Journey To You

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Journey To You Page 22

by AJ Adaire

  Zeke and Allie couldn’t believe how few people were at the swap meet this year. “We were lucky to get everything we needed,” Allie said.

  “At least we’ll make it through this winter. With the militia patrolling the towns, maybe by next year we’ll be able to get things from there.” Zeke patted Allie’s shoulder. “We’ll be fine. Other than a few foods we can’t grow for ourselves, we’ve pretty much got everything we need.”

  For the next four weeks, Zeke made at least one trip each way, bringing things with him in his trailer he’d hitched to the ATV as he returned home. All that remained for the final trip were a few personal possessions they had in their packs, and the three women themselves.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  “I NEED A MINUTE before we go.” Allie walked beyond the shed and looked up the hill toward the simple marker that told others where her husband was buried. Zeke, Paige, and Peri stood next to the ATV, waiting for her. Zeke’s eyes never left the tiny woman. The minute Allie reached up and wiped her eyes, as if drawn on an invisible connection, Zeke moved in long strides toward her.

  “Oh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Paige whispered. “Maybe she wants to say goodbye alone.”

  Zeke arrived at Allie’s side. She looked up at him. With a tender touch, he wiped her tears with his thumbs. His lips moved and she nodded. He took her hand in his, and together they walked the remaining distance to the grave. They stood there together for several minutes. As they turned to leave, he took her hand. She looked up at him and smiled. Again, he spoke and she nodded in response.

  “And maybe I’m wrong. Look at that.” Paige shook her head. “Who knew Zeke would turn out to be such a ladies’ man?”

  Paige, Perry, Lola, and Murdoch managed to squeeze into the back of the ATV with all the packs. Zeke escorted Allie to the seat of honor, next to him, before he climbed into the driver’s side. The little vehicle jarred its way along the rough road. About two miles up the road, Zeke slowed. Now well known to the guys on the hunting club property, Zeke gave a wave as he approached. The man waved back and they continued on their way.

  Zeke approached his cabin. “Do you want to stop and visit your chickens?”

  Allie laughed. “No, I’m more concerned about the animals. They’ll need milking.”

  “Okay, I’ll drive you straight to Vill…uh, to your place.”

  Paige helped Murdoch down and grabbed her pack. Peri picked up hers.

  “Leave the rest,” Zeke said. “I’ll go help Allie do the milking. Afterward, I’ll get what’s left.”

  Paige and Peri entered the cabin. “Oh, look!” In the back corner of the cabin Zeke had added a second sleeping area. Although it was tiny, it meant that both they and Allie would have their privacy. Peri wrapped her arms around her lover and kissed her. She whispered, “We’ll be able to have sex.” They’d been worried that with Allie literally feet from their sleeping room, they would not be able to be intimate. “Let’s go try it out. We have about a half hour.”

  Paige laughed.

  “Why are you laughing?” Peri pulled Paige down to her lips. “Come love me,” she whispered against her lips.

  “You can’t be serious.” Paige ducked her head and peered out the window to see where Zeke and Allie were. She dipped her head to meet Peri’s lips for another kiss.

  Peri pulled away. “Come on, live on the wild side.” She tugged Paige’s hand, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Boots on the steps of the porch caused them to separate as the door opened. Zeke filled the doorway. Peri ran the few steps and jumped into his arms. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  “It was my pleasure.” Zeke’s eyes twinkled.

  Peri kissed him on each cheek. “If ever I decide to switch teams, you’d be my first choice. You’re the greatest.”

  His laugh came from deep in his chest. “Should I hold my breath?”

  Peri glanced at Paige and then back to Zeke. She winked. “I think not.”

  Paige chuckled and grabbed Peri by the rear pocket to pull her away from Zeke. “Come here my fickle, flirty woman.” She grinned at Zeke. “Not fifteen seconds ago she was coaxing me to try out the new room. Now she’s fawning over you. Whatever will I do with her?”

  Zeke shook his head, “How can you resist this woman?”

  “I can’t. And thanks to you, I won’t have to. Thanks Zeke. It makes sharing the cabin so much easier.”

  Zeke winked. “If I have my way about it, you won’t have to make do for too long. I plan to become so indispensable to that beautiful woman out there that she won’t be able to live without me.” He tipped his head in the direction of the modified shed, now new goat barn. “I never saw a woman so excited about a place for her goats.” He glanced out the window. “I’d better get back out there. I want you to know how glad I am you’re here. I think you safely have twenty minutes.” He winked at them and backed out the door, a smile on his face.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  LIFE QUICKLY SETTLED INTO a routine for the women. They rotated the chores and often spent evening hours in the company of Zeke and his dog Lola. He and Paige spent the first couple of weeks after their arrival cutting and chopping seasoned wood. They loaded up both their porches so they didn’t have to trek all the way to the woodpile to get wood when the snows came. It was on one of the days they were towing back a fallen tree that they passed the Bailey farm. Simon, Foster, and Toby were coming down their drive in the blue truck that Zeke had traded them. They waved, as Zeke pulled the ATV over and parked.

  The men pulled up next to Zeke and rolled down the window. “Hey, we have a letter from your friend for you. The young Corporal from the militia gave it to us to give to you last week. We were just on our way over to deliver it.” He reached into his jacket and pulled a wrinkled letter from his pocket. “I’m sorry. I’ve been carrying it around, thinking we would get over your way.”

  He handed it across to Zeke. Zeke looked down at the letter, before he tucked it in his jacket.

  “Thank you. We’re grateful for news of our friend. Oh, and if you see that Corporal, thank him for us. Tell him we appreciate it.”

  Darkness was approaching by the time Zeke and Paige finished their work. “Come on, let’s knock off for today. This should be the last of it. The air is really raw.” He looked toward the sky. “I think we’re about to get some snow. Looks like we’ll have snow for our Thanksgiving this year. It’s only a couple of weeks away.”

  Paige rubbed her hands together. “Let’s go. I’m interested in hearing what the letter has to say, too.” Paige led the way inside.

  As they were going up the steps, Zeke pulled on Paige’s jacket sleeve. “Hey Paige, can you do me a favor?”

  “Sure. What do you need?”

  “I have something I want to ask Allie tonight. Do you think there’s any way you and Peri can give us some privacy?”

  Paige laughed out loud. “Where would you suggest we go?”

  “Please, think of something. I’ll only need about five or ten minutes.”

  Murdoch and Lola jumped with excitement and turned in circles, when Paige and Zeke opened the door. While Paige and Peri greeted each other with a kiss, Zeke and Allie stood and stared awkwardly at each other from across the room. The communal living situation left little chance for Zeke to spend any alone time with Allie. It was something he had the intention of changing, later in the evening. He checked his pocket for the gift he’d brought, and took a seat.

  “Perfect timing. Dinner’s ready. We have a nice stew from that rabbit you brought yesterday.” Allie smiled at Zeke and dished up the first bowl. She set it in front of him, and stood waiting for him to taste it.

  He took a spoonful of the gravy and blew on it before tasting. “It’s wonderful, Allie. Thank you.”

  “Come on you two. Dinner is served.” Allie’s smile from Zeke’s compliment was still fixed on her face.

  Paige cleared the table after the meal. As she turned to Zeke sh
e patted her pocket. “Are you going to tell them about our surprise?”

  “Oh yes. I almost forgot.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the wrinkled paper, tore open the envelope, and pulled out the note from their friend. “We got a letter from Kim. Would you like me to read it?”

  Everyone leaned forward around the table, eager to hear what Kim had to say. Zeke’s deep voice revealed Kim’s message.


  Just a quick note to let you know I’m well after my trip here. The militia dropped me at the Halls’ farm. They’re happy to be back living in the house. I was disappointed to learn that Jennifer and Jeff had returned to their parents’ farm about a week before I arrived. I stayed with Joe and Doris, until he finished asking me the million questions about our journey. More questions about the crops, the planting and growing procedures we’d used had to be answered in detail. Next came more inquiries about yields, and how we managed to harvest and store everything. You name it, he asked it. Finally, he drove me down to ‘the kid’s’ house. Joe stayed only for a few hours, and then drove off with a promise that he and Doris would return for Thanksgiving.

  Jeff and Jennifer have welcomed me with open arms, especially Jennifer, I’m happy to say. We are taking things slow, discovering our commonalities, and learning about our differences. We laugh often, and I’m finally happy. My search is over. Thank you for sharing my journey. We hope we’ll see you sometime in the spring.


  “Isn’t that nice?” Allie asked. “I’m glad she found what she’s been looking for.”

  Everyone agreed.

  “On that note, I think I’ll take Murdoch out for his walk. Lola can join us. Come on, Peri. Come see the stars with me.”

  “Stars? It’s too cold for star gazing.”

  “I’ll keep you warm.” Paige gestured with her head toward the outdoors, imploring Peri to join her. She took Peri’s coat off the hook and held it for her. “Please,” she mouthed.

  Peri pulled the door closed behind her as she faced her lover. “It’s freezing out here.” Peri looked at the completely dark night sky. “Stars? What stars? Paige, what are we doing out here?”

  “I’m not sure. Zeke asked for some privacy.”

  “Privacy? We could have just gone into the bedroom.”

  “I don’t know, he asked to be alone with Allie. Besides, I had to take Murdoch and Lola out anyway.”

  Peri laughed. “The dogs were finished about thirty seconds after we got out here. Geez, Paige. My teeth are starting to chatter. How long do we have to stay out here?”

  Zeke opened the door, nearly knocking them over. “Thanks guys.” As he jumped off the porch, he pumped his fist. “Yesss!” Giving the puzzled couple on the porch a jaunty wave, he jumped on his ATV and turned the key in the ignition. He whistled for Lola and clipped her into her harness when she settled onto the passenger seat. “See you tomorrow,” he yelled before he floored the accelerator and scooted away.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  “OH, THANK GOD! WE can finally go in.” Peri blew into her hands. They hurried inside to find Allie sitting at the kitchen table, her cheeks still damp from tears, her hands clutched to her chest.

  “Oh, Allie, what’s wrong?” Peri hurried to her friend and took her friend’s warm hands into her cold ones.

  “Nothing is wrong. Everything is right.” She unfurled her hands. “Look.” In her palms rested a beautiful, hand-carved, wooden rose. “He’s been working on it since the day we met. Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Peri examined the intricate carving Zeke had made for Allie. The carved rose was delicate and polished to an almost unbelievable smoothness. “He told me that he’d finished it soon after we arrived here. Each night, following his visit with us, he’d return to his cabin to sand and polish the rose. Zeke said that as the rose bloomed in his hands, love blossomed in his heart. Then he asked me if I would go on a date with him.”

  “Did you accept?”

  “Of course.” She grinned.

  “How’d he ask you?” Although Peri asked the question, Paige was equally eager to hear the answer.

  “He’s very excited about something at his house. His exact words were, ‘Will you go on a dinner date with me tomorrow night? I have something at the house I can’t wait to show you.’ Do you know what it is, Paige?”

  Paige suspected it might have something to do with a new building the Baileys had worked on at his place. Not wanting to spoil his surprise, if that was it, Paige denied any knowledge of what Zeke had planned with a shake of her head, “No, none at all. He didn’t tell me. I’m as puzzled as you. So when is this date?”

  “Tomorrow night. He’s picking me up at five for dinner. He’s cooking.” Allie chuckled. “I guess I must have looked a bit doubtful or something. He told me to trust him, because he hasn’t starved to death yet.” She reached over and picked up a piece of paper from the table and passed it to Peri. “Oh, he asked me to give you this. He told me he’d have asked you himself, if he were more sure I’d have said yes.”

  Peri’s brows knit together as she unfolded the note. “I wonder what he wants?” She laughed and handed the note to Allie. “He’s pulling out all the stops, Allie. He wants me to trim his beard and hair. You’d better think about what you’re going to wear.”


  Zeke showed up at noon on his ATV. The snow had begun overnight and already an accumulation of six or seven inches was on the ground. Zeke got his hair cut and his beard trimmed. Since they’d returned, he’d been receiving frequent trims from Peri. As soon as she finished, he took a shower and put on the clean clothes he’d brought with him.

  Paige took Murdoch out when Zeke left the house. They stood together, as he brushed off the seat of the quad and got on. He looked up at the grey sky. “Looks like this could keep on.”

  “You may have to cancel tonight.”

  “Like hell I will. I spent the morning making sure the snowmobile has gas and is running smoothly. There’s already about enough snow on the ground to run her if I stick on the trail. It’s already packed down a bit from my trip in and will pack more as I go home on the ATV, so I should be okay. I’ll pick Allie up as planned. If the snow continues at this rate, I’ll be on the snowmobile instead of the quad. Despite the chains I installed this morning, the quad can’t handle too much more snow than what’s on the ground now. Be sure Allie dresses warm enough.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  Zeke wrapped his scarf over the bottom half of his face. What was visible above the scarf blushed a bright red. “Oh, Paige, if things go well, don’t worry about her coming back home tonight. I’m pulling out all the stops. I hope I’m right. I’m hoping that the way to that little lady’s heart is through her goats.” His face darkened. “Don’t dare repeat that.” He reached for the throttle. “See you at five.”

  Allie took her shower. She was sitting in front of the wood-stove, waiting for her hair to dry and watching the flakes of snow pile up. “Think he’ll still come?”

  “He told me he’d be here. He checked and made sure the snowmobile was running this morning, and said to be sure you dress warmly enough.”

  Allie’s hair had dried and she’d been dressed since three-thirty.

  “You’re going to wear a groove in the floor, Allie,” Paige said.

  Allie had made the trip between the table and the window at least fifteen times. Everyone exhaled a collective sigh when they heard the snowmobile coming.

  Paige looked at her watch. It was only four-forty. She suspected Zeke was as eager as Allie was to get on with the date. Minutes later, the knock came on the door and Zeke stuck his head in. “I’m here,” he said.

  Wind-whipped snow followed Zeke in. “I know I’m early…” He turned toward Allie and stopped mid-sentence. “I…I…you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Allie’s eyes never left Zeke’s. “I’m glad you’re early. Would you rather stay here? We have enough food.”

“If you’re game, I have everything ready at my house. It’s cold, I’ll admit. I can’t wait to show you my surprise. If you’d rather not…”

  “No. Let’s go. I’m looking forward to it.” Allie extended her hand.

  “I brought a wrap for you.”

  Allie bestowed a full smile on Zeke before turning to wiggle her fingers in the direction of Paige and Peri. “I’ll see you later,” she said.

  Taking Allie by the elbow, Zeke ushered her out the door. The door popped open and Zeke stuck his head back in. “Maybe not. Weather’s pretty bad. I’ll take good care of her. Don’t wait up.”

  The heavenly scent of pine and balsam floated on the crisp night air. The light on the snowmobile illuminated the snowflakes as they danced in the air. Zeke, nearly mesmerized by them on the way over, wanted Allie to experience them on the trip back to his place. Knowing the petite woman wouldn’t be able to see over his broad shoulders and height, he sat her in front of him and wrapped her in the blanket. He sat behind her and wrapped her in his long arms. “Ready?” Her nod was his signal to start the machine. To reduce the wind chill, he took it easy on the path to his house, making the trip a bit longer in time, but more comfortable. He followed the path he’d made with his earlier trips on the quad.

  He stopped at about the halfway point, to check on Allie. “Warm enough?” He whispered into her ear.

  Allie nodded. “The snow coming down is beautiful, Zeke. And the smell in the air is amazing…so clean and fresh.”

  Unable to resist, he brushed his lips against her cheek, feeling the softness of her cool skin. “Not half as beautiful as you.”

  Allie looked back, to face Zeke. Leaning against his arm for support she smiled. “I like the beard. It tickles.” The moment seemed to freeze in time, until she raised her lips to meet his. Their first kiss started out slow and tentative.


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