Punishment (Light My Fire Series Book #2)

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Punishment (Light My Fire Series Book #2) Page 1

by Alexa Phoenix

  Alexa Phoenix



  Copyright © 2016 by Alexa Phoenix

  Cover By: Lourdes Blazek

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or locations is entirely coincidence.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, wthout the prior express, written concent of the author.

  This book is intended for mature adults only.



  Phoenix Williams is an LA firefighter who had it all. She was true to her rules she set for herself to control her emotions. Blaine Jacobs was a force all in his own that led her to break all the rules.

  His persistence and the enticement of it all, led to the biggest mistake of her life – or the best. A spicy hook up within the realms of the fire engine seemed like the perfect place to escape. Boy was she wrong. Caught for the second time by her Captain, her life changed forever.

  What should have been a means of termination, turned into a means of sexual passion and a proposition made by a man who held her career within his hands. The Captain has something more in store for Phoenix. He wants to show her a world he can give her if she would only give him the chance.

  Check out the second book to the Light My Fire series in the eyes of Phoenix and Captain Michael’s himself. Learn of their developmental sexual spark, they both wish to see burn through.

  **This is a serial book, not a standalone. Please be advised to read Seduction prior.**

  **WARNING: This book is hot! If you are looking for more and were reeled in with the first part of this series, PUNISHMENT will leave you fulfilled…both with love of the characters & of course from a feeling of warmth within your pants! If you don’t enjoy hot, sexy scenes between two firefighters, and a love that fuels between two strong characters, then this book is not for you. BUT if you DO then you are you going to LOVE where PUNISHMENT will take you within this series!


  To anyone who’s ever jumped at a challenge because it feared them. Give in to your fears and make yourself strong. This one’s for you.

  Be strong like Phoenix and come out of the ashes!


  Earlier today, I was in the position of being with Blaine Jacobs within the realms of our truck with his hands all over me. Every inch of me yearned for his touch. Every inch of me wanted him. He challenged me to change and I did.

  Jacobs was persistent and the enticement of it led me here. Is it the biggest mistake of my life? Or the best? He holds my career within the palm of his hands. Will he fire me if I say no? He wishes to fuck me. What do I do….

  Chapter One


  Have you ever looked back at a moment in your life and wondered how did I get here? My whole life I’ve those moments. Growing up was tough, but I learned to fend for myself at an early age – a trait I was thankful for. I worked hard for everything I’ve ever earned, and somehow life has decided to surprise me once more.

  Losing both my father and mother made life hard for me. The man I should have looked up to my whole life, left fear in my heart. He was an icon. Yet, to me, he was a drunk, and an asshole. He was someone I loved with all my heart, and feared with every inch of my soul. It's hard to love someone like that. It was hard to grow up with someone like that.

  My poor mother. Every inch of her wanted nothing more than to leave, but she couldn't. She had no choice. She saw no option out. Life handed her the cards she had to learn to live with. At least that's how she saw it. She never thought she had any options. Nothing other than dealing with what my father turned into and hoping he would change.

  The day he died was a mix of happy and sad. She lost all fears she ever had with him, but grew new ones. Ones she never thought she would experience with the loss of someone she was scared of for so long.

  Somehow she still wished he was around.

  Somehow she blamed herself for his turn around to alcohol.

  She blamed herself for his transition.

  I blamed myself for everything else. Her death. My escape. I couldn't take it anymore. I grew up wanting to be him, yet wanting to be nothing like him. I feared what drove him to drink. I feared allowing someone to get close to me to experience what I wished wasn't in my genes.

  Hence, my rules. Hook 'em and leave 'em. There was no need for attachments. There was no need for love. There was no need for companionship.

  Just lust. Just sex. Just enough.

  I had a thousand thoughts racing through my mind in that moment. My whole life was about to change. But was it for the better? What kind of person would ask for an exchange like this? What kind of boss wished to put their employee within this position? I knew when I applied I would be challenged, and I expected it. Hell, I thrived off the chance for such challenges - to prove myself to them, to me, to him. This was more than just a challenge.

  This was something I couldn't understand. I couldn't explain.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel. I was repulsed, ashamed, and highly confused.

  What more could a woman ask for? I mean, come on, Captain Michaels was attractive, but to use my job as means of getting what he wanted from me?

  Why didn’t he just talk to me about it? Why wouldn’t he give a hint, or be blunt? Hell, anything?

  Why am I asking myself all these questions internally? Why am I afraid to ask him?

  “You? You want me to give in to you? I mean, what the hell does that even mean?” Disgust and anger was present in my voice for him to pick up on.

  His hands moved slowly up my thighs, and rubbed the outside of my pussy. “Yes. I want you to let me fuck you like you deserve.” He rubbed back and forth with force.

  "Let me fuck you like you deserve? What the fuck is that? Who the fuck says that? You're sick you know that? Fucking sick!" I flung his hands away from me. I was disgusted with him in every sequence possible. "You're my fucking boss! I work my ass off for you, for this community...I put my life on the line every day I work. Hell, I almost lost it in that damn warehouse. And you think you can take the fuck ups that I did and use them against me as some sick plan to just, what? Fuck the shit out me like I deserve? Like you're some fucking orgasm hero or something! I mean really? What did you think I was gonna say? Oh yeah, no problem. Fuck me like I deserve Captain," I mocked.

  Really what did he think? Did he think I was that easily a fuck that I would just bend over for him with this idea? I don't even know what to think of a person who would be like that.

  "Why would I even want to have someone who wants to use his power against me like this?"

  "I thought it would turn you on."

  "You- you thought-" I scuffed. "You thought this shit would turn me on? Are you my therapist? Do you know inside of my head? Do you know anything about me? Or is the only thing you know that I like to fuck?"

  The words felt harsh coming out of my mouth. I couldn't believe I was talking to my superior like that, but what was I to do? I mean, I couldn't let him try to take advantage of me like that,
right? What's the point of holding power if you bend at the first sign of trouble? I had to stand my ground. Please don't let me get fired, because I have a fiery tone with my sick and twisted boss right now.

  "Know you?" His voice softened and he got serious. "I feel like I've known you my whole life." He sat back against the desk behind him and stared back at me. "The moment I saw you I wanted you, and not in some sick and twisted way. I felt a connection to you. I was drawn to you, I guess you can say. But, I didn't think you would be to me."

  "Why?" I relaxed a bit in my seat as I saw him relax himself. No longer was he this sick fuck, he was a sincere man with soft eyes. Talk about a change. Do I trust it though? I had to listen more to determine that.

  "You were beautiful, smart, and a hell of a fighter. I heard all about your father. How much of a hero he was. That's a lot to live up to. I saw the fire in your eyes and knew you came here to prove something - to yourself, to your mother, to whom ever. I didn't want to try to get involved in something with you and let you lose that. I would feel guilty for the rest of my life for taking something like that from you. I wanted you to do whatever it was that drove you across country. I wanted you to feel good about yourself and powerful."

  "Really?" I still couldn't tell how to feel. Was he being truthful or just telling me things I wanted to hear? I wish I could remember all those damn triggers I was taught to determine a liar. Shit, what were they? Well, he responded right away. No delay. That's a good sign. Hm, he's not looking away from me or hiding his mouth. Check. That's another good sign. Shit I can't remember the rest, umm. Grooming. That's it. Nope. No grooming or touching himself whatsoever. He is literally looking right at me, still. Nothing to question his honesty. Holy shit. This guy's serious.

  "But why?" I started.

  "Why, what? I was just telling you why?"

  "No- I mean, I get that, I just mean, why now? Why did you wait until I was spending time with Blaine to do something about it? Why not the first time we got caught? Why wait? Or, hell, why even bother?"

  "Now, don't go talking about yourself like that. Why bother? That's bullshit. You're stronger than that Phoenix so don't down play yourself like that. But, I saw there was something between Blaine and you. For whatever reason, you changed with him. You opened your heart and bent your rules. I couldn't take that away from you. Not just yet. I couldn't be greedy like that. You needed to have that relationship. You needed to open yourself to him, so I could see if there was even a chance you would open up for me."

  "But why wait so long? I don't get it? The first time you caught us, why didn't you get rid of Blaine then? Why not use that advantage for your little plan?"

  "Little plan? You make me sound sadistic-"

  "Well, aren't you?"


  "Then, why? Why do this? Why set it up like this?" I screamed. I was perturbed and upset and so fucking confused.

  "Well, first let me answer your first question, then I will get to that." He relocated himself from sitting on the desk to sitting at his chair.

  "I wanted to do that with Blaine the second I caught you, but how fair would that have been? You would have hated me. You finally let him in after his persistence with you and I take that opportunity away from you? You would close up worse than before. No way. No way I was going to do that to you. To me. I wouldn't allow you to shut down to that extent. How could I? And as for why did I do it this way? Honestly," his face changed. He looked honest. He looked as if everything he was feeling and had felt for the past three years was being put at the table before me. Truth was in his eyes and his words. I just needed to hear why. "I thought you would like it. I know you love power. I wanted to give you that control. That power in this situation, to act with it as you wished. I wanted to tease you and tempt you. To excite you and make you question everything, so I could finally explain. So I could finally tell you, the second I saw you in that fire truck I knew I couldn't control my want for you any longer. The second I saw you again with Blaine, I knew I couldn't pretend anymore. I couldn't let you get much closer to him or I would lose you forever. It was selfish of me, but there's a connection between the two of us. I know it. I feel it. You do too. Don't tell me you don't." He pulled himself from the chair and walked slowly towards me. His gaze never left me. I felt him deep within my soul.

  Immobile, I wasn’t sure what to say, but my clit tingled with aching pain. It’s warmth and wetness wanted to be felt and played with, but my mind was perturbed.

  He pulled my shorts to the side and felt the outside of my panties with his thumb. The wet spot proved to him I was turned on by his offer. I pushed his hand away quickly with mine.

  “I have lots of power, Nix. I know that turns you on. I also know you’ve fucked almost everywhere within this station. I could show you places you’ve never knew existed to fuck within. Let me show you what it’s like to let a real man please you.”

  “Captain. Look, I appreciate you wishing to allow me to have my job with this plan of yours, but it’s not something I’m into. I’m sorry. I’m not about to play with my job just for you to..what..fuck me? I mean, really?”

  He pulled back and watched the anger build up within me and release through my words.

  “If you wanted me for so long why wouldn’t you just do something about it? I mean, ya, you said all that stuff, but what really held you back? What changed?”

  “Look Phoenix, I’ve always considered my relationship with you professional. But after today….after seeing you laying there, your pussy swollen and wet, all I could think of was my lips upon them pleasing you before me. Let me. Let me punish you with my cock.”

  He was back to his tantalization of me. His words were inviting and inebriating. I don’t know what triggered a change in me. Maybe it was his confidence. Maybe it was everything he said. Everything he confessed. Like he knew he would have me, or his sexy persistence, but looking at him there vulnerable, I changed.

  Everything that started with Blaine, ended there as well.

  I was intrigued.

  I held the power. Captain Michaels thought he did, but in reality it was me. Everything he wanted relied on my decision of saying yes. I felt on cloud nine. Sure, I had power with other men, but not to this degree.

  He held power of me though, as well. Power I wished to explore.

  “Captain,” I looked up to him innocently, “what will you do to me?”

  He leaned in, his hands wrapped around both my thighs and stared through me. His fingers slipped between my legs and rubbed the outside of my panties, feeling my clit beneath. He wasn’t releasing until I gave him an answer. Without words, I led his fingers past the sheer material blocking my pussy from his attention. Pushing his fingers within me, he took control instinctively and pushed them in and out of my aching lips.

  The notion of fucking my Captain was the biggest turn on I’ve ever experienced. I was confused, and reckless, but in that moment none of it mattered. No thoughts made any sense. Nothing did. Everything was confusing and my curiosity had the best of me. Something I should probably stray away from. But I didn't. I wouldn’t. I had to find out.

  He was an attractive thirty-nine year old man, but I’ve never looked to him such a way. I don’t know why. I guess I tried to separate authority from my formula. That worked out well.

  The thought of him getting hard to my naked body aroused me in way I didn’t know I would feel with him. It was intriguing to think of his cock reacting to me in such a way.

  His fingers, lubricated by me, made soft sounds in his quiet office.

  “Ah, so you like that, huh?” I nodded. “You’ve been a bad girl haven’t you Miss Williams.” His fingers moved faster.

  “Yes, sir.” I looked straight in his eyes, my chest expanded back and forth.

  “You’re gonna get punished. You hear me,” his fingers stayed warm within my wet pussy, as he leaned in close to me again. “I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you and make you cum until you can’t cum anymore.”r />
  “Yes, Captain,” I grasped his hand against my pussy. “I want you too… I need you to teach me a lesson.”

  “Captain?” his intercom interrupted the heated moment occurring within his small walls. “You have a call on line two; it’s the mayor about tomorrow’s award ceremony.”

  He slowly removed his fingers, and stared at me, all the while licking his lips. “Mhmm. The rumors are true. Your taste is intoxicating. I can’t wait ‘til I can taste you completely.”

  I tingled again. I couldn’t stop the amount of arousal he was causing me. As I shifted within my seat, his eyes remained locked with mine as he answered his secretary’s call.

  “This will be continued. You’re dismissed.” He licked his lips, his eyes focused.

  Chapter Two

  -Captain Michaels-

  The smell of her pussy’s scent upon my fingertips drove me wild. Sitting at my desk I sniffed her scent up, inhaling it all in. I’ve wanted to embellish in it for so long and I’ve finally been giving the chance.

  The punishment needed to fit the crime and I was hoping she would fuck up sooner than now, but I’ll take what I could get. I will finally get her.

  Everything I said was true. No embellishments, no lies, no teasing. I meant every word. I wanted her but I needed for her to be ready for me. I needed her to challenge me. I didn't want her to just accept what I offered. I hoped she would question. She would get angry. She would get real. I wanted to be real. I needed to be real. Too long I've held in all that I've felt. Too long have I carried this weight upon my shoulders.

  Visions of her body underneath mine, panting for me to please her, and begging for me to never stop raced through my head.

  Staring off into space, I could almost see the two of us fucking on the chair before me. Oh how I want to have replayed visions of the two of us within my head while working every day. Something about her - her strength, sexuality, and confidence - I don’t know what it was. It wasn’t just her beauty that drove me wild. There was something more. Something I needed to explore more.


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