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ROMEO Page 20

by Ruby Rowe

  Her silky white robe is open enough for me to eye the roundness of her tits, and the view of them makes my cock twitch.

  Grasping the back of her neck, I bring her in close to kiss her. I can’t resist when she’s this damn sexy.

  “I’m guessing the bodyguards saw you in this robe.”

  “I had it closed better.” She pulls it together, but I open it back up and push one side over her shoulder to reveal her smooth, bare skin. I kiss along her collarbone, and she whimpers in my ear. Ava’s so mine, and Mickey better stay the fuck away.

  “If the guys think you ordered me room service, I’m going to lose their respect for sure. Hell, it’s probably long gone.”

  “That’s not true, and I didn’t tell them it was for you. Now, while you eat bacon, I’ll talk.”

  To humor her, I pick up a piece and take a bite. I already know she’s going to say what I want to hear. The real show of her love and loyalty will come when Mickey tries to worm his way into her space again.

  “You’re right that I haven’t completely cut Mickey off, but I would if he’d leave me alone. I don’t believe I ever would’ve talked to him again if he didn’t keep reappearing.”

  “Ava, the night you saw me at the club, I watched the surveillance footage from that day. I saw him kiss you by the pool, and although you pushed him off, you didn’t right away.”

  “But I did push him off, and what you couldn’t see was me telling him in the house that we’d never be together again. I thought I made it crystal clear, but he won’t let up.”

  “He will if you stop giving him your time when he demands it.”

  “Maybe … eventually.” Picking at her robe, she looks out the hotel window. “I think I’ve stayed somewhat civil with Mickey out of fear of needing him again. After Oliver hurt me and you rejected me, I wondered if I could ever find happiness with someone else.

  “I worried that one day I might want to settle for him, but while he was kissing me, I couldn’t think of anyone but you. Actually, by that point, I was thinking about you every minute of every day.

  She grasps my arm. “I feel terrible that I hurt you. When he asked to talk, I should’ve told him no, and I promise you that I won’t speak to him like that ever again. You act so tough, that it’s easy to forget you can get hurt, too.”

  Leaning over, I kiss her shoulder, but it’s mainly so she doesn’t see my face.

  “Baby, you’re the one person on this earth who has the power to break me.”

  “Griffin…” Clutching my shoulders, she forces me to an upright position. “I could never hurt you like that. Never.” I close my eyes and bring her palm to my mouth to kiss it.

  “I know, and I could never break you, either.”



  Griffin and I are on our way from the hotel to the rehearsal dinner at Sparks Steak House in Brooklyn. The brunch at Beauty and Essex wasn’t as dreadful as I expected, so I’m hoping the same can be said about tonight.

  Since my sister was wrapped up in the attention she was receiving from her friends, we barely spoke. It gave me time to enjoy a lovely meal with my mother.

  Griffin stayed a fair distance away, sitting at a table with Kellen, so most of the guests didn’t realize they were my bodyguards.

  Fortunately, the wedding festivities have been kept under wraps. That’s one positive quality about mob families; they can keep their mouths shut when necessary.

  They don’t want the media in their business any more than I do, so it’s been wonderful not having the paparazzi in our faces.

  “How in the world did you fall back into your Brooklyn accent so quickly?” Griffin asks as he grasps my knee.

  I laugh. “You have to promise not to tell my secret.”


  “My family believes my accent in Los Angeles is fake. When actually, my strong Brooklyn accent is what’s phony. Well, most of it. It does come back a little when I return home, but mainly, I fake it.”

  “I thought it seemed a little too thick, too fast.”

  “Then I guess I better reevaluate my acting skills.”

  “No, don’t; it’s sexy. It’s like I’m with a different woman.”

  I shove his shoulder. “You did not just say that.” He laughs, and damn, I love it when he does. He can tease me all he wants if I can hear that deep, joyful sound afterward.

  Our motorcade pulls up at Sparks, and becoming quiet, Griffin stares at the building. In a heartbeat, he’s only my bodyguard. I feel it, too, the similarity to the night the blood was dumped on us.

  I clutch his arm. “Everything will be fine. With you, the other bodyguards and the Leoni family here, no one is going to harm me.”

  “I know they’re not, because we’re prepared this time, but it doesn’t mean I can’t recall the past.”

  “You promised to only be my date this evening, remember? Your team has security covered.” Sliding a hand along his buzzed, dark hair, he blows out a breath.

  “I’ll try.”

  Kellen exits the car, and Griffin begins talking to the guards through his mic. I tune it out and prepare to face my family. I haven’t seen some of them in years, and if Sydney doesn’t show up for moral support, I’m going to kick her butt. After hosting her birthday party, she better step it up.

  Once inside the Rose Room, I take in the beauty of it while I take a breath. There’s a wall of wine bottles, and I’d like nothing more than to swipe one and hide in a closet. Griffin fucking me against the wall inside one while I chug my wine sounds even better. Lord, I need to get a grip.

  I’m relieved right away when I spot my mom and sister at a long, rectangular table reserved for the immediate family. I head right for it, hoping it’s less time I have to mingle.

  “Sis, I’m so glad you made it.”

  “Of course, I made it.” She looks next to me, and I watch as her flirtatious gaze slides over Griffin’s body. “Is this him?”

  “Yes, it is.” I loop an arm around his. “This is my boyfriend, Griffin Scott. Griffin, this is my sister, Angel.” Getting up from the table, she saunters around it to further inspect him.

  Her long blond hair isn’t as light as mine, and tonight, it’s teased up like we’re having an 80’s themed party. Sticking her hand out to Griffin, she gives him a megawatt grin.

  “She left out that I’m her younger sister.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shakes her hand.

  “And you already know my parents. Victor!” Slithering her hand over Griffin’s other arm, she inconspicuously pulls him away from me. “He’s my fiancé and wants to meet you.”

  My pulse quickens as I watch Victor glance over his shoulder from where he’s chatting with a few men. He turns to approach us, and his lighthearted expression hardens once he spots Griffin and me.

  This is the moment I’ve dreaded most. Victor and Mickey are close friends, so I know where his loyalty lies. All I can do is pray that he keeps his nose out of my business.


  My eyes dart to Kellen, and I act like I’m rubbing my nose. He barely tips his head in a nod to let me know he understands that a possible threat is headed my way. He speaks in the mic to inform the other guards, as well.

  I might be Ava’s date tonight, but it doesn’t mean I’m not guarding her, too, and watching out for myself and my team.

  To ensure we’re safe on this trip, I had to tell Kellen about my identity. I trust him, but it’s still hard when I’m forced to tell someone where I came from.

  “Ava, wow,” Victor says as he lifts his eyebrows. “You look fucking amazing.” Grasping her waist, he leans over to kiss her cheek. “You’re showing off some fabulous legs there, too,” he adds loud enough for me to hear.

  His eyes tilt up at me while his mouth’s still at her ear, and I’d love to throat punch the cocksucker. Why again did I suggest she stop wearing prudish clothing? Her silver dress is short and strapless, leaving her killer legs and
creamy shoulders bare for all to see.

  “Victor, how are you?” she asks.

  “I’m better than ever.” Stepping back from her, he smiles and sticks his hand out toward me. “I’m Victor Ricci, Angel’s fiancé.”

  “Griffin Scott. I’m Ava’s boyfriend.” He clamps down on my hand, and I let him. He thinks he can intimidate me, but it’s not happening. The man might be a threat, but he’s also about six inches shorter than me and scrawny as hell.

  He looks like he could be a cokehead, but not the strung-out street type. No, this guy is a little smarter with his use–for now, but by his handshake alone, I sense he lacks control, and that’s what makes him dangerous.

  “Interesting. I thought you were only her bodyguard.” He finally releases my hand.

  “That part’s a given. I mean, she is mine to protect.” I stare him down, knowing damn well that he’s lying. If he hasn’t seen Ava and me on television, then I’m sure Mickey filled him in.

  “Well, welcome. Any guest of Ava’s is a guest of mine … until they cross the line.”

  “Boys, settle down, and stop puffing out your chests,” Angel says in her grinding accent. It’s not sexy like Ava’s.

  “Sydney Sinclaire’s on your six,” Kellen says in my ear.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  Noticing Sydney, Victor coughs once and slides a hand through his light brown hair, seeming starstruck by her presence.

  I can’t find it in myself to turn my back on him, so I wait for her to approach us. At this moment, she’s the lesser of two evils.

  “Sydney, I’m so glad you made it,” Ava says excitedly, her eyes lighting up with a brightness I’ll soon have to darken. “I told you I’d be here, didn’t I?” she replies as she leans in to kiss Ava’s cheek.

  She knew the slut was coming here and didn’t tell me?

  “Sinclaire’s guard at three o’clock,” Kellen says.

  “Ms. Sinclaire, I’m like the biggest fan ever,” Angel says, so I use the opportunity to pull Ava aside.

  “Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?” I whisper harshly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it was something I needed to run by you.” Her hand goes to her hip, but we’re not playing that game tonight.

  “You know how concerned I’ve been about the security this weekend, and you didn’t think it was wise to tell me your movie star friend and her entourage of guards would be crashing the rehearsal dinner?”

  Biting her lip, she takes hold of my hand.

  “I didn’t think about her bodyguards. I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you. Before Romeo, we didn’t have to take all these measures, so it’s still an adjustment.”

  “Is she staying for the wedding?”

  “Yes. She’s here to support me, and it was one of my wedding gifts to Angel. She’s wanted to meet Syd for ages.” Crossing her arms, she looks over at them. “Then again, maybe it’s another way for my sister to get a jab at me. You know, like Syd’s the actress I’m not.”

  I touch her cheek. “Stop letting people treat you like shit. They play off your kindness, but there’s a difference between being kind and being a doormat.”

  “Wow, a doormat … seriously? You really want to do this right now?”

  “If it will make you speak up for yourself and not have a miserable weekend, then yes.”

  “Oooh, I’m familiar with that look my girl’s giving. Is there trouble in paradise?” Mickey asks. Fucking hell, I want to beat someone’s ass.

  “Keep walking, asshole, and don’t ever call her your girl again.” I don’t break my gaze with Ava as I wait to see her expression and how she’ll react.

  “Leave us alone, Mickey, and Griffin and I are better than ever.” She hooks her arms around mine and directs us away from him to take our seats.

  My blood boils as I pull out a chair for her, and once we’re sitting down, she mutters, “Can we table the conversation about how I’m a doormat?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, but I’m about to explode over how those closest to you treat you. Like the way your sister emphasized being younger; it wasn’t necessary.”

  Finding her hand underneath the table, I place it between mine. “Protecting you physically is not the only urge I have.”

  “I figured that out pretty quickly.”

  “You’re strong and deserve respect, so I want others to see that.”

  Her gaze softens before she kisses my cheek.

  “I almost love how intense and passionate you are, but you’ve gotta get a grip on your short fuse.”

  “The fuse has been burning for a while now. It’s almost to the end, and I feel the blast coming.”


  Needing to take a leak, I tell the other bodyguards to keep an eye on Ava. Dinner’s over, and I’m counting the minutes until we can leave this joint. It reminds me too much of the upbringing I try to forget.

  I reach the restroom about the time Teddy’s exiting it, and I could use a damn minute alone with him.

  “You need to tell Mickey to back off. He’s never going to be with Ava again, and the sooner he realizes it, the less damage there will be to his face.”

  Pulling a toothpick from his mouth, Teddy brandishes a smug smile.

  “See, that comment right there tells me this way of life is in your blood. You’re itching to hurt someone. Am I right?”

  “My upbringing has nothing to do with Mickey’s delusions, and that’s exactly what they are.”

  “If your father were here today, we’d have a good laugh over this war you and Mickey are in over my Ava. Don’t tell Mick, but I’m hoping you win.”

  “This is not some fucking game. You’re playing with our lives here.” I point to his face. “If Mickey finds out who I am, he’ll want me dead, and then a war is surely what you’ll get from my uncle. He might be pissed at me, but your death and Mickey’s would come first. That I can promise you.”

  “Settle down, and have a drink. I’ll talk to Mick, and you can tell Dominic I’m leaving Los Angeles, too. Ellen and I are moving back to Brooklyn.”

  “Great, is this something else I know before Ava?”

  “Yes, but I’ll tell her soon.”

  “You better. I’m sick of the secrets.” I march to the restroom, and once inside, I grab the sides of my head. “Don’t lose your shit. Don’t lose your shit,” I chant. Think about Angel’s wedding and what a blowup would do to Ava.

  I swing a punch toward the wall, barely missing it on purpose as I imagine Mickey’s face. I can do this. I just have to get through this weekend.

  After a couple of lengthy breaths, I take a piss and head out the door. Sydney comes strolling toward me. Fucking wonderful.

  “Good evening, Mr. Scott.” I glance to her bodyguard and back to her, weighing whether I want to bring up personal shit in front of him.

  “Sydney,” I say rudely.

  “I see you’re still not a fan.”

  “It’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens, but I was hoping to catch you alone to tell you that you have until tomorrow night to confess to Ava. Otherwise, I’m telling her.”

  She lifts her chin. “I don’t know what you’re speaking of.”

  “So, you don’t remember when you slipped and fell onto Mickey DeLuca’s dick at your birthday party.”

  “Hey, now,” her guard says in a deep voice. Sydney holds her hand up like she’s stopping him from moving.

  “Don’t worry, Seth. Mr. Scott knows better than to lay a hand on me, and I’m going to put him in his place real fast.” Instead of looking furious, like I expected, she displays a smug smile similar to Teddy’s.

  “You’re not going to tell Ava about my indiscretion because if you do, I’ll tell Mickey what I overheard while you were talking to Teddy.

  “I didn’t catch it all, but I understood enough to know you two are working together. I imagine Mick and his pals wouldn’t be too pleased to hear about it.”

  “No, they woul
dn’t, so I guess I have a tough decision to make, but whether Ava finds out or not, you and I know the truth; you’ll never be half the woman she is.

  “You don’t have her class, her morals or her kindness, and your looks and pussy will only get you so far in Hollywood. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to find the real star.”

  She thinks she has the upper hand, but karma’s a bitch, and she’s paying Sydney a visit soon.



  “Jill, you heard the wedding planner. Hand my sister her damn flowers,” Angel barks. “The ceremony’s about to start.” And to think I was jealous that she chose someone else to be her maid of honor.

  She turned into Bridezilla at the rehearsal dinner, and today she’s managed to morph into King Kong. Being in a church is doing nothing to help her disposition, either.

  “Sis, your gum,” I say, holding my hand out for her to spit it into. I recall when Griffin said I looked like a Hollywood cliché in my robe and fuzzy slippers. Well, my sister’s an old-school Brooklyn girl at heart.

  The only difference between today and when she was younger is she has the money to make her big hair healthier and her makeup thicker.

  All she’s missing is her pair of roller skates. Imagining her skating down the aisle in her wedding dress, I snicker.

  “What the hell do you find so funny? Is my lipstick smeared or somethin’?” Paranoid, Angel turns back to the mirror to have another look at herself.

  “No, I was thinking about that young girl who used to live in her roller skates. Now, you’re all grown up and getting married.”

  “Aww, Ma, did you hear that? Ava remembers me in my skates, and now she thinks I’m all grown up and gorgeous.”

  Did I say gorgeous?

  “Your sister loves you very much, and you’re definitely gorgeous. Now, someone help me up,” my mother says as she tries to steady her cane to do it herself. I rush to her side and help her to her feet, but she starts to fall, so I ease her back down.


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