Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn

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Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn Page 12

by Tuesday Cross

  Leaning back on my hands, I let the sun kiss my open neck. Catching Marcus’s stare, I asked, “how old are you really?”

  Marcus sighed, and ran a hand through his thick black hair. “Old enough to remember the pre-vampiric government.”

  My body flashed cold with surprise. I figured he was at least a thousand years old, but old enough to remember the pre-vampire takeover? “That means you’re-”

  “Nearly two thousand years old, yes.” He frowned. “I can’t remember the exact number anymore.”

  I swallowed as the world spun around me. Dating an older guy isn’t a big deal, but nearly two thousand years older? You’ve got to be kidding me.

  “So, you remember the dragons?” I asked.

  Marcus cocked his head to the side. “You know about dragons?”

  “The headmistress has been doing her best to fill me in,” I said. It wasn’t a lie.

  “Ah, of course. Yes, I remember the dragons, King Hyphonam, Queen Nefertia, and their children.”

  “Did you know them?”

  “Sadly, no, I was young then. Hardly worth the Royal family’s time.”

  “Did you ever meet one?”

  “I did once.” Marcus’s eyes glazed over. “It was such an unusual encounter, I remember it well. On this day I was hiding from the sun, and had been discovered at dusk by a group of human hunters.” Marcus’s face fell, and he shivered. “They tied me to a stake. I was mortified because at my young age, I would not be able to withstand the fire for long. Just as they were lighting the flame, she emerged from the trees.”


  “Yes, a dragon. She killed the hunters, and in doing so saved my life.” His words were a whisper, and by the faraway look on his face I could tell he was most likely reliving the memory.

  “You sound smitten!” I teased.

  “I was in awe,” Marcus replied. “Not only was it rare at that time to meet one of the royal clan out in the open, it was unusual not to be killed in such an encounter. Once a dragon had decided to intervene in a disruption, it was typical practice for every person and creature involved to be put to death.” He rubbed his chest. “She chose to spare me, and left before I could ask why.”

  I heard the emotion in the inflections of his voice. There was sadness, but over all, respect. What am I supposed to say after a story like that? ‘Yeah that reminds me of the time I saved a kitten from a tree?’

  “May I ask you a question now?” Marcus turned his body to face me completely.

  I nodded.

  “I sense a great amount of pain in you– why?”

  What the, what kind of question is that? The words fell on me like a bag of stones. I barely make the time to acknowledge my feelings, who does he think he is just calling me out on them? “You don’t have to answer,” he said, seemingly relaxed on the grass.

  Surely for someone like him, anything that could have happened to me in my short life is trivial.

  I studied the waves of the lake, doing my best to avoid eye contact. “I grew up in foster care. It wasn’t amazing.”

  He remained silent, but out of the corner of my eye I could tell he was studying me.

  “Marcus, nothing in my life can compare to anything that you’ve seen.” Shrugging, I pulled some grass up in my fingers. “You don’t have to act like you care.”

  “Look at me, please.” Marcus’s voice was firm, and I turned enough to eye him sideways. “People’s pains cannot be compared or eclipsed.” Twisting, I faced him fully. “A person’s pain is simply different from the next person’s, not less or more. It’s perspective only, not a competition.” Marcus furrowed his brow. “If you don’t want to talk about your past because you hold it as a private thing, I understand. However, do not hold back based on the idea that I don’t care, or will judge you.”

  Wow. I sat there, staring at him. He held my gaze, calm and steady.

  “I came to live with my foster family when I was quite young, about four years old. My parents gave me up when I was an infant.” I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud. “When the Robinsons took me in, I was thrilled. They had a son, I thought I was going to have a big brother, a mother, a father.” A family. I shook my head. “But it was all so wrong. From day one, my foster mother made sure I knew that I wasn’t one of them. That it was simply their godly duty to look after me.” My eyes started to sting. “Eventually, I got out.” Don’t make me tell you the rest.

  Reaching out, Marcus brushed a strand of my hair away from my face. Letting his fingertips kiss my temple, a sparkle of the familiar electric energy traced where he had touched.

  “You have not let the past defeat you, Nyminia, you’re still here.”

  His words warmed me, and I offered a small smile. “I think it’s my turn to ask a question now,” I said, laying down in the grass. “How did you become a vampire?”

  Marcus made a noise not unlike a grunt. “That’s a long story.”

  Jeez I need to get that vampire manual sooner rather than later, was that super rude of me to ask? Although to be fair, he did just ask me a personal question.

  “You don’t have to talk about it,” I said.

  “It’s fine.” Marcus shrugged. “We’re trying to get to know each other, and whether I like it or not, this is a large part of what makes me who I am.” He rolled his shoulders. “I was young, headstrong, and in retrospect, very stupid,” he began. “I fell in love. Her name was Camilla, and she was unlike any woman I had ever met. I would have done anything for her, including giving up my life. So, when she told me the only way for us to be together was to give up my human life and join her in death– I did so without question. She became my maker, and as the years ticked by I realized the horror of my decision. My parents disowned and mourned me as if I had truly died, banishing me from our lands.” He looked out over the shimmering lake. “I traveled the world with Camilla for many years.”

  “What happened to her?”

  Marcus sighed deeply. “The war.”

  “She died fighting?” I asked.

  “If only she had.” Marcus said, a growl in his voice.

  Wow, I think I’ve struck a chord here.

  “Long after the false king Karackis and his ilk had defeated the dragons, war broke out. On one side those who wished to use humans as slaves, and the other, those who believed in equality. I couldn’t sit idle, I knew I had to stand up against the old ways. Camilla on the other hand, there could be no convincing her. She was much older than I, and set in her convictions. She became increasingly vile, and finally I was able to see her for what she was. Evil.”

  “What happened between you two?”

  “There is a bond which forms between a maker and their progeny,” Marcus said, grimacing. “A supremely deep one. She could feel what I felt, influence my actions, and force binding commands upon me. Camilla refused to end the bond, and so I was forced to break it myself with magic. It was extremely painful for us both. But it had to be done, I had to leave and fight for what I believed in.”

  “I’m so sorry.” I pushed myself back up to sitting.

  “It was long ago now, a thing of the past.” He turned his eyes towards me. “All that matters now is the present.”

  Holding his gaze, I noticed how his eyes reflected the color of his energy.

  “Have you ever been in love, Nyminia?”

  Wow, that’s totally not awkward particularly given the circumstances.

  “No,” I answered.

  He shifted, slowly closing the distance between us. Placing his hand on top of mine, the electricity was immediate. Energy rippled up my arm, and reverberated through my body. He’ll let go in a second. He didn’t, and neither did I. The sensation amplified and blossomed until finally Marcus moved his face towards mine, his eyes on my lips. Whoa whoa whoa. I snapped my hand back, and stood up.

  Marcus’s expression went from surprise to embarrassment as he leapt to his feet. “I’m so sorry, Nyminia, forgive me.”

��No, I’m sorry.” I want you to kiss me. “I just–” don’t want you to kiss me “–need some time.”

  “Why don’t we head back to campus,” Marcus said, head bowed.

  We walked in silence until reaching the quad. Marcus stopped, his hands clasped behind his back.

  “It was nice to spend time with you today. If you can please forgive–”

  “There is nothing to forgive.” Please understand I just need to get my head on straight before I go kissing ancient members of the undead, no matter how nice they are. “See you later?”

  “I’m sure you will.” He smiled awkwardly, bowed, then headed back towards the library.

  Can’t there just be one thing in my life that is easy? And then, as if the universe had heard me, a friendly voice called my name from across the quad. There was Rowan in her lumberjack red flannel, loping towards me.

  “Hi Ro, how are you?”

  “Cut the crap, what happened with Marcus?”

  Whoa! Is that werewolf thing, or a Rowan thing? I sighed. I’m not going to be able to keep this a secret.

  “Let’s head back to our room, I’ll tell you there,” I said, glancing around.

  “Well what are we waiting for then!” Rowan poked me in the ribs, and drug me off towards the dorms at a jog.

  Once within the privacy of our room, I described everything which had transpired the night before. From how I saved Marcus’s life, to how we’re supposedly ‘destined’ to be together. I had figured Rowan would be difficult to surprise, but once I got to the ‘fate-pairing’ part, she was shaken.

  “That is serious magic, Nyminia! Like, crazy cosmic bigger-than-you-and-I stuff.”

  “To be honest, Ro, I find it hard to believe. I mean, destiny? Fate?” It sounds ridiculous.

  Rowan put her hands on her hips and looked me up and down. “So, you don’t like him?”

  “No, I think I do.” Heat rose under my collar.

  “What’s the problem then?” Rowan said, rolling her eyes.

  “It just seems so fast.”

  “Nyminia, look, I get it. You haven’t been out for ice cream or found out what his favorite color is yet. You haven’t gone through the motions of getting all wooed.”

  Ah, Rowan, don’t say it.

  “How many people out there wait for the right person, but never find them?” Rowan gestured into the air. “How many people get their hearts broken and never find love? Nym, the universe has actually smacked you in the face and said ‘here is your perfect partner, have fun!’ You can’t pass that up!”

  “I’m not passing it up, we’re talking–”

  “Have you kissed him yet?”


  Rowan rolled her eyes. “Does he want to kiss you?”

  “Well he tried–”

  “You didn’t let him? Come on Nym, you like this guy, are destined to love him, and you shut him down.” Rowan planted her hands on her hips.

  “It’s not like that.” It’s just all too fast.

  “Here’s my advice; take it slow, have some fun, but stop over thinking things. The magic of the friggin universe is shipping you guys, so just relax, and follow your heart.”

  A low grumbling interrupted our conversation, and Rowan laughed. “Just like how I’m going to listen to my stomach. C’mon, Nym, let’s get something to eat.” She whirled around and left the room.

  Just follow my heart, sure thing.

  We descended on the food hall where the staff eyed Rowan like she was a cloud of locusts. While my friend stuffed herself with pepperoni pizza, the mere thought of eating made me feel sick.

  Was it wrong to not kiss Marcus? If the fate-pairing is infallible, what do I have to lose?

  Tipping our rubbish into the bin, we headed back outside. The orange sunset splashed on the clouds was moments away from fading completely, and the air had taken on the freshness of a new night.

  Rowan yawned loudly, her mouth stretching wide open like, well, that of a wolf. “I’m going to head home and get some sleep, you coming?”

  I shook my head. Some alone time to think would do me some good.

  “Suit yourself! See you when you get home,” Rowan said, padding off.

  I inhaled the crisp scent of green apples and dew traveling on the breeze as I headed towards the gardens. A heavy feeling had settled in my chest, and try as I might I couldn’t shake it. Follow my heart? What kind of advice is that? My heart just feels all wobbly and–

  I was jerked out of my thoughts as I turned the corner, nearly running into Marcus. Acting on impulse, I threw my arms around his neck, and in one fluid motion brought his lips down to meet mine. The electrical feeling flashed, and as the kiss continued its static evolved into a white-hot flow of energy. It boiled between and around us, like the thrashing of ocean waves. The edges of own self were blurred, as if the lines of my soul had become smudged and blended with the borders of his. Suddenly the magic which had been compounding snapped outwards, shattering all nearby glass.

  We broke away from each other. Holy snap, what was that? As he held me in his arms, I realized the typical feeling of electricity had ceased. Marcus looked down to me, and in his wide eyes I could see emotion. Which emotion exactly I couldn’t know. Waves of emotion ripped their way through my blood, flooding my body. I’m happy? I shivered for a moment, because my happiness was laced with a distinct tang of fear.

  Oh man, one of us needs to say something.

  Before either of us could speak, a female voice rang out cold and clear behind me.

  “Hello, Marcus.”



  Unwillingly, I slid away from Marcus’s embrace. Turning, my sight lit upon a tall, tanned woman with long brown hair. Her amazonian frame was encased in a form fitting, crimson dress. I glanced back to Marcus, whose face had transformed into a stony mask.

  “Camilla,” he said, his voice harsh.

  Holy heck!

  “My love, it’s so good to see you after all this time.” Sarcasm laced her voice as she stared at me.

  Her gaze made my stomach turn to ice. Moving to Marcus’s side, I crossed my arms.

  Camilla licked her lips. “Are you not happy to see me?” She took a step forward, her attention still trained on me.

  Am I on a vampire menu somewhere that I don’t know about?

  “That’s enough Camilla.” Marcus placed his hand on the small of my back.

  “What?” she responded, taking another step. “Am I making your pet uncomfortable?”

  Marcus tensed. “What are you doing here?”

  Smirking, Camilla pulled her eyes away from my face. “After all these years I decided I’d visit this disgusting human hovel and apologize.” She let out a high shrieking laugh. “Do you really think I’m here because I want to be? You summoned me.”

  “I did no such–”

  “Oh you poor darling, I’m positive it wasn’t on purpose.”

  Enough stupid games. “Why don’t you just explain yourself?” I said, finding my voice.

  Camilla stuck out her bottom lip and gave me a look of exaggerated, mocking pity. “It’s so cute when the pets think they matter, isn’t it darling?”

  “If you have something to say, then just say it.” I tried to wipe the sweat from my palms without being too obvious.

  Camilla huffed. “Looks like you have some training to do,” she said, winking at Marcus.

  “If you don’t explain yourself in the next thirty seconds–” His voice gained volume.

  “Let’s not be so dramatic, my love.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s simple. I’ve been sensing this annoying little disturbance in you for days now. Although honestly I have to admit I’m surprised you’ve sunk this low. Even if this pet does glow.”

  “Explain.” Marcus growled through gritted teeth.

  I turned to Marcus and whispered, “can she sense things about you, even though your bond is broken?”

  Camilla threw her head back, laughin
g. “Oh this is just too good. You didn’t explain that detail, did you darling?” Her wicked grin grew larger. “It slipped your mind to mention that a forced bond break is not a true severance? Whatever helps you talk them into bed I suppose.”

  My head reeled, and Marcus took a step towards Camilla with clenched fists.

  “Get over yourself warrior boy, I know you’re in love.”

  Marcus stopped dead.

  Camilla ran her hands down the sides of her silhouette. “The acceptance of the fate-pairing summoned me here immediately.”

  Both Marcus and I stared at her blankly. Acceptance?

  “Ugh. That disgusting little kiss you just had.” She shivered. “I don’t know how you do it Marcus, humans’ mouths are so filthy.”

  “It’s time for you to go.” Marcus stepped between Camilla and I.

  Fear flared in my gut at the sight of Marcus creating a physical barrier between me and his crazy ex-girlfriend-vampire-mom. So weird, but should I be prepared for more than a cat fight?

  Marcus half turned, keeping Camilla in his line of sight, and took my hand. “Let’s go.”

  “I’m invoking my right, Marcus.”

  Marcus closed his eyes, and stood frozen.

  Her right?

  “In the names of the gods, who is out here?” Professor Starling’s voice rang out.

  Camilla vanished into the thin night air, leaving only the scent of sulfur and the echo of her laugh.

  Starling emerged from the shadows, hair and beard mussed. He glanced around from side to side, studying the broken glass on the ground. “What’s been going on?” Once he caught sight of Marcus, his voice regained some composure. “One moment I’m reading in bed, the next someone is banging on my door informing me that all the windows this side of campus have been blown to smithereens.” His eyebrows arched upwards. “Are you two alright?”

  “Actually–” I started to say, but Marcus nudged me gently.

  “Actually, we’re fine,” Marcus finished.

  Starling inspected the ground, walls, and window frames. “It’s almost as if a wave of magical energy emanated from a single spot, and spread outwards at a ridiculous speed.” Stroking his beard, he looked back to the two of us and became still. “Marcus?”


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