t do this.

  Me: Do what??

  Griffin: Care.

  Me: Wow.

  Tears crowd my eyes, so I toss my phone on the bed. I stare at the wall in front of me, wondering what the hell happened between this morning and tonight.

  And why the hell do I care? That’s what I should be pondering. Griffin and I are suppo
sed to be sharing our bodies–nothing more, yet my heart is hurting.

  Men are dicks. All of them. Stretching my arm across the bed, I grab my phone.

  Me: I’m sure my ex Oliver will be pleased to hear that he was bumped off the throne. You’re officially the king of assholes. Hell, you’re even making Mickey look appealing.

  Griffin: Don’t even think about it.

  Me: What? About calling him? I could use a shoulder to cry on. I mean, you DON’T CARE.

  Griffin: You’re playing dirty.

  Me: Well, that is what you wanted, right? For me to be a dirty, dirty woman.

  Griffin: I swear if he’s there when I show up, I’ll beat the shit out of him before I wear your ass out with a riding crop.

  Me: Fuck. You. Griffin Scott.

  Squeezing my phone in my hand, I lay on my bed and sob. After our childish string of texts, the truth hits me hard. Daniel was right; this is foreplay for Griffin and me. It’s a rush we create to ensure the other will keep coming back for more.

  Shit, it’s happening all over again. I let myself feel something, and Griffin’s going to break my heart since he made it clear that he doesn’t want to care.

  Like I was for my exes, I’m an object to him, and I have no one to blame this time but myself. It’s what I wanted, right? For us to use each other to satisfy our sexual needs?

  I don’t know how I completely misread what was happening between us last night. I screwed up. I screwed up big time by thinking my heart wouldn’t feel and for letting my guard down with him. When will I learn? Wiping away my tears, I hold my phone up.

  Me: You said you don’t want to care about me, but last night I realized how much I care about you, so our arrangement’s over. I swore off assholes after the last one shattered my heart.

  Griffin: There’s so much you don’t understand, and it’s shit I can’t tell you.

  Me: Looks like you’re in luck since now you don’t have to.

  Griffin: Ava…



  “Have you talked to him today?” Sydney asks as Bonnie pushes another bobby pin into my updo. My hair’s barely chin-length, but she’s still able to pin it up sexily for the party.

  “Like I told you yesterday, we haven’t spoken since we texted that night. Of course, protective as usual, Griffin has been on the property every day, but I’ve used Holly or Kellen to relay information, and he’s done the same.”

  “Well, you have to leave the house at some point, girl.”

  “I know. I’m trying to figure out what to do about the wedding. He’ll insist on going, so maybe it’s time to find his replacement. I might promote Kellen since he doesn’t treat me like a child when I leave the house.”

  “OK, pretty lady, all done,” Bonnie says, giving me a smile through the mirror on my vanity. Standing, I turn around and hold up the small mirror she handed me so I can see the back of my hair.

  “I love it. Now, we need to get changed.” I glance around my room. “Where’s your dress?”

  “Oh, I’m not staying,” Bonnie replies. “You know these types of parties aren’t my cup of tea.” She looks to Sydney. “No offense, doll. I hope you have the best time on your birthday.”

  “None taken, and thank you.”

  Bonnie’s so full of it. She’s never been fond of Sydney since the girl moved in on my career turf. My old friend has had my back for years, and her temper matches those scarlet locks of hers. She’s a sweetheart unless you hurt someone she loves.

  “Um, Ava,” Sydney says high-pitched as she scrolls over the screen of her iPhone. She’s too stunning from the way her strawberry-blond hair cascades over her bare shoulders. Her emerald-green sequin dress is strapless, short, and fits her like a glove.

  “Oh, girl…” Her blue eyes are round as she tilts them up at me. “I have to show you something, but it’s no big deal, OK?” She holds her phone to her chest.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ll show you, but seriously, you can’t flip out. We’ll find a way to fix this together.”

  “Give me your damn phone, Sydney.”

  Exhaling loudly, she hands it to me, and the headline causes my hands to tremble and my heart to race.




  INTRUSIVE, and out there for the entire world to see.

  “Ava Lane, is she America’s Sweetheart or Hollywood’s Submissive?”

  Hurrying to my bed, I sit down to read the rest of the article, but I can’t focus on the words. All I can do is stare at the two pictures of me. I’m talking to Griffin right outside Dungeon Six, but his back is to the camera.

  The first one was taken right before I pulled off my mask and shoved it in my purse. No one would be able to identify me in that one, but there’s a clear shot of my face in the second photo, once I removed the mask.

  “How do they know that’s a BDSM dungeon?” I ask desperately as tears wash over my eyes.

  “My guess is that after you left, they checked it out,” Syd answers.

  “Oh, my god. My visit there has shattered every member’s privacy.”

  Sitting next to me, Bonnie pulls me close, and the comfort triggers the dam to break. The tears drop to my robe, so I squeeze my eyes shut and cry, wishing I could erase what I saw.”

  “Ava, it’ll blow over. Everything in Hollywood does,” Syd says.

  “The tabloid stories, yes, but every time someone watches me in a movie, this is the Ava there going to see. I already can’t get the parts I want, and now I can kiss goodbye the last shred of my career.”

  I begin to sob harder. “How am I ever going to go downstairs and face our guests?” There’s a sudden hard knock on the door, so I turn my face away to swipe the tears from my cheeks.

  “Ava, can I come in?” Griffin asks.

  “Go away, asshole,” Sydney spouts.

  The door swings open, and Griffin’s gaze bounces to each of us before he furrows his brow.

  “I want to talk to you alone,” he says to me.

  “I can’t deal with you right now.”

  “Sydney your guests are arriving, so you should be downstairs to greet them,” he says.

  “Don’t try your bossy bullshit on me. It won’t fly.”

  “Get the hell out of this room right now!” he shouts with a growl.

  “Geez, chill.”

  “Ava, do you want to be alone with him?” Bonnie asks protectively.

  Leaning over to my nightstand, I grab a tissue. When my eyes meet Griffin’s again, I see the concern in them, and I can’t find it in myself to push him away.

  “It’s OK. You can leave us alone.” I hand Sydney back her phone, and after Bonnie gives me one last hug, she and Syd walk to the door. Griffin steps back for them to exit, and both girls give him a solid glare before they leave.

  “What do you need that can’t wait?” I wipe my eyes and nose while he shuts the door. Charging right at me, he pulls on me until I’m up and in his arms.

  “What happened?” he asks after kissing the side of my head.

  “Someone leaked to the tabloids that I was at Dungeon Six. You’re even in the photos they published, but fortunately your back is to the camera.”

  His body stiffens against me. “Shit, is it bad?”

  Pulling away from him, I lift my hand.

  “Just Google me if you want to see for yourself. I’m sure it’s the top story. Hell, turn on my TV, or go downstairs and ask the guests about it. I imagine every one of them knows.”

  The tears start again, and I can’t hold them back. I lean against Griffin’s chest, and he pulls me closer, kissing my head repeatedly.

  “We’ll figure out how to handle this.”

  My phone begins ringing on my vanity, so I trudge over to answer it.

  “Holly,” I choke out.

  “Oh, Ava, you know. I’m on my way.”

  “You can go back home. It’s your weekend off, and there’s nothing we can do

  “Don’t you want to make a statement that the photos were fabricated? They planted your image in front of that building. We’ll sue their asses.”

  “Holly, stop. It’s not a fabricated story. I went inside that club.” The silence on the other line doesn’t surprise me.

  “Oh, OK. Then just tell me what you want to do.”

  “Like I said, go home. I’ll call you in the morning. I should have a better idea what I want to do then, if there is anything we can do to diffuse the situation.”

  “What about the party tonight?”

  “We can’t throw everyone out of Sydney’s birthday party, so I’ll have her tell the guests I’m sick. Shit, this is so humiliating. They’re going to know I’m hiding out because of the story. I have to go. I’ll call you in the morning.”

  Dropping my phone on the vanity, I cover my face.

  “You need to leave, Griffin. Just tell Sydney to come up when she gets a minute.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Dropping my hands from my face, I scowl at him.

  “Why not?”

  He comes at me again and grabs my shoulders.

  “I know I fucked up last weekend.”

  “You mean by letting your true feelings slip out?”

  “I thought I was doing what was best for you.”

  I give a short laugh. “That shouldn’t surprise me. You always think you know what’s best for me. Well, not this time. I told you I was done with assholes.”

  “Ava, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I do care, and I’ve been going out of my mind being away from you, especially knowing you were so physically close.”

  Looking down, I twist the tissue in my hand.

  “I can’t do this right now. My head is spinning from this article, and I can’t handle both.”

  “Then as your friend, or at least as your bodyguard, let me help you with this. I’ve handled PR issues before, especially for Mindy.”

  “If you want to help, relay to everyone that I’m sick.”

  He grabs the back of his neck and glances away.

  “I don’t think that’s what you should do.”

  “Then what? This is too embarrassing.”


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