Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn

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Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn Page 5

by Tuesday Cross

  She read aloud, “from the maker’s daughter came the True Sacrifice, a flame which shall be revealed by fire. The small death must come willingly from the maker’s breath, and in turn the earth shall tremble with the re-birth of his children.”

  “What does that mean?” This sounds like some heavy religious mumbo jumbo.

  “It means that the True Sacrifice is the creation of one of the female royal dragons– ” Using her thumb, Midwood traced the shape of a triangle on her forehead. “–who will be revealed by fire. Death from the maker’s breath means death by dracendium, dragon’s fire. The rest is self explanatory.”

  Sacrifice, maker, re-birth? I have more questions than I do answers.

  “What makes you so positive that I’m this sacrifice person?” I leaned forward onto the desk, searching her wrinkled face.

  Midwood reached and turned the page with care, and there was my strange triangular birthmark. I leapt out of my seat, attention glued to the public rendition of something which I considered a private thing. This is really happening.

  “That symbol…” I placed my hand over my heart.

  “It changed in appearance after the fire, didn’t it?” Midwood asked, her gaze on my collar bone.

  I closed my eyes for a moment. The colors, the prickling sensation, I figured it was all because my magic was awakening or some hocus-pocus like that. Not this. I inhaled deeply as nausea flashed through me.

  “When I met you and the others, you were surprised by my name. Why?” I glared at Midwood.

  She pursed her lips, gazing through the giant window before answering.

  “Everything about you is as described in the ancient texts. White hair, fair skin, violet eyes.” Midwood turned back to me. “The mark.” She sighed. “Even your name.”

  Out of everything, why is that the strangest? “What about my name?” I pressed.

  “Your mother or father must have known your heritage, to pick such a name. Did they ever say anything to you?”

  My birth parents. Anger flared in my gut. I never knew them. “Not a word.”.

  “The name Nyminia is an old one, used only once before, in the time of dragons.”

  Did my parents know what I am? Is that why they abandoned me?

  Midwood’s attention shifted from me, to the dusty multitude of books. She has to be holding something back, but why?

  “You are the True Sacrifice, Nyminia,” Midwood said into the air. “You are all that stands between the world as we know it, and the return of these ancient monarchs.”

  The sentence smashed through my skull and into my brain, making itself a tidy little home amongst the shrapnel. I’m in danger. I’ve been in danger my entire life.

  “Someone tried to kill me, didn’t they.” Just keep breathing, Nyminia.

  “I believe someone was systematically burning homes for young people in order to identify you.” Midwood said, finally turning back to me.

  I’m the reason all of those people– those kids– died?

  “Someone was searching for you, and likely hopes to sacrifice you using dracendium,” Midwood spoke.

  “Wouldn’t they need a dragon?” How is this a real conversation?

  “Correct. However dracendium is pure fire magic, and was able to be preserved in small amounts.” She shifted in her seat. “In fact, you saw an example on the door to this office.”

  Fresh anger flashed through my bones. What? “You mean to tell me, that you hold in your possession a vial of the only substance that a crazy person needs to end my life?” Searing pinpricks worked their way down my back. Calm down, get yourself under control.

  “The only man who could unstopper those vials is long dead, Nyminia. You have nothing to fear from them. Besides– the legend calls for a willing sacrifice. You would need to agree to give up your life in order for it to work.”

  Yeah, but surely that doesn’t stop someone from trying to incarcerate me with ancient fire magic!

  “Our fear is that someone is attempting to wake the dragons, if any remain, and in doing so plunge the entire world into chaos. I hope you understand, Nyminia, why it is important that you allow us to protect you.” Midwood stood, shutting the book.“And help you keep this secret.”

  Out there someone is planning a human sacrifice and I’m their missing ingredient. I took a deep breath. There’s no reason she’d be lying to me, right? This is too crazy.

  “Now, Nyminia, why were you in Vernon Village? Did you live there?”

  I blinked. How do I answer this without saying anything? “I was visiting.” Good one, she’s definitely not going to ask more questions now. Inwardly I smacked my forehead.

  “Visiting who?” Midwood raised a white eyebrow.

  I let the silence stand between us as I inspected the piles of ancient looking tomes which loomed all around us. One book in particular caught my eye, its dark red jacket more torn and faded than the rest.

  “Please! Nyminia, someone may have lured you to that shelter, and if that’s true we must investigate it.” She leaned towards me as she asked the question.

  “I wasn’t visiting anyone, just the area.” Finally, I managed a lie.

  “Ah, well, that’s good then.” Midwood relaxed in her seat.

  Could all of those emails… my friend… I forced myself to swallow. I need to know more.

  I walked over to the window, studying my reflection when a ‘click’ sounded in my brain.

  I turned to stare at Midwood. “I’m new to this, but I’ll guess I’m right in thinking that the current ruling creatures wouldn’t be happy to know I exist.”

  “If the vampire council learned of you, they would do everything in their power to keep you alive.” Midwood sighed deeply, crossing her arms.

  “Why don’t we get them on the phone!” I gestured to the ancient looking rotary dial phone on the desk, “Wouldn’t I be safest with their protection? I mean they’re the rulers or something right?”

  Midwood took quick steps towards me and gripped my shoulders tightly. “Nyminia, you must not reveal who you are to the council. Or to anyone for that matter.” She released me with a sigh. “The council will keep you alive, but it will not be any life worth living.”

  I’m liking these vampires less and less every second. I turned in the light, letting the warm rays swim across my skin. I’ve had secrets before, but nothing that was going to get me in trouble with vampires.

  “Why are you doing this?” My voice rang out, addressing the elephant in the room.


  “You have no reason to care about my quality of life, so why help me yourself?” Taking a step towards Midwood, I continued to hold her gaze. “Why not just turn me over?”

  She smiled as she placed her hand on the long necklace of glass beads. “I have my reasons.” Approaching me, Midwood placed her free hand on my shoulder. “This is all so new to you, for now what you need to understand is that you must stay here and allow us to protect you.” She smiled. “At least long enough for us to teach you how to protect yourself.”

  Protect myself. That’s right, I’m magical now– right? I’m not some powerless little girl anymore.

  Midwood dropped her hands, and turned to the window. “We can only hope that I rescued you before the arsonist saw you.”

  “Wouldn’t that mean they would continue killing innocents?” Anger flared.

  “It’s a possibility.” Midwood turned to me. “However even if this person is a supernatural or magic-kind, they cannot continue for long without being caught by the magical and human authorities.”

  That’s great and all– but what happens if more people die between now and then? Surely their blood is on my hands. I swallowed. The only way to stop it for sure though is to turn myself over to some dragon fanatic. The best thing I can do is learn to protect myself, and others. Maybe even learn how to defeat the threat. I allowed myself a small half smile. And as an added bonus, I won’t have to say ‘yes’ to dates I don’t want to go on
. I can magically kick butts instead.

  “What do you think of my offer?” Midwood approached me slowly, her crimson skirt illuminated in the light. “Would you be willing to stay here?”

  I nodded. I’m feeling… good about this? As good as I can feel I guess.

  “It’s settled then.” Midwood smiled and relaxed her shoulders.

  She obviously expected this conversation to be a total trainwreck. To be honest, I’m surprised we’re having this talk as calmly as we are myself.

  I glanced towards the ancient ornate door. Now, I’d really like to be outside– and alone.

  “Before you leave today–” Midwood rubbed her hands together quickly “–I would appreciate it if you allowed me to cast a simple glamour to hide the True Mark.”

  I’m going to assume that’s magic-speak for some seriously full-coverage cover up. I stepped forward, awaiting instruction.

  “Please, pull down your collar just far enough– yes, thank you.”

  Midwood hovered the palm of her left hand a few inches above my mark, closing her eyes. I could feel a distinct warmth radiating from her hand, accompanied by a feeling not unlike static electricity. She’s humming. It sounds like… earth and fire? A tingling sensation spread across my chest, followed by the static feeling intensifying. I looked down. My birthmark, ah, True Mark– it’s gone.

  “All done.” Midwood took a step back and placed her hands on her hips. “Please take today to relax if you can, maybe visit the library and get acquainted with the subjects we offer.” The soft lines of her face crinkled as she smiled. “In a few days you will choose classes, and begin your studies.”

  I exited the office, letting the heavy red door close behind me with a loud clank. Alright, so I guess now I just have classes to think about? The smile on my face felt strange. I’m two steps away from freaking out, but I shouldn’t over think things. Sure I’m some sort of magical sacrifice person– but I need to focus on what matters. The fact that I’m safe right now, and not a prisoner. At least, I’m fairly sure I’m not a prisoner.

  “Ouff– Sorry!” I bumped into a man walking quickly down the hallway. He was dressed head to toe in blue scrubs, and the daylight glinted off of the strange silver instrument hanging around his neck.

  The man spun sideways and sneered at me, a look which quickly morphed into a lopsided grin and wide eyes.

  “Nyminia!” Farsky exclaimed. “A thousand apologies, I didn’t see you there.” He stood, one foot pointed in the direction of headmistress’s office and one foot pointed at me.

  “It’s alright.” I crossed my arms. “I was the one who wasn’t paying attention.”

  Does he have to smile like that? I can see all of his teeth. I shifted, inspecting some invisible dirt on my black jeans. After a few moments of silence dominated by the doctor’s teeth, he figured out that he had a tongue too.

  “I was hoping I would run into you actually,” he said, tilting his head.

  “You wanted to knock me over?” It was a stupid joke, but the doctor’s smile faltered.

  “Oh, um, I didn’t mean–” His eyes shot left, right, up, down, everywhere but my direction.

  “Sorry, I was just trying to be funny.” Which apparently is not something you do with this guy.

  “Ah! Yes, great.” He exposed his teeth again. “Hilarious indeed.”

  Okay then. A few slow seconds passed.

  “Did you want to talk to me about something?” I asked, ready to leave his orbit and scoot myself off into space.

  “Yes!” He smacked his forehead. “I just wanted to make sure you were settling in alright.”

  “I am.” I shrugged. “Thank you for asking, Doctor.” Besides learning that I’m some sort of dragon sacrifice, I guess I’m doing alright.

  “Please, call me Fredrick. Or Fred.” He wiped his palms on his scrubs. “Whatever you like.”

  Did he just blush?

  “Okay–” best to call him Fredrick, don’t want to get too familiar “–Fred.” I grimaced internally, my mouth had betrayed me. Fred was beaming though, both feet pointed towards me now. He ran his hand through his slick rose gold hair, a color I didn’t realize you could grow. You’re a strange cat, but I’m curious about you. In particular, this weird glowing business. I narrowed my eyes, studying his face. He’s probably twenty five, maybe? A bit young to be the head of anything, let alone magical-medical research. I sighed. I guess the fountain of youth could be on campus for all I know.

  “Did the Headmistress fill you in on everything?” He crossed his arms, mirroring me.

  I nodded.

  “You’re not overwhelmed are you?” He reached out, brushing something off my shoulder.

  I suppressed the urge to flinch. Is he flirting?

  “No, I’m alright.” I put my hands on my hips in an effort to look more confident. “I just need some time to think about all of this.”

  “Well, if you ever need to talk…”

  I didn’t do him the favour of continuing the conversation. I let the air hang between us, silent. Fred glanced around as if he had reached his word limit for the day.

  “I’m not the easiest person to talk to.” He fidgeted with the stethoscope-like instrument around his neck. “But if you, ah, ever do need to talk. You can uh, come talk to me.” He wiped his palms again, and this time I could actually see the dark patches they left behind. “Are you getting along with Rowan?” he asked, searching my face.

  “I am actually, I heard I have you to thank for that?” Perfect opportunity for this question.

  “Excellent.” Fred glanced at his watch. “I really must be running, Nyminia, very sorry to rush off.”

  Before I had the chance to frown, he was walking briskly in the direction of headmistress’s bridge.

  Stark, yellow sunshine enveloped me as I stepped down the gritty steps of the Historic Wing. Pausing, I sucked in the fragrant air which was adorned with many varied scents. Jasmine, grass, and… chocolate? Flowers of every color lined the buildings and dotted the grasses in every direction. I soaked in the visual, letting the fresh greens of the land and open blue of the sky wash through me– clearing my mind. The idea that a dragon worshiper is trying to find me, and sacrifice me, is horrifying. At least I’m not on my own, even if I’m not sure what Midwood’s motivation is yet. Smiling, I peered up into the sky.

  The anxiety which had followed me like a shadow the last two days dissipated more with every passing minute. Learn magic, defeat foe. I chuckled to myself. I’m like some half-baked heroine from a B-grade movie. I hummed a little tune as I walked towards the library building.

  The library of RBU spiralled under a domed patchwork ceiling of modern panes and stained-glass masterpieces. It was like someone had gone out of their way to collect the most varied non-related glass works possible– and quilted them together. Bright rays of sunlight glinted off of the sea of glass, reflecting the infinite blue sky and green sloping hills. Blue firs, my favorites, nestled next to the building, creating a shady grove.

  I walked up the uneven stone steps and through the simple doorway which had been cut from a single flat pane. It’s as if everything here has been designed to let the library’s soul, its books, shine through. Growing up, I had always secretly identified with Belle over Jasmine, Aurora, Cinderella, or any of the other princesses. Not because I wanted a beast, but because I wanted a library. When I was reading, I could be anyone, anywhere, anytime. That to me was the most magical thing in my world.

  Until now. I chuckled to myself.

  My eyes sparkled as I crossed the threshold into the main room of the library. I stood, turning in a slow circle, taking in the sheer volume of books which made up the spiral of shelves– some reaching for, and almost grasping, the domed roof which floated above. As I completed my slow rotation, eyes now wide and smile similarly so, I was brought sharply back to my body when I found myself face to face with a tall, unusually handsome man.


  “I’m sorry, Miss! I didn’t mean to frighten you.” There was sunshine in his voice, and his eyes were kind. Crap, I’ve gone beet red haven’t I. Since when do I think about sunshine in voices? Quick! Think of something normal to say.

  “No, I’m sorry, I was...”

  “Distracted by the books?” He finished the sentence for me, perfectly.

  I looked up into his ocean green eyes. His posture was relaxed, dark hair falling neatly around his face . He has an air of calmness about him. Like I could say anything and it would be the right thing to say.

  So of course, I said nothing– and nodded instead.

  “We have quite the collection here.” He gestured towards the books. “Sometimes I lose myself for days.”

  I allowed myself a small smile. Is there such a thing as an anti-blushing spell? I need one.

  “No really!” He laughed. “Professor Starling had to come looking for me just last week.”

  I let out a giggle, and he smiled the sort of smile that squishes up your eyes.

  “Can I help you find something?” He faced me, hands in the pockets of his fitted, dark blue jeans.

  I feel weird. Good weird, which for me is weird-weird. His smile, the way his eyes were sparkling, it was giving me that mythical feeling of butterflies. Nope, this is dumb. I shook myself out of it. Be cool, Nyminia.

  I turned away from him, and to the books. “I’m supposed to be learning about what subjects are offered here.” I shrugged. “Honestly I have no idea where to start.”

  The stranger ran his hand through his tousled hair.

  “So you’re new here? That would explain why I haven’t seen you before.”

  I glanced sideways at him. I suppose this is the point in the conversation where it’d be polite to introduce myself.

  “I’m Nyminia.” I turned back to him slightly, trying to avoid shaking his hand. If all this blushing doesn’t stop soon it’s possible I might pass out.

  “Meaning ‘of the light’ in the old tongue.” His eyes sparkled. “How unusual, and appropriate.”

  Appropriate? I looked him up and down, frowning slightly.


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