Smokin' (The Hot Boys Series Book 1)

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Smokin' (The Hot Boys Series Book 1) Page 8

by Olivia Rush

  She squinted, thinking hard. “One of them had a long scar on his face, like a big, curving hook of a scar that started at his jaw here…,” she placed her fingertip at the midway point on her jaw between her ear and her chin, “…and went all the way up to here.”

  She slowly moved her fingertip along her face in a curving swoop, ending right at the beginning of her scalp.

  “These sound like some guys that I saw at the scene of the other fire,” I said. “Scar and everything.”

  The officers thought the matter over for a second.

  “Well,” said Collins. “I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but these fires are starting to look like a pattern. And if the same three men were at the scene of both…it’s starting to look a little too coincidental for my liking.”

  “But we’re just speculating at this point,” said Paulson. “For now, we need to know what’s going on with you, miss. You have family in town? Friends to stay with? Anything like that?”

  “Family’s all back in the Midwest,” she said. “But I can get my insurance on the line, see if they can cover my hotel or something.”

  “I’ll see to it that she makes proper arrangements,” I said to the officers.

  They finished up by leaving their information with Chloe, instructing her to be in contact if she happened to think of anything else that might help in their investigation. Soon they were gone, and it was just me and Chloe.

  “You’ve got someplace to stay?” I asked.

  “Not really,” she said. “No family in town, and all of my friends are teachers who either live with roommates or have such tiny apartments that there’d be nowhere for me to stay but hanging in the closet or something.”

  “Then you can stay with me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “‘Stay with you’?” she asked. “Are you serious?”

  “Serious as it gets,” I said. “I’ve got more than enough space, and I don’t like the idea of a woman like you not knowing where she’s going to be staying. Especially if those guys remember your face. Once they hear that a possible witness survived, then… it might not be a good scene.”

  “Thanks,” she said, sitting up and pushing the breathing equipment away. “But I don’t need a big strong man to look after me. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”

  With that, she plopped her feet on the floor and stood up straight as a spear. A proud expression formed on her face for a moment before wracking coughs burst from her lungs, causing her to curl up like a question mark.

  Once the coughing fit was over, she turned to me with a red face, her eyes watery with tears.

  “How about this,” I said. “You stay in my spare bedroom tonight, and if you’re still feeling all independent in the morning, you can stay at my apartment as long as it takes for you to get your next step planned out. Sound good?”

  She stood for a moment without saying anything, her hands on her knees, as though she was expecting another coughing fit to break out at any second. She took a long, slow breath.

  “OK,” she said. “But just for tonight.”

  I nodded, and that was that. One of the doctors stopped in to check on her, and Chloe let her know of the new plans. The doctor seemed a little hesitant to let Chloe out so soon, but I let her know that I’d be making sure she was taken care of. The doctor was pleased with this response. Then a look of realization appeared on her face before she asked me if I was the fireman from the video online. I confirmed, and she seemed more than happy with that.

  “Well,” she said. “I think this young lady could be in far worse hands than yours, Mr. Stokes.”

  She gave me a wink, then headed out.

  “Want to bring her over too?” asked Chloe. “I’ve lived in dorms. I’m used to ignoring loud sex through the walls.”

  I snort-laughed. “Not really my type,” I said.

  Chloe, on the other hand…

  I put these thoughts out of my head as quickly as I could. Tonight was about making sure she was in good hands, not about anything else.

  Once Chloe was good to go, we headed out to my car.

  “Nice ride,” she said, looking over my cobalt blue convertible, an approving tone to her voice.

  “I’ll keep the top down,” I said. “The fresh air will do you some good.”

  Moments later we were on the road, making our way through the streets of Brooklyn. The towers of Manhattan were illuminated in their usual evening splendor, their slim tall forms poking through the space between the buildings we passed, the East River reflecting their light.

  Soon we arrived at my place. Once we parked, I hurried over to Chloe’s side, opened the door, and extended my hand for her to take it. She regarded it with a quizzical expression.

  “You know I’m not a little old lady visiting from a nursing home, right?” she asked.

  She planted her feet on the sidewalk and stood up. Another proud expression, but this time no coughing. I couldn’t help but like Chloe’s independent nature. She liked to do things on her own.

  “Thank you though, but see?” she said, sticking her arms out. “Good as new.”

  “Let’s see if you can make it up the stairs before I write you a clean bill of health.”

  We entered the building, one of the converted loft apartments so common in Williamsburg. I was on the second floor, so I stood by as Chloe made her way up the stairs. Sure enough, she managed the climb. I was more than a little relieved—smoke could do some serious, long-lasting damage, and a shudder shot up my spine as I thought about what might’ve happened if I’d shown up just a little later.

  I opened the door to my apartment, revealing a spacious loft with brick walls, high ceilings, a recessed floor, and three large, factory windows that allowed for a pretty damn nice view of the city, if I did say so myself.

  “Damn,” she said. “I guess I didn’t really… have a look around last time. Nice pad.”

  I laughed. “To be fair, it was dark out, and we were busy. But yeah, I love it. Got it before Williamsburg turned into a hipster mecca,” I said. “Been here ever since.”

  I showed her around as we walked to the spare bedroom where she’d be staying.

  “Listen,” she said. “I really need a stiff drink after the night, I mean, day I’ve had. You got anything?”

  “Sure do,” I said. “Come with me.”

  We went back to the living room, and I directed her toward the L-shaped leather couch in the middle of the room.

  “Just some vodka on ice is fine,” she said, stepping closer to one of the windows.

  I poured two drinks, the glasses cool in my hand. Chloe stood in front of the middle window, her slender frame backlit by the evening city beyond. For a long moment I was struck by how goddamn gorgeous she was, her hair hanging loosely on her shoulders, her hand on her delicate chin.

  “Thanks,” she said as I handed her the drink.

  Then she raised her glass.

  “To spending my evening in a nice apartment with a brave man, instead of in the morgue, I suppose.”

  A playful smile curled her lips, and I couldn’t help but laugh. We tapped the rims of the drink and took our sips.

  “Seriously, though,” she said after bringing her booze down in a soft swallow. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did tonight. You…saved my life.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but she held up a finger to stop me.

  “And don’t you say that it’s all part of the job, or just your duty, or anything else like that. You’re one of the bravest men I’ve ever met.”

  She was right—that was exactly what I was going to say.

  “I’ve known you for a few days, and you’ve already saved three lives, one being my own. So, thanks.”

  She slowly brought the drink to her lips, her soft green eyes on me all the while. After a sip, she dragged her tongue slowly over her wet lips, bringing the vodka that coated them into her mouth. I wanted to speak, but I couldn’t find anythin
g to say.

  But there was something I wanted to do. I’d told myself that I wanted to be professional, but with a beautiful girl like that standing in front of me, I just couldn’t resist.

  I leaned in and put my hand on the small of her back, pulling her in close. Then, before she could realize what was happening, I kissed her hard.



  Chloe fell wordlessly into the kiss. She pressed her body against mine, not resisting in the slightest. I understood instantly that we were of the same mind about what I was doing. Our kisses were polite at first, closed-mouth and soft. I felt my cock stiffen with each beat of my heart, and soon it was so thick and solid that it was almost painful the way it strained against my work pants.

  I’d have to do something about that.

  Chloe and I set down our drinks and clamped our hands down on one another’s bodies. I moved my touch over her soft, supple curves, ending with my hands on her shapely hips. I didn’t want to admit it, but I’d been thinking almost nonstop about the body that I was now holding.

  My hands slipped under her shirt and onto her warm, soft skin. The tips of my fingers traveled upward as we kissed. Our mouths opened at the same time, our tongues colliding, her sweet taste flooding my senses. It was almost too much to handle—I felt some kind of inner, primal lust boiling inside of me, becoming more and more intense by the moment. Chloe made me feel like I was losing control like no other woman had before.

  However eager I was to see her body, Chloe seemed even more enthusiastic. She quickly yanked my shirt untucked and shoved her hands up it, her fingertips tracing the outlines of my abs, one by one. A soft exhalation left her mouth. She seemed to be very pleased with what she found.

  “You’re really the full-service kind of fireman,” she said, taking her lips from mine for a brief moment. “First you save my life, then you…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Then I what?” I asked, my tone low.

  “Then…well, just what did you have in mind?” she asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

  I leaned in and kissed her along the slope of her neck, the skin becoming cockled with goose bumps at my touch.

  “I don’t know about you,” she said. “But I’ve got some ideas.”

  “I want to hear you say it,” I said. “I want to you tell me what you want.”

  She brought in another deep breath, her hands moving slowly over the thick skin of my back.

  “I…want you to fuck me,” she moaned. “I want you to give it to me so goddamn hard I can barely stand it.”

  I didn’t think it was possible for my cock to get any harder than it had been, but Chloe’s words set a new record. My cock stiffened so much that it felt like a solid piece of steel in my pants. Between what she said, how she felt, and how she tasted, I didn’t know how much longer I could keep in control.

  But maybe losing control is just what she wanted.

  Our lips locked again, her sweet flavor filling my mouth once more. I took the hem of her shirt into my hands and pulled it up and over her body. Chloe did the same, pulling her mouth away from mine just long enough to take in the sight of my sculpted, tanned body. She placed her hands on the taut squares of my pecs, a naughty smile pulling up one side of her luscious mouth.

  The rest of the clothes quickly followed. I kicked off my boots, and she stepped out of her flats, then we both set to work getting one another out of our pants. Within seconds the two of us were down to our underwear, me in a pair of coal-black boxer-briefs that clung tightly to my ropy, bulging leg muscles—not to mention my massive erection—and she in a simple black thong and matching bra.

  Her touch went right to my cock, stroking me through the thin fabric of my shorts. Chloe wasn’t content with just this, however. She slipped her thumbs under the waistband and yanked the underwear down my legs and to my ankles, dropping to her knees as she pulled them out from under my feet.

  And she didn’t come back up. She was now face-to-face with my throbbing, dripping cock.

  “You have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this,” she said, glancing up at me with smiling eyes as she wrapped her slender fingers around my length.

  “And what have you been thinking about doing with it?” I asked, my words coming out in a low growl.

  “Hmm,” she said, looking away for a moment. “I think it’d be better if I just showed you.”

  She didn’t need to talk me into it. Chloe continued to stroke me, moving her wrapped fingers up and down the long length of my cock. I watched her work her jaw, clearly preparing to take all of me into her. Then, she opened her mouth, moved closer, and wrapped her lips around my head.

  The warm wetness of her mouth almost made me collapse right then and there. With my head in her mouth, she flicked her tongue a few times, licking up the bit of cum at the end of my cock before slowly dragging it around the contours of my dick. She paid special attention to this most sensitive part of my cock, kissing, licking, and sucking it, the sounds of her mouth working to fill the still air of the apartment.

  Once she’d given my head proper attention, Chloe formed a tight seal around me and moved slowly down my length, taking inch after inch into her willing mouth. I placed my hand on the back of her head, guiding her down carefully. Soon, she had all of me in her mouth. Her eyes flicked up at me with that naughty expression one more time. The sight of her on her knees in front of me, my cock buried in her mouth, her slender, ripe body in nothing but a thong and bra… It almost made me come right then and there.

  But I wasn’t ready to be done so soon—I had plenty more in mind for Miss Parker.

  I watched her bob up and down on my cock for a while, coaxing more and more pleasure out of me with her killer oral skills. Soon, however, I was ready to return the favor. I needed to be inside of her, and not just in her mouth.

  I kneeled down and brought Chloe to her feet. She wiped the saliva off her smile and gazed at me with sensual, expectant eyes. I placed my right hand on her hip and moved it down slowly, working it under her thong. Then, with a quick jerk, I ripped the fabric effortlessly and took her panties in my hand, a surprised gasp escaping her mouth as I did.

  With a toss, I got rid of the thong. Next, I undid the clasp of her bra, exposing Chloe’s heavy, perfectly shaped breasts. Without even thinking I leaned in and took her hard, pink nipples into my mouth, first one, and then the other. Chloe moaned with pleasure as I sucked on her tits, her hands moving over my hair.

  “OK,” she said, her voice breathy. “I need you to fuck me. Right now, please.”

  “Happy to oblige,” I said.

  I wrapped her legs up in my arms and carried her over to the waist-high ledge in front of the middle window. Once there, I set her down, my cock perfectly aligned with her soaking wet pussy. Chloe put her legs around me, pulling me close.

  My cock now in my hand, I rubbed the opening of her pussy with the head, feeling just how wet she was. Plaintive moans trickled from her as I prepared to enter her, and I wasn’t going to keep her waiting any longer. I pushed my cock into her just a bit, then with a slow thrust of my hips, entered her fully.

  “Oh my god,” she moaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  I took it that she meant she liked it.

  I held fast for a few moments once I was buried to the hilt. With a quick glance down, I took in the sight of Chloe’s legs spread open, my cock shoved into her just as far as it would go. Then, putting my hand back on her hips and holding her into place, I began to fuck her hard.

  The sounds of my hips crashing into hers, that soft sound of flesh on flesh, filled the space. I drove into Chloe again and again, filling her up with my long, thick dick. I couldn’t help but think about how her pussy felt like smooth silk wrapped around me.

  Chloe’s hair whipped wildly around her head as I pounded her, shrieks and moans shooting from her mouth. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders. She held me close and tight. I watched as her lovely tits bounced in perfect time with my th
rusts. Removing one hand from her hips, I took one of her tits into my hand and firmly squeezed the flesh, the feeling beyond compare.

  “Ah, I’m gonna… I’m gonna,” she moaned as I continued to plow into her at a steady, driving pace.

  “You’re gonna what?” I asked. “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I’m…gonna come so fucking hard!”

  And that was all it took. Chloe’s pussy tightened as she came, gripping my cock. Her muscles constricted under my touch, and her face formed a taut expression of unbearable pleasure. More wild moans sounded out as her orgasm pulsed through her, and I felt her become even wetter.

  I’d reached my limit of just how much I could bear. I soon passed the point of no return, and just as I realized my own orgasm was inevitable, I was in the middle of it.

  “Come inside me, Ethan,” she cried. “Please!”

  I let out a long grunt, my body shuddering as I drained my cock into her. The orgasm shot down the length of my dick, a throbbing ecstasy taking hold. Explosion after explosion went off, each one of them signifying a new pulse of my orgasm.

  With one last shove of my cock, I finished. Chloe’s body went slack, her head falling onto my shoulder as the last traces of orgasm left our bodies. I put my hand on her back, feeling her chest rise and fall with each breath. I held her like this for a long time with the moon hanging overhead, bathing her body in a ghostly silver glow.



  I woke up that next morning feeling like a new woman. I wasn’t quite sure why—after all, I’d had a near-death experience the evening before. Maybe it was the sex—who knows. But I knew one thing for sure—I didn’t want to spend the day lounging around Ethan’s apartment when I could be back at work.

  I glanced over to the other side of Ethan’s bed and noticed right away that he wasn’t there. The fabric was cool, meaning he’d been gone for some time. A small note on the nightstand caught my attention.


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