Hers to Claim (Verdantia Book 4)

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Hers to Claim (Verdantia Book 4) Page 28

by Patricia A. Knight

“People of Verdantia, these past weeks have seen our Great Mother restored to us in all Her verdant glory and all alien corruption wiped from our fertile world. We stand confident our way of life will continue and prosper. This incredible gift did not come without great cost. You cannot see the scars and you cannot hold the weapons in your hands, but a terrible battle was fought to bring this about—a battle whose outcome was uncertain, a battle that struck terror through the staunchest of brave of hearts. One of those hearts was mine and I tell you now—I have never felt such fear.” Ari stood back and swept his arm in a gesture that included all those on the top step: Fleur and Doral, Eric and Sophi, Ramsey and Steffania, and finally Hel and Adonia. “You see before you your guardians, Her most earnest defenders and those beloved of our Great Mother. You know their mettle.” Ari paused for a moment.

  Adonia could hear birdsong and the drone of small insects through the quiet that descended on the courtyard. Hel squeezed her hand, and she smiled at him absently. How long did High Lord DeTano plan to speak? She hadn’t really been listening. Her feet were killing her, and she’d like to be somewhere she could sit, preferably sooner rather than later. She’d also like to be somewhere less public, away from the fascinated examination of everyone who was anyone on Verdantia. She longed for a less-open venue. Ah well, it can’t take much longer.

  Ari drew a deep breath and continued. “Yet, one stands here whose role is unknown to you and that must be remedied, for the fate of all rested upon the slender shoulders of this unlikely champion. It was she who ultimately defeated our foe when seemingly stronger hearts succumbed to the black void of despair.

  “The First Tetriarch, in their prescient wisdom, foretold her coming. They engraved it upon the foundation stones of Torre Bianca to guide us. The Second Tetriarch has completed the inscription to ensure our posterity will never forget their debt to her. You can read it for yourselves on the stones, but I will tell you what it says.

  Beneath her feet, the raven found them,

  the mighty asleep from ages gone.

  High in her keep, the raven bound them;

  to evil’s bane and a new light’s dawn.

  To our raven we bow with hearts overflowing,

  for deliverance from death;

  for love beyond knowing.

  Adonia DeHelios nee DeCorvus, our beloved raven and

  Her invincible sword.

  Dedicated this forty-third day, NTSD 4380, by the grateful people of Verdantia”

  The courtyard erupted in cheers and cries of “Goddess, bless you, Lady! Bless you, Princess Adonia!”

  “What?” Adonia swayed painfully on her feet while her eyes sought Hel’s, and she shook her head, not comprehending. “What did he say?”

  Hel’s solemn smile did little to enlighten her. Gradually, the meaning in High Lord DeTano’s words struck her with the abruptness of a slap to the face. She no longer gave a moment’s thought to her feet. She turned to Hel in confusion as first Fleur, then Doral and finally Ari, arrayed themselves before her. With solemn dignity, beginning with the queen, the three members of the Second Tetriarch went to a knee and bowed their heads before her. She gave a small cry of objection when Hel, love shining from his eyes, knelt and bowed his head.

  Panic consumed her. “No! No. Get up. Please, get up. What are you doing?” She frantically tugged at first Queen Constante’s arms, then Doral’s and finally Ari’s in a futile attempt to make them stand before turning in a complete circle and throwing up her hands in consternation at the sight unfolding. “Stop! All of you, stop! Please! Don’t!”

  In a wave that swept the courtyard, everyone sank to a knee and their cheering stopped. She realized with agonized discomfiture that amidst hundreds of the most illustrious people on her world, she alone remained standing in a courtyard suddenly hushed. Every upraised gaze focused solely upon her. Adonia covered her face, overpowered by awkward mortification. Finally, she dropped her hands and stood in the center of the top step, shoulders bowed. She took a deep, resigned breath. “Please, will you stand? I don’t deserve this honor.”

  Fleur looked up. “Our Great Mother’s fate, the fate of us all, rested on the courage and loving heart of one woman. You, dearest raven, decided the ultimate outcome of battle. How can we not honor you?”

  Nia wrapped her arms around herself and looked at her feet, until as a signal to all, Queen Constante rose and hugged her.


  On his knees like all those around him, Hel strained to hear the quiet words his Beauty and the queen exchanged. His heart ached with gratitude toward the Second Tetriarch for the very visible tribute paid to Nia, and he found himself clearing his throat and blinking to prevent an unmanly display of emotions. Representatives from all corners of Verdantia knelt in the courtyard. Hel had no doubt they would disseminate the Tetriarch’s outward sign of acknowledgement until there was no one on the planet not aware of the contribution Adonia DeCorvus, now Princess Adonia, had made to their survival. Hel decided at that moment that his life’s work would be to make Nia feel how loved and adored she was. Never again would she hesitate to raise her eyes to the world she had saved.

  As the rustle of everyone rising to their feet replaced the former quiet, a rider pounded into the courtyard and pulled to a violent halt, slamming his mount back on its haunches. Hel recognized the rider and swore several vulgar oaths under his breath. Tristan’s arrival could not have been timed to garner a more rapt audience, but then his younger brother had always had a knack for embarrassing him. He closed his eyes, stiffened his spine and waited for it. He hadn’t long to wait. His younger brother’s shouts carried clearly across the courtyard.

  “Gurley! Gurley! By the Goddess, did I miss it? Did I miss your wedding?” The dark-haired male threw his reins to a bystander and began to shoulder his way through the crowd, waving.

  Hel flinched, then sighed. His brother was his personal plague. He was certain of it. He’d sent him to the furthest corner of the planet. How had the man gotten back so quickly?

  Ramsey nudged him with an elbow. “Who is that?”

  Hel spoke through a clenched jaw. “My younger brother, Tristan.”

  An evil glint appeared in Ramsey’s eyes. “He addressed you as girlie. Is that an insult to your manhood or is your real first name, Girlie?”

  “Not ‘girlie’ as in g-i-r-l-i-e, but G-u-r-l-e-y as in Gurley, my mother’s surname, you pestilent bastard.”

  “Girlie. Huh. No wonder you tell people to call you Hel.”

  Hel mistrusted the slow grin that crossed Ramsey’s face. “Don’t you have someone you need to rob, DeKieran? Some horses you need to steal? There’s a very nice black in the stables you might be partial to. I know I am. He’s yours if you leave. Now.”

  Ramsey’s eyes widen in mock horror. “Leave? Oh no, Gurrrley. I’d never forsake a friend in need. This is your wedding day. We have a decanter of Pottsdim Likor crying our names. I wouldn’t dream of abandoning you … Gurrrley.” Ram bestowed another wicked grin on Hel.

  Hel turned away, grinding his teeth.

  Close enough to overhear their interchange, Eric laughed and slapped Hel on the back. “Gurley, eh? Well, we all have our tribulations—at least you don’t glow.”


  A fresh breeze flitted in through the open windows of their bedchamber and brought with it the green smells of renewal and the sounds of revelry in the streets below. The entire city celebrated their new princess and would for days to come. Hel knew exactly how he wanted to celebrate and none of it would be public. He stood for a moment in the doorway with eyes only for the pensive woman who stood gazing out into the night with a solemn expression. The air flirted with her wisp of a nightdress. The sheer material thinly veiled the slender elegance of Nia’s body, teasing his eyes with suggestions of her nudity underneath. The sight of her stirred him, as she had always stirred him, and he moved to join her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest.

  She made a soft murmur o
f welcome, and he nuzzled a kiss into the crook of her neck. “Do you know what the people in the streets are calling you? Carissime Medica—Beloved Healer.” She shook her head, and for a moment, a bemused expression lightened her somber appearance.

  “You look far too serious for a bride on her wedding night. What are your thoughts?” Nia turned in his arms and raised a reflective face to his.

  “I came here to heal the people of Nyth Uchel. I never expected Nyth Uchel would heal me.”

  He cocked his head. “Heal you of what?”

  A glimmer of a smile traced her lips. “Before coming here, my past was a wound that bled daily. I had only my skills with herbs and an impossible dream. I didn’t know where I belonged; it seemed I didn’t fit anywhere.” Nia nestled her cheek against his chest, and her words came out muffled. “I felt alone.”

  “Hmm. You belong in Nyth Uchel, and you fit in my arms very nicely.” He raised his hand and stroked the back of her head. “Do you still feel alone?”

  She drew back and looked up at him, her face radiant. “No.” Warm pleasure ran through him at her obvious happiness, then a peaceful calm supplanted the open joy in her expression. “I saw Klaran…and he saw me. He stood among the crowd filling the courtyard at our wedding. I should have expected he would be here with Eric and Sophi.”

  The hot desire for vengeance flashed through Hel when he considered the lingering devastation the man’s words had inflicted. “I’ll give you his head as a wedding gift, if you like.” Though he tempered his voice, he was deadly serious.

  She laughed softly. “No. When I saw his face, heard him hailing me, I braced inside for the pain …” She shook her head in wonder. “It never came. I walked past him without a word, and I didn’t care. I didn’t care!” Her face lit from within, and her gaze captured his. “Your love has healed that wound. I am whole again.”

  Hel cupped her face in one hand and pushed words past a throat thick with emotion. “You are a light for my dark soul—a gift from our Great Mother. I had never thought to feel the love of a wife, to experience again the happy anticipation of a child. Thank you, Nia, for as much as you say I healed you, so your love has healed me.” He took her hand and led her to their bed. “I don’t have the words to tell you how much I love you, so I am going to show you.”

  Her glorious brown eyes flared, and she tossed him a seductive glance. “I hope you plan to take your clothes off.”

  He answered her with a slow grin. “Eventually.”

  ~~The End~~

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  Glossary of Terms

  Adalay—[a′ da lay]—high mountain range to the east of Sylvan Mintoth and part of the region considered under the governance of House DeHelios.

  Aether—[ee′ thur]—The spiritual realm attained by highborn medical practitioners that allows them to address the seven centers of bodily life and by all other magistrae to communicate with the Great Mother.

  Anima—[ah′ nee mah]—soul, spirit, internal essence of life.

  Arcobaleno—[ark′ oh bah lay′ no]—The color that the diamantorre in the sigil towers blaze indicating the highest amount of energy is being transferred, absorbed and transmitted. The color is a pure white at the furthest end of the light spectrum.

  Ari—[ah′ ree]—Conte Aristos Camliel DeTano, Primo Signore of the Second Tetriarch, High Lord of Verdantia and the Queen Fleur de Luna Constante’s husband and consort.

  Bás dtost—[bas′ toast] – “the silent death” Hel’s nickname given to him by the Haarb.

  Chambre Cristalle—[ shaam′ brah*kris′tall]—the name of the ritual chamber in a sigil tower where the Great Rite is performed. This is the only place the Great Rite is performed. Every sigil tower in Verdantia has a Chambre Cristalle.

  Chital—[she′ tall]—a spotted antelope-like creature with lyre shaped horns. They travel in herds and occupy the open grasslands.

  DeCorvus vs Corvus—In Hers To Claim, Adonia is introduced at various times with the last name of “Corvus” and “DeCorvus”. In Verdantian society, the “De” prefix indicates the bearer is of one of the thirty-two noble houses originally founded. In the case of Adonia Corvus, her family dropped the “De” prefix when they joined the Mother’s Acolytes. Hel introduces Adonia as “Adonia DeCorvus,” properly giving her the aristocratic prefix.

  Diamantorre [Dee ah mahn tor]—An immense block of diaman crystal that serves as the central dais in the Chambre Cristalle of each sigil tower. This block of crystal stores the energy of the Great Rite and releases it into the surrounding atmosphere. In an outward display of extravagance, the entire city of Nyth Uchel, its surrounding walls, and the white tower, Torre Bianca, were built of diaman crystal. As such, the overflow of energy is absorbed by the very building stones to the extent that all of Nyth Uchel is haloed with a soft, luminescent light giving the entire city an appearance of magickal enchantment.

  Doral [Doh rall′]—Visconte Doral Celestia Agentio DeLorion, Segundo Signore of the Second Tetriarch, lover to Ari and Fleur. While neither Hel nor Doral realize it, they are distantly related. In fact, the entire Second Tetriarch is distantly related to Hel as their bloodlines cross repeatedly. This was not by accident. After the schism between Nyth Uchel and Sylvan Mintoth, the High Enclave Elders spent centuries quietly trying to duplicate the genetic makeup of the DeHelios line.

  Fell wolf—A genetically engineered hybrid of a large, predatory canine and a giant lizard, similar to Earth’s Komodo Dragon. They are the size of a large pony and have acute senses of smell, hearing and vision. At some point in time, someone added nano-bots to their genetic structure which makes them heal incredibly fast. It takes beheading or a shot to the brain to put one down. They are highly intelligent and controlled through the use of pulse collars which can be set in varying degrees of severity from mild to stun. They are a favorite of the Haarb.

  Fleur—[Fler]—Queen Fleur de Luna Constante, supreme monarch of Verdantia. Her last name does not contain a “De” as she and her father and mother were of questionable nobility. It is the source of one of Hel’s reservations about the legitimacy of the Second Tetriarch.

  Fricki—[frick′ ee]—an elusive, elk-like creature living in the mountain regions of Verdantia. They are snow-white in color and very rare. Lore has it that the sight of one of these exotic, shy creatures indicates the active presence of the Great Mother and is very good luck. To kill one is a criminal offense.

  Magister—[ma gis′ tur] – a High Enclave-bred and trained nobleman with a specific genetic link to “Her.”

  Magistra— [ma gis′ tra] – a High Enclave-bred and trained noblewoman with a specific genetic link to “Her.”

  Magistrae—[ma gis′ tray]—plural form of magistra or magister—gender inclusive. More than one magistra or magister.

  Mela—[may′ la]—a tart, lime green, oval fruit similar to an apple.

  Nyth Uchel—[nith′ oo chel′] – “High Aerie” – the DeHelios family seat – A large palace with a once-prosperous city below. Nyth Uchel was the original capital of Verdantia.

  Plains of Vergaza—a vast open grassland west between Sylvan Mintoth and the desert wastelands of the Oshtesh.

  Senzienza—[sen′ zee en′ za]—the Planet of Verdantia’s sentience. Also referred to as She or Her

  Signore, Primo—[pree′ mo*sig′ nor eh] – “First gentleman” – the first male in the Tetriarch

  Signore, Segundo —[sah′ gun do*sig′ nor eh]—“Second gentleman” – the second male in the Tetriarch

  Tetriarch— [tet′ tree ark]—A trio of nobles formed by the Senzienza to rule Verdantia.
They wield extraordinary mystical power with joined with Mother Verdantia. There have been only two in the five hundred year history of Verdantia.

  Torre Bianca—[tore bee′ ahn ka]—the “White Tower”—a sigil tower above Nyth Uchel. Torre Bianca is the first, and greatest, of all sigil towers in Verdantia. Her construction, as with all the sigil towers in Verdantia, was accomplished by the First Tetriarch, Hel’s ancestors. She is the only sigil tower constructed entirely of diaman crystal.

  Other books by Patricia A. Knight

  Hers to Command, Verdantia, Book 1

  Love triangles often spell personal disaster for those involved, but for the unlikely members of the tetriarch, worldwide disaster is imminent without the successful bonding of their trio.

  The inhabitants of the sentient planet, Verdantia, are poised on the precipice of extinction following a brutal invasion of an off-world, nomadic horde. Verdantia’s capital, Sylvan Mintoth, must have its failing energy shield restored, or it is doom for the planet. The planet’s elders know the shield can draw energy from only one thing—a very arduous and grueling coupling of two specific people who were pre-chosen by the planet Herself and promised to each other in a marriage contract when both were in their youth.

  Upon learning of the contract, wild teenage Conte Camliel Aristos deTano, the dark and brutally handsome “Ari,” had fled the planet, only to be summoned back years later to save Verdantia. His contractual bride, Princess Fleur Constante, is the beautiful future queen, who was but two years old when the contract was conjured. Though young and inexperienced, she is willing to risk everything, including her own sanity, to save her planet.

  Verdantia draws strength from the duo, but She whispers to Ari that a third is necessary…the third being his right-hand man, Visconte Doral deLorion, an angelically handsome skilled assassin who silently surrendered his heart to Ari long ago.


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