A British Heiress in America (Revolutionary Women Book 1)

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A British Heiress in America (Revolutionary Women Book 1) Page 12

by Becky Lower

  “I haven’t had the opportunity yet to thank you for placing your copy of that book into my pitiful sack of belongings. It was a very sweet thing to do.” Pippa glanced up at him, her eyes sparkling.

  The crowd jostling him wasn’t the only thing keeping him off-balance. “May I have this dance?”

  She returned her gaze back to him and blinked as the string quartet picked up their instruments. “Perhaps later. I’ve already promised this dance to Lieutenant Benson.”

  The lieutenant appeared, and with a smirk, claimed Pippa. “Hard luck, old man.” They glided onto the dance floor, leaving Daniel alone.

  Her message couldn't be any clearer. Her uncle may have given his permission to court her, but she would not make it easy for him. This was payback for his rebuff of her on board ship earlier in the week. Fortunately, he had some tricks up his sleeve, too. He patted his vest pocket, where he’d placed two matching cheroots. She’d be putty in his hands by evening’s end.

  If only he could keep his mind focused on his mission and not on her décolletage.

  Major Longfellow slapped him on the back. “Captain, just the man I need to talk to. Come with me.”

  Daniel took one last look at Pippa in the arms of the lieutenant. She was speaking animatedly to him. Good. Perhaps he’d tell her something of value that could be of use to Daniel. Or perhaps he’d be struck speechless by Pippa’s charms. And her bosom, which was where his gaze remained even as she spoke to him. Daniel covered his grin with a hand. The lieutenant was no match for her.

  The major led Daniel to the terrace, limping as he did so, and they took up a spot in a dark corner. “Sorry about the leg, Major.”

  “It’s just a flesh wound. I’ve had worse. But that’s not why I needed to talk to you.” The major grimaced as he took a seat on the bench and stretched out his leg.

  “What is it, Major?"

  “Are you familiar with this hothead, Sam Adams?”

  “Boston’s not that big of a town, sir. I know the man.”

  The major paced. “The man is making my life miserable. I can’t plan logistics when documents he helped draw up are to be sent to the king post-haste. How soon will you be ready to sail to England again?”

  “What manner of documents, sir?”

  “Something about why the Americans need to take up arms. As if an explanation will absolve them of the lives they took and the wounded you’ll be returning home with. And another missive, directed to King George himself, called an ‘Olive Branch Petition.’ The audacity of these Americans astounds me.”

  Daniel’s lips formed a grim line. Sam and the rest of the Continental Congress had been busy. “I can leave in two days’ time, sir.”

  “All right then. Prepare your ship to leave. You’ll be carrying these infernal letters to the king and about fifty of my men.” The major huffed out a breath. “I’m worried about this new general the Americans have found.”

  “The American army is no match for the British forces, major. There’s no need for worry. Not yet, at any rate. They are mostly farmers, more used to a pitchfork than a rifle.” Daniel was not about to reveal what little information he had about General Washington’s plans.

  The major scrubbed his face with his hands. “That’s what’s so damned frustrating. We should be able to subvert this insurrection quickly, but our officers can’t figure out how best to fight these colonists. There’s even talk of changing the method in which we fight. Something that’s stood us in good stead for hundreds of years. Thousands of battles.” He glanced at Daniel, who stood quietly by the major’s side. “I wish I could return to England with you.”

  “As do I, sir.”

  Major Longfellow barked out a laugh. “That’s enough talk for now. Head on inside. See if you can claim a spot on my niece’s dance card. She’s created quite a splash tonight.”

  Daniel took a breath, grateful the major hadn’t taken offense at Daniel’s unwise remark. While he dearly wished for the major, and the rest of the British forces, to return to England, he could not let the major ever be aware of his true feelings. Too much was at stake.

  • ♥ •

  Daniel approached Pippa from behind and snaked an arm around her waist before she noticed him. She pivoted into his almost embrace and he whispered into her ear. “There’s a cheroot for you in my pocket. Meet me on the terrace in five minutes.” He squeezed her gently before he dropped his arm. The scent of her cologne wafted up to him and he could feel his steely resolve weakening as he inhaled. The scent of lilies had always been his downfall. He needed to replace it with the scent of tobacco quickly. That was much more to his liking.

  He waited in the dark corner of the terrace for her, smiling as he acknowledged he’d spent more time outside the ballroom than inside so far. He counted his blessings it was July instead of December. He didn’t have long to wait. A flash of turquoise appeared at the doorway, and Pippa stepped into the darkness with him.

  “Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to carry cheroots. I’ve been dying for one. Uncle Walter hasn’t restocked his humidor.” Pippa leaned forward to the match Daniel had struck and lit her cigar.

  He joined her, lighting his own, and stepped back to get a better look at her. The gown made his mouth water. It hugged her breasts and left her shoulders bare. He could run his hand over that delicate expanse of skin. Perhaps tug on the fabric just a bit and reveal more of her bosom, fondle her nipple with his tongue. The cigar twitched in his fingers as he envisioned where they might go next.

  Pippa blew an impeccable smoke ring and then inhaled deeply. “I do love a good cigar, don’t you?”

  Daniel blinked to remove the lusty image of her from his mind. “I’m leaving for England in two days’ time.” His voice was gruff.

  She stared at him, her forehead furrowing slightly. “You are leaving?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry I’ll have to interrupt our courtship. Your uncle has some important documents that must be taken to England, and my ship is the only one about ready to leave.” Daniel’s lips quirked up at one corner.

  Pippa carefully discarded the ash from her cheroot before she faced him again. “You are awfully sure of yourself. I never agreed to accept your offer of courtship. In case you haven’t noticed, there are many men vying for my attention.”

  He could resist no longer. He tossed his cheroot to the ground and plucked hers from her fingers as well, freeing up their hands. Running his fingers lightly over her shoulder, he leaned toward her, to that scent of lilies drifting up from her cleavage. He dipped his head and licked her earlobe, sucking lightly on the dangle earring attached to it. Her tremor and quick intake of breath was the response he’d been hoping for. His hand progressed lower. She stared into his eyes, never once wavering as he lowered her gown and ran his thumb over her nipple. It peaked immediately, and he flicked his thumb back and forth. When he lowered his head and caught it in his mouth, she moaned. His hand captured her other breast, and he encircled it, sliding his fingers over the swell revealed above the gown. Her whimpers grew.

  He backed her up against the wall, tormenting her bosom. He wanted to tear the gown off her body and take her right there, much as he had wanted to while they were aboard ship. This was madness. She stole his breath, stole his better sense. He made certain she could feel his need for her even through her layers of petticoats as he crushed his body to hers.

  She ran her fingers through his hair, holding his head in place as he continued to ply her breast, teasing her close to the edge, while his body pumped into her sensitive center. Her little mewling sounds reminded him of a kitten. He sensed she was ready to let go completely, and he pumped a bit harder.

  Then he stepped back before she could crest, tugging her gown once more into position. She opened her eyes and blinked up at him, confusion clouding her eyesight.

  “I must carry more cheroots next time.” He plowed his fingers through his hair to straighten it out.

  “As if there will be a next
time.” She rearranged her gown and brushed a bit of dirt from the skirt.

  He caught her haughty chin in his fingers and kissed her lips. She opened her mouth to him, but he didn’t accept the invitation. Instead, he ran his thumb over the exposed portion of her breast and laughed. “There will be a next time, dear Pippa. Enjoy your summer in Boston. I’ll be back in late September.”

  She grabbed his arm. “You’ll be gone that long?”

  “If I’m lucky, it will only take till late September, yes. Is there anyone you wish me to deliver a letter to?”

  Pippa let go of his arm, but stopped only inches away from him. “Yes. I’d like you to deliver a message to a certain captain for me. Tell him I will torment his nights until he returns in September.” She threw her arms around him again and brushed his chest with her own. This time when she kissed him, he accepted her open mouth and plundered her as she wished. The moment stretched until voices and a woman’s tinkling laughter warned them they were no longer alone.

  Daniel backed off again, but his gaze never left her. Until his return in September, this was the image he’d have to hold on to. Plump, bruised lips, the scent of lilies, turquoise gown, beautiful breasts. And a fire in her eyes that matched the end of a lit cheroot. “You'd best return to the ballroom, Pippa.”

  She brushed a hand over her hair and tightened the earring he’d sucked on. “Yes, you’re right. I’ve been out here far too long. Have a safe journey, Daniel.”

  She glided into the ballroom, leaving him without a backward glance. He took a deep breath and put his back up against the wall. The wall where he’d pinned Pippa, grinding into her as if they were two animals in heat instead of two of Boston’s finest. He scrubbed his face with his hands. He had learned nothing of value tonight for the cause. Only that he could no longer trust himself when around Lady Philippa Worthington.


  Boston settled into an uneasy peace as July gave way to August. Pippa was still keeping track of the days. But instead of counting the days until she could make a triumphant return to London, she was keeping track of the days until Daniel returned. With any luck and favorable winds, he’d have landed in England already and even now was preparing for his return trip. Aunt Bernice kept Pippa busy, insisting she attend high tea afternoons with the other wives of the British commanding officers. They filled their talk with disgust for the heathens they had to suffer living with and how they longed for home and civilization. Fine dinners at the residences of the various officers were a nightly occurrence. Her usual escort was Lieutenant Benson, for lack of anyone better.

  For lack of Daniel.

  The lieutenant settled into the carriage across from her, his eyes not meeting hers. Rather, his gaze centered on her bosom, where it often did when they were alone. And sometimes even when they were not. Pippa tried not to squirm under his scrutiny. She wore the same turquoise gown she had the night Daniel and she shared a cheroot on the terrace of the ballroom, so she was well aware of how easily her entire breast could be exposed. Perhaps the lieutenant was waiting for an invitation to do more than extend his arm to her. Perhaps she should see if his touch made her skin sizzle, as it did with Daniel. Perhaps, if she just leaned forward a bit...

  His eyes grew large as she leaned toward him.

  “Lieutenant, can we not sit side by side?” She scooted to one side and patted the open bench. He lurched out of his seat and, in his haste to join her, lost his balance, crashing into her as he took a seat.

  He took full advantage of having his hands on her in an attempt to right himself, running his fingers up and down her arms. She glanced up at him, hoping for any spark to ignite her senses. So far, nothing.

  “Ah, my lady, I’ve longed for an evening such as this ever since Captain Simmons delivered you to your uncle’s door.” He swooped in to deliver a wet kiss, his hand on her shoulder and heading south. He tasted of tooth powder.

  She put some distance between them, shrugging off his embrace. “Lieutenant!”

  He shook his head. “Forgive me, my lady. Your beauty makes me leave my better senses.” He slumped into the seat.

  She had him right where she wanted. She brushed his lips with her fingers. “Let’s do this again, shall we?” She raised her face and allowed her lips to meet his for a brief moment. Sitting back, she waited for his reaction to her bold move. She didn’t have long to wait.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed frantically as he tried to catch his breath. “My lady, I am now your slave.” He grasped her hand and attempted to tug her toward him for another taste. She rapped his hand with her fan and backed away.

  “And as my slave, you must do as I say, correct?”

  He nodded, his Adam’s apple still bobbing.

  “Tell me your given name then, please. I tire so of calling you Lieutenant.”

  He raised his eyes from her chest and stared into hers. “My name is Colin, my lady.”

  She leaned toward him again, giving him an ample view of her bosom. “Well, Colin. You may call me Philippa, but only when we're alone together.” Only Daniel could call her Pippa. Or Pip. She kissed him lightly again. Perhaps she could teach him the proper way to kiss a lady was not to slobber all over her. It would fill up the time between now and when Daniel returned.

  She rose to place herself on his lap. His rapid intake of breath amused her. “Since we will be spending more time together, Colin, I need to show you how I prefer to let you kiss me.” She could feel his rising manhood against her bottom. “May I?”

  He nodded, his eyes huge.

  She placed her hands on his cheeks and leaned forward. He tried to caress a breast, but she swatted his hand away. “Now Colin, none of that. We are only kissing.’

  “Please, then, kiss me now.”

  She felt like purring. “That’s a good boy.” She leaned into him and brushed his lips. He plastered his lips hard against hers and their teeth clanged together. She backed off. “No, Colin. There’s no need to be so forceful. Now, let’s have another go at it.” This time, she lingered a bit, nipping at his bottom lip. His manhood grew larger against her bottom and she smiled as she backed off. He grasped her head and kissed her again. Better than the first time, but still his mouth didn’t tempt her.

  She scooted off his lap and took the seat opposite. Colin had lost his military starchiness and appeared as if he’d melted into a puddle of goo. Pippa’s lips tweaked upward. The carriage rolled to a stop. She glanced out the window. “We must be at the Paulsons. Are you ready for yet another boring meal, Colin?”

  He straightened, finally, and tugged at his uniform jacket. The door to the carriage popped open and he exited first before extending a hand to her.

  He wrapped her hand around his arm and leaned down. “Your scent is divine, as is the rest of you, Philippa. I can’t wait for more lessons during the ride home.”

  She hadn’t lost her touch. At least not with some men. Colin was staring at her as if she were a tasty morsel. He could definitely benefit from more of her tutelage. Since she was not in any danger of losing control around him, she’d toy with him until Daniel’s ship returned. She wondered if Colin had a cheroot on him.

  • ♥ •

  Daniel had one last item to take care of before setting sail for Boston and home. And it involved Pippa. Major Longfellow had given Daniel a box of letters from the soldiers to their loved ones, along with the private correspondence to deliver to the major’s superiors in England. Then he’d given Daniel the last letter.

  “I’d like you to hand-deliver this to Pippa’s father, if you don’t mind.” The major harrumphed as he handed the crisp letter over.

  Daniel glanced at the address. It would not be that much out of his way, but a cold chill raced through him as he stared at the letter. Pippa had taken dangerous and extreme measures to get away from her father. This letter had the potential to upend all her frantic and hastily developed plans of escape.

  “Is there some problem, Major?”

sp; “No. No problem. Pippa’s fitting in nicely with Boston’s British contingent of men and women. I’m merely concerned because we never received word of her visit before you arrived with her at our doorstep.”

  To my doorstep, you mean. Daniel couldn’t help the wayward thought. He took a step over to the bookshelf he’d so carefully sanded and varnished and ran his fingers over the wood until he could trust his voice.

  “Does Pippa have a letter for her father, too?”

  “No. I asked if she wished to write one and she declined, saying she had no time." The major glanced up at Daniel. “Doesn’t that strike you as a bit odd?”

  Daniel’s lips twitched. “Well, your wife has been keeping her busy.”

  “Nonetheless, I need to tell her father she’s well and happy and that it thrills Bernice to have her here.” The major steepled his fingers together. “I am a bit worried about my men. She turns the head of every man who comes within fifty feet of her.”

  Daniel faced the man squarely. “I had the same worry when she was aboard my ship, but I kept my men focused on their task. I’m sure you can do the same, sir.”

  The major stood. “Good point, Captain. Have a safe journey.”

  So now, here he was. Letter in hand, ready to meet her father. The father she’d run from. The man who was willing to sell her off to the highest bidder, in order to line his own pockets. The man who cared so little for his daughter’s happiness she’d run from him. He’d intentionally waited until the evening before his departure to deliver the letter, since the last thing he needed was to have the man book passage on his ship. According to his calculations, Pippa still had seven months before she could claim her inheritance from her grandmother and become a wealthy young lady who didn’t need to obey her father. Daniel would do what he could to help her get to her goal. He could not comprehend what kind of ogre the man was, to not give a care for his daughter. He hoped Emma would grow into the strong young lady that Pippa now was. But without the penchant for cheroots.


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