What We're Meant to Be

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What We're Meant to Be Page 20

by P Nelson

  “Second, I don’t think the ice cream truck goes around this time of night so your SOL.” Janey’s voice sounded as if she had pressed her mouth into the receiver. “I want you to take some advice. Those boys love the shit out of you. I was there when Linkin got the call that asshole had taken you. He looked like he could have murdered half the people in the club with his bare hands to get you back. And if you think even-tempered Martin was any different you’re wrong.” She sighed loudly. “If even half a man was as devoted to me as they are to you, Delaney I would grab onto that half man and never let go.”

  Somewhere along the line, Delaney had started sniffling, and the tears that were never far from the surface began to bubble up. “I love them, too,” she wailed into the phone.

  “Then, stop being an idiot. Get off the phone with me and call them. Tell them you shouldn’t have walked out last week without resolving your shit.” Delaney heard a voice bark on the other end and Janey’s voice, but she wasn’t speaking with Delaney. “Fine ten smacks for swearing.” Something brushed along the mouthpiece. “I have to go. Apparently, I have a job to do. Get off the couch, stop eating ice cream, and talk to your Doms.” The line went dead, and Delaney slumped.

  Looking down into her empty ice cream carton, she frowned. Everything Janey had said was right, but it wasn’t as easy as just calling them. There was so much to say, and Delaney wasn’t even sure if they wanted to hear it. After all, they had been pretty silent on their side all week, too. When she dropped off Linkin’s SUV on Monday afternoon, she had hoped to catch him, but the men at his office said he was working on-site.

  She set the empty ice cream carton on the coffee table in front of the couch and threw the useless spoon inside. Curling up into a ball on one side of the couch, Delaney stared at her contacts list on her phone for a couple of minutes. They were supposed to call her and apologise for being cavemen Delaney reminded herself. But what if they don’t know they’re supposed to apologise because they’re crazy alpha Doms who think they control everyone’s lives a small voice questioned.

  The argument went around and around in her head a million times before she finally threw her phone to the opposite end of the couch, disgusted by her behaviour. She got up to throw her empty ice cream carton away when lights from a car flashed through the front windows for a second as someone drove into her driveway. Heart in her throat, Delaney walked slowly up to the window to identify the intruder.

  Even though her misadventure with Rex had amounted to little more than an inconvenience to her, Delaney still felt a prickle of nerves at the thought of what could have happened. She was certain she had spotted the guy who had come to her rescue a few times over the last week, but they had been there when Rex abducted her, so Delaney knew she wasn’t completely safe.

  As soon as the headlights turned off, Delaney recognised the familiar SUV. She watched as the figures stepped out of the black vehicle and started towards the door. A storm of emotions pulsed through her at the sight of her Doms coming to get her. Delaney knew they weren’t here to break their contract. They had finally come to collect her. Heart in her mouth and brain kicking into action, Delaney ran from her small living room into the hallway and threw open the front door. Martin and Linkin had just reached her porch as she flung herself at them blindly.

  Strong arms wrapped around her body. Two male bodies pressed against her. She had never felt so happy in her life. Only moments ago, she had despaired of ever feeling this way again, and now her Masters were here. The three of them stayed locked in an embrace for a few minutes before Linkin tugged on her and pulled her back through the door. Delaney stared up at them, drinking in the sight of their familiar faces.

  “I missed you.” The words sounded hoarse coming from her constricted throat. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did the other night. And I definitely shouldn’t have walked away.” It felt good to apologise. Delaney hadn’t realised just how much guilt she had been carrying around on her shoulders since she walked out on Martin.

  “No, I’m sorry, Delaney.” Martin’s steady dark gaze never left her face. “I pushed you too hard, too soon after such a traumatic event and expected you to agree. The only excuse I have is that I love you and the thought of losing you because I had been negligent made me crazy.” Delaney nodded and stepped forward, Martin gathered her into his arms. Resting her head against his chest, Delaney let go of all the fears and worries that had accumulated under her skin all week. There was no need to fear when these two men were in her life. She just had to let go and really trust them to do what’s best for her. It didn’t mean she never got to have a say in her own life, but she had to trust they would listen to her needs.

  Martin let go of her, and Delaney beamed up at him. “I’m so happy you came tonight. I wanted to reach out properly all week but didn’t know what to say.”

  “Thank Linkin. Apparently, he has more emotional depth than either of us realised.” Martin glanced at his boyfriend. Linkin had been watching the exchange with arms folded across his chest, standing with his feet braced apart looking very Dom-like to Delaney.

  “Do you want your punishment spanking here or back at the dungeon?” Linkin sounded casual to Delaney, but the hard set of his features meant he wasn’t joking around. Not that Linkin had much of a sense of humour.

  “Why am I being punished?” Delaney asked him, crossing her own arms over her chest defiantly. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “First, you used your safe word to get out of an argument you didn’t want to continue.” Linkin sounded as if he was warming up to his subject. “I’m not saying either of you were right, but you used a safety measure for our play to avoid dealing with an important subject.” Delaney couldn’t fault his reasoning, and her ass cheeks started to tingle at the thought of Linkin and Martin punishing her again.

  “Second, after a traumatising event, where you suffered a hit to your head hard enough to knock you unconscious, you simply walked out and drove away.” Linkin held up a hand when Delaney wanted to point out that Martin had let her go. “I know what you’re going to say, and he had no choice. Once you used your safe word, Martin only had one option: to let you go. Effectively, you put him in a position where either decision he made about your welfare and our continued relationship balances on respecting the rules set out in our contract or letting you endanger yourself. I want you to think about how that must have made him feel.”

  “I didn’t think.” The sub living inside of Delaney was cracking. She hadn’t really thought of the position she had put her Dom in. Looking up at Master Martin, she saw the forgiving man who had just apologised was gone, replaced by a Dom who meant business. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was faint even to her ears.

  “No, you didn’t think, and you endangered your life.” Linkin shook his head. “We’re not the kind of men who take this transgression lightly. Do you think you deserve punishment for how you behaved?”

  Martin had been an asshole trying to control her, but he had only her best interests at heart. All she had to do was explain how she felt, and they could have worked everything out. Instead, she behaved like a child, stomped her foot, and threw her safe word in his face.

  “Yes, I deserve a punishment., Delaney admitted miserably.

  “I’m happy you see it that way.” Linkin’s voice indicated he really did approve. “Now, I’ll ask you again, do you want your spanking here or would you like to wait until we get home to the dungeon?”

  Delaney thought about her options. On one hand, she wanted to get her punishment over with but didn’t fancy driving all the way to their house with a sore ass. “The dungeon, please, Master Linkin,” she replied.

  “Another good choice, little sub. Get your gear ready. You’re definitely spending the night and the one after that,” Linkin announced.

  “We know your schedule, little sub.” Martin smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “The three of us need to spend some quality time together, gettin
g reacquainted with each other’s needs.” The way Master Martin said the last part made Delaney’s heart skip a beat and flutters start in her lower belly. Two nights locked away in a private dungeon sounded like what she needed to put all this ugliness behind her.


  The ride back to their house was quiet. Martin had wanted to hold Delany in his arms, but the anticipation of her punishment was just as much a part of the ritual as the act itself. The heightened awareness of what Delaney was imagining inside her head about what awaited her would focus all her senses on Linkin and him. In turn, her submission and the trust she’d give them under the extra stress would feed their dominance. Martin practically licked his lips in anticipation.

  “Go upstairs to the dungeon, take off your clothes, and wait in slave pose for us to come up,” Martin instructed from the front passenger seat without looking back at Delaney.

  “Yes, Master Martin,” she agreed.

  “Leave your bag, we’ll take it up. Here are the house keys.” Linkin placed them on the console between the driver seat and the passenger seat before getting out of the SUV and pressing something on his cell phone. Martin knew he was deactivating the alarm system in the house for Delaney to precede them. Still watching from the front seat, Martin took note of the way Delaney opened the back passenger door and slipped out of the SUV, careful not to make any extra sounds or movements. She was nervous and focused on receiving her punishment. A moment later, she was gone, and Martin checked the time on his watch.

  “She’s nervous,” he finally said to Linkin.

  “Good and nervous,” Linkin replied, and Martin shook his head at the sound of anticipation in his boyfriend’s voice. Both were hard enough to show through the jeans they slipped on before leaving the house earlier. Even though they fucked before they left, the feel of Delaney between them as they hugged in reunion had been potent.

  “I need to spend some serious quality time inside of her,” Martin remarked as he finally moved to get out of the SUV. He heard Linkin shut the driver’s side door.

  “We’re sticking to the plan.” It wasn’t a question, more like an affirmation. Linkin and he had tossed around ideas for scenes on the way to Delaney’s house, until they finally settled on something that would work for all of them. Walking towards the back of the house and the door to the kitchen, Martin felt a sense of peace steal over him. Their sub was upstairs, naked and waiting to take her punishment like a good little sub. He was in full agreement with the man beside him. It made everything in the future look pretty damn good.

  Martin followed Linkin inside the house. They immediately walked up the stairs to the second story. The door to the attic was open, and a sliver of light came down the stairs. Linkin walked into the master bedroom and set Delaney’s overnight bag on one of the chairs and took off his boots. Martin did the same before discarding his shirt. Casting an appreciative smile over Linkin’s similarly naked chest, Martin focused on the task at hand. As much as he wanted to lick Linkin’s abs all evening, he wanted to taste Delaney’s pussy until she had an orgasm all over his face, too.

  “Ready?” Linkin asked. Martin pointed to the front of his jeans before reaching inside and adjusting his dick.

  “Fuck, yes,” he replied, and they left the room intent on showing Delaney what she had missed all week because she used her safe word and not discussed her fears. Martin led the way up the stairs. Something inside of him shifted as he took in Delaney, kneeling in her slave pose waiting patiently for Linkin and him. Calm soothed his mind, and the tensions and frustrations of the last week faded away. There was no place to dwell on personal hurts here; Linkin and Delaney mattered right now.

  On bare feet, Martin silently walked forward and crouched down in front of Delaney. Her eyes remained focused on the floor in front of her, her hair spilling forward in wild disarray, obscuring her face. Linkin started their preparations for the evening, getting implements out of the large chest in the corner and checking the suspension equipment they’d need. Tonight would be the first time for Delaney to be suspended in their dungeon or any dungeon for that matter, according to her contract.

  “Look at me, little sub,” Martin demanded. Delaney lifted her green gaze to his face, her features fixed.

  “Tonight, we’re going to indulge in a suspension scene,” Martin told her. He was happy to see a flash of excitement light up her features before she controlled her expression. “There’s a little matter of your punishment we must deal with. Master Linkin and I have agreed to use the floggers. An even one hundred strokes, fifty from each of us. Do you accept your punishment and our plans for the coming scene?”

  “Yes, Master Martin,” Delaney breathed out the words, and Martin watched as the skin on her chest and neck began to flush prettily.

  “What is your safe word, little sub?” He reached a hand out and tangled his fingers in her hair before cupping the side of her head gently. Delaney rubbed her cheek against his palm, and Martin’s heart lightened a little more. She was so affectionate and loving. Linkin and he were so damn lucky not to have lost her.

  “Deciduous,” Delaney replied before he moved his hand, pressing his thumb to her lips she sucked the digit into her mouth and moaned. He felt her tongue swirl around before she sucked the whole thing inside. His cock hardened even more, and a fine sweat broke out over Martin’s forehead. Linkin caught his eye and nodded. Reluctantly, he pulled his thumb from Delaney’s mouth with a pop.

  “Up onto the table, little sub.” Linkin had moved a table that stood just lower than Martin and Linkin’s waists into place underneath the apparatus they used for suspension. Martin walked over to the large pile of ropes Linkin had stacked on another table along with two floggers, lube, and a few other items they might need. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Linkin help Delaney onto the table. His hands moving over her olive skin in appreciation before Linkin pressed a kiss to her lips making Martin’s heart thump wildly.

  “Bind up your hair.” Linkin held out a black elastic hair tie. Delaney took it from him and swept her long mane of hair into a messy bun on the top of her head.

  “Like this Master Linkin?” she asked when she finished.

  “Perfect, little sub,” Linkin praised.

  “Now get into slave pose, arms behind your back, chest thrust forward.” Martin walked over to stand in front of Delaney while she complied with his orders. The table was square and could only hold a single person. It was the perfect height and width for them to work a sub over with ropes, tying up their intricate knots before they suspended them over the floor, which rendered subs completely helpless.

  Martin watched Linkin get to work tying Delaney’s arms together. He knew the pattern would be delicate with crisscrossed rope and large knots that would leave a beautiful pattern against her skin. Measuring a length of rope in his hands, Martin wrapped one side of it around Delaney’s ribcage just underneath her breasts a few times, making sure there was an even amount left on each end once the rope went around her five times.

  He adjusted how the ropes sat, making sure they were snug under her breasts before he started to use one side of the rope to wrap around one breast, forcing the plump flesh to protrude from Delaney’s body. Martin’s mind quieted as he watched Delaney’s expression flit across her face. Her lips parted as she started to breathe heavier the further Linkin and he got along in the process of trussing her up for their pleasure.

  Starting on the second breast, Martin was happy with his work. Delaney was perfectly still as she watched them, trusting they’d take care of her, knowing they’d never put her safety at risk. He finished the second breast and wound the rope around her back twice more along with the other end, leaning around her to make a knot on her back.

  “Fucking perfect, sub.” Martin reached out and fondled Delaney’s breasts. The rope bra displayed them perfectly, her nipples standing proudly at attention. Linkin also stepped back to admire his handiwork. The top of Delaney’s body was fitted with rope; the lowe
r half would have its own decoration soon enough.

  “Where are you, Delaney?” Linkin had to clear his throat to ask. He was so fucking hot for her a sheen of sweat had broken out over his skin, and he couldn’t wait to heat her skin up using the floggers.

  “Green, Master Linkin,” Delaney assured him.

  “Good, little sub.” Linkin ran her hand down the rope pattern he had made. She was going to look gorgeous with the marks against her skin. A testament to Martin and his commitment to her. “I’m going to fasten the suspension harnesses to you now.” Linkin knew it was important she understand everything that was going to happen in this complicated scene. They weren’t just tying her to a St. Andrew’s cross and spanking her ass. They were suspending her above the very unforgiving floor, and the more she knew about their preparations and intent, the safer she would feel.

  “Yes, Master,” Delaney replied. Martin grabbed the harness around her torso and held it up in front of her face.

  “This is going around the ropes under your breasts. See here.” He lifted a silver loop sewn into the leather. “This will be attached to a carabineer and used to suspend your upper body.”

  “Yes, Master Martin.” Delaney nodded her head indicating she understood what Master Martin was saying. Martin started to fasten the hard leather around Delaney’s upper body, testing the tightness of the ropes and leather to make sure neither of them would pinch her delicate skin once they raised her.

  “These will be attached to your upper thighs.” Linkin stepped in front of Delaney once Martin finished. “As you can see, there are several carabineers around each of the leather cuffs for us to manipulate your position once we have you in the air. There’s also a soft lining that will protect your skin. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master Linkin,” she agreed.

  “Good, sit up on your knees.” Martin steadied her on the other side of the table. With her arms tied behind her back, Delaney couldn’t steady herself. Linkin waited until Delaney perched on her knees comfortably before he strapped the leg harnesses into place. As Martin had done with the other harness, Linkin double-checked to make sure Delaney’s skin wasn’t too pinched, but that the harness would grip her tight enough to be safe.


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