A Hell Hound's Fire

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A Hell Hound's Fire Page 4

by Siobhan Muir

  He launched himself onto the bed, landing on all fours with his arms and legs caging her beneath him. He dropped his head beside hers and licked her neck below her ear.

  “Oh, I’ll prove it to you, little wolf. There’ll be no doubt when I’m done with you.”

  He lowered his hips to hers and ground his aching cock on her mound. Sarah moaned and spread her legs, cradling him against her hot core. Her heat soaked into his shaft, hardening it more, and Alex dragged the head of his cock down her wet slit.

  Oh shit! Condom.

  He stifled a groan and suckled her nipple as he shifted to search in a drawer beside the bed, unwilling to let her go for a second. Please, please, please let there be one here.

  His fingers closed around a foil packet and elation suffused his chest. Expiration? He could barely focus on the little numbers printed on the foil. They had two weeks. Hot damn! He tore it open and slid the latex over his straining shaft, returning to Sarah’s lovely body as fast as possible. Thirty seconds and he already missed her.

  “You’re mine, Sarah.”

  “Prove it, Hell Hound.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief as her smile turned defiant.

  Alex snarled with lusty excitement and thrust inside with one quick move. Scalding pressure enveloped him and he moaned, closing his eyes. Holy Goddess, she’s pure heaven.

  “Mine,” he said.

  “Not yet, but I will be.”


  Where in the world had those words come from? Sarah swore her Sister must have taken over and taunted Alex when she’d been distracted with the pleasure of his cock in her pussy. Holy First Canid, he filled her to bursting, and lust flared in his eyes with her challenge.

  “Damn right, you will be.”

  He dragged his cock out of her tight grip and slammed back into her, heat exploding through her with his thrust. Sarah dug her nails into his shoulders as she threw her head back, her pleasure erupting in a joyous wail.

  Alex sealed his lips to her throat, planting nippy kisses along the column as he settled into a continuous rocking motion. Sarah drowned in the sensations of his cock sliding along her inner walls and the scrape of his teeth at her neck. Her release coiled at the base of her spine, roiling as it slowly built into a conflagration of pleasure. Sarah cried out and arched her back, trying to take more of him.

  “Oh, Goddess, Alex, faster please.”

  He rumbled a groan and sped up his thrusts, chafing the insides of her pussy with his satin flesh. The pleasure ignited, pinging off her nerves as it tore through her, and boiled up her spine until she shot into the star spangled sky. Alex stiffened and growled so low, the vibrations rattled her world. His cock rammed into her a few more times, setting of a fireworks display of aftershocks behind her eyes.

  At the last moment, he sealed his mouth around her shoulder and sank his teeth into the muscle, catapulting her into another hard orgasm. Her canines itched and she snapped at his shoulder, her jaws finding flesh. New waves of pleasure and ecstasy flooded through her, swamping her mind.

  Alex came again, his pleasure ricocheting inside her until she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. Something clicked and locked in place, pushing away her worries and fears until only sweet silence cradled her.

  “Holy Goddess.”

  Alex’s mumbled exclamation pulled Sarah back into the present. The room’s scent had changed from musty disuse and Alex, to something richer, earthier, and sexier. She recognized her own scent in the air, not just the sex, but a mixture of her and Alex’s hot rock flavor. She tried to lick her lips and found her tongue sliding across his salty skin.

  Alex groaned and his cock flexed inside her pussy.

  I’ve bitten him. Her breath hitched and she released his shoulder in a rush. Alex groaned again around her shoulder. He’s bitten me!

  The enormity of their shared actions slid down her spine and she gasped for breath while her Sister wolf yipped with glee. True Mate.

  Bloody hell in a kettle! What am I going to tell Liam?



  “Can you get up now?”

  Alex released her shoulder and scanned her face with his eyes. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No, I’m fine, I just…”

  He rolled off her as if on fire and she missed his warm, solid weight. His expression creased with concern as he slid his gaze over her body, and her pussy spasmed with the delicious perusal. Sweet Goddess, I’m impossible. I just made love to him. How can I be interested again?

  “You’re not burned?”

  That stopped her. “Why would I be burned?”

  “Uh, well, it happened a time or two with my previous mate, but she was a Hell Hound too, so I never worried.” He bit his bottom lip and still managed to look sexy.

  Unease slid through her at the mention of his previous mate. “What happened to her, Alex? You said she left.”

  Profound sorrow swirled through his golden gaze and Sarah wanted to take the questions back. But if we’ve True Mated, I have to know. Alex settled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling.

  “I think so.”

  “You think so?”

  He grimaced. “She was the only other Hell Hound I’ve ever met. She told me Hell Hounds go off by themselves to die when their time comes. She said it was her time and at her age, she was ready.” His hands balled into impotent fists. “She left and never came back.”

  “But if you were mates, wouldn’t you know if she’d died?”

  “We never True Mated. I think that was part of the reason she decided it was time. She’d said she wasn’t likely to find her True Mate if she hadn’t already.” Sorrow pulled the corners of Alex’s mouth down.

  Sarah settled her hand over one fist, her heart aching. “I’m sorry.”

  He grunted. “She left eight years ago today.”

  Bloody hell, could our timing be worse?

  “But once I met you, the ache hasn’t bothered me so much.” He rolled onto his side, his gaze fixed on Sarah. “It’s like the hole in my heart closed to make room for you.” Alex stroked her side and he frowned a little. “So, you’re sure you’re okay?”

  Sarah wanted the lingering sorrow gone and offered him her best winning smile with a hint of sass. “I don’t know.” She wiggled her hips. “You’d best take a closer look. Can you kiss it to make it better?”

  Alex blinked at her, caught off-guard. Sarah wriggled and winked. A brilliant grin cracked his startled façade and he leaned over her, sniffing her belly close to her mound.

  He groaned in appreciation. “Ambrosia.”

  “Nothing singed, then?”

  “Not in the least.” He trailed his fingers over her breasts, tracing them as if they were small countries on a map yet to be explored. Sarah shivered as she clutched the bedclothes tight in her fists.

  “Making love to a Hell Hound sounds dangerous.” She hissed when his scalding tongue settled around one nipple. “O’ course, I could use a little burn from you.”

  His dark chuckle rumbled over her skin, pulling up goose bumps. “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.”

  “Can I count on you to keep me warm at night?”

  Alex grinned. “I guarantee I’ll do more than keep you warm.” He dipped his head and dropped an open-mouthed kiss on her nether lips. “Starting right here.”

  Sarah squealed and grabbed Alex’s head, holding him where she wanted him. “Oh sweet Goddess, more, Alex!”

  His hot tongue seared her sensitive folds and Sarah squirmed, begging with her hips for him to send her careening back into the black. He moaned in approval and increased the pressure of suction, flicking her clit with his tongue.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” Sarah rocked hard against him and streaked like a blazing comet into bliss.

  Alex kept feasting on her intimate flesh, extending her orgasm until she collapsed to the bed weaker than a newborn. Pleasure rippled through her with each caress and satisfaction pulsed after it. Thank
the Goddess he’s mine. The fear she was wrong tried to edge its way into her contentment, but the scents of her release and his satisfaction pushed it aside.


  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  His wry comment made her laugh. “Yes, it was definitely a compliment.”

  Alex chuckled and licked his lips as he settled himself beside her on the bed. He gathered her to him, the heat of his body flooding into hers as the rain beat against the windows of the house. They didn’t speak for a long moment and she settled her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. Contentment filled her until worries bullied their way to the forefront of her mind.

  “What about tomorrow, when the morning comes?” She hated to ask the question and ruin the perfect connection they’d made.

  “Tomorrow, we’ll run into town and get some real food for this place.” His voice sounded tired and amused. “Hell Hounds, and Moon Singers I suspect, can’t live on chicken and pasta alone.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Alex—”

  “I know, little wolf.” He squeezed her gently. “Just rest right now. Let’s tackle tomorrow when it comes.”

  “But what about…this?” She waved a hand lazily in the air as exhaustion stole over her. She fought it. They had to talk about the biting. Biting during mating meant the Mating Bond and True Mates.

  “Just sleep. You’ve had a rough time. It’ll keep until tomorrow.”

  He sounded so confident and she didn’t have the energy to fight him on it. I just hope he’s right.

  Chapter Five

  Alex woke to an unusual sensation. Heat, satisfaction, and the sweet scent of woman, his woman. His Brother growled in contentment as Sarah sighed and slid an arm across his chest. Unexpected joy obliterated all the old sorrow and despair, and he wondered how he’d ever managed to get up in the morning without it. How can one woman make it all go away?

  True Mate.

  Yeah, yeah. You always think you’re so smart.

  His Brother only grunted in smug amusement as Sarah nestled closer and her delicious scent flooded his nose, making his cock jerk. Down, boy. She needs her rest. He wanted to give into the urge to slide his aching shaft into her seductive heat, but he reminded himself they had no food for breakfast.

  Sighing, he eased himself from her warmth and dragged his ass into the bathroom. His cock twitched in frustration, but he refused to allow it to rule him today. He couldn’t ignore the threat chasing the Flanagans and making love to Sarah wouldn’t save them from it.

  Besides, he didn’t relish the idea of facing Liam while curled up naked with his mother.

  Yeah, just a little awkward.

  The shower helped wake Alex up, though the soap smelled like a dust cake and almost disintegrated when he used it. He added it to his mental grocery list along with food and toiletries. At least the towels were still clean.

  He didn’t relish the idea of dressing in yesterday’s clothes, but he hadn’t lived in the River House in years and had nothing else. He pulled on his jeans and grabbed his shirt before returning to the bedroom. The sight in his bed stopped him and stole his breath.

  Sarah stretched lazily and the morning light caressed her strawberries-and-cream skin with an ethereal glow. Alex swallowed hard and his cock flexed with demand. Want, want, want.

  When she rolled over and spread her legs, he thought he’d faint as the scent of their shared pleasure hit his nose. His Brother demanded he lick her sweet pussy, drowning in her delicious flavor again, but he gritted his teeth and held back. There’s a demon after her, moron. Focus on making her safe, not satisfied.

  But satisfied is more fun.

  Alex forced himself to kneel beside the bed and run a hand over her shoulder. Only her shoulder.

  “Sarah, sweetheart, what do you say to breakfast in town?”

  “Hmm?” She opened her seductive green eyes and gave him a sleepy smile. “Mornin’.”

  “Good morning.” He answered her smile and ignored his Brother whining to kiss her. “There’s no food in this house. We pretty much used up everything last night. What do you say we head into town for some groceries and breakfast?”

  “That sounds lovely.” But her body stiffened and she lost her smile. “What about the demon? You said water helps confuse it. Shouldn’t we stay here?”

  He shook his head. “We don’t have anything to eat, and a hungry werewolf isn’t pleasant company. Three?” He whistled with mock concern, making her smile return. “Don’t worry. I’ll be with you and Liam. We’ll be all right.”

  “Liam!” Sarah sat straight up, exposing her lovely breasts. Alex’s mouth watered and his mind filled with the memories of suckling on them.

  “He’s fine. Why don’t you go shower and I’ll meet you downstairs?”

  She nodded and stretched, and Alex had to turn away before he tackled her and thrust his cock in to her sexy warmth. Chewed bones, I gotta get out of here. He damn near ran out the door, trying to ignore her naked glory as she sauntered into the bathroom. Her ass fit perfectly in his hands and he wanted to slide his palms over her cheeks again.

  Down. Stairs. Now.

  By the time Sarah and Liam joined him in the kitchen, he’d warmed the Jeep and gotten his raging hard-on under control again. Liam inhaled a quick breath and grinned, but didn’t say anything as his mother hustled him into his jacket. Alex had never had to worry about his scent before—humans couldn’t seem to smell much of anything—but he hoped the kid was okay with the mix of his scent with Sarah’s.

  He locked up the house and joined them in the Jeep. The river’s steady gurgle soothed some of his concerns, but the skies hung heavy with black rain clouds and unease squeezed his gut. Ominous sign. Alex shrugged it off, smiled at Sarah’s curious look, and pulled away from the house.

  “Where shall we go for breakfast?” She tightened her jacket around her.

  “I thought we’d stop at the Gold Rush Café. Good, hot food, rich coffee, and a truck stop. Lots of people come through there, so strangers aren’t that noticeable.”

  “It’s best to be anonymous, init?”

  Alex sighed at her tight expression. “For now, yes. The less the locals notice you, the more difficult it will be for the demon to track you.”

  “Right.” The pain in Sarah’s voice stabbed his gut and he reached out to take her hand.

  “Hey. It’s going to be okay. We’ll make it through this. I’ll keep you safe.”

  She nodded, but her doubt saturated the air inside the Jeep. His Brother snarled at her disbelief, but Alex mentally shook his head. She met me yesterday. Trust takes time.

  True Mate. Mine to protect.

  Yeah, well, prove it.

  His Brother wolf subsided with a grumble and the rest of the drive passed in silence. When they pulled into the gravel lot of the Gold Rush Café, Alex wove his way through semis and pickups to park near the side entrance. They got out and he sniffed the air. The scents of fuel, grease, and exhaustion wafted outside the truck stop, but he detected no danger or maliciousness.

  “Come on, let’s get some breakfast.”

  “Are you sure we’ll be okay?” Sarah hugged Liam to her side and eyed the glass windows full of early morning diners.

  “Yeah, I can’t scent anything off. Can you?” Both she and Liam inhaled and shook their heads. “Okay, then. Let’s go in and eat. We’ll leave if anything seems out of place.”

  He followed them into the diner, keeping close to Sarah. He laid a hand at the small of her back, and her shoulders relaxed. He needed to touch her, to keep watch over her despite the lack of overt danger. Not many of the truckers looked up at their entrance, but a possessive growl welled in his throat at the few who eyed Sarah.

  Ease up, Brother. They’re no threat.


  His hand tightened on her back and she raised an eyebrow at him, but he smiled and sat across from them in a booth.

  A sleepy-eyed w
aitress ambled up to them and set menus in front of them.

  “Welcome to the Gold Rush Café, folks. Can I get you some coffee?”

  “Just tea for me, please.”

  The woman cocked her head at Sarah’s lovely accent. “Lipton okay?”

  “Yeah, well enough.” Sarah smiled and hugged Liam, who’d grimaced.

  “I could bring some peppermint herbal tea, if you’d prefer, young man. Does that sound better?”

  Liam brightened. “Yes, thank you, miss.”

  “Don’t you have sweet manners? All right, peppermint it is.” She turned to Alex, and her smile widened with appreciation. “And for you, sir?”

  “Coffee, cream, no sugar.”

  She nodded with a coy smile and a wink before she sauntered off to the kitchen with a little extra sway to her hips. Amusement and flattery rippled through his chest. Even after two centuries, some women still fluttered their eyes at him. However, this was the first time one had smelled like rancid oil and hairspray.

  He returned his gaze to the woman across from him and paused. Sarah’s eyes had narrowed and her lips compressed in a tight line as she followed the waitress with her gaze. Anger crackled across the table and Alex braced for action.

  “Everything okay?”

  Surprise flickered across her features before she offered him a smile. “Yes, fine, thank you. I just need some tea.” She lifted her menu, killing the conversation.

  What had gone wrong? Alex searched the diner for a source to her distress, but nothing came to mind. Then he inhaled. Sour jealousy tinged the edges of Sarah’s scent, and a little pool of warmth filled his chest.


  Get a hold of yourself, gel. No need to fly off the handle.

  The pep talk settled her Sister a little, but Sarah still inwardly grumbled about the look the waitress had given her Mate. She’d never felt such possessiveness before, even with Liam’s father. Perhaps her mother hadn’t been telling tales when she’d described the Mating Bond as powerful and permanent. Sarah took a deep breath and tried to focus on the menu.


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