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ROMEO Page 25

by Ruby Rowe

  “If I eat, that means I’ve started my day, and I don’t want to start a day without Griffin in it.”

  “Honey, I know, but you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. You can do this, and who knows what the day will bring?”

  “It won’t bring Griffin back. He wouldn’t even ride next to me on the way home from the police station.” Sitting up in bed, I take the tray from her and rest it across my lap. She adjusts her red messy bun and gives me a look of pity.

  “It doesn’t make sense,” I say. “While we were together, he couldn’t stand to leave me alone or have Kellen act as my primary guard, and you would’ve thought he was the one attacked or shot if you’d seen the look of terror on his face when he found me lying on the floor at Mickey’s.

  “He loves me. I know it, and I don’t believe my request to put off our wedding until spring would be enough to change that. He wanted me to get a break-out role.” Becoming choked up, I look toward the window.

  “Griffin only wanted greatness for me and to keep me out of harm’s way. His love was unselfish. It was like the man’s sole purpose in life was to keep me safe and happy. Safe…” I look back at Bonnie. “Griffin would do anything to keep me safe. Anything. Even give me up if necessary.”

  She quirks an eyebrow. “What are you getting at?”

  “Griffin didn’t want to leave me. He felt like he had no choice but to leave me. It was only after I told him I was making the movie…

  “Dominic, that son of a bitch, has to be behind this. I’m going over there.” I practically dump my tray of food as I hurry to get out from under it.

  “You can’t go to another mob boss’s house. Did you forget who your father is? Not to mention, the paparazzi will follow you straight there.”

  “They won’t if we use you as a decoy. Sydney’s not around to screw it up this time.”

  Her head shakes. “I don’t think this is a good idea. If Griffin can’t convince the man to let you two be together, what makes you think you can change his mind?”

  “I have something Griffin doesn’t have: millions of dollars.”


  “Thank you, Holly. I owe you big time,” I say to her as Kellen drives me to Dominic’s.

  “Thank your detective. He’s the one who found the address in a jiffy. I think this is insane, though, and you better not get my man killed.”

  “I won’t. I’ll keep it as civil as possible.”

  Maybe. I haven’t decided yet.

  I end the call and stare out the passenger side window. The ball of nerves in my gut tangles further, and my lungs struggle for air. Opening my purse, I look inside at the bundles of cash. It’s the good-faith deposit I’m praying Dominic will accept.

  We pull into his driveway in Brentwood, on the Westside of Los Angeles, and come to a gate.

  “Push the button,” I tell Kellen. He looks over at me from the driver’s seat, and I’m realizing the other times when I thought he was nervous, he really wasn’t. This time, he’s a wreck.

  “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”

  “I swear, he’s not going to hurt us. Dominic has to know Griffin would kill him if he did, and like I told you earlier, if we brought more guards, they’d think we were looking for a shootout.”

  “We’re in my car, and I’m the only bodyguard. I’m breaking every protocol here. This is nuts, and the Golino I need to worry about killing me is Griffin.”

  “He’ll only kill you if he hears you call him that. Now, calm down, and let’s get this over with.”

  Kellen sighs before he pushes the buzzer.

  “How can I help you?” a man asks.

  “I’m here to see Dominic Golino,” I say as I lean over Kellen. “I’m Ava Lane.” I pull off my sunglasses and stare into the camera. It’s silent, and after thirty seconds or so, I begin to wonder if they’re going to let us in, but the gate opens.

  We drive up a hill before it curves around to the left. His home is secluded and enormous, but also older; I’m guessing twenty-five to thirty years. The architecture is Mediterranean, and the paint is a rusty-orange hue.

  I get out of the car at the same time Kellen exits, and we walk to the door. Before I can even knock, it swings open, and Daniel stares at me with bulging eyes.

  “Ms. Lane … what brings you here today?” He sizes Kellen up before he peers around us.

  “It’s only Kellen and me here. He’s one of my bodyguards. I’m sure you can understand why I wouldn’t leave the house without at least one.”

  “Sure, yeah, but if you’re looking for Griffin, he’s not around right now.”

  “No. I’d like a word with Dominic. He is your father, correct?”

  Swallowing, he messes with his dark brown hair.

  “Yes. I’ll see if he has time to meet with you, but I’ll have to pat you down first. Is that OK?”

  “Sure.” Kellen follows me in, and Daniel first pats him down. He steps in front of me next, and his hands are visibly trembling as he moves them along my body.

  “Ms. Lane, I’m really sorry I gotta do this.”

  “I understand.”

  “Uh, I need to look in your purse, too.” I hold it out and open it for him. “Damn, you carry a lot of dough with you.”

  “Not usually. Now, can you see if your father will meet with me?”

  “I’ll be right back.” He leaves, and I examine the massive entryway. Staring down at the grey marble floor, I become nauseous, recalling the events from last night.

  I refuse to let Mickey haunt me, so I look back up. I’m breathing hard, and Kellen is, too. I want this visit over with.

  “Ms. Lane, you two can follow me now, but your guard must wait with me outside Dominic’s office.”

  I glance to Kellen, and he shakes his head in frustration.

  “That’s fine,” I say. As we walk, my nausea swells and stirs, and I question my decision to do this. “Do you live here?” I ask Daniel.

  “Yeah, but I mean, it’s only because I work for Pop. It’s easier that way. I got my own wing off the side of the house.”

  Coming to a door, he opens it and motions for me to walk inside. I give Kellen one last glance before I enter.

  An older man, I’d guess to be Dominic, and about sixty years old, stands up from his chair behind a desk. He strolls around it, eyeing me as he walks.

  “Ms. Ava Lane, or do you prefer to be called Ava Leoni?”

  “Lane, please.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dominic Golino and very much surprised to see you standing in my office.” He sticks his hand out to shake mine.

  “Yes, well, here I am, and I have something important to discuss with you.”

  A slow, sly smile unveils itself. “You’re a beautiful woman on the movie screen, but it doesn’t do you justice. You’re quite stunning.”

  “Look, you can stop with the flattery. I’m not here on friendly terms, so I’m going to get right to the point. Every important man in my life has dicked me over except for one. At least, I don’t think he meant to. That was your nephew, Griffin.

  “He ended our relationship yesterday, and it was unexpected. It took me until this morning to make the connection that you’re likely behind his foolish decision to leave a woman like me.”

  Still smiling, he strolls over to his bar.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “No, thank you, and are you the reason he dumped me?”

  “I am not. I thought the two of you were going to live happily ever after in Malibu, but then he showed back up and said he was going to work for me instead.”

  “Work for you? I’m sorry, but Griffin wouldn’t voluntarily join the family business.”

  Dominic looks over his shoulder at me and grimaces.

  “You’re in my home, so show me some respect.”

  I put my hand on my hip. “I don’t have time to watch the mob boss power trip I’ve seen one too many times where you fix your drink, torment me with
silence and stare at me for minutes so I’ll wonder if you’re deciding whether to off me or not.”

  With his back to me, Dominic chuckles.

  “Look, Mr. Golino. The love of my life left me right before my psychotic ex took me hostage and had his brains blown out by your nephew.

  “The last twenty-four hours have been hellish, to say the least, so I’d appreciate it if you’d cut to the chase and tell me what happened.”

  Strolling over to his office chair, he points.

  “Have a seat.” Huffing, I sit down in front of his desk.

  “If you weren’t so damn gorgeous and brave, I’d have my men drag you out of here for your attitude, but your spunkiness intrigues me. Griffin did volunteer to work for me, and in return, I agreed to look the other way while a Leoni lived in my city.”

  “I’ve lived in Los Angeles for years. I like to think it’s mine, too.”

  “It might be Ava Lane’s, but it’s not Ava Leoni’s.”

  I roll my eyes. “Griffin and I love each other, and I wholeheartedly believe he only ended things with me because he feels I’m not safe if I stay in LA.”

  “What happened to moving to Malibu? My nephew wouldn’t give me the details.”

  “I might be filming another movie. It’s a part I can’t turn down, and it’s not because of money. It’s about much more than that.”

  “Ah, so you told my nephew this news, and then he came marching back in here to renegotiate our terms.” He takes a sip from his glass. “Griffin–always the noble one. He’s like his father that way.”

  “Your nephew is an astounding human being, better than any man I’ve known, and we deserve our chance at happiness. My father is moving away, Mickey’s dead, and I can assure you I’m not a threat. I want no part of the mob business.” I glance around his office, looking for the familiarity of my childhood.

  “Yet here you are, meeting with me to strike a deal, correct?”

  “Yes, but only because you seem to hold my future in your hands. You’re a business man, so I felt a business meeting was in order. I know your lifestyle is about power, but money is the bottom line, so I’m here to offer you a lot of it in exchange for my pardon to live anywhere I’d like in the state of California for the rest of my life.”

  He chuckles, but then it develops into a hearty laugh that makes his eyes water, and I’m not finding this funny.

  “You’re adorable, lady. I see why Griffin has fallen to his knees for you. Your passion is somethin’ else.”

  Getting up, I march over to his desk, and with my lips pursed, I dump all the contents from my Fendi bag onto it. I start picking up things like my phone, cosmetic case, wallet, etc. and put them back in my purse, but I leave the mound of cash for him to see.

  “You’re right. I’m a passionate woman who’s learned to go after what she wants, and the credit for that goes to your nephew. Here’s one hundred grand as a good-faith deposit.

  “I’ll give you four million and nine hundred thousand more as soon as you tell me how to do that in the most discreet manner. My mob skills aren’t up to par, but I’m sure you can educate me.

  “On top of that, I’ll give you twenty percent of the profit from any future films if you agree to overlook Griffin and me marrying and having children together.”

  Picking up one of the bands of bills, he fans it with his fingers and studies my face before he falls back in his chair and grins.

  “Welcome to the family, sweetheart.”

  I slam my hands down on his desk.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. Don’t ever call me sweetheart again. That girl left town the second your nephew put his hands on me.”

  “Damn, I think I’m in love.”

  “Fuck you. Now, where’s my man?”

  “He’s right here, and what the hell are you doing?” Griffin asks from the doorway. His gaze is menacing, but I see the pain and longing behind his anger.

  “Join the party, Griffin. I’m getting to know this remarkable woman. Although, I’m beginning to wonder if she has a bigger set of balls than you.”

  “I’ve checked. She doesn’t.” Griffin’s eyes are fixed on mine, and my heart is beating a mile a minute. He’s here, and he’s mine.


  “What did you do?” I ask Ava.

  “I gave him money I can live without. It’s money we can live without.”

  I look to Dominic. “Is this what you were after all along?”

  “If you’re insinuating I asked her here, or for money, you’re mistaken. Didn’t your friend outside the door tell you?”

  “I punched him before he had the chance.”

  “Griffin!” Ava says.

  “He’ll wake up soon.” I furrow my brow at her. “You don’t need to get mixed up in the mob life, so go home.”

  “I will do no such thing, and this life isn’t for you, either. That’s why I’m here. You’re going to accept that I’m giving Dominic Golino money we don’t need, and then you’re going to walk out that door with me and only come back to visit on holidays. Do you understand?”

  Uncle Dominic laughs and entwines his hands behind his head.

  “Yes, Griff, do you understand your lady?”

  “She’s not my lady. She’s my obstinate, dirty woman who’s in need of a good ass-whipping.”

  “It’s about damn time,” she replies with her hand hugging her curvy hip. It’s below her tight jeans and above her red heels, which are spiked the way I like them. Her white blouse is unbuttoned enough to give my uncle a fantasy show, and I’m not dumb to the fact that she did it on purpose.

  I can’t live without her, and she fucking knows it, so I nod toward the door.

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” I look at Dom. “You swear you’re honoring whatever deal she made with you?”

  “Absolutely. As long her daddy leaves my city.”

  “I guess you better find a new guy then. I quit.”

  “I’ll be in touch, Ms. Lane,” he adds.

  “You know how to reach me.”

  Once we’re at the door, I lower my mouth to her ear.

  “For the record, he never would’ve agreed to your deal if I hadn’t killed Mickey, so don’t let this stunt go to your head. He’s in a great mood because of me.”

  “For the record, I had a lot more dough and cleavage to show if it became necessary.” She looks up and winks, and it’s time to put her ass back into submission.

  In the hallway, we find Kellen holding paper towels to his bloody nose. He shoots me a dirty look.

  “Are you OK?” Ava asks, touching his arm. “I’m so sorry.”

  “He’s fine, and he knew he had it coming.”

  Kellen rolls his eyes. “I hope after all this, you two are leaving here together.”

  “Yes, we’re good now,” Ava says before she smiles at me, and damn, I can’t lie; I’m thrilled to have her back.

  “If I’m not getting that promotion, I feel I’m at least worthy of a raise after what I’ve endured the last few months.”

  “I guess you are entitled to hazard pay,” she replies, snickering.

  “Let’s go. I have something important to tend to,” I say as I slide a hand behind Ava’s ass and give it a squeeze. Her body tenses, and I can’t wait to get my hands on my paddle.



  “I can’t believe you made me wait the entire drive here to feel you inside me,” Ava says after I close the door to my Malibu home.

  Shoving me against it, she strips off my suit jacket. She thinks she’s in control, but that’s going to change real fast. Ava’s become too comfortable with bossing me.

  “I want you here first, before we have to go back to the chaos,” I reply. “Also, you don’t have barstools.”


  “You’ll see.”

  She crashes her lips to mine and tugs on my shirt, so I start to unbutton it. She does the same with her blouse, and her bra’s
off next, and with urgency, we remove everything from the waist down.

  Her hands were all over me as I drove here in my silver Camaro. It was the longest damn ride of my life as I imagined getting my hands on her in return.

  “Are you sure you’re not too freaked out after last night?” I ask.

  She grabs my face. “Shut up, and touch me already. You make me feel alive.”

  “You’re about to feel alive, all right.” I head to my windows and shut the drapes. I don’t see how the paparazzi could get photos with us this high up, but they pulled it off when we were on the deck, so I’m not taking any chances.

  “See my barstools at the kitchen island?”


  “Get on your knees on the right one, and lean up over the island. I’ll be right back.” She gives me a nervous smile before I leave her and run up the steps to my bedroom where I find my wooden paddle.

  I head back downstairs, and as I round the corner to my kitchen, I watch Ava’s anxious expression form once she notices what I’m carrying.

  “You’re not going to use your hand?”

  “Nope. You need a firm reminder of who’s the Top in this relationship. A reminder of who’s in charge so you don’t do dangerous shit again, like leave the house without a bodyguard or go to my mobster uncle’s home.

  “He might be a smooth-talker, wearing a smile, but he’s a killer, Ava. He orders people to kill, yet you and Kellen took it upon yourselves to go over there alone and unarmed.”

  “He loves you whether you want to believe it or not. He wouldn’t have harmed me.”

  “Rose-colored glasses... I want to love the way you find goodness in everyone, but I can’t because it only puts you in harm’s way, so let me give you something to think about the next time you consider finding a good side in someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

  I stalk toward her, and the closer I get, the more she trembles. Her hands fist on top of the island, and she gnaws on her plump scarlet lip.

  “There will be no more useless men in your life. I’m your present, your future, your everything from this moment on. I will be the last man to touch you, taste you and spank your incredible ass. Only me.”


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