What We're Meant to Be

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What We're Meant to Be Page 13

by P Nelson

  “No thanks needed. I recognise talent and drive.” Flynn took a deep breath. “As I was saying the local clubs are not holding much appeal for me, and I have some serious questions over the safety of playing at any of them. I think many of us have been very lucky our BDSM lives haven’t been outed before this.” A light switched on in Linkin’s brain. He had a very good idea where this conversation was heading, and he wanted to be a part of it. Keeping his silence, Linkin nodded in agreement.

  “I’m going to open a club.” A smile played around Flynn’s normally frowning mouth. In fact, Linkin flipped through the images he had of Flynn in his head and wondered if he had ever seen this expression. “A very exclusive, very expensive club where I have final control of the member roster.”

  “An excellent idea, Mr Banroch.” Linkin went over everything such a club would need in terms of security. “The clubs in town are getting far too full of curious tourists. Not that it’s a crime to want to explore the BDSM world.” He frowned. “We have had an incident with our sub and her former Dom.”

  “The altercation at The Feather Flogger with Delaney,” Flynn supplied. Linkin wasn’t surprised Flynn was aware of Martin’s and his new sub, or that he knew of the incident at The Feather Flogger. He paid enormous amounts of money to keep informed about everything that happened in his domain. Linkin realised the BDSM world in Vancouver was very much a part of that. If he had the same resources, well, the BDSM world in Vancouver would be different.

  “Yes. My partner and I were very disturbed at how this asshole pretending to be a Dom could infiltrate Delaney’s life so quickly. She’s an experienced sub, and still she somehow got entangled with this asshole.”

  “The community may be small, but there are predators lurking in the shadows, and not all of them take the form of a dominant.” Flynn’s face flickered with an emotion Linkin couldn’t read before he continued, “I will need your expertise on setting up the physical security and the cyber security. The Cage will be a place where Doms and subs can play with complete confidence in the discretion of the other members.”

  “I would be more than happy to participate in this endeavour with you.” Linkin thought about playing in a private club where he could fuck Delaney and Martin in public. His dick stirred at the idea. Delaney had marked public scenes as a soft limit until they played together more, but he was hoping Martin and he could work her from a public spanking to much, much more. She would be safe at a place like Flynn was describing. All his dominant instincts approved.

  “Good. I own an old warehouse down in south Vancouver that has stood empty for a while. I’ll give you the address, and my assistant can get you the details on how to get inside.” Flynn stood up from the table. “You and I are going to create a safe space for kinksters in Vancouver.” He held out his hand. Linkin had stood up along with Flynn. Taking the other man’s hand in a firm grip. “This is a good idea, Mr Banroch. I’ll try and drop by the warehouse in the next couple of days.” He wasn’t sure when exactly. Flynn had been right when he said the manpower at the security firm was thin. A few projects were finishing in the next few weeks, and he had more than enough cash flow to hire more men, if necessary. There was always an abundance of talented ex-servicemen who needed jobs after leaving the military.

  “Send me through a proposal for The Cage.” Flynn moved around the glass table to leave the conference room. “And everything on updating the Banroch cyber security for the States looks good. I think we should focus on Europe next.”

  “No problem. I already have a plan in mind.” Linkin watched as the other man left the room, and the air suddenly felt lighter. It was always the case when he was in a confined space with another man he recognised as a predator. Flynn might not have killed anyone, but he had taken down his share of prey in the past. It was the nature of the job, and Linkin’s own instinct was to treat him with caution.

  Gathering up the rest of the files and papers, Linkin stored what he needed to take back to the office in his black leather case and strapped it to his back. The papers for Flynn he took with him and handed off to Flynn’s administrative assistant. She was in her late fifties and painfully correct. A natural sub if Linkin had to judge, and he did on a constant basis.

  She handed him a set of keys and a paper with an alarm code written on it. Not that it needed the alarm code. He could break into anything with a keypad. He thanked the unused sub, and she blushed. The sub inside her was practically begging to come out and play. Unfortunately, for her Linkin had a sub. One he was determined to keep forever. Saturday night had been a powerful exchange between the three of them, even more potent than the night before, and Linkin wasn’t afraid to admit he wanted more from Delaney and Martin. In fact, he wanted Delaney to move in with them and become their full-time sub.

  Martin said Delaney needed time to adjust to her new contract with them. They were all overwhelmed right now by each other. He was being too cautious Linkin had argued all week. The house felt empty without Delaney. He didn’t bother to examine his need to have her in his life; he just accepted it.


  Martin stared at the spreadsheet in front of him and reached for his third cup of coffee this morning. He didn’t really need the caffeine, but the act of making and drinking a hot drink had a calming effect. And he really fucking needed something to calm him.

  Saturday night had been a revelation. He knew it would be after their brief scene on Friday night, but his world had rocked so hard Martin was sure his teeth still rattled. The three of them had spent a lazy Sunday afternoon indulging in all kinds of kinky play, getting to know one another. By the time Delaney insisted she had to leave, Linkin was arguing about why Delaney needed to stay another night with them, for her safety. She had been adamant, and Martin had barely divert a category five shit storm between the two of them.

  He loved Linkin. Knew there was more to the taciturn man who didn’t have a filter the first time they met through a mutual acquaintance. Linkin had still been serving, and had worked dangerous assignments all over the world. Martin had loved that his boyfriend was a secret agent of sorts. He still loved him, but there had always been room in his heart for more. When they discovered BDSM and realised they needed the power exchange with a sub, Martin understood it would be hard to find someone who would be willing to take them on.

  Linkin was hard to deal with as Delaney was discovering. She didn’t seem to mind Linkin’s caveman routine, but he wasn’t sure how long that would last. Martin felt as if he were walking on eggshells to make sure Linkin didn’t fuck up, and he wasn’t sure whether he might just screw everything up. Deep breath. Another sip of coffee. He was a Dom, and Doms were in control.

  A knock on the glass door of his office, and Martin looked up to see his secretary. He nodded him inside.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr Thompson, but a Robert Anderson is downstairs. He wants to speak with you.” Pierce looked at him for guidance. “You said you needed some quiet to look over the monthlies, but Mr Anderson is being very insistent even though he doesn’t have an appointment.” Pierce’s voice made it clear he disproved of the visitor messing with his boss’s schedule.

  “Send him up.” Martin rubbed a hand over his face after Pierce left the office. He had a very good idea about why the young man was here; he just didn’t understand it. Martin and Linkin were very careful how they interacted with their subs. They always maintained a united front. It was unfortunate some subs thought they could pull either of them away from the other. It just wasn’t possible. Linkin was a part of Martin. Now, Delaney was joining them. Pierce opened the glass door and ushered Robert inside with a frown. The younger man watched Martin’s expression.

  “Thank you, Pierce, this won’t take long.” Martin assured his assistant, a signal not to offer coffee or tea to his unwanted guest.

  “Yes, Mr Thompson.” He shook his head as he left. The whole front of Martin’s office as the head of corporate accounting at a large mining firm was glass. He
had a perfect view of his department, workers segregated into their cubicles, going over spreadsheets from the company’s vast business dealings. He could see out, and they could see in. Remaining silent while he waited for his opponent to show his hand was something he had learned from Linkin, and it came in handy now. Robert frowned at him, rubbed his palms over his jean-clad legs.

  “I’ve missed you.” The younger man finally blurted out. “I’m sorry for what happened. I will do anything for you to take me back. A full medical. Any grovelling punishments you can think up.” His eyes lit up at the word punishment, and Martin refrained from rubbing a hand over his face again. Robert had been a good sub but obviously unable to deal with Martin and Linkin if he had gone outside their relationship to look for affection. He suspected Robert was a pain slut, but had abandonment issues even with the contract in place.

  “Stop.” Martin didn’t move. He let the weight of authority in his voice convey his displeasure. He wasn’t going to lie to Robert and tell his former sub he had missed him. The truth was that neither Linkin nor he had mentioned Robert’s name once since the night of their broken contract. They both focused entirely on Delaney. Other than having to get full medicals, Robert’s cheating had served them an even better opportunity.

  “You knew the rules when we signed the contract.” There were certain things Martin and Linkin would allow in terms of negotiating the exact punishment or meaning behind some of the demands made in the contract; however, one rule was ironclad. “I believe you understood the clause that specifically stated you would only be fucked, licked, and sucked by Linkin and me. We never lied to you about the consequences that would happen if you were caught cheating.” Robert’s face fell, his voice stricken.

  “You’re the best Dom I ever had. I only cheated because I was lonely. You and Master Linkin have a relationship, and I wanted to have one with you, too,” Robert pouted. Pouting usually led to spankings. Begging led to sex.

  “Regardless, you broke the contract, and as you may have heard, we have a new sub.” Martin really wanted another drink of his coffee, but he held off. It was important to control his movements, his voice, and his intentions in this situation. “You know we never take more than one at a time.”

  “I don’t want to be Linkin’s sub. I want to be your sub.” Finally, he got to the real reason he came downtown this morning. Martin really wanted lunch. He forced his eyes away from the big clock hanging in the main room. “Besides you’re just playing around in a little pussy. You always go back to the dick.” Robert appeared very confident in his assessment of Martin’s sexual preferences. Since they were rather fluid, Martin could only stare in wonder.

  “Don’t presume to know other people’s sexual preferences better than them,” Martin admonished in a voice that cracked through his office. Robert immediately sat up in his chair. “Our new sub is none of your business, Robert. Face it, you fucked up, and now you have to pay the consequences. I hope this will teach you to make better decisions with your next Dom.”

  “Why are you being such an asshole?” Tears filled Robert’s eyes and would have been a turn on for Martin in the past, but his dick was curiously uninterested in the sub sitting before him.

  “I’ve always been an asshole,” Martin pointed out. “It’s a part of what makes me a good Dom. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt, but one of the things Linkin and I respect about the kink world is a contract. If either of us had broken the contract with you and you made it clear our relationship was over, we would not pursue you at your place of business.”

  “You don’t have to because you’ve got subs falling at your feet, hoping for a spanking.” Robert’s voice had risen to an unpleasant level, and Martin wondered whether he should call security. He hated it when subs became drama queens. However, Robert appeared to sober up after a minute. “I’m sorry I bothered you.” He stood up. “See you around.” Robert stepped to the door and opened it.

  “Be safe out there, sub.” Martin kept his voice low enough for only Robert to hear. The door of his office closed quietly, and he watched Pierce get up from his desk. The two men walked down the aisle towards the elevators.

  Martin had meant what he said. Robert had been a solid sub before his indiscretion, and the three of them had indulged in some pretty wild scenes. Nothing of the likes they were experiencing with Delaney on an emotional level but still good. He didn’t want to see any harm come to him. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for him in the future. His cell rang, and he peered at the foreign number. He almost dismissed it when a picture of Delaney came to mind. She might be calling from another number.


  Delaney wiped her tears from her face and took great big gulps of air. She shut her phone off and stared at the blank screen for a full minute. Her head was in chaos, and her skin felt dirty. The need to focus on something other than her life disintegrating around her became a priority. If she ignored the images and videos they would go away for at least a little while. Her ability to cope with the upcoming trauma felt severely depleted.

  Legs shaking under her weight, Delaney pushed her body up the wall until she was standing. Stowing her phone into one of the pockets of her apron, Delaney used her sleeves to scrub her face. It was going to be obvious she had been crying, but she could deflect. And one of the nice things about working at the shop was everyone minded their own business for the most part.

  Shoving everything that had just happened into a box marked never open, ever, in the back of her head. Delaney shoved the heavy back door open and looked down at the floor until she got back to her workbench. Right. Sunflowers. She did her best to get the mental picture of the flower arrangement back in her brain and started to work again.

  “Has something happened?” her boss asked, startling Delaney from her thoughts.

  “No, why do you ask?” Delaney’s voice was rough, and she sniffled. She felt tear tracks down her cheeks and swore inside her head. Her boss Nancy Rhodes was in her late sixties and had been working out of the same flower shop all her life. Delaney had worked at several shops before finally settling with Nancy.

  “You’re crying,” Nancy pointed out, and Delaney felt like an idiot. She was a no-nonsense woman Delaney admired very much. But there was no way in hell she would understand the predicament Delaney was facing right now. Hell, Delaney wasn’t even sure she knew what Nancy would say if she found out Delaney liked to get a spanking and to have two men fucking her at the same time.

  “I just need some time to process a bit of bad news I received earlier.” Delaney wiped her face again on her sleeves. “I’m sorry if I’m disturbing anyone.”

  “You’re not disturbing anyone, Laney. I’m just worried. Why don’t you tell me what happened.” She gave Delaney an encouraging smile. Horror infused her system at the thought of how that conversation might proceed.

  “Please give me some time to process.” Delaney willed her mouth into a smile. It wobbled and didn’t feel right, but at least she tried.

  “Fine, but you know if you need me or some time to yourself.” Nancy waved a hand airily. Unable to speak further, Delaney nodded at the other woman.

  “Actually, I need to go home.” In fact, Delaney didn’t want to go home, she wanted to go to her Masters. They would comfort her with just their presences. But she couldn’t face them with this. She had argued with Linkin about how she could handle Douchebag Rex. Clearly, he had been right about her former Dom’s escalating behaviour. She felt stupid as well as betrayed.

  “Take as much time as you need.” Nancy patted her arm and Delaney looked down at it stupidly.

  “We have two big weddings coming up.” Delaney’s throat ached with the need to let everything out, but she did her best to hold everything inside.

  “You’ll be back before the weekend.” Nancy smiled at her. “Now go on home and get into a nice hot bath.” Delaney decided against trying to force a false smile. She gave up after a minute and dropped her head as if it were too heavy for he
r shoulders.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it, Laney.” Nancy started to take over the flower arrangement on Delaney’s workbench. “The sin is knowing you need help and not asking for it.” She nodded her head before reaching under the bench for her purse and light jacket. Leaving through the back door, she walked to the employee car park. A quick fumble with her keys, and Delaney had the door open and slid inside.

  Locking the car doors, Delaney inserted the keys into the ignition. If Master Linkin or Master Martin knew she had driven in this state, her ass would get very warm indeed. Funny how the thought of her two sexy Doms punishing her didn’t appeal to her as much as it had only half an hour before.

  Damn Douchebag Rex for his shitty behaviour. He was going to ruin her relationship with her new Masters and the thought of losing them stabbed a place in her soul that had just opened. When the three of them were together, Delaney felt as if she was safe and loved. When she was with them, Delaney felt as if she could conquer anything.

  Delaney turned the key in the ignition and tried to compose herself to drive home. Thinking of the ways she was going to get her revenge on Rex helped. The thought of trying to explain everything that happened to Master Martin and Master Linkin made her heart race again. Would they be angry with her for not letting them take care of it? Or would they want to break the contract they had with her because she had caused a scandal.

  Most Doms didn’t like unwanted attention. In fairness, this was true of most subs. It was one of the reasons why anonymity was so important in the kink world. People could lose their jobs if they were outed. Would Delaney lose her job now? A fresh smattering of tears hit her cheeks. She needed to get home and lock her door to all the troubles following her.

  Chapter Twelve


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