Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6)

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Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6) Page 9

by Robin Roughley

  Lasser sighed as Bannister's face darkened, then he watched in amazement as the DCI nodded. 'Yes, Spenner, we are.'

  'Though it could still have been a simple domestic?'

  More heads turned in Spenner's direction, mouths fell open in shock.

  Bannister's knuckles were turning white on the desk. 'A domestic?' he said through gritted teeth.

  Spenner shrugged. 'Clark could have been out with a partner, they argued things got out of hand and...'

  'Things got out of hand? 'Bannister parroted measuring each word with deliberate brevity.

  'It's possible,' Spenner said.

  'Sergeant Lasser, will you tell Mr Spenner where you've just been?'

  'To see Sarah Clark's boyfriend, sir.'

  'And when you arrived was he sat there covered in blood?'


  'Does he own a car or a van of any sort?'

  Lasser sighed again, he felt as if he were sneaking up behind Spenner with a spade in his hand. 'He doesn't have a licence.'

  'And what about an alibi for last night, did he provide you with one?'

  Heads tuned back and forth between the two men like spectators at a tennis match. 'He was drinking in the King Billy till half three, they had a lock in.'

  Bannister turned back to Spenner, 'Satisfied?'

  Spenner shrugged. 'Did Sergeant Lasser check his alibi, sir?'

  This time the room drew in a collective gasp, Bannister looked back at Lasser.

  'Well, Sergeant you heard the man?'

  'As soon as I left the house I called at the pub on my way here. I know the landlady and she confirmed that Colly Roberts was in the boozer till at least half three.'

  'And do you believe her?'

  Lasser had known Karen Walsh for years; in fact they'd even gone out a few times when he was younger. 'I believe her.'

  'So, that's sorted.'

  Spenner huffed and Lasser closed his eyes.

  'Problem, Spenner?'


  Bannister lowered his head as if studying the table top. 'Are you sure?'

  'I just think we're getting ahead of ourselves , I mean, we don't even know for sure that Sarah Clark had taken any drugs and just because Sergeant Lasser went to her boyfriend’s, well, it proves nothing, I mean, she could have had more than one partner.'

  The room was now crackling with disbelief.

  Bannister looked up. 'Right, so everyone knows what they have to do, Coyle, Wright, keep looking thorough the missing persons, widen your search.' The two women nodded a response. 'Chadwick, Cooper, keep trawling the local dealers we need to find out the name of the supplier, the rest of you keep your eyes open, carry on with the door-to-doors and report anything suspicious immediately, are we all clear?'

  Heads nodded, one or two 'yes, sirs' drifted from the throng.

  'Right, off you go.'

  Chairs scraped back as people rose to their feet. Bannister waited until Spenner had almost reached the door.


  Heads turned, Spenner acted as if he hadn't heard his name shouted across the room, as he tried to walk through the door Lasser took hold of his sleeve.

  'Hang fire, Spenner, he wants a word.'

  Spenner blinked at Lasser his eyes blank.


  People continued to bustle past, every one of them gave Spenner a curious look.

  Lasser kept hold of his sleeve until the room had emptied then he turned to go.

  'Lasser, wait there a moment.' Bannister said as he crossed the room.

  Lasser folded his hands behind his back; Spenner slid his into his pockets and sniffed.

  'Now, Spenner, what was all that about?'

  'All what?'

  Lasser could see the strain on Bannister's face, the rage building beneath the mask of concern. 'I'm all for ideas and I like to think I take on board what people have to say but the occasional 'sir' would have been nice.'

  'I just think...'

  'We all know what you think, PC Spenner, you made your views perfectly clear.'

  'I was only trying to help.'

  'And that's fine but next time try knocking on my door, I'm always willing to listen.'

  Spenner threw his boss a quick look before nodding, 'Understood.'

  Bannister slapped him on the shoulder. 'Like I said the occasional 'sir' would be nice.'

  'Understood, sir.'

  Lasser held his breath, he could hear the underlying disdain in Spenner's voice, and if he could hear it then he was damn sure that Bannister would.

  When the DCI smiled, Lasser thought the world had suddenly slipped into some alternative universe.

  'Good, lad, now off you go.'

  Spenner turned and pushed his way through the double doors. As soon as he'd gone Bannister let out a hissed breath.

  'That man needs watching, Sergeant.'

  'Yes, sir.'

  Bannister thrust his hands onto his hips. 'And you can forget the 'sir'.'

  'What do you mean, you've just...'

  'I know, Lasser, but you never mean it do you?'

  Lasser held Bannister's gaze for a few seconds.

  'No comment.'

  The DCI nodded. 'I thought as much.'


  Medea flicked the kettle on before grabbing a couple of cups from the drainer. Emma sat at the kitchen table rubbing at her aching feet.

  'No more shopping, Med, I don't think I could stand it.'

  Medea spooned some coffee into the cups. 'I love the dress you bought.'

  'I don't know what possessed me it's not as if I'll get the chance to use it.'

  'Maybe you should wear it for the interview tomorrow?'

  Emma smiled. 'Use my feminine charms you mean?'

  Medea poured water into the cups and added a splash of milk before crossing the room drinks in hand.

  'Thanks,' Emma picked up the cup and took a sip. 'I still can't get over those morons in the pub last night.'

  Medea frowned. 'I still think Lasser overreacted.'

  'Well, I'm glad he was there...'

  'Come on, Emma, we could have handled the situation.'

  'It made a nice change not to have to.'

  Medea sat down and pushed her dark hair from her eyes. 'So, you get that kind of thing happening a lot in London?'

  'I've had my moments,' she replied and then she suddenly stood up. 'Is it OK if I grab a quick shower?'

  'Come on, Em, you don't have to ask.'

  'OK I won't be long.'

  'But what about your coffee?'

  Emma glanced over her shoulder as she headed for the door. 'Leave it there I'll have it later.'

  Medea frowned as Emma disappeared into the hallway, a couple of seconds later she heard her footfall on the stairs light and quick.


  Ten minutes later, Lasser arrived home to find Medea sitting at the kitchen table sipping pensively from the coffee cup.

  Crossing the room, he dipped his head and brushed his lips across hers. 'Penny for them,' he said.

  Medea smiled up at him. 'Sorry I was miles away.'

  Lasser loosened his tie. 'So how did the shopping trip go?'

  'It was lovely; we took a walk around the shops and had lunch on the sea front.'

  'Sounds nice.'

  'What about you?'

  Lasser grabbed a can of Coke from the fridge. 'Same old crap.'

  'Are you involved with the body they found near Rivington?'

  'You've heard about that?' he asked in surprise.

  'It was on the local radio when we were in the car.'

  Lasser nodded. 'Well, we think we have a name so that's something I suppose.'

  Medea wrapped her hands around the cup. 'So, it wasn't some kind of accident?'

  'Afraid not.'

  She sighed before taking another sip from her cup.

  'Where's Emma?' he asked.

  'She just taking a quick shower, she shouldn't be long.'

  'Listen, I was thinking of ge
tting the mower out, you know try and tackle that back garden.'

  Medea looked at him in mock shock. 'What's got into you?'

  'Well, I've finished early two days in a row, so I thought I might as well try and do something useful. Besides it's meant to be nice tomorrow so I could get the barbecue out.'

  'I didn't realise you had one.'

  Lasser waved a hand towards the window. 'It's in the shed somewhere.'

  'OK then I'll make you a salad whilst you get stuck in.'

  When Lasser's phone began to ring, Medea raised an eyebrow and Lasser sighed.

  'You never know it could be the lottery ringing to say we've won a million,' she said with a sad smile.

  'But we don't do the lottery.'

  The phone continued to drone.

  'You'd better answer it.'

  Lasser sighed as he dragged the mobile from his pocket, as expected Bannister’s name flashed up at him.

  'Is it him?' Medea asked.

  'Who else,' Lasser replied as he pressed the loudspeaker button. 'Hello, sir.'

  'Donald Elliot, have you heard of him?'

  'I don't think so, why what's he meant to have done?'

  'His prints were all over the tyre iron.'

  Lasser looked out through the kitchen window at the grass that would continue to grow probably for eternity. 'That was quick.'

  'He lives on Cockhedge Drive.'

  'Platt Bridge?' Lasser asked.

  'That's the one, we're on route now, meet me there, number seventeen.'

  'No problem.'

  'Say hi to Medea for me.'

  'Hello, Alan!' Medea shouted.

  'Oh hello, Medea, make sure he gets his skates on will you, love?'

  Medea smiled. 'He's just getting dressed as we speak.'

  Bannister cleared his throat. 'Right, right, well don't wear him out,' he said and then vanished.

  Just them Emma came into the kitchen, dressed in a white towelling robe, her hair hidden beneath a black towel.

  'Hi,' she smiled up at Lasser.

  Lasser dropped the phone into his pocket. 'Hi, Emma,' he said before kissing the top of Medea's head. 'I'll be as quick as I can.'

  She gave his hand a squeeze and nodded. 'Just be careful.'

  'You're going out?' Emma asked in surprise.

  'Afraid so, normal service has been resumed.' With that, he pulled out his car keys and left the room. A couple of seconds later they heard the front door clack shut.

  'Is it always like this, Med?'

  'Oh yes.'

  'Well, one thing's for sure you'll never get the chance to grow sick of the sight of each other.'

  Medea sighed.


  Donny Elliot blinked at the man standing in the doorway. 'Who the hell are you?'

  When Donny's eldest son popped his head around the man's leg, Donny took a step back.

  The man frowned and then turned his head. 'Beth, there's someone here to see you!'

  The boy looked at his father and poked out his tongue before turning and running away down the hallway.

  'I take it you're Donald?'

  'Never mind who I am, who the fuck are you?'

  The man shrugged. 'I'm Beth's boyfriend.'

  Donny's eyes popped wide in disbelief, the thought that the fat cow could have moved someone in was unbelievable.

  When Beth appeared in the doorway, Donny Elliot's mouth dropped open. At first he thought he must have knocked on the wrong door, because the woman standing before him bore no resemblance to the one he had last seen six months earlier.

  'What do you want?'

  She sounded like Beth that was for sure, but the Beth he knew was close to sixteen stone, her hair had been shoulder length and lank. The woman who stood before him was slim, her hair half way down her back seemed to shimmer with vitality. She was dressed in clean jeans and a Guns and Roses T-shirt with red Nike trainers on her feet.

  'I said, what do you want?' she asked again.

  Donny watched as the man slid his arm around her shoulder, she took hold of his hand and smiled up at him.

  'I just thought I'd come around and see the kids,' Donny lied.

  'I don't think that's a good idea, Donny, truth is they don't know who you are anymore.'


  'You haven't seen them in over six months, you missed both their birthdays, and now you turn up here as if everything's OK. Well, let me tell you it isn't, you're a waste of space. In fact you always have been. Now, why don't you just turn around and walk away?'

  'They're my kids, I have a right to see them...'

  'You have no rights here!' she jabbed a finger towards Donny's face. 'You've never handed over a penny to those kids. Dave's been more of a father to them than you've ever been!'

  Donny glanced at the man in the doorway; he had a smirk on his face, his right hand brushing the top of Beth's right breast.


  'So, where have you been hiding and why haven't you been to see them?' she asked her face flushed with brittle anger.

  'I've not been hiding, I've just been busy,' Donny said lamely.

  Beth barked out a bitter laugh. 'Busy selling your drugs is that it?'

  Donny looked at Dave and swallowed. 'I don't deal any bloody drugs.'

  Beth shook her head in disgust. 'You know something Donny I don't care what you do or where you go as long as you don't show your face around here again.'


  'You heard her, pal, now, be a good lad and disappear.'

  'Why don't you keep your fucking nose out of my business?' Donny snarled.

  'Beth is my business, you tool, and she's told me all about you. So, unless you want to explain yourself to the police then I suggest you do what she says and disappear.'

  'Fuck off I...'

  When Dave pulled out his iPhone and jabbed at the buttons Donny licked his lips.

  'What are you doing?'

  'Hello police please.'

  Donny Elliot turned and ran. Dave shook his head before dropping the phone back into his pocket.

  'Idiot,' he said with a grin before turning and walking down the hallway.

  Beth watched as Donny ran from the house, arms and legs pumping, hair flying out behind him. With a sad sigh, she closed the door quietly.


  Half a dozen officers thundered up the stairwell, Steve Black leading the way with battering ram in hand. Bannister and Lasser brought up the rear.

  As soon as they reached the door of the flat, Bannister gave the nod and Black slammed the heavy metal bar into the lock, the door shook but held.

  'Come on, Black, put some effort into it!' Bannister growled.

  Black swung the bar in anger, this time the door bounced inwards and officers dashed into the small flat all bellowing and shouting at the same time. It took less than ten seconds to discover the place was empty.

  Lasser poked his head into the small living room, dust motes floated in the agitated air. The room looked more like a squat; one wall taken up by a grotty looking leather sofa with a stained duvet covering the cushions, the floor littered with old magazines and ashtrays full to the brim with dog ends.

  A couple of officers began poking around inside a rickety looking cupboard.

  'The sod's not here,' Bannister said as he walked out of the only bedroom.

  'Maybe he's done a runner.'

  'I don't doubt it, Sergeant,' Bannister kicked at a mound of dirty clothes on the floor. 'Right, I want SOCO out here now.'

  Lasser pulled out his mobile as Bannister stormed past and went back through the front door and onto the balcony. As he turned an elderly woman came tottering towards him, her feet encased in fluffy pink slippers, her hair in yellow rollers.

  'What's all the racket about?' she asked with a frown.

  'Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart,' Bannister said with a grim smile.

  'Are you looking for Donald?'

  'We are but unfortunately we seem to have missed him

  The woman's eyes widened when she saw the front door hanging off its hinges. 'Are you the police?'

  'Yes, but...'

  'Well, it's about time you came for him, someone like him shouldn't be living in these flats, they're meant to be for elderly people.'

  'You know him then?'

  'Know him, of course I know him, coming and going at all hours playing his bang-bang music till the walls shake,' she sidled up to Bannister's side. 'And then you have those people who come calling for their drugs.'

  Bannister looked at her in surprise. 'Drugs?'

  The old woman nodded, her face grave. 'It should have been stopped months ago I'm sick of telling the council about it but nobody seems bothered these days,' she shook her head sadly.

  'Do you have any idea where Donald could be?'

  She looked closely at Bannister and pursed her lips. 'If he finds out I've been talking to you he won't like it, I mean, his sort never do.'

  Lasser appeared in the doorway; the woman looked at him and smiled showing a gleaming set of dentures, Lasser beamed back.

  'Yes well, you don't need to worry about him coming back here, love.'

  'So, it's serious this time?' she asked with a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

  'About as serious as it can get,' Bannister replied.

  The old woman paused for a moment in thought. 'Well, you could try Beth's house.'

  Bannister frowned. 'I'm sorry?'

  'She used to be his girlfriend but they haven't been together for a few months now.'

  'Do you know where she lives?'

  'Number six Taunton Avenue, I only know because I sent one of her little lads a card for his birthday, he's such a sweet thing, not like his father.'

  Lasser moved onto the balcony. 'Donny's the father?'

  'I told her she needed to get away from him because if she didn't then social services would get involved and her kids could have been taken away.'

  'She listened to you then?' Lasser asked.

  'Eventually, and now she's met a nice young man and lost all that weight...'

  'Six Taunton you said?'

  The woman frowned at the interruption. 'That's right.'

  'Come on, Lasser,' Bannister spun away and began to hurry along the balcony, the woman glared after him.

  Lasser patted her arm. 'Thanks for your help it's much appreciated.'

  She looked up and smiled. 'Well, I'm glad someone thinks so.'


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