Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3)

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Club Thrive: Agenda (The Club Thrive Series Book 3) Page 16

by Alison Mello

  “Thanks, Cooper.” He pats me on the leg and stands to leave.

  “I have to get back to work, but I’ll check in a little later today. You should get some sleep. You look like shit,” he says with a bit of laughter in his voice. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Yeah, thanks, I’ll think about it.” I slip my chair a bit closer to the bed. I take her hand in mine. “Miranda, baby, please wake up. I love you and our baby so much. I need to see those beautiful eyes of yours and show you how much I love you.” I continue talking to her, telling her how everyone is working on figuring out who did this to her when I swear I feel her fingers move in my hand. A smile spreads across my face, and it’s at that moment when my gut tells me she’s going to make it. “Come on, baby, squeeze my hand,” I encourage her.

  “Let the girl rest,” Logan says, walking in with more coffee and food. He looks over to the table and says, “Oh, you have coffee.”

  “Yeah, Cooper brought it. He came to tell me they couldn’t get anything from the cameras, but they believe the cars were stolen.”

  “That sucks,” he puts my coffee and the bag of food down on the table. “What’s your plan?” he asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you need to get out of here for a bit. Get some sleep, maybe take a shower.”

  I’m shocked. “I’m not going anywhere until Miranda wakes up. The doctor said she could wake up as early as today. The swelling has already gone down a bit.” He starts to protest. “Stop. Would you leave if that was Skyler lying in that bed, carrying your baby?”

  “Fair point. What can I do to help?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know, man. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. I close my eyes and all I see is two men coming after her, and I think the part that pisses me off the most is the reason for all of this is so stupid.”

  “I agree, but I’m willing to bet there’s more going on in that club than stripping, and he’s pissed because it’s not only hurting the stripping side of the business, but whatever else he has going on too.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Logan takes a seat next to me. “Rumor has it he’s selling drugs out of the club. Heavy shit. If he’s not getting bodies in there, then there’s no one to buy.”

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “Yeah, from what I heard, you can get anything you want from him.” Logan shakes his head. “I mentioned it to Cooper, but he said nothing. I think he knows and has been trying to bust him but hasn’t been able to.”

  “What do we do?” I ask.

  “We wait,” he states plainly, like it’s most common sense thing.

  “What about Halloween? Did you do the masks on purpose?”

  “No, that was Sky and Clay. I spoke to Sky about it, and she says that he’s being a dick because they only did it during one routine. They came up with this hot Fifty Shades routine. Two of the girls wore silver masks like Ana does in the second book. They ripped each other’s clothes off.” He grins. “She said it was a big hit. Everyone loved it.”

  “I bet they did. How did he get in?”

  “The fucking rookie was at the door. He said it was really busy and he didn’t realize it was him. I’m keeping an eye on him and I’ll be questioning some of the other bouncers to see if the kid was acting shady at all. I’ve printed both Benny and Higgins’ pictures and I’ve told him and everyone else that those bastards are not allowed in my club.” He’s so pissed his voice rises as he finishes his sentence.

  “Is it possible he works for him? I mean, maybe he applied to help Benny and the guys get in, or to report to Higgins what was going on in our club.”

  Logan stands. “Anything is possible in this business. I just have to keep a close eye out, and until this is resolved, your focus is on you guys.” He gives me a stern look.

  “What do we do now?” I ask, wanting to find this guy and punch his face in.

  “There’s nothing we can do right now. We have to give Cooper some time. Let’s focus on Miranda and keeping you guys safe.”

  I look at the door and see two guards standing outside. “We look pretty safe to me,” I motion to the door in frustration, besides, he can’t be serious. My girl is laying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of her and he wants me to wait for Cooper. I give him a look of shock.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and you need to stop. Going after this guy may make you feel better, but it isn’t going to help Miranda or the baby. They need you, and you need be here for her when she wakes.”

  “I feel so helpless just sitting here waiting for her to wake up.”

  “I know, but it’s the only thing you need to worry about doing right now.” I run my hands through my hair for like the millionth time today. I swear I’m going to end up bald by the time this is over. “Listen, Sky is going to be by later with dinner. For now, try to take it easy. Hopefully, she won’t be in here too long and we need to work on making sure things are good when you guys get home.”

  “Things won’t be good until these guys are caught, and you know it.”

  There’s a knock at the door and some flowers are delivered. I sign for them and read the card. They’re from her boss, Tanya. That poor woman called me so upset yesterday. She feels like this is her fault, and no matter how much I tell her it’s not, she won’t listen. She said she was coming by to see her as soon as she wakes. I told her that was fine, and promised to keep her up to date. The bouquet is a really nice mix of flowers and colors. I’m sure they will make her smile when she wakes.

  Sky finally arrives with food and it smells so good. She picked up Chinese food on her way here and I can’t wait to dig in. I’ve eaten next to nothing. I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for bringing food. I haven’t really eaten much.”

  “No problem. How is she?”

  I puff out my cheeks exhaling a deep breath. “She hasn’t woken yet.” Logan kisses her on the temple and then helps her take food out of the bags. “Sky, there is a ton of food here.” I can’t believe how much she brought.

  “Shane and Katie are on their way,” she says.

  “Correction, Shane and Katie are here.” Katie walks into the room, heading straight to Miranda. “Hey, my friend. It’s time to wake up. I’m worried about you.” She combs Miranda’s hair off her face with her fingers. “I take it she hasn’t woken yet?” Katie says, still looking at Miranda.

  “Nah, I swear I felt her move her fingers earlier, but that’s about it.”

  “We’re here when you’re ready,” Katie tells Miranda. She takes a seat next to Shane and we all dig into the delicious Chinese food Sky brought.

  “Do you want to run home to freshen up while we’re here?” Shane asks.

  “Don’t go there, I already tried.” Logan rolls his eyes.

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing I brought you some stuff then, huh?” Shane shows me the bag he’s packed for me. “I packed you a few changes of clothes and some hygiene stuff.”

  “Dude, you’re the best.” I fist bump him.

  “I got your back, and Jonah wanted me to tell you not to stress about the club. He’ll take care of your bouncers until Miranda is out of here and you can get back to work. He’s actually calling them all as we speak to make sure they know to call him for anything instead of you.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  We’re cleaning up from our dinner when Miranda starts to moan in her sleep. I instantly hit the call button for the nurse, and three of them come running in a minute later. “She’s moaning in her sleep. Is she in pain?”

  “She could be, and believe it or not, that’s a good sign. It means she’s starting to come around.” One nurse is writing on her chart while the other is checking her vitals, and the third is checking her IV. “All looks good. I’ll get her something for the pain, and hopefully she’ll wake fully soon.”

  “I hope so. It’s already been well over twenty-four hours.” I stare at my beautiful girl.

  “I’ve se
en it take days.” The nurse pats my shoulder before she leaves to grab some pain medication. She comes back a minute later with a syringe to inject the liquid into her IV. When she finishes she asks me, “Will you be staying by her side all night?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I’ll see if I can’t get you a cot or at least a reclining chair.”

  “Thank you.” I give her a tight smile and she exits the room. I rub Miranda’s head and she quiets back down. Everyone gets settled, hoping she’ll wake before they kick them out. The room is quiet, Sky and Katie are looking at wedding magazines that they brought for Miranda. Logan is working from his phone, and Shane is playing a game. I continue to sit by Miranda’s side, holding her hand and watching her sleep. It’s been a little over an hour since the nurse gave her the pain medication and she hasn’t moved since.

  “I’m going to change while you guys are still here.” I grab the bag Shane packed me and head into our private bathroom. Digging through, I find a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, so I quickly freshen up and get back out. I don’t want her to wake and I’m not there.

  When I’m done, I find everyone in the exact same place they were in when I stepped away. My eyes are getting heavy and I can’t stop yawning. “Guy, you’re exhausted,” Logan insists. “How much sleep did you get last night?” he questions.

  “Enough.” I grin, knowing full well I’m being a stubborn fool.

  “Yeah, I bet.” I yawn again because I really didn’t sleep much at all. “Okay, everyone, let’s get out of here. Stone needs to get some sleep, or when Miranda finally does wake up, he’s going to be passed out.”

  I thank them all and they leave with my promise to call them as soon as there are changes.


  I can hear grumbling and moaning but I can’t figure out what it is or where it’s coming from, but then I remember I’m at the hospital. I sit up, stretching the kink out of my neck. Miranda is groaning and moaning in her sleep. A tear runs down her cheek. Jumping up from my chair, I take her hand in mine. “Shh, baby. I’m here. You’re okay.” I run my fingers through her hair.

  Her eyes shoot open and there is panic in her face. Her heart rate is beating a million miles an hour like she just ran a marathon. A doctor and some nurses come running into the room. “Ms. Stevens, nod if you can hear me.” I stand back from the bed, watching them work. She nods her head and he quickly responds. “Okay, listen to me. You’re in the hospital, and we had to put a tube down your throat. I’m going to remove it now, but I need you to remain calm,” he tells her in a gentle voice. She nods her head again and he begins the process of removing the tube. She gags as it exits her throat and then she takes some deep breaths. “Okay, now please try to stay calm. Are you in pain?” She nods.

  “My arm,” she whispers, her voice raspy. Her eyes go wide when she looks down at her arm to point to the pain and she sees the cast.

  “You broke your arm in the accident,” the doctor explains. “I’ll get you something for the pain.” She nods again.

  As soon as the doctor leaves, I step up to the side of her bed. “Oh baby, thank god you’re awake. Do you remember anything?” She shakes her head and a tear slips down her cheek. “That’s fine, baby. Don’t worry about a thing, okay?” She nods at me, but I can see she’s sad. “Hey, it’s okay.”

  “Was it Higgins?” she asks in barely a whisper.

  “We don’t know yet, but I assume it was his guys. Don’t you worry though, because we will catch him, and until then, I’m not leaving your side.” I kiss her forehead. She nods her head, her eyes heavy from the medication the doctors gave her. “Sleep, baby, and I’ll be here when you wake.” Her eyes close, and in minutes she’s sleeping peacefully. I grab my phone and begin sending text messages to everyone, letting them know that she’s woken and they can see her in the morning.

  Chapter 20


  I start to stretch when pain shoots through my body, reminding me of my injuries. I can hear Stone snoring lightly, sound asleep in a reclining chair by my bed. I chuckle, knowing my man is completely exhausted, because that’s the only time he ever snores. I try again to stretch, my body stiff from the position I’ve been in, but it’s no use. Everything aches when I move too much. I sigh, taking advantage of the quiet. I try to remember what happened, but I don’t remember much and it frustrates me. I remember my meeting and planning lunch with Katie, but after that, nothing. I woke here yesterday to a panicked look on Stone’s face when the doctor and nurses came running in, and even then I wasn’t awake long.

  I glance around the room, trying to get an idea on what time it is, but I can’t see the clock. I do notice the sun isn’t fully up yet, so it must be pretty early still. I smile at all the flowers lining my window. They are beautiful. I’ll have to ask Stone to show me all the cards when he wakes up.

  A yawn escapes me. I’m still so tired but I can’t get comfortable. Looking down at my body, I note my left arm is in a cast from my forearm to just below my shoulder. I try to move it, but it’s a bad idea, pain shoots through my arm, causing me to wince. I find the remote by my right arm and press the button with a picture of a nurse on it, and then close my eyes, trying to focus on something other than the pain.

  “Ah, Ms. Stevens, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m in a little pain,” I whisper, not wanting to wake Stone.

  “I’m sure you are. You’re due for some medication. You relax and I’ll be right back with it.” I nod my head. I’m not sure why, but that’s the moment I remember that I am or was pregnant. I’m afraid to ask. A tear escapes me as my mind starts to whirl with the thought of losing our baby. “Ms. Stevens, are you okay?”

  “Tell me,” I demand, my voice just above a whisper.

  “Tell you what?” She has a look of confusion on her face.

  “Did I lose it?” She’s puzzled, but I can’t bring myself to ask. I want to know but I don’t. I’m scared. I continue to stare at her like she can read the question I’m trying to ask just from the look on my face. She picks up my chart and begins to read it over. Her expression changes. She places the clipboard back at the foot of my bad.

  A smile spreads across her face as she comes to my side. “No, dear. You haven’t lost the baby.” I smile. “I have to tell you that you’re not out of the woods yet, but every day that the baby hangs on, your chances improve.”

  “Thank you.” I begin to cry. “Thank you so much,” I repeat, closing my eyes and saying a silent prayer that our baby stays healthy and strong. The nurse comes back a few moments later with my medication, and it’s enough to settle me and put me back to sleep.

  “What do you want from me?” I scream at him. He’s standing there staring at me, but won’t talk to me. He’s panting and sweating, it makes my stomach turn. “What did you do to him?” I question and he just laughs at me.

  “I told him you would be mine and now you are. All I had to do was take him out of the picture. It really wasn’t hard. After I got to you, his defenses were down. He got messy and stopped paying attention to his own safety.”

  “You bastard,” I scream, tears running down my face. My hands instantly go to my belly, as I think about our baby. Our wonderful baby who survived my injuries but will now grow up without his father.

  “Don’t worry. I know all about the baby and I’m fine adopting him and taking care of him like he’s mine.”

  “Fuck you! I won’t allow you to be anything to my baby.”

  He steps closer and that’s when I notice the blood on his hands. I instantly take a step back for every step he takes toward me, but I bump into the wall. He slips his bloody hand into my hair and leans in close. “You’ll change your mind or I’ll kill you and your precious baby.”

  My eyes fly open as I flinch from the pain radiating through my body as I try to sit up in bed.

  “What is it, baby?” Stone’s voice is laced with concern.

  He gently presses his hand to my cheek
and forces me to look at him. “Nightmare,” I pant, trying to slow my breathing.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks, but I can’t bring myself to talk about it. I quickly shake my head no.

  “Please be careful and take security with you.” I look at him, hoping he can see the fear in my eyes.

  “I take it your nightmare was about losing me?” I nod my head. He leans in and kisses me on the forehead. “I know you’re scared, but I promise you I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Please just promise me,” I beg him.

  He gives me a tight smile. “I promise, now tell me, how are you feeling? You have quite a few people who want to visit you today.”

  “Good. I noticed all my flowers. Apparently, I have a lot of people to thank.”

  “You do. There are some from Tanya, Katie and Shane, Sky, Lila, and Kara sent you a bear.” He nods toward the window where he has lined them all up for me.

  There’s a knock at the door, and when we look over, Cooper steps in. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. Come on in.” I try to plaster a smile on my face, but I’m nervous to see him since I can’t really remember much.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks, placing two coffees on my sliding table…one for me and one for Stone.

  “Thank you. I’m tired and sore.” I give him a tight smile.

  “You’re welcome. Can we talk?” His voice is calm and gentle. I’ve known Mr. Cooper for a few years now. He’s my best friend’s father, and he’s always welcomed me into his home. He’s staring at me, his eyes full of sympathy, and although I haven’t responded, he encourages me. “Start with telling me about your morning. I want to go through your entire day. It may help you remember something.”

  “My morning was normal. Security followed me to work, and then went back home to be there for Stone if he needed them, and they were going to come back for me at the end of the day.” I stop to think about my morning. “We had a meeting.” I rub my fingers into my hair and narrow my eyes, trying to come up with all the details.


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