A British Heiress in America (Revolutionary Women Book 1)

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A British Heiress in America (Revolutionary Women Book 1) Page 20

by Becky Lower

  “The one I stopped with my rifle?”

  Daniel smiled at the memory. “Yes, that one. I swear you’re growing up half savage.”

  “She was very beautiful. Like my doll, Georgia, except with dark hair.”

  “Aye, that she is. She’s staying in America and won’t return to England. I want her to live with us if that’s all right with you.” Daniel held his breath and his heart thumped.

  Emma glanced around the room, with the two small beds along either wall. “But there’s no room for her here.”

  Daniel chuckled. “Hopefully, we’ll get our house back soon. Won’t it be nice to have your own room again?”

  “Yes, Papa. I miss our house.” Emma glanced up at him. “I won’t have to call her Mama, will I?” Tears filled her eyes. “Because I won’t.”

  Daniel hugged Emma, hard. “Of course not. She’ll never replace your good mother. But your mother has been gone a long time and you’re getting to an age when you will need a woman's guidance.”

  Emma squirmed out of his embrace and frowned. “I have Grandma.”

  “Would you be more willing to accept the beautiful lady if I told you she makes me happy?” Daniel took hold of her hand.

  Emma placed her free hand on Daniel’s cheek. “As happy as Mama made you?”

  “Yes.” He held her gaze.

  Emma removed her hand from Daniel’s face. “May I go talk to Mama first? Then, if she says it all right, I’ll let the fancy lady stay with us. You need to be happy.”

  He wrapped his arms around her again and exhaled. “Thank you, Emma. We won’t ever be able to replace your mother, but we’ll just add in more family.”

  “When can we get back into our house again?” Emma started gathering up her things.

  “It might be another month or so yet. Keep your things where they are.” Daniel grinned at her eagerness.

  “What will you say to Grandma and Grandpa?” Emma halted.

  “I’ll handle it, Emma. You need not worry.”

  Emma’s tears threatened again. “But if we go from here, who will take care of me when you’re gone?”

  “You can always come back here, if you’d like, or Pippa could take care of you.” Daniel stood, finally, and poured some water in the bowl to cleanse his face and hands.

  Emma laughed. “I don’t think her pancakes will be nearly as good as Grandma's.”

  Daniel joined in the laughter. “You’re right. We’ll need to get her and Grandma together so she can learn.”

  “How long will you be here this time?” Emma wrapped her arms around Daniel’s torso.

  “At least another month. The British need some time to adjust to things.” Daniel hugged Emma again, then fell into his small bed. “And I need some time to get caught up on my sleep. Will you join me?” He held his arms out to her.

  “But Papa, I just slept all night. I want to go outside and play.” Emma pirouetted around the room and picked up the piece of wood she used as her rifle.

  “All right, then. Go on and play. I’ll be up in a couple of hours.” He waved her away.

  Daniel stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, as waves of exhaustion rolled over him. He’d cleared the most important hurdle of his life, getting his daughter to accept his new bride. He hoped Pippa could clear her own hurdle and successfully defy her father. Many hurdles were yet to come, since the British would not give up on the colonies quickly. The war had only begun. Yet, the small bit of independence he’d felt so far was invigorating.

  “Ah, Gladys. It’s such a shame you aren’t here to share in this.” Daniel whispered his words to the ceiling. “You’d be so proud of your daughter. And I hope you’d be proud of me. It’s time to get back to living.”

  Daniel’s body erupted in gooseflesh as he felt a brush on his brow, a movement Gladys had made thousands of times. He made a note to himself to take Emma to her mother’s grave tomorrow. It had been too long since they’d visited. If he had this same peaceful feeling wash over him at the grave, he would take it as a sign it was truly time to get back to living. With a feisty, spunky English lady, of all things.


  Pippa blinked rapidly. She would not shed a tear on account of her father. So far, she’d defied him at every turn, but she needed help now. It was about time she told Aunt Bernice the whole truth and pray she would once again side with Pippa and stand up to her older brother.

  “Here you are, dearie.” Bernice took the compress from the maid and positioned a cold cloth against Pippa’s flaming cheek. “I’ve never seen William so distraught before.”

  “Aunt Bernice, you’ve been so kind to me ever since I arrived on your doorstep. I need to return your kindness with the truth.” Pippa held the older woman’s hand and tugged her to the parlor loveseat.

  Bernice sat heavily. “It’s about time.” She glanced up at Pippa. “I didn’t want to pry, dearest, but your unannounced presence in America does need explaining.”

  Pippa took a breath and sat next to her aunt. “Even though he’s your brother and you’re supposed to love him unconditionally, Father is a cruel man. He treated Mother horribly her entire life. She was so grateful she was dying and finally could get away from him.”

  Bernice’s hand tightened its grip on Pippa. “Oh, I’m so sorry. For both your mother and you. Having to live in that environment.”

  “On her final day on earth, she gave me a slip of paper. It was a document from an attorney in London. My grandmother had willed her house and accounts to Mother; or, if Mother died before she could inherit, to me when I turned twenty-one.” Pippa stopped and brushed the hair from her face. She removed the compress, even though her cheek still hurt. “I have only a handful of days left before I make it to that milestone.”

  Bernice trained her eyes on Pippa. “Your father is not aware of this inheritance?”

  “No. Mother kept it hidden from him for more than a year, since it would have become his property. If that had happened, it would all be gone by now, either to gambling or drink.” Pippa squared her shoulders. “But if I can make it to my birthday without having Father marry me off to someone with a deep pocket, the inheritance can be mine alone.”

  Bernice shook her head. “But when you do marry, as I’m sure you will one day, your inheritance will belong to your husband.”

  “Only if I stay in England.” Pippa held up her finger with the ribbon wrapped around it. “This may not look like a ring, but it is. Daniel Simmons proposed to me a few days ago, and I accepted. I’m staying in America.”

  Bernice’s eyes filled with tears, and she placed a fist to her mouth. “Oh, no, dear. Boston is dreadfully uncivilized. You can’t stay here. I’ve worked very hard to rectify your reputation after you crossed the sea without a proper chaperone. You can’t throw all that away now.” She raked her gaze over Pippa. “Unless Mr. Simmons defiled you during the crossing, and you’re no longer virtuous.”

  “He behaved as a perfect gentleman during the crossing. I never told you this, but I posed as a boy and stowed away on his ship. The crew caught me sleeping behind a barrel, and took me to his cabin. He figured out soon enough I was no boy, but he kept my secret during the entire crossing, to prevent the other men from coming after me.” Pippa grinned at her aunt. “But if he had defiled me, would you then approve? Because it could be arranged.”

  “This is nothing to joke about, young lady.”

  Pippa stood and faced her aunt. “I’m not joking. I will marry Daniel and I will stay in America. But I will need your help to get to my birthday.”

  Bernice wove her fingers together in her lap and stared at the floor for the longest time. Pippa stood quietly, not wishing to plead further for her aunt’s help, but willing to get to her knees if she so needed.

  Finally, Bernice glanced up, wiped her tears away, and smiled. “You’re much more brave than I am, Pippa. But you’re also a sensible woman. If you were so desperate to break free that you impersonated a boy for weeks on end, you
had good reason.” She took a measured breath. “Daniel Simmons is a most handsome fellow, and his daughter is a delight. You’ll do nicely as an American. But what of your father?”

  “I’ll give him Grandmother’s home in Surrey, to do with as he pleases. But her money will stay with me, here in America, and I’ll use it to help gain this country’s freedom from England.”

  Bernice stood and hugged Pippa. “Then, by all means, I’ll help you with your timeline. I’m certain with all the turmoil of the cannons positioned over the harbor, something momentous is about to happen with the military, and your father’s selfish demands will have to wait, as will his return to England.” She got a sly smile on her face. “At least until after March 27.”

  • ♥ •

  Despite his feelings toward Pippa’s father, Daniel could not ignore convention. He made his way through the streets of Boston to Beacon Hill, and to the house now occupied by Major Longfellow and his relatives. He was about to ask Pippa’s father for her hand in marriage. And then he would defy the man, since he was certain his request would be rejected. Could Pippa withstand the wrath of her father?

  He was about to find out.

  He rapped on the door, expecting the lieutenant to bar his entrance, as had happened in the past. But Pippa herself flung open the door.

  “It’s about bloody time you arrived.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him in for a kiss.

  “I had some things to take care, not the least of which was asking a little girl if she’d be willing to share her home with you.” Daniel nuzzled her cheek with his nose, inhaling her sweet perfume.

  Pippa winced and took a step back.

  Daniel examined her cheek, on which a bruise was developing. “What happened? Did someone strike you?”

  Pippa nodded, blinking back tears. “Father didn’t take kindly to my plans. I don’t care to discuss it. Tell me, what did Emma say?”

  Daniel dropped his hands from her waist. “She asked to visit her mother’s grave and see what Gladys had to say.”

  Daniel noticed Pippa’s hand trembled as she brushed it over her heart.

  “Did she get an answer?”

  Daniel nodded. “She did. Emma gave us her blessing. Her mother told her it was time for me to be happy again.”

  Pippa’s breath whooshed out of her. She took a step back toward Daniel, but he stopped her. “Emma told me she couldn’t call you her Mama, but she hoped she could call you Pip.”

  Pippa’s eyes filled with tears as she once again stepped into Daniel’s arms. “Of course she can call me Pip. After all, that’s how this whole adventure started.”

  “Well, then, it’s done.”

  Pippa led him inside, to the parlor where her aunt and her father awaited. Bernice rose and took his hand. “Daniel, how nice to see you again.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Longfellow.” He pivoted to Pippa’s father. “May I have a moment of your time in private, sir?”

  William Worthington stood and growled at Daniel. “There’s no need for privacy, since we’re all aware why you’re here.”

  Daniel’s Adam’s apple bobbed and his knees threatened to buckle. He’d faced adversity before, but this showdown, in front of two women, was unprecedented. “All right, then. I’ll cut to the chase. I’ve admired your daughter’s spunk ever since we caught her stowing away on my ship. And everything she’s done since has only strengthened my opinion of her. I fell in love with her during our voyage, and now wish to make her my wife.”


  Daniel waited, but William didn’t elaborate.

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “What did you not grasp, man?” William took a step towards Daniel. “I said no. As in I will never agree to let my daughter marry the likes of you. She’s meant to marry a titled gentleman, not a commoner.”

  “But Father...”

  He pivoted on his heel and glared at Pippa. “There’s no need to discuss this further.”

  Bernice wrung her hands as she stood between them. “William, Daniel here is a fine young man. He works for the British government, and he’s carved out a nice living for himself. He’s a superb choice for Pippa.”

  “You are daft, woman. You’ve spent too much time in the colonies, is my guess. As soon as we can get on a ship back to England, I’m taking Pippa and we’ll leave this wretched country.” He shifted his gaze from Bernice to Daniel. “And she’d better be as virtuous as the day she left England.”

  Pippa grabbed Daniel’s sleeve and stood next to him. “My reputation was placed in jeopardy the moment I donned a boy’s clothing and climbed aboard a ship full of men for eight weeks, Father. Aunt Bernice has tried her best to downplay the fact I was without a chaperone and with a boatload of men, but those are the facts.”

  “Are you saying this man spoiled you?”

  “No, sir. In the eyes of British society, I soiled my own reputation by taking such a desperate action. Daniel had nothing to do with it.” Pippa’s voice wavered and Daniel placed a hand on the small of her back.

  She glanced at her father. “But I have no intention of returning to British society. My home is here now, in America, and I plan to marry this man.”

  William raised his hand and took a step forward. “I’ve had enough of your insolence, Pippa.” As it started its downward trajectory, Daniel grabbed his wrist.

  “If you ever lay a hand on my intended again, you’ll have to answer to me.”

  William wrenched his hand away from Daniel’s grasp and sneered at him. “You don’t frighten me, Simmons. And she’s not your intended.”

  Pippa stepped between the two men. “Yes, I am, Father, regardless of whether we have your blessing. Daniel and I will take a stroll now, and give you time to cool off and accept what you can’t change.”

  She wrapped an arm around Daniel and led him away from the parlor.


  “That went well, don’t you agree?” Pippa laughed as they strolled through the heart of Boston.

  “What part did you enjoy the most? When your father nearly hit you?” Daniel’s hold on her arm tightened.

  “It would not have been the first time.” Pippa’s whispered words made Daniel shudder.

  “Well, it has been the last time he’ll threaten you. Come along.”

  “Where are you taking me?” Her footsteps lightened the further they got from the house.

  “Since the only way to get your father to agree to our marriage is if you are no longer pure enough for an upright British lord, I need to get you with child.” Daniel’s smirk grew. “I’m more than up to the challenge.”

  “But where can we go? Your ship is no longer in Boston Harbor.” Pippa’s body hummed and Daniel’s every touch crackled. She hoped their stroll wouldn’t last too much longer, since her legs grew weak as she thought about the tantalizing way his lips had set her on fire the last time they were alone.

  “And we can't go to my quarters, since I only have a room with my in-laws. As much as they wish for me to remarry, I can’t take you there.” He glanced at her. “Besides, since I’m home so seldom and they have a very small house, I share a room with Emma.” His smirk faded.

  “I figured out a few weeks ago Uncle Walter is occupying your house. It must incense you each time you have to knock at the door and wait to gain admittance.” Pippa laid her head on his shoulder.

  “It was definitely a sucker punch the way it happened. But I’ve tried to make the best of it.” Daniel’s pace slowed a bit. “I’m relieved they are maintaining the house so well, but I am bitter.”

  “So you’ve yet to answer my question. Where can we go?” Pippa prodded.

  “My best friend is away, in Philadelphia, attending the Continental Congress. More than likely, he’s arguing with them. But he’s given me permission to use his quarters whenever he’s away.” Daniel tugged a key from his pocket. “Here we go.” He approached the next doorway on the street and unlocked the door, ushering Pippa inside.

  She took a breath and stole a look at Daniel. By stepping over this door sill, she was sealing her future. Her stomach did a flip-flop and she had to suppress her giggle. She danced through the doorway. They’d waited long enough.

  Daniel began undoing her buttons even before the door closed completely. There was nothing gentle about his kiss. His lips possessed hers, devoured her as they bounced down the hallway. His nimble fingers opened her frock, and he took a breast in his hand, playing with her. She could not suppress the guttural moan when his fingers toyed with her nipples. Both budded under his touch and he ran his callused thumbs back and forth. He backed her up against the wall as he continued to plunder her mouth. His tongue swooped in, and their tongues matched the rhythm his leg set up as he rocked against her core.

  Just when she thought she’d faint, he released her mouth and his tongue scorched a path over her jawline and down her neck. He suckled on the pulse, and her already heated blood became a blaze. She undid his linen shirt and yanked it from him, running her fingers over his muscled shoulders and torso. She tried to unfasten his trousers, and he laughed.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Let’s get you out of your fancy gown first.” He tugged the dress from her shoulders, and it fell to the floor in a whisper of fabric. He held her hand as she stepped over the pile of gown and then took a step back to view her in her shift. “Beautiful.” His voice grew husky as he again closed in on her. “Let’s find the bed, shall we?”

  He picked her up and carried her down the remaining hallway, kissing her the entire way. He laid her gently on the bed and removed her remaining clothing before undoing his trousers. His clothing fell to the floor, and he faced her, his erection in full view. Her mouth watered as she stared at his swollen manhood and waited to see what he would do next. He slid into the bed beside her and one hand caressed her jawline as his leg pinned her to the bed. She welcomed his weight, since she’d been feeling as if she was floating since he first touched her.


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