Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn

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Of Flesh and Fire - Book I: Everything Will Burn Page 22

by Tuesday Cross

  “What happened? Is everyone okay? Where’s Rowan?”

  “Everyone is safe. Please, Nyminia, drink this.” Marcus offered me a ceramic cup, its uneven exterior embossed with many thumbprints.

  I pushed myself back and managed to prop myself up on the cushion without feeling too poorly. Reaching out I accepted the steaming beverage and studied its pale green contents with a wary eye.

  “What is it?” It smells like cooked cabbage, garlic, and pepper.

  “Rowan’s mother made it, it’ll make you feel better.” Marcus knelt next to me, looking from the cup to my lips.

  I took a small sip, to my surprise the taste of the warm liquid reminded me of aniseed and lemon. Thankfully not cabbage stew. Drinking again, tendrils of heat spread throughout my chest, warming my body and relaxing away my nausea.

  “Thank you,” I said, sitting up completely. “Now, what’s going on?”

  Marcus stood up and joined me on the couch, his knee touching mine. Is he injured or something? I noticed how he held his arm securely pressed against his side. Don’t vampires heal instantly?

  “Kit and Cash were checking one of our perimeter spells when they tripped some sort of booby trap. Rowan knew they were in distress and ran out to help, but by the time she arrived Kit had taken the worst of the damage. We were trying to decide how to get him home.” Marcus twisted to face me fully. “And then you arrived.”

  “I’m sorry, I couldn’t stand the thought of you guys getting hurt and not being there to help.”

  He gripped my hand firmly. “Promise me you won’t do it again.”

  Don’t come help my friends when I think they’re in trouble? No way can I promise that.

  “It was a setup, Nyminia, it had to be. Some sort of twisted test to see how easily you could be lured out.” Marcus leaned forward. “You were the real target, I know it’s difficult to hear this but... I doubt we would have been attacked if you hadn’t had shown up.”

  “What? Are you serious?” I pulled my hand back and set the empty cup down on the coffee table.

  “It was strategic.” Marcus took a breath. “The attacker didn’t want to kill us, otherwise why set a non-lethal trap? Why not kill us the second we showed up? They struck the moment you appeared, that’s not an accident.”

  I sucked in shallow breaths, my heart aching. “How did we escape?”

  Marcus cupped my face with his cool hand. “You saved us.”

  “I what?” I can’t remember anything.

  “You generated a shield from a spell pattern I’ve never seen before, it was amazing.”

  “And it held back dracendium? Actual dragon fire?”

  “No, the attack was a serious spell, but definitely not dracendium. The purpose must have been to kill us and capture you.”

  “Why can’t I remember?”

  Marcus pulled his hand away. “You didn’t seem to be yourself.”


  “You looked me in the eye, and it was as if you didn’t even see me. The spell just flowed out of you... it was beautiful.” He looked past me. “And terrifying. Once the fire stopped, the shield remained and you were unresponsive. Rowan and I did everything we could to shake you out of it, but the spell only ended once you had nothing left to give it. You collapsed, and I brought you here.”

  “That’s why I felt so sick?”

  “Yes, you burned up a lot of energy. Olivia arrived shortly afterwards to attend to Kit, and she mixed you that drink to bolster your strength.”

  “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re in the bedroom.”

  I pushed myself up to standing. “I should check on them.”

  “In a moment.” Marcus stood, grimacing. “Olivia needs perfect silence to undo the spell affecting Kit.”

  I eyed Marcus, he leaned slightly to one side and his arm was still plastered against his body. “You’re injured?” I asked.

  “It’ll heal in a moment.” He pulled away as I reached out towards his side. “Really, it’s fine.”

  “Marcus.” A warm voice sang out from entrance to the hall. “Would you mind properly introducing us?”

  I looked up to see a tall woman whose brown eyes sparkled in the candlelight. She looks like a dancer.

  “Olivia, this is Nyminia. Nyminia, meet Olivia Litefoot, alpha of the Cheronook pack, spirit healer, and mother of three strong wolves.” Marcus limped out of the way and Olivia glided towards me on silent feet. Her handshake was warm and firm.

  She’s the alpha?

  “Thank you for the kind introduction, Marcus.” Olivia smiled, her eyes flicking from my toes to the top of my head. “It’s lovely to finally meet you. Rowan talks about you all the time.”

  “I wish we were meeting under better circumstances,” I replied.

  “Kit will be fine.” She sighed, placing her hands on her hips. “But will require plenty of rest.”

  “Nym!” Rowan bounded down the hallway. “I’m so glad you’re awake!”

  My legs nearly buckled under the weight of her hug. “Omph! Thanks, Ro, I’m glad you’re safe.”

  She pushed me back, beaming. “That was some seriously awesome magic you did back there. Just don’t overdo it again, alright? You had me worried for a second.”

  Marcus eased himself back down on the couch, watching us with a silent smile. Olivia, however, seemed to be staring at something invisible. Her eyes unfocused and facial expression completely blank.

  Rowan nudged me. “Mum does that every now and again. She’s getting messages from the spirits. Although if you ask me, I think she’s just spacey,” she whispered.

  “I’ll have none of your sass young lady!” Olivia crossed her arms, eyes snapping to us.

  “Sorry Mum!” Rowan laughed.

  Olivia smiled, showing off her perfect teeth. However her expression faltered for a moment as her eyes met mine.

  I wonder what the spirits said.

  “Are we ready to go?” Cash asked as he walked into the room. He carried his sleeping twin in his arms as if he weighed nothing.

  “Yes, little love,” Olivia replied. She turned to me, gripping my arm. “I can’t thank you enough for keeping my family safe tonight, I see why Rowan likes you.” Olivia winked and headed towards the exit. “Look after yourself, Marcus,” she said before disappearing through the doorway.

  Cash walked out, giving me a small nod and a smile.

  All of his attention is on his brother, what a beautiful family. Guilt stung like a wasp. And one of them is injured now because some psycho is trying to get to me.

  “I’ll see you in the morning, Nym.” Rowan gave me a playful nudge. “I’m going to spend the night with Kit and our pack.”

  “In the woods?”

  Rowan snorted. “I know we’re wolves, but we’re also people. We have houses.”

  “Oh! Of course, sorry.” Heat rushed to my cheeks.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Rowan gave me one last solid hug and bounded through the door after her family.

  I let out a long breath, staring at the closed door. “I’m so glad Kit’s ok.”


  “Marcus?” I asked, turning.

  He was slumped on the couch, unmoving. In half a second I was next to him, shaking his shoulders.

  “Hmm, what?” he said as his eyes fluttered open.

  “Just hang on ok? I’ll go get Olivia.” I turned to leave but Marcus grabbed my sleeve, preventing me.

  “No, it’s fine.” His eyes drifted to the silver refrigerator standing alone in the kitchen. “Would you mind, please?”

  I raced over to the fridge, pulling it open. Inside it was empty and immaculate, save for a single bag of dark red liquid. Right, do I need to microwave this or something? No cooking appliance was in sight, only rough wooden walls.

  “It’s okay the way it is,” Marcus murmured from the living room.

  Walking back to the couch, I tore off the plastic cap which sealed the top of the bag and held it out.
Marcus took it, and within a few seconds emptied the plastic container.

  Finished, he wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. “Thank you.” He frowned. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  I dropped down onto the seat next to him. Yes, there is no denying it’s pretty unsettling when your significant other chugs blood. But– “It’s alright, anything to make you feel better.”

  He smiled, and pressed his arm again against his side.

  “Right, let me see what’s wrong.”

  “I really don’t think you need–”

  “Of course I don’t need to see it, but I think you need me to see it, otherwise you’re going to remain in denial about the actual extent of your injury.” Ha, beat that logic.

  Marcus frowned and unbuttoned his shirt. Pulling the midnight blue fabric aside he revealed a massive wound; a bite.

  “What the–”

  “The trap separated Kit from his wolf, he didn’t know what he was doing.”

  The wound wasn’t bleeding but it was purple and swollen, accompanied by a smell not unlike rancid meat.

  “Marcus, it doesn’t look like it’s healing.” I frowned.

  “It just needs a little more time.”

  “No, obviously what you need is blood. Like actual warm blood.”

  Marcus shook his head. “No, not like this. It’s not–”

  “Not what? The perfect moment?” I smiled softly. “Don’t be ridiculous. Just eat, get better, and then we can go back to being awkward.”

  It’s my fault that people got hurt tonight, so it’s my responsibility to help in any way I can.

  I slid closer to him, undoing the top button of my high collar.


  “Just shut up and drink, okay?” I tilted my head away, exposing my neck.

  For a moment I thought he would refuse, but his cool arm encircled my waist and pulled me close.

  “This will sting.” I felt his breath on my neck, followed by a soft kiss.

  And just like that, I feel naked. I contained my impulse to shiver, and inhaled sharply as Marcus’s fangs pushed past my skin.

  At first he was right, it did sting. But now I feel… warm? My muscles softened, and I relaxed into his embrace. My life’s blood rushed and swirled up to my neck, a beautiful disruption in the flow of my energy. Beautiful? I shut my eyes, and with my inner eye I could see it all. The water of my life moving rhythmically to the beat of my heart, the ebb and flow as blood passed from me, to Marcus. I was a part of it, and I was apart from it. I existed in this moment while simultaneously existing outside of it.

  Her soul is that of a warrior’s, but her heart is so much more. The thought which was not my own floated through my mind. I must be hearing Marcus’s? I quieted my mind, and while I didn’t hear any more distinct words, a flood of emotion swirled through my body. I felt warm, safe, and happy. Feelings which were now accompanied by protectiveness, guilt, and admiration. Marcus’s feelings, not my own.

  I smiled. He was right, this is intimate. It is so much more than a meeting of bodies though, it’s a meeting of our inner selves.

  And then, just as I could sense I was about to become lightheaded, he was done. The fangs pulled away from my neck, and I felt his thumb smoothing the tiny wounds. Marcus raised his head, his eyes vivid and typically pale face flushed with color. I glanced down at his open shirt, searching for the bite, but found only smooth, healthy skin.

  “Thank you.” Marcus didn’t smile. It was as if the statement was so sincere, even a whisper of expression would poison the seriousness of the words.

  “You’re welcome,” I replied, holding his gaze. I brought my fingertips to my neck, but to my surprise felt no broken skin. He healed me? “Feeling better now?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Are you alright? I regret that you had to–”

  “Don’t regret it, okay? I’m more than fine, honestly I’m just happy that I was able to help. And besides, it wasn’t the most unpleasant experience.” I gave him a sly smile, which he returned.

  “How would you describe it?” His voice was a mixture of genuine curiosity and teasing inflection.

  “I think the more interesting question is how would you describe it. Don’t you feel my emotions or something?”

  “In a way, yes, I felt your… essence I suppose you could call it.” Marcus’s expression became somber again. “You feel strongly about life, family, and love.” He took my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles. “Particularly family. You’re searching for it, I think. And–”

  I guess I try not to think about it. My eyes flicked away, inspecting the ceramic cup.

  “I’m sorry, Nyminia, it’s not my intention to make you uncomfortable.”

  “It’s not you, it’s me. I guess I’m hardly used to admitting my feelings to myself, let alone sharing them with others.” I squeezed his hand. “I’m glad for it though, so please don’t worry.”

  Marcus smiled, a sight which filled my bones with warmth. My back slid further down into the couch, and I looked around the room.

  Everything looks so much nicer now. The way the colors are melting, it’s just beautiful.

  “Nyminia, are you alright?”

  Did someone say something?


  The strange sensation of having my shoulders shook briefly interrupted my rest, but it was of no concern to me. Swirling clouds of turquoise invaded my vision until all that was left to me was the beat of my heart, the breath in my lungs, and the taste of aniseed upon my lips.



  Dragons scream and oceans boil, blood falls wet onto dry sand. What has come will come undone, and what is history will pass again.

  When the white one sings false the blind snake will whisper truth, but in the end the flood of our tears will make both mute.

  Salvation for the sacrifice is found in the blood of her blood, in family lost and new. The dust of time is falling away, and soon the gods will come for those with debts to pay.

  The words repeated themselves, over and over. Through the fog in my mind I could just barely sense cool air on my skin and human like shapes moving around me.

  Slowly, the swirling turquoise diminished and I found myself standing behind the Headmistress as she toiled over an ancient looking book, one of many spread out across her desk. I tried to speak but found myself unable. Waving my hand in front of Midwood’s eyes produced no reaction. Glancing up I saw I had no reflection in the window.

  The door opened and Starling entered the room.

  “I know why you’re here Professor,” Midwood’s voice rang out.

  Starling stepped quietly across the stone floor. “Mildred, surely there is another way.”

  Midwood shoved herself away from the desk, I flinched as her chair hit the ground with a loud crack.

  “Professor, you’re a clever man. You are as aware as I am that we have no safer option.”

  “No safer option maybe, but she stands a chance–”

  “A chance is not something I am willing to take.” Midwood placed her hands on the desk, clutching and crumbling papers in her fists as she leaned forward. “He’s too well positioned, and the future of our world is at stake.”

  “You made a promise–”

  “There is no need to remind me of my sacred vows, Professor.” Midwood clasped her hand over the beads around her neck. “I did not arrive at this decision lightly, I know what it means for me. I also know what it means for the world.”

  “I won’t let you do it.” Starling crossed his arms.

  “What is the life of one for the lives of many? He has the vial now, and surely it’s only a matter of time before he opens it.”

  “I refuse to let you go through with this. For Nyminia, and for yourself.”

  Midwood sighed. “I’m sorry, Stefan, I really am.”

  Before Starling could make a move to defend himself, Midwood ripped a bead from her necklace, flinging it at his
feet. I leapt forward, trying to hold her back, but I may as well have been a ghost. A blinding flash of light sprung forth from the shattered bead, enveloping Starling and filling the room with blinding white light. Once my vision had returned all I could see was his still form laying on the ground, and Midwood striding out into the hall. Hurrying after her, the red door swung shut behind me with a clank. Pins and needles cascaded down the back of my neck. I turned– a feeling of dread in my gut. The door, normally illuminated by the flickering glow of the dracendium vial, was dark.

  “Nyminia!” My vision suddenly shifted from the horror in front of me to the warmly lit backdrop of Marcus’s cabin. I sat up off the floor, catching sight of Rowan and her mother. Their faces pale, and eyes wide.

  “What did you see, child?” Olivia whispered.

  “Midwood… Marcus, we–”

  “Don’t worry Nyminia, I’ve just granted Midwood entry to the cabin. She should be here in a moment.”

  My eyes bulged. “We have to get out of here, now!”

  No one moved.

  “Rowan.” I turned to my friend. “Do you trust me?” She nodded, and I faced Marcus. “Do you trust me?” He nodded, and I took his hand. “Then we need to leave, before Midwood knocks on that door, without her seeing which way we’ve gone.”

  Marcus narrowed his eyes, but pulled me towards the back of the cabin. Halfway down the hallway we slipped through a door and out into the cool night. In the distance behind us I heard a knock rattling the wood of the front door. Adrenaline burning through my blood, the four of us sprinted through the rose bushes, past the orbs, and into the thick forest.

  My supernatural friends showed no sign of exhaustion, but I however was reaching my limit. I need to catch my breath, just for a second. Stumbling, I caught myself on a tree.

  “Nyminia, what did you see?” Olivia repeated her question.

  “What was in that drink?” I eyed her, panting.

  Marcus moved to my side.

  “The second I laid eyes on you the spirits began to whisper. They said they had a message for you.” Olivia stepped towards me.

  “Mum! You sent Nyminia on a spirit journey?” Spittle flew from Rowan’s mouth. “After she spent all that energy? And she’s not a wolf! You had no idea how that was going to affect her!”


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